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Chapter 270: Alliance Priest Group, Separation of Priests Theocratic Powers!

Black Wolf's royal flag fluttered in the mountains, and messengers from all over went to the mining area to report. Where the king settled, the simple main copper mine seemed to have become a temporary palace, constantly gathering the power to command the feudal country.

Shulot was very interested and stayed in the mine. While supervising the expansion of the mining area, selecting suitable locations for workshops and towns, he also guided the improvement of the coking process.

"Very good, the coking rate of the second batch of coking is 45%. It seems that the preliminary treatment of coal is the top priority."

In front of several newly built kilns, Shulot inspected the latest production results. After receiving the latest data, a pure and sincere smile appeared on his face, like a focused and dedicated young craftsman. But soon

, the king regained his majesty and issued orders to his followers who were surrounding him.

"The new workshop town should be located by the river, in the center of the various mines... Well, this is the location!"

Shulot put his finger firmly on the wooden map and said affirmatively.

"There are 90 miles from here to the capital in the lake, including 30 miles of mountain roads. These 30 miles need to be built with convenient dirt roads that can propel small wheelbarrows... Well, they can be paved with cinders from coal mining.

Stop the growth of vegetation!”

"Your Highness, what should we call this town?"

Hearing such a question, the king looked around. Dark clouds covered the sky, black smoke rose from the mountains, and thousands of miners were walking with ore on their backs. Looking at this profound picture, his heart moved.

"Well, let's call it Black Rock City!"

Then, Shulot looked seriously at the manager of the mining area in front of him. Under the current circumstances, the heavy responsibility of the industrial area could only be handed over to this military cadre.

"Necali, I will leave the mining area to you! I will allocate you two thousand surrender troops and four hundred warriors! The surrender troops will mine the coal in the mountains, and the warriors will be stationed in fortresses in key areas. In this way, your men will

There is an entire warrior camp of 1,000 people to manage 5,000 miners!"

Nekali was overjoyed and bowed to the ground. His Highness had only been here for a month, and he was promoted to two levels in a row. He saved many years of hard work and a bright future was just around the corner.

"Your Highness, I will manage the mining area well and make the miners obey me like docile turkeys!"

Shulot shook Nekali's hair, pondered for a while, and then warned carefully.

"While paying attention to output, we must also set up a promotion mechanism among miners. Miner leaders who are close to the alliance and work hard must be rewarded! Miners can be recruited as militiamen and promoted to officers. In addition, it is necessary to establish a promotion mechanism among the miners and the reduced army.

Arrange secret informant candidates, communicate more with the priests, and be sure to control them!..."

Then, the king stretched out his hand and put his hand on Necali's shoulder, speaking earnestly.

"Necali, as for yourself, you must spend time and energy to study hard, master the production of the industrial and mining areas, and become an expert here as soon as possible!...I still say the same thing, you have a heavy burden, and your future

It’s very bright, don’t let me down!”

"Your Highness, the wings will obey the eagle's will, and I will listen to you in everything!"

Nekali agreed loudly and bowed to the ground again. The king nodded slowly.

In the next few days, Xiulote revised the plan, once again increased the number of villages supporting the industrial and mining areas, and sent personal guards to be responsible for the transportation of food here. A new batch of blast furnaces were built, and some miners were separated from the mine to start

coal mining.

Several small coal mines began to be built. Coal mining is much easier than copper mines, and the problem of collapse will not occur until deep. Soon, Necali reported a satisfactory figure: the current output of the coal mine,

Each miner can produce 200-300 kilograms per day. Because there is no need for smelting, the proportion of miners accounts for about 50% of coal kiln workers. With effective management, the production volume of a thousand people can be maintained at at least 10,000 kilograms per day.

At this time, the output of Jinzhong's deep well coal mines was only 300-400 kilograms per worker per day. The improvement of large-scale mining technology had to wait until after the modern industrial revolution. At that time, rock drilling and mining could be blasted with explosives.

Railway tracks and coal cars will improve the efficiency of coal transportation, and pumps and exhaust fans will replace human labor in mines. Only then will the old coal kilns transform into new coal mines.

Hearing Necali's report, Shulot smiled. Cutting down wood with the same calorific value requires more manpower than mining coal. Only in places with coal can the future industrial center of the empire be built! The king was very interested.

Continue to participate in the smelting of the third batch of coke until a messenger comes in a hurry from the capital.

"Your Highness, the priest group from the alliance has arrived at the capital of Qin Congcan! Also accompanying them are craftsmen from the capital in the lake and the families of the Mexica warriors."

Hearing this, Shulot was refreshed. Support from the alliance finally arrived!

The Black Wolf's royal flag finally moved again. Under the guard of two thousand warriors, the king returned to the capital a hundred miles northeast with great dignity. A few days later, the majestic bluestone walls of the royal capital came into the king's eyes, and outside the city gate were

They are the kingdom officials, legion generals, and newly arrived alliance priests who are waiting to welcome you!

Hulot scanned the crowd at the city gate and thought for a moment. Even though everyone had changed into Mexica clothes, they could still distinguish three obvious groups.

According to their status, the priests of the alliance stood at the front. A large number of priests of the main god wore feather crowns and sacrificial robes. At the head of the group were the two fourth-level chief priests who led the team.

The kingdom's legion generals stood in the middle. They carried weapons, shields, and wore bright uniforms. They were vaguely divided into two groups: Mexica officers and Prepecha officers. They kept their distance from each other according to their origins as nobles and civilians.

Finally, there was a considerable number of officials from the kingdom. Most of them were newly surrendered Prepecha surrenderers, and they generally looked cautious and bowed their heads slightly. Only Jatiri, wearing the attire of the chief minister, stood at the front with a calm expression.

Shulot pondered for a moment. These three groups of people represent the distribution of power in the feudal country and are also equivalent to the political structure of the feudal country.

Needless to say, there is no need to say more about the generals of the army. They hold the military power of the kingdom. They are all close direct descendants who have experienced battles and are loyal to the marshal king. Soon, as the reform progresses, the army of the kingdom will be divided into three parts, garrisoned in villages and towns.

Tens of thousands of militiamen, tens of thousands of surrendered troops who were stationed in the fields and transformed, and more than ten thousand warriors who were entrusted with the land.

The surrendered army and the enfeoffed warriors will be reorganized into ordinary standing troops and elite field armies respectively to participate in constant foreign wars. Because they have inherited and maintained a large number of legions in the Kingdom of Tarasco, the ratio of military and civilians in the kingdom has been completely unbalanced, and the continuous expansion war is

It is definitely the only choice!

The priests of the main god hold the greatest religious power and participate in the administration of the kingdom. They determine the astronomical calendar, hold prayer ceremonies, and send priests to implement the alliance's teachings and manage communities in towns and villages. Among the people, regular confession is being

Promotion, priests of different levels save the souls of nobles and civilians respectively. In the legion, there are also priests who accompany the army to appease the souls of warriors and militiamen.

As the supreme leader of the feudal theocracy, Shulot is well aware of the depth and influence of this class. The priests have a foothold in the hearts of the people and are related to the stability of the kingdom, and the rapid expansion of the priests' power cannot be separated from his long-term

Full support and personally planned reforms.

For this powerful theocratic class, Shulot has already laid the groundwork and divided the priests into different branches. Each branch is relatively independent and autonomous, and prohibits the mutual promotion of priests between branches. The theocratic power concentrates the power of various places in the center,

It is controlled by the supreme god-king and remains separate within the priesthood.

Among the priests, one branch is the scriptural priests who are responsible for astronomy, teachings and rituals. They have a high status and are not involved in government affairs. Their status is similar to Taizhu in the Western Zhou official system.

One branch is the priests who are responsible for myths and epics, and record historical events. They are responsible for telling the "truth" of history to all people, integrating the cultures of various tribes, and uniting the hearts of all ethnic groups. Their status is similar to the Taishi in the Western Zhou official system.

One group is the preaching priests who radiate from the capital, participate in central administration, and are responsible for community management of villages and towns, spreading faith, and holding confessions. They participate in government affairs and influence various ministries in distant places. They are true theocratic civil servants, similar to the Western Zhou Dynasty

The official position is Qingshiliao. Among them, the village priests are the local ruling branches of the kingdom center. They are the symbols of royal power and divine power stationed in distant places.

One group is the war priests who are directly affiliated with the royal family, hold weapons in hand, and enter the grassroots of the army. They are responsible for appeasing and controlling the morale of the army, and are an extension of royal and divine power in the army. They will also preside over large-scale sacrifices before and after wars, and preside over the guidance of souls.

Funeral, and inspire the fighting spirit of the Legion.

The last group is the divine priests who are affiliated with the Institute of Divine Enlightenment and preside over practical technological inventions and basic scientific research. They are mainly from young priests trained in schools, and supplemented by senior craftsmen and older workers. Shulot

Prepare to calm down and write two popular science textbooks using semi-mythical language to describe the basic laws of nature. Then, the textbooks will be distributed to schools and divine institutions to gradually cultivate the seeds of new thinking.


Shulot gained inspiration from the mature official system of the Celestial Dynasty. Relying on the current situation of the times, he divided the theocratic priesthood into relatively independent scripture priests, historian priests, preaching priests, war priests and divine enlightenment priests, and then established

There is room for future reforms. These five priestly branches will each assume part of the functions of the government, control all aspects of the country, and build a centralized and powerful theocratic state!

Thinking of this, the king moved his eyes to look at the last kingdom officials. These Prepecha elites include tribal sages who control cultural inheritance, three priests who have just converted to the main god, and leaders who actually manage the village.

The group leaders in charge of forestry and fishery, the noble concubines in charge of business statistics, and the leading masters of various craftsmanship industries are the most numerous backbones among the ruling groups in the kingdom.

In Shulot's plan, these elites come from different groups, participate in all aspects of the kingdom, and are organizers and producers in various fields. They can be compared to the officials, gentry and rural sages in the tradition of the Celestial Dynasty. Theocratic civil servants

The system will be open to them and absorb the most outstanding ones, just like Jatiri who serves as the chief minister and is also appointed as the fourth-level chief priest and the chief priest.

"The establishment of a theocratic civil service system is an urgent need in reality, but it must also incorporate sand from different sources and establish different branches and factions. There must always be opportunities for future reformers..."

The king smiled calmly, and the political system of the kingdom flashed through his mind one by one. This plan had been planned for countless days and nights, and the reality of the background of the times had also been fully considered.

Then, he nodded slightly and walked majestically forward along the path he had already decided. There, the two chief priests of the Alliance Priests were already waiting. He also saw a complacent and "simple" face that he had not seen for a long time.

Smiley face.

This chapter has been completed!
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