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Chapter 330: Vanguard Attacks the Camp 2

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Two thousand Guamarei warriors climbed onto the hillock and rushed within fifty steps of the Red Deer Camp. Bone arrows from the canine hunters fell like a shower. A dozen warriors were struck by arrows in the head and face and rolled down the hillock screaming.

, leaving a trail of blood all the way.

"The rear army suppresses fire! The front army charges with me!"

Kino, the eldest son of Chalki, was wearing bronze armor, his cheeks were bulging, and he was shouting loudly. The officers of each team were well prepared and followed the orders. The warrior formations quickly spread out and were divided into two parts, the front and the back.

The five hundred warriors in the rear army drew their bows and drew arrows, and fired rapidly at the camp, suppressing the hunters in the camp. The whistling rain of arrows shot through the fence, and a dozen dog-born hunters howled with arrows, and the incoming arrow rain was weakened.

The 1,500 warriors from the front army took the opportunity to speed up and came to the wall. The 500 vanguards, wearing cotton armor, climbed over the wall directly, roaring and fighting with the canine descendants behind the wall. The warriors were in groups of three and five,

Wielding war sticks, they slashed the enemy's chest and neck; the canine descendants gathered alternately, thrust out stone spears, and pierced the opponent's waist and abdomen. The weapons penetrated the flesh, and blood and internal organs flowed out along the wound, and the pungent smell of blood was instantly dispersed.


From time to time, a red-haired hunter would shoot a cold arrow, hitting a vital point, and knocking the warrior who climbed over the wall to the ground. From time to time, a samurai archer would fire a collective volley, pricking the red-haired hunter into a hedgehog. Most of the warriors on both sides were lightly armored or unarmored, surrounding them.

Hundreds of people died in each of the simple village walls in a matter of seconds! Soon, the howling bodies turned into silent corpses, overlapping on both sides of the village wall. The warriors continued to step on the corpses and climb up to fight. The battle to attack the camp had just begun.

, and entered the climax!

Arrows crisscrossed like rain, taking away the lives of the warriors. Kino suppressed his murderous intention, raised his shield to protect his head and neck, and waited patiently near the village gate. Under the cover of the large shield, a dozen warriors took out their copper axes and struck them with all their strength.

They chopped at the village gate to destroy the structure of the village gate. Then, a senior warrior took out a rope and tied it to the pillar of the village gate. More than a dozen warriors shouted at the same time and yanked the rope!


The simple village gate could no longer hold up and fell to the ground with a crash, opening half of the gap. Kino let out a shout and led dozens of guards to kill directly into the camp.

The canine warriors at the gate of the camp resisted desperately, stabbing Kino's armor repeatedly, but they were unable to break the defense for a while. Then, the fierce war clubs fell head-on, killing them one by one!

"Ho, what a precious armor!"

Kino yelled and threw down his shield in excitement. He held the stick in both hands without any defense, and charged forward bravely, knocking the blocking canine warriors to the ground! Using him as the arrow, dozens of personal guards

They rushed forward together and created a gap in the camp. The Guamare warriors poured in continuously from the gap, killing the Guakili canine descendants and pushing them back. Looking from a distance, the gray-blue figure was like a tide.

The water flowed backwards from the foot of the hill, submerging the simple camp!

"What a fearless warrior!"

Shulot smiled and praised Chalki.

"The Guamare warriors recharge their batteries and attack today. They are indeed fierce and fierce!"

"Haha, thank you, Your Highness! It's all blessed by the Lord God!"

Chalki bowed his head and saluted, then smiled and boasted.

"Your Highness, I, the warrior of Guamare, travel across the wilderness. My bravery is not inferior to that of the canine descendants, and I am far superior in battle!"

Xiuluo nodded. He moved his gaze to the two thousand melon horse warriors who had not yet attacked. He saw that the faces of many warriors were painted with stripes similar to those of canine origin, but they were mainly blue, mixed with red. And in

The bare shoulders and arms are also engraved with blue tattoos of different images such as eagles, wolves, bears, leopards, etc.

"The Guamare warriors are very similar to the dog descendants..."

The king was silent. The Guamare State in the west has a vast area, arid climate, barren land, and a small population. The Guamare people are in the west of the state, and the Guakili people are in the north. The various ethnic groups are mixed with each other and integrated with each other. In Guamare,

Among the warriors of Malebang, there are obviously many recruited Guamar dog descendants, and even Guakili dog descendants.

"Chalki, the various tribes in Guamare State are mixed together and have similar customs. How can you distinguish the Otomi tribe from the same origin?"

Shulot asked with a smile.

"Distinguish homologous tribes?"

Chalki scratched his head. He thought for a while before he understood the king's question. The middle-aged chief had a subtle look on his face and hesitantly answered.

"Well... the people who worship the ancestral gods and marry us are our own people. We sent troops this time... initially to respond to the call of the ancestral priest... Of course, now we are to die for His Highness!"

"Hmm. Praise the Supreme God, the Lord God! Also praise the Ancestral God, the Subordinate God!"

Xiulote nodded and prayed solemnly.

"Praise the gods! The main god is the highest, and the ancestor gods are the second highest!"

Chalki also responded quickly.

Shulot smiled and stopped speaking, just thinking in his heart.

"The belief in the ancestor god has been passed down for thousands of years and is an important link between the various tribes in the North. It cannot be easily abolished. It is urgent to spread the teachings of the main god! Bloodline and belief are the basis for ruling the North. The former requires immigration and intermarriage, and the latter needs to be spread by priests. Except

In addition, we must improve agricultural production and introduce commercial and trade methods..."

"Ho! The flag has fallen!..."

The king was thinking when he suddenly heard a burst of fierce cheers, boiling from the front. He looked up and saw that the gray-blue crowd had flooded the center of the camp. Kino, wearing bronze armor, struggled to break the red deer's flag with both hands.

, waved it twice in protest, then threw it to the ground!

In the Red Deer camp, 1,500 Gua Mare warriors shouted in unison, with high fighting spirit. The nearly 1,000 Gua Mare warriors let out a panicked shout, and then, led by the Red Deer chief in wolf robes, they swarmed in.

The back door collapsed.

"Your Highness, with the blessing of the Lord God, Kino has captured the camp!"

Chalki's face beamed with joy.


The king nodded with satisfaction and made a generous promise.

"When he comes back, I will give you a big reward!"

The two of them talked and laughed loudly, both of them confident of victory. Within a quarter of an hour, two thousand Guamare warriors captured the camp and defeated more than a thousand warriors of the Red Deer tribe.

"Haha, the Guakili people are nothing more than that!"

Kino laughed heartily and was very proud of himself. He was covered in blood and looked at the fleeing enemies with murderous intent on his face.

"A thousand warriors, follow me to hunt them down!"

After that, without stopping, he led his bodyguards to rush out from behind and continued to kill the defeated enemy.

The Guakili people's camp was built against the mountain, with the front and back echoing each other, and the two sides blending into the forest. Not far from the back camp, there are deep woods on both sides, with birds circling in the sky. Directly behind, a few miles away, is the next camp.

, a red monkey flag is waving.

The Red Deer tribe fled quickly, with nearly a thousand warriors scattering in random directions, even blocking the mountain road. The Red Deer chief, wearing a conspicuous wolf robe, paused. He looked back, looked panicked, and fled straight to the deep forest to the north.

"Where to escape!"

With red eyes, Kino stared at the position of Chief Red Deer, roaring and chasing after him. Chief Red Deer led dozens of red-haired men into the chilly forest. Kino did not hesitate, and also took three hundred warriors with him.

Run into the deep darkness.

"Quick, blow the conch horn for withdrawal!"

"No! Let him come back!"

Seeing the battle situation in the distance, Shulot and Chalki looked at each other, suddenly changed their expressions, and shouted anxiously at the same time!

This chapter has been completed!
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