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Chapter 372: The Creation of the Military Industry Department, the Rain God Tiger Crouching Cannon!

The bright sunshine fell from the sky, shining the bronze cannon with a golden light. The rainy season has ended, the sky is cloudless, but the rolling thunder echoes in the mountains and mausoleums, like the roar of a giant beast. Continuous roars are heard continuously, dozens of

The villagers inside all looked horrified. While they prayed to the supreme god, they looked in the direction of the roar.

In nearby villages, the preaching priests have just received instructions: to appease the villagers under their jurisdiction and to prohibit going to the place where the thunder came. Because there, the divinely inspired priests are performing sacred rituals and receiving the divine power given by the Lord God! After hearing the news

, the village priests prayed devoutly for a few breaths, and then hurriedly left with their apprentices and militiamen to appease hundreds of villagers.

In the artillery field, Shulot stepped back dozens of steps. Wearing a bronze helmet, he stood behind the chest-high earthen wall and patiently watched the gunners' operations.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Soon, the thunderous roar sounded again! Countless stone bullets flew out of the muzzle, and bursts of white smoke rose. After a round of shelling, the gunners began to load nervously.

They first added half a gun twist to the fire door, which was the fuse that was about to be lit. The fire door was located about 6.5 cm from the bottom of the gun, about 4 cm long and 1.3 cm wide. There was a person responsible for gathering around the fire door.

The ring shape of gunpowder. This is the design proposed by Shulot to facilitate ignition. The Condor Cannon also has a similar fire door, which is much more convenient than the previous wooden cannon.

After adding the gun twist, the gunners carefully added half a kilogram of gunpowder from the muzzle, separated by two inches of soil, and nearly a hundred stone pellets. The so-called soil barrier meant using soil to separate the gunpowder and stone pellets. Because they used solid bronze tigers.

It is a squatting gun, so the charge capacity is larger than that of the cast iron squatting tiger gun.

After loading, a gunner quickly checked the claw nails in front of the gun and the copper trip on the back of the gun to make sure that the gun body was stable. This was a lesson learned with blood. The Tiger Crouching Cannon gun body is too light. If it is not fixed properly, it will

Once the gun goes down, the gun body will directly retreat several meters. In the initial test firing, two of Tiripi's apprentices were directly hit by the retreating gun body. Their ribs were broken on the spot and they vomited blood and died. Since then, Tiripi

Pi never dared to stand behind the cannon again.

After the inspection, the gunners carefully lit the barrel with torches, then quickly covered their ears and crouched on both sides of the gun body.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The terrifying thunder sounded again! A thick smoke rose up, obscuring the artillery. When the smoke dissipated, the wooden target 100 meters away was already full of holes. The maximum range of the Rain God Tiger Crouching Cannon was approximately

At 500 meters, the effective range is about 100-200 meters, and the best shooting distance is within 100 meters. If you are pursuing armor penetration, you can even get closer and put it within 50 meters. In fact, it is a large "

"Spray", the closer you are, the more powerful it is. If you fire shotguns at close range, one dozen will cause a large area!

The king knew that in Qi Jiajun's tactics, the firing of the Crouching Tiger Cannon was arranged after the cannons and rockets with a range of about 100 meters, which was the decisive weapon.

"Okay! Very good! Great!!"

Seeing the shooting effect of the Crouching Tiger Cannon, Shulot's eyes gradually shone with light. He was full of joy. In Central America, which lacks armor protection, this kind of light artillery is a killer weapon that sweeps across the infantry battle formation!

"If I were to fight against the Royal Army of Tarasco, if I had ten of these tiger squatting cannons and placed them among the warriors of the personal guard, Tarasco's bronze axe guards would not be able to charge forward at all!"

The king sighed in his heart, and the memories of the hard battles came to his mind. With the bronze cannon, future battles will be much easier to fight! Especially when facing the Broken Hair Guards, Eagle Chapter, Jaguar Chapter, and Bronze Ax Guards...

.When these elite warriors form a shield-holding battle formation, there is no need to invest in elite warriors to bite hard!

Later, he conceived the use of this light artillery based on his experience in the battle formation.

Due to the limitation of range, the Tiger Crouching Cannon must be placed at the front of the array and fire under the cover of the infantry formation. The firing of the artillery will raise smoke and obstruct the sight of the archers, so let them accompany the shield-bearing infantry.

On both sides of the artillery, brave assault infantry were deployed. After several rounds of bombardment, the enemy's position was loosened, and then they launched a charge and defeated the enemy in one fell swoop!...

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Shulot thought about it for a long time, until the third round of thunder suddenly exploded! He came back to his senses and estimated the firing speed of the artillery. Although the gunners were skilled in operation, it was not simple and could be further optimized. The Condor Cannon

The firing of the cannon is slightly faster than that of the wooden cannon, about two rounds per quarter of an hour; and the firing of the squatting tiger cannon is slightly faster than that of the condor cannon, about three rounds per quarter of an hour.

"Well...this launch speed..."

The king was silent. From this point of view, the first round of shooting is the most important. You need to get as close as possible and shoot directly into the enemy's face!

"Your Majesty, do you think the Rain God Tiger Crouching Cannon is powerful?"

Tiripi straightened his chest and pointed at the wooden target in front of him. Hulot heard the sound and ran away. After three rounds of shelling, the target 100 meters away had been broken into pieces and scattered on the ground. The ground was covered with scattered stone pellets and wood chips. According to the distribution

With an area of ​​​​500,000 square meters, five tiger squatting guns can effectively cover an infantry front of a hundred people wide on the battlefield.

"Praise be to the Lord God Most High!"

Shulot smiled.

"This is an artifact given to the alliance by the Lord God to rule the world!"

"Praise the supreme God! Praise also His Majesty the Divine Enlightenment!"

Chalape came forward and pulled Tiripi to kneel down and salute. Then, Chalape raised his head respectfully and looked at His Majesty.

"We dedicate the artillery to you, the only sun in the world! This is an artifact given to the kingdom by the Lord God to rule the world!"

Hearing this, Shulot was slightly startled, his heart heaving. His face was calm as usual, and he nodded with a smile.

"Get up! You are all heroes of the Kingdom and the Alliance!"

Hearing this, the two casting masters and technocrats stood up and waited for the king's instructions. A few steps away, Bertard watched this scene calmly, with a smile on his lips.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! The smoke dispersed, and the bronze cannon shone with golden light again. The king sniffed his nose and asked in a deep voice.

"Tiripi, what is the success rate of Tiger Crouching Cannon casting? If the supply of copper material is sufficient, how many cannons can be cast in a month?"

Tiripi stretched out his fingers and calculated for a long time.

"Your Majesty, the Crouching Tiger Cannon is relatively easy to manufacture. It has a simple model, a short range, and low air tightness requirements... The success rate is about 60 to 70%! And with the manpower required to build one Condor Cannon, we can build ten.

There are more Crouching Tiger Cannons! So, if we don’t build the Condor Cannon, we can produce 20 Crouching Tiger Cannons a month.”

Hearing this, Shulot was stunned. He chewed on the meaning of Tiripi's words and raised his brows.

"Are you saying that the entire bronze workshop, with a thousand craftsmen and apprentices, can only produce 2 condor cannons or 20 squatting tiger cannons a month?"

"Your wise majesty, most of the people in the bronze workshop have to make bronze armor and weapons. There are only one or two hundred people in the cannon casting bureau. What's more, the output of the workshop is currently restricted, mainly copper

The output of materials.”

Chalape had a smile on his face and explained quickly.

Hearing this, Shulot thought for a while and nodded slowly. After all, the gap in the copper material was too big!

Necali, the director of industry and mining, wrote many times, saying that the miners were depleted too quickly and asked for more manpower in the mine. The huge mining area is like a greedy underground beast, constantly devouring fresh life on the ground and spitting out the dusty wealth underground. Now, the mining area's

There are already more than 3,000 miners in the copper mines. The average monthly mining and smelting of copper materials by a thousand people is more than 6,000 jins, which means that 20,000 jins of copper materials can be produced every month. Twenty thousand jins of copper materials may sound like a lot, but in fact it is only

Just over ten tons.

All in all, the kingdom can only produce about 130 tons of copper per year. The kingdom needs copper for cannon casting, shipbuilding, armor, weapons, farm tools, and even arrowheads! These coppers are needed

Add one cent to each expense, and there won’t be much left.

Although the Alliance has exploited copper mines in the Huetamo Mountains, the copper output is probably less than half of the kingdom, and it is not enough to meet the needs of the Valley of Mexico. If we include the remote Oaxaca region, the large-scale copper mined by the Zapotecs

Mines, as well as the more distant Mayans, sporadically mined open-pit copper mines... The copper production in the entire Mesoamerican world, according to the king's irresponsible guess, should be less than 300 tons per year. And if you want to drive the entire Mesoamerican civilization

Going further, this copper production is far from sufficient!

In comparison, the copper production during the Xining period of the Song Dynasty was 20 million kilograms, or 10,000 tons. This is only the recorded official production, and there is no telling how much private mining was not included in the figures. In the Edo period, a

At its peak, Ashio Copper Mountain's copper production could reach 1,200 tons per year.

In fact, the Qinganbat mining area is located in the Copper Mountain and giant mineral vein belt, with reserves of tens of millions of tons, exceeding the Ashio Copper Mountain, and can be mined until the 21st century! Its mining potential is far from being released, and it lacks

Yes, they are miners, or mine slaves.

Thinking of this, Shulot lowered his eyes. The entire kingdom was filled with hunger for war. This was the extreme desire for resources, land and manpower when a country was developing rapidly.

"His Majesty?"

"Well, Tiripi, starting from this month, we will cast 1 condor cannon and 10 squatting tiger cannons every month! If there is insufficient copper material, we will suspend the casting and study the casting process of larger cannons. After the test, all bronze cannons will be cast.

Just hand it over directly to the artillery camp. A new group of gunners will be recruited in the artillery camp. You have to send skilled craftsmen to be stationed in the artillery camp. On the one hand, they are responsible for the maintenance and repair of the artillery, and on the other hand, they teach the operation of the artillery. All the points of attention must be paid attention to.

It needs to be summarized into a written document!”

"I obey you, Your Majesty!"

Tiripi knelt down and saluted.

Shulot stretched out his hand and shook the foundry master's hair. Then, he smiled gently and announced loudly.

"Tiripi, you have made great achievements in forging cannons! From today on, I canonize you as a hereditary noble of the kingdom! From now on, your family has the right to participate in political affairs and live with the kingdom for generations! Praise the Lord God!"

"Ah! Thank you! Thank you for your generosity! Praise the Lord God!"

Tilippi looked excited and his eyes were a little moist. Two years of hard work day and night finally paid off!

Beside him, Chalape lowered his head and sighed softly. From today on, the metal family will be divided into two branches.

"Remember, the Condor Cannon and the Crouching Tiger Cannon are just the beginning! Next, you have to continue to explore the art of casting cannons! Improve the clay mold making, improve the quality of the cannon body, modify the length and shape of the barrel, and add a more stable cannon

Frame...more importantly, make a bigger, thicker and longer artillery!"

Shulot ordered in a deep voice. Many pictures flashed in his mind. Although they were only fragments, they pointed out the direction of the future.

"When I get back, I will draw some pictures for you as a reference!"

"The Lord God bless you! Your Majesty!"

Tilipi bowed his head respectfully, praised sincerely, and his thoughts were flying far away. Although most of the time, His Majesty's guidance was like a mess of slag, there were always some exquisite ideas, just like good materials produced by luck.

It can enlighten people and save a lot of effort... Well, His Majesty must have not studied it carefully when he was inspired by God! If it were me...


"Ah, here!"

The foundry master should be in a hurry.

"How many bronze cannons are there in the bronze workshop now? When will the next batch of cannons be delivered?"

"Ah! Your Majesty, there are currently 10 Sun God Eagle cannons and 30 Rain God Tiger squatting cannons. The new batch of clay molds are being dried in the shade. Due to the arrival of the rainy season, the air is humid, so there has been a delay..."

"Huh? Another delay?"

Shulot raised his brows and stared at the foundry master in front of him. He was in middle age, but he was already bald and his figure was much thinner than two years ago. The king exhaled and said calmly.

"Tiripi, if you promise me, try to do it on time and don't delay it for too long."

"Yes, yes, Your Majesty."

Tilipi grimaced and nodded in agreement. He couldn't help but lament in his heart.

"Your Majesty, when will you go on another expedition..."

As if he heard his heartfelt voice, the king's voice came again.

"Tiripi, before October, test all the artillery in stock and deliver them to the artillery battalion. Next, I will be of great use!"

"Follow your will, Your Highness!"

Tiripi showed a bright smile. He looked at Chalape with a smile, his brother looked at Bertard with a smile, and the warrior commander looked at His Majesty with a smile. Everyone had smiles on their faces. Because the war is coming again.

Got it!

This chapter has been completed!
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