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Chapter 370: The Kingdom in the Lake, the Military Machine in Operation

During the rainy season, the Kingdom in the Lake is busy and peaceful. The "Three Sisters" are growing in the fields and growing rapidly every day; the farmers are busy repairing the canals and draining the lower fields. Without enough fertilizer, top dressing is naturally out of the question.

By the end of August, this year's harvest is almost certain. The rainfall is sufficient but not too much, the lakes have not flooded, and the crops are growing vigorously. It will be a good year!

At the river mouth fortress, the Guakili Army has been formed. Following Arnold's suggestion, the king rewarded the warriors in the army generously, allowing the unruly tribal warriors to survive the arduous early stages of training and gradually become accustomed to the discipline of the army. Of course.

, their discipline is far from comparable to that of the Lance Corps, but they can form an array and fight according to orders, and will not charge without authorization.

Subsequently, Shulot entrusted a group of senior warriors from the Northern Expedition to the canine villages in the east and west. Under the large and small flag teams, new account-level mobilization units were established, strengthening the kingdom's control over each flag team.

.Then, he selected a group of war priests who were good at fighting from the army, plus some naturalized wilderness priests, to replace the ordinary priests in the canine villages. The fifteen Guakili banners were further integrated again.

After inspecting various banner units, the king has determined that the 60,000 dog tribes have barely held a hoe and are not suitable for farming. In a short period of time, the fifteen tribal flag units will perform more military functions than

How much economic benefit can we expect to get? In other words, as long as the Guakili tribes can support themselves, pay some symbolic tribute, produce some furs and feathers, and go out to fight in wartime.

The alliance's fleet made two more round trips, transporting large quantities of food and tin materials, as well as armor and copper materials. Alyssa was extremely happy when she received the letter from the little golden eagle. She asked people to bring little Averlot back.

Coming over, Shulot threw the yo-yo again.

Alyssa's reply was very long, with many trivial matters in it, like a girl's diary. There was also a cute simple drawing in the diary. It showed two little people holding hands. On the shoulders of the male little person stood a girl.

There is a golden eagle, and there is a green snake coiled at the feet of the female figure. Both the golden eagle and the green snake have a fish in their mouths.

Shulot held the letter and rubbed it for a long time. He hadn't seen Alyssa for several years, and he hadn't touched the little green snake for several years. The boy's memories stayed in the distance, and the young king stood on the top of the fortress. His

He always wears armor on his body, and always carries a bronze sword on his waist. He cannot take it off and cannot take it off.

The alliance's envoy brought greetings from the king and the high priest. The king requested that gems be added to this year's tribute, and the high priest agreed that Alter would serve as the chief priest of Otomi. Along with it, there was also a top-secret news, the elder's disease.

Being bedridden, his 90th birthday was not held as planned.

Hearing this, Shulot was in a daze. The immortal sun had established an alliance with his own hands, and it had gone all the way from the last century to today. It was now the end of the century. Could it be that he was going to go out? No one knew the answer, Moxi.

The Canadians don't want to know the answer either.

August passed in the raindrops, the autumn wind came with a fragrance, and it was already September in the blink of an eye. The pumpkins in the fields were ripe, and the farmers began to work hard, and the joy of harvest was everywhere. The canine descendants picked the harvested pumpkins and were surprised.

The fertile land beneath my feet finally settled my mind.

Black Wolf's royal flag finally moved south slowly. In mid-September, under the protection of 6,000 imperial guards, the king returned to the royal capital where he had left for a year and a half.

Compared with when he left, the royal capital Qincongcan has a more prosperous atmosphere. The villages in Gyeonggi have regained their vitality, and villagers can occasionally enter the city to exchange the surplus agricultural products for some needed pottery, stone tools and cloth. The world

Business travelers from all over the country continued to come, selling grain, cotton cloth, spices, and feathers from various parts of the south, and purchasing copperware and gemstones that were special products of the kingdom.

Tax officials from various places were busy day and night, gathering the collected goods into the warehouse of the royal capital, waiting for the statistical expenditures of the missionary priests. Yes, the current commercial tax is still collected in kind, plus a small amount of cloth, cocoa

with gold and silver.

Shulot once considered establishing a clear monetary system. However, the tribal structure of the world is too scattered, the gold and silver reserves are too abundant, and the number of commodities is relatively lacking. In many cases, gold and silver cannot be used as "money"

. Like the descendants of dogs in the wilderness, many tribes only accept cocoa, salt, grain, cloth and weapons, and scorn gold and silver that cannot be eaten directly. Because if they want this kind of golden or white stone, they can do it themselves

Go dig, go refine, there are plenty of them in the mountains anyway.

On the contrary, the gems produced by the Kingdom of the Lake are becoming the currency unit of transactions in many wealthy city-states because of their extremely stable quality, gorgeous color and relatively rare quantity. Of course, if you leave the wealthy city-states and come to the poor villages, towns and countryside, the value of gems will

Still not recognized.

Seeing this situation, Shulot carefully controlled the output of glazed gemstones, maintained the credibility and value of the market, and sought huge profits from creating "currency". At the same time, he continued to send royal caravans to expand the gem trade to

Farther away, the world has been at war for a long time, and the food and cotton cloth of each ministry are strictly controlled and will not be sold in large quantities. The greatest value of these gems is to be used in exchange for slaves.

According to Sage Jatiri's estimate, from the establishment of the gem trade at the beginning of last year to September this year, the kingdom has purchased about 20,000 young slaves using the manufactured glazed gemstones, with an average purchase of more than 1,000 people per month. These slaves are mainly

Through various channels, the Mixtec, Zapotec and Trapanic tribes came from the south.

The loss of tens of thousands of slaves has attracted the attention of lords everywhere. The Mixtec and Zapotec alliances in the south have successively issued decrees prohibiting the sale of slaves to the Kingdom of the Lake, and sent warriors to severely patrol against Terra.

Although the Panic people bordered the kingdom and did not dare to explicitly prohibit it, there were many "bandits" who blocked the trade. The source of slaves was gradually drying up unless a new source was found.

The 20,000 young slaves purchased have been distributed as serfs to the kingdom's military nobles. Now, the most troublesome thing for Shulot is the promise of enfeoffment to the kingdom's army.

During the Western Expedition to destroy the country, the Northern Route Army entrusted 2.2 million acres of land and needed to grant 110,000 slaves; the Holy City Army resettled and entrusted 300,000 acres of land and needed to grant 15,000 slaves; and in the just-concluded Northern Expedition, the Ottomi conscripted

The legion does not need to grant slaves, but can use the ownerless fiefdoms of the three kingdoms as rewards. The Imperial Guards still need 400,000 acres of land and 20,000 slaves.

In Hekou County, the king used the method of setting up a large tent to enfeoff one or two hundred senior warriors who had been promoted to military nobility in the Guards Corps. Then, he collected another 5,000 canine captives, mountain wild men, and barely managed to conquer the Northern Expedition.

The conferment of military merit was completed. But when he returned to the capital and saw the report of Sage Jatiri, he had an unusual headache again.

It has been more than two years since the kingdom was established. The land granting for the Western Expedition has been completed long ago, but the number of slaves granted is far insufficient, and most of the enfeoffed fields have been abandoned. To this day, there is still a gap of about 80,000 slaves. Although the king

The prestige is rising, the warriors respect their leader, don't have many objections, and have been waiting with peace of mind. But the king's credibility is very important, and these gaps must be filled as soon as possible!

And to make up for such a huge gap, the only solution is war, war, constant war!

"For the sake of land and serfs, the kingdom needs to launch a war. After the war is won, the warriors continue to be promoted, which creates greater demand, and then the war continues..."

Shulot stood on the top of the Palace of Winds, looking towards the southwest direction of Qingambat. The mines there also needed to be replenished with holes to further expand production.

At this moment, thousands of miners are busy day and night, and black smoke rises from there. Countless copper mines and coal mines are mined, and then smelted into armor, spears, battle axes, Qin swords, arrowheads, and even bronze cannons!

Everything in the kingdom is being prepared for military expansion, and only military expansion can solve all the problems in the kingdom!

Thinking of this, Shulot lowered his eyes and recalled the situation when he first returned to the royal capital. After returning from the Northern Expedition victoriously, the military nobles were greatly excited. The generals in the capital successively requested an audience, and those from other places kept writing letters.

Orosh, the commander of the Gyeonggi Army, proposed to expand the scale of capture after the autumn harvest and completely wipe out the savage tribes on the four borders; Horta, the head of the Sky Family, proposed to launch a war in the Chapala Lake area and attack the Feather Prince; Necali, the director of the Industry and Mines

It was suggested to conquer the southwest mountainous area and expand the periphery of the mining area; the commander of the Second Lancer Corps, Ezpan, proposed to purge the rebellious southern nobles and eradicate the remnants of the Kingdom of Tarasco; the veteran Etalik wrote a letter, seconding the proposal of the commander of the Ezpan Corps,

He also provided information about the Dingkou and private armies of the southern nobles. Before leaving Hekou County, the commander of the First Lancer Corps, Monkey Kuruka, euphemistically expressed the hope of obtaining His Highness's permission to completely devour the Sakapu State in the mountains and forests to the west.

"What kind of military machine have I built with my own hands?"

Shulot looked up at the sky. The kestrel in the lake area was spreading its wings and soaring. Its eyes were so sharp, its belly was so hungry, and it was always looking for new prey!

After a while, Hulot walked back to the palace. Bertard followed behind him silently until His Highness's voice came.

"Inform Chalape, Deputy Director of the Military Industry Department, and Tiripi, Director of the Bronze Bureau: Let them prepare. In two days, check the Sun Eagle Cannon and the Rain God Tiger Crouching Cannon!"

"As you command, Your Highness."

Bertard nodded and went there in person. His heart was equally full of expectations and eager for war.

This chapter has been completed!
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