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Chapter Thirty-Four A Day in Shilott

The breeze drifts in the mountains, stroking the new buds on the treetops, bringing moist water vapor. This is April when all things sprout. It has been half a year since the siege of the city. The dry season on the plateau has passed, but the new rainy season has not yet arrived.

After returning to the siege camp, Shulot first rested in the hut for a few days, and then his father Shusok came to see him and exchanged information with him about the expedition.

Pamus in the north was almost burned to the ground, and many Chichimec nomads moved south. After the city-states of Guamare and Pamus were crippled, the Otomi's harassment of the army quickly weakened, and the militia

The number was greatly reduced.

Although the Otomi guerrillas are still going on, the intensity has changed from flies to mosquitoes. The casualties of Mexica warriors have dropped to more than a hundred every month. The warriors of the city-state are still a little dissatisfied, but they are finally enduring it.

Within the limit, the food supply has been able to keep up with the consumption, and the food stock in the camp has begun to increase.

The days during the siege seemed a bit leisurely. It had been several months since the expedition, and Shusok had higher expectations for his son. He talked secretly with Bertard, a senior warrior, for a long time, and resumed Shulot's family military training.

Every day at dawn, Shulot had to get up and start training as a warrior with the rising sun, and Bertard was his teacher.

The Aztec City-State Alliance is a typical classical military society. Every teenager in the Mexica City-State is forced to participate in military training. Family training begins at the latest at the age of twelve, and is affected by the family's financial ability.

Shulot's training began at the age of ten. His father provided him with the most abundant food supply, including fine cornmeal cakes and rare meat, and then asked Orosh to teach him martial arts.

At the beginning, Shulot, who had adult memories, was resistant to training. He would use various hiding methods to test Orosh's IQ in finding people, thus delaying the start of training.

In order to increase the boy's interest in practicing martial arts, under the protection of the warriors, the jaguar warrior showed him the "stunt skill" of the number one warrior: one man and one stick to challenge the jaguar. Humans can actually avoid the big cats sideways with extraordinary agility

He pounced, and then swung the obsidian war stick with both hands with unparalleled ferocity, knocking the tiger unconscious with one stick, and killing the tiger with ten sticks!

From then on, the shocked Shulot finally completed Orosh's training requirements obediently, and all of this was eventually transformed into the muscular lines under the boy's single clothes.

When the city-state teenagers reach the age of fifteen, they will enter the city-state's strict community military school, Telpo Chikarli, to receive practical skills and military instruction. The teachers in the military school are all fourth-level senior warriors, just like a jaguar taking care of a group of

Like a kitten, it can definitely give every teenager an unforgettable "good" memory.

The "good" memories will last for five years until they graduate from the military academy. The outstanding young men obtain the status of young warriors and become the preparatory ruling class. Then, they begin the promotion process of capturing prisoners and upgrading. From youth to middle age, the brave men fearlessly march towards

Previously, the "fourth-level senior warrior" who had reached the ceiling of civilian struggle had the qualifications to join the Jaguar and Eagle Chapters and become a military noble.

Failed teenagers will never have any chance with the ruling class. They will become craftsmen, businessmen, or farmers at the lowest level. Top craftsmen can participate in the construction of pyramid temples, and outstanding businessmen will be recruited as Pochitka intelligence scouts. They also belong to

The fringes of the ruling class.

A small number of descendants of nobles and priests will enter the higher education institution directly under the city-state, Kalmykak. There, military education becomes a secondary project, and the main content of study is noble literature and politics, astronomy and theology, and eventually obtain a higher education.

High "starting point", young noble warrior or assistant priest.

Young noble warriors and priests still have to upgrade their levels by capturing prisoners. It is usually easier for senior noble warriors of the fourth level to join the Jaguar or Eagle Chapter and become the first-level military nobles. The first-level military nobles belong to the minor aristocracy.

, and then one enters the ranks of the great nobles. Going up in order are the second-level hereditary nobles, the third-level glorious nobles, and finally the royal family and king of the Sun God descendants. The glorious nobles already have the qualifications to rule the city-state and serve as city lords.


The peak of the priests' capture and promotion is the fifth-level coyote priest. As for the city-state priests and elders, the high priest of Teotihuacan, and the chief priest of Tenochtitlan, they all belong to the top level of the ruling class.


In short, in Xiulote's view, the Aztec class system is like the Qin State in the East, with "military merit awards", or Prussia in the West, with "a national army."

Training at the camp always starts with the rising sun. Shulot first takes a cold bath for half an hour, wearing only a pair of trousers in the cold morning wind, to hone his will. Then, he has to participate in two or three hours of training in the morning.

Endurance training, including running, climbing, moving rocks, lifting shields, and marching with weights.

After a short rest, he will continue to learn the skills of shield and war stick from Bertard, first raising the shield to block, then using the war stick to slash, knock, and slap, mastering the difference between killing and capturing prisoners, and finally

One-on-one actual combat.

At this time, Bertard would always use dexterous swings to tell him what it means to be light-weight and what it means to be defenseless. Hulot often felt that his shield was just a decoration, but Bertard always patiently emphasized that the shield is the life of a warrior.

.This is especially true in large-scale battle formations. If you lose your battle stick, you still have a spare dagger, and if you lose your shield, you often can't survive more than three minutes.

After training, there is a sumptuous lunch. After rigorous training, there must be sufficient nutritional supply. This is also the biggest restriction encountered in the training of civilian warriors.

Lunch started with a cup of hot cocoa. It was really difficult for Schlott to get used to the traditional cold cocoa mixed with spices and chili peppers, so he changed it to hot cocoa with honey. The taste was still bitter, but he felt very comfortable after drinking it.

Central America is an excellent land for growing sugar cane, but sugar cane has not yet been introduced. If you want to have a little sweetness, you can only rely on expensive and rare wild honey, light agave juice, and seasonal maple pulp.

.I heard that the Mayans have mastered the top-secret technology of raising honey, which gave Xiulote another reason to attack Yucatan.

The staple food is tortillas stuffed with black bean puree and green beans to supplement basic carbohydrates and protein. The samurai like to add peppers, avocados and cherry tomatoes. Avocados and tomatoes are usually more expensive. In Mexico, peppers can be enough.

Next is the time for a complementary meal that Shulot is most satisfied with, grilled venison with salt and herbs. In Mesoamerica, where meat is scarce, this is definitely the food of the aristocratic class. Because of the scarcity of venison, many times only

Wooden turkey meat can be substituted.

I heard that the Mayans also invented grilled lizards, grilled conches, grilled turtles, and grilled lobsters. Xuelote expressed his gratitude and did not dare to try these dangerous foods. Even delicious lobsters, once eaten, will be accompanied by parasites in this era.

Lifelong, almost unsolvable.

Finally, the end of lunch is a tequila drink. Bertard will drink a small glass of tequila, and Xurot likes slightly sweet agave juice. Tequila is almost the most important thing in Mexican life.

One of the plants, agave stems can be roasted and eaten, agave leaves are used to feed turkeys, agave juice can be drunk or made into wine, and the leaf fiber can also be made into ropes. Xuelot thinks it can also be used to make paper.

After lunch, it was study time that made Shulott happy. Every afternoon, he would sort out the Chinese characters used daily and draw teaching graphics. Sometimes Avitt would come to help and talk about the latest military information.

Then when the sun set in the west, he happily gathered his followers and looked at the majestic warriors under the setting sun, studying words with a confused face. This is also the eternally calm vicissitudes of the warrior Bertard, who rarely shows a sad face.


After nightfall, there were no candles made of grease and no members of the opposite sex, so the warriors had nothing to do. They could only chat around the campfire, brag, sing, fight, and drink. Of course, the scarce alcohol was usually only available at important events.

Supplied on sacrificial days.

At this time, Shulot would chat with his followers about daily life, and also listen to the life in the market, the rumors from far away, and the desires of the warriors.

When the night got dark, he returned to the hut under the moonlight, lay on the grass bed, and looked at the dim starlight outside the cloth window. His thoughts spread far away, traveling through time and space, and finally fell asleep leisurely.

Bertard would lie vigilantly on the straw bed in the corner of the house, quietly guarding the past in his memories and the future he was looking forward to. In the mountains and forests outside the camp, Mexica warriors and Otomi people

The fighting and fighting were so isolated, as if they were separated from the rest of the world.

This is Shulot's day. He rises in the morning sun and rests in the starlight, waiting for the turn of the battle.

This chapter has been completed!
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