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Chapter 380: Change of enfeoffment, Maidens Dance and the Kings Order

The night wind blew and the bonfire flickered. Gulamo took out a bamboo flute from his arms and played, and the melodious music flew in the field.

Medina gently took off her black robe, revealing her slender waist and long legs like jade. Then she bent down and slowly took off her cloth shoes, and the crisp bell rang.

Shulot was shocked when he heard this. The girl's slender ankle was actually covered with a delicate silver ring, and a small silver bell hung on the silver ring. There were faint red marks on the skin near the silver ring, which were caused by repeated friction.

Mark. The king's gaze continued to move downwards, and he paused for a moment on the pink toes with rouge manicure, and then immediately looked away.

In front of everyone, Medina's face turned red and she showed a bit of shyness. Then, following the rhythm of the bamboo flute, she gently swayed her waist and stretched her arms naturally, blooming like a begonia flower. This was the prelude to the dance, which brought the girl to her feet.

The perfect body is displayed in the eyes of the king.

The overture ended with the main dance. Soon, the girl's dance steps became more urgent. She stood up high on tiptoes, touching the ground only on her toes, and danced lightly in the campfire, like a deer in the forest. A little bit of emotion appeared on the deer's face.

She looked around innocently and curiously, then met the king's eyes and turned her head shyly. Her long hair fell slightly, covering her childish side face, but it could not hide her beautiful face.

Then, Medina smiled brightly and sang alone. The voice was like spring rain falling on the world, full of lingering breath.

"I am a deer in the forest, a messenger of the goddess of spring.

I jumped lightly in the forest and drank the sweet nectar alone.

I gnawed on the green and fresh grass to make my body fresh and tender.

Then, the drumming sound suddenly started!"

As she sang this, panic suddenly appeared on Medina's face. Her eyes were wet, she glanced at the king in fear, and ran away.

"The strong hunter is chasing me! Wanting to capture me.

I fled into the jungle of vines, and he hotly pursued me.

I fled into a shallow creek, and he hotly pursued me.

I fled into the beautiful garden and he was hot on my heels!"

Medina tensed her legs, jumped up and then landed. Her legs were as long as a deer and as white as snow. When they fell into the king's eyes, they made him inexplicably anxious, as if they had lit a fire. Then, the girl

The rapid singing gradually ignited the flames.

"The drums were beating! I fell down in the garden.

His heart is close to me. His body is so strong.

He stretched out his strong hands and grabbed my waist tightly.

I was finally captured by him and became his prey!

I struggled painfully, using my fresh body,

Satisfy his bloodthirsty desire and bring him soft joy...


At some point, Medina returned to the king again. The dance on her toes was too exhausting, and the stinging pain on her anklets was also painful. The girl finally couldn't hold on anymore, staggered, and suddenly fell towards the king.

's embrace.


Bertard's expression was cold and hard, and he suddenly pulled out his bronze sword.

"It doesn't matter."

Shulot spoke softly, and the warrior commander bowed his head and stepped back. Then, a soft body fell into the king's arms, still carrying the heat and sweat from strenuous exercise.

Medina's face turned red, she gasped, and exhaled a breath like orchid. Her teeth were white and neat, obviously chewing sapodilla gum for a long time. Her lips were as red as roses, with the temptation of blooming flowers. Her eyes were covered with mist.

, crying and complaining, looking at the handsome face of the king, he sang the last verse.

"From then on, I left the embrace of the goddess and was bound by a strong warrior.

Blood flowed, he bit my throat and took possession of everything in me!

I was born in his arms and I died in his arms.

Then I knew that fate had handed me over to you.

I am your...my warrior, my king~"

At some point, the place became completely quiet. The nobles all lowered their heads and did not look at the king above. A smile appeared on Gulamo's face, and he also waited quietly. Bertard lowered his bronze sword and looked at

King, you want to speak but stop.

Shulot looked at the soft beauty in his arms, took a deep breath, and smelled the girl's body fragrance, which was really like an elk. This was an experience he had never had since he was born, and he had never experienced it before.

At this moment, the flames were burning in his body, with violent power, and also impacting his reason. Until a few breaths later, the shadow of a girl in white appeared in his mind.

The king bit his lip hard, stood up with difficulty, and put Medina on the spot. Then, he took two steps back and turned around, not looking at the reclining girl. The nobles were surprised by the king.

With his will, the smile on the corner of Gulamo's mouth disappeared instantly.

"That's almost it. Bertard, send them the change documents!"

"Follow your will, Your Highness!"

The warrior commander saluted respectfully. He looked at Medina calmly and ordered the guards to distribute the documents.

Medina hugged her legs and sat on the ground, staring blankly at King Hui's back. Then, she pulled back her long messy hair, stood up, smiled softly, and turned around to walk towards Gulamo.

Shulot then turned around and looked at the girl's back. The breeze blew by, and the girl's fragrance still lingered in the air. The king's face was expressionless, and the bonfire shone on his face, casting a shaky shadow, and it seemed that he was

burning in my heart.

Gulamo did not look at his daughter who had returned. He held the document in his hand and trembled slightly. The document was written in words brought by the Mexica people, coupled with the traditional graphics of the kingdom, and there was no ambiguity in the meaning.

"Order to change the title and reduce it: the honorary noble of the kingdom, the head of the Lithospermum family, Gulamo... Check the existing fiefdom in the Kuramo area, with a population of 31,000, and a land of 500,000 acres. According to the laws of the kingdom, the honorary noble will be granted 8,000 acres of land on a basic basis

acres, with 400 slaves... Therefore, it was ordered to return the Curamo fiefdom, and transfer it to the Zicao Honor family, to the north bank of the Leman River, Guamare State. The kingdom re-distributed 24,000 acres of land, and allowed the slaves to be taken away except for direct descendants.

1,200 people. The deadline is one month!”

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! From 500,000 acres of fertile southern land, it has been reduced to 24,000 acres of barren wasteland. From a population of more than 30,000, it has been reduced to 1 Dingkou.

Thousands of years old. Not to mention, the Zicao family will lose the manor built by generations, lose the foreign trade route of Atoyak Lake, and go to the wild northern wasteland to be accompanied by the ferocious canine descendants...

Gulamo pressed his forehead with his hand and felt dizzy. He lost his footing and fell sideways. Medina quickly stepped forward to help her, but was pushed away by him.

"Get away!"

The girl pursed her lips, let go of her hands obediently, and sat down in the corner. She put on her black robe and re-covered her veil. The redness on her face gradually disappeared, and her eyes became submissive. Then, she subconsciously looked up.

First, catching the king's gaze that had just been withdrawn, he smiled shyly.

"Your Majesty, this, this, how can this happen! Please, please have mercy and spare us!"

The old crow Sitley knelt on the ground and begged the king above him. He held a document tightly in his hand, which contained the king's ruthless judgment.

"Order to change the title and reduce it: The Honorable Noble of the Kingdom, the Patriarch of the Crow Family, Sitley... Checked the existing fiefdom in the north of Atoyak Lake, with 12,000 Dingkou, and 200,000 acres of land. According to the laws of the Kingdom, the Honorable Noble was granted 8,000 acres of land on a basic basis

acres, and 400 slaves... Therefore, he was ordered to return the Hubei fiefdom and transfer it to the Crow Glory family to the north bank of the Leman River, Otto Pampang. The kingdom re-divided 10,000 acres of land, and allowed 500 slaves to be taken away, except for direct descendants.

It’s completed within one month!”

For Sitley, if the king's order is followed, the Crow family's two hundred years of expansion and accumulation will be completely destroyed. 500 slaves are not even enough to serve the family's nearly a hundred descendants, let alone cultivate the land! Is it possible?

Even the descendants of the Honor family have to be like ant-like farmers, plowing with farm tools, working in the fields all day long, and getting tanned by the sun?

Other great nobles in the south have also read the "Order on Modification and Reduction of Titles". Hereditary nobles generally have their titles reduced by 90%, while almost all honorable nobles have their titles reduced by 95%! If according to the standards of the Kingdom of Tarasco, everyone will have their titles reduced by 90%.

They were reduced to one level of noble rank. Moreover, everyone had to move north of the Leman River to open up a solid frontier in the wild land.

Thinking of this, the nobles came forward one after another, knelt down and begged. They grabbed the king's clothes and burst into tears.

"Your Majesty, I beg you, please let us go! I am willing to hand over a large sum of tribute!"

"Yes! Your Majesty, I am your loyal servant! I am willing to hand over 30% of the land and guard the south for you for generations!"

"Witness the Lord God! I am willing to hand over 50% of the fiefdom! I am willing to dedicate my daughter to you! Your Majesty, please reduce the punishment on the family!"

"Yes, yes! Not to mention giving up your daughter, you can even sacrifice your concubine and wife! Your Majesty, we..."


Shulot shouted angrily. The warriors of the bodyguard all pulled out their war clubs, raised their spears, and pointed them at the fearful nobles, forcing them to retreat. The king glanced at everyone lightly and judged ruthlessly.

"This is the king's order! The king's order is issued and cannot be disobeyed, let alone changed!"

Then, with a "dang" sound, the king pulled out the bronze sword from his waist and pointed it at the kneeling people.

"You are nobles from the old Tarasco dynasty, and you have never done any meritorious service to the kingdom! Only by moving to the north of the Leman River and guarding the north for the kingdom can you keep your title. This is your only chance! Now, there are only two of you.

Choice: either obey or sacrifice!"

The scene was silent again. The nobles looked pale, as if they were dead. The old crow Sitley had tears in his eyes, facing a fate that he could not choose. Gulamo clenched his fingers and lowered his head, not knowing what he was thinking.

The king took one last look at the crowd and smiled coldly.

"After you get the documents, you can leave! Return to the fiefdom and prepare to move. Of course, you can also choose the third way, resist to the end, and annihilate the entire clan!"

After saying that, Shulot glanced at the girl in the black robe lightly, turned around, and went to the big tent without looking back.

This chapter has been completed!
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