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Chapter 395 Black Wolf Kills

Howler monkeys roared, vipers disturbed, and distant wolf howls were heard in the wind. In the Hand Snake City in the southwest mountains, the noble chieftains were in panic.

Half a day ago, more than a thousand Tekos men who were transporting grain to the north encountered enemies thirty miles north of the city. Thousands of northern barbarians rushed out of the rolling mountains and forests and attacked the marching tribesmen. They

They dyed red hair and let out menacing wolf howls to intimidate the recruited tribesmen. They shot accurate arrows and killed the leader, causing chaos and fear. They surrounded them from the flanks, gathering more and more, and struck.

The weak side... The young men only resisted for a quarter of an hour before the whole army collapsed!

More than 400 front troops were bitten by the barbarians and either died or surrendered; more than 300 squadrons broke up and ran into the mountains and forests to be chased; only more than 200 rear troops fled quickly and hurriedly returned to the city, bringing the enemy's attack.

Bad news.

"How come you, the northern barbarian, are here?!"

"They shouted that the great chief was defeated and died, and tens of thousands of the kingdom's troops went south to attack..."

"Absolutely impossible! The great chief has only been out for half a month, how could he be defeated so quickly? This is the roar of a howler monkey, a scary trick!"

"...But the tribesmen were terrified. The chief took away all the elite warriors, leaving the city empty!"

"Hurry up and send out envoys to recruit men from all ministries in the city!"

"Yes, yes! We also need to send people to the surrounding villages to gather thousands of scattered people back to the city!"

"Fifty or sixty miles to the south, there are still two thousand southern warriors who are gathering! They come from the villages along the salty lake and there are hundreds of elites. We have to send people there and recruit them quickly!"

"Yes! I'm going south now!"

"Ah! I am also with you..."

In the center of the small town is the tribal chief's hall, a spacious open-top wooden house. On the walls of the wooden house are placed the heads of various beasts, as well as wear-resistant rough cotton blankets. The noble chiefs are gathering in the hall, talking anxiously.


The appearance of the northern barbarians was too sudden, and the city was completely unprepared. Now, the village communities outside the city have not convened, and there are less than 2,000 men, 7,000 women and children in the small city... At this point in the discussion, a few flexible nobles

The chief immediately prepared to leave the city and go south, personally going to the mountains to "ask for reinforcements."

"It's too late! The barbarians have already arrived outside the city!"

"What, so fast!!"

The noble chiefs looked at each other in surprise and disbelief. But soon, a deep horn sound sounded in the north, followed by a neat howl of wolves.


"Ouch! Ouch!..."

The black wolf Toltec walked out of the woods, looked at the small town in front of him, and howled happily. The boiling murderous intention surged in his chest, making his hair stand on end with excitement.

Behind the black wolf, the red monkey Ozomale was panting, and the deer Masat excitedly waved his stone spear. Behind him, six to seven hundred red-haired hunters were wearing leather armor, carrying long bows on their backs, and carrying copper arrows. Two

Thousands of Guakili warriors, wearing cotton armor and carrying sharp bronze spears, kept pouring out of the mountain roads and woods. Many Guakili warriors still had their bleeding heads stuck on their spears, which brought

The enemy is frightened.

Hand Snake City is located in the southwest mountains, 250 miles away from Apa Qingan City. The first half of the hundred miles is on the Apa Plain, and the second half of the 150 miles is along the mountain road along the river. In Kanhe Village (today's Kanhe Village

Taixtán), turn southwest and follow the Rio Ticuilucan River (Rio Ticuilucan for short), and you can go all the way to the foot of the Hand Snake City.

The more than 7,000 Guakili legions forcibly requisitioned a wave of food from the villages around Apa City, and then marched westward. The legion marched 70 miles along the Apa plains in two days, and initially met with the tribal scouts of Chief Chimali.

Contact. Black Wolf relied on the canine's mobility advantage to retreat slightly and did not engage with the opponent's main force. He took all the red-haired hunters and left the four thousand canine warriors in Red Frog Coca to continue fighting with Chimali.

The tribal coalition forces are entangled.

Then, Black Wolf led four thousand legions and really started to accelerate! He went more than 20 miles west and made a brief raid in Kanhe Village. He defeated the eight hundred Tekos warriors who stayed behind, opened up the valley road to Hand Snake City, and cut off Chimali.

The main food route. In order to streamline the manpower and prevent Chimali from quickly turning back, Black Wolf left thousands of people here. These canine warriors will not stick to one place, but will form small teams to harass, entangle and delay the returning enemies.

Main force.

Afterwards, three thousand elite canine warriors rushed quickly, along the Kan River that pointed out the road and direction, and marched 150 miles in three days, defeating a thousand Tekostrengdin who encountered them, and finally arrived at the Hand Snake Valley along the river.


This speed is extremely astonishing! You must know that this is in the mountainous area where the Tekos people live, and the canine warriors only rely on their feet to run.

After three days of running, even the black wolf who was always good at running was very tired. But when he saw the defense at the top of the hand snake city, he laughed proudly.

"Haha! This is the ancestral land of the Southwest Tekos tribe, the gathering place of the Shield Tribe, and the Hand Snake City in the Hand Snake Valley? It's not even as good as the simple Palms City!"

Dai Lumasat looked towards the city and couldn't help laughing.

"Ha! With such a short city wall, the soldiers can climb over it! There are many villages around here, and the tribesmen who are fleeing for their lives are grouped together. They seem to be quite wealthy... you can grab a good one!"

The city wall of Hand Snake City is made of stone, but it is only about two or three meters long and forms a simple circle. There are traces of construction in many places on the city wall, and there are a large number of stones piled up around it, which is obviously still under construction.

The Southwest Tecos tribe once built a strong mountain city in the Hand Snake Valley, but it was forcibly demolished by the Kingdom of Tarasco during its rule. This Hand Snake City was built only after the fall of the Tarasco Kingdom and the rise of Chimali.

It has been less than two years since the construction started. With the manpower of the southwest ministries, it is already quite diligent to be able to build it to this level. If Chimali is given a few more years to operate, when the king's army comes to conquer again,

It's another situation.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! The red monkey Ozoma squinted his eyes and looked at the defenders at the top of the city. The defenders at the top of the city were only six to seven hundred people, with simple equipment, and most of them were wearing civilian clothes.

Holding hunting bows, javelins and stone spears, many noble chiefs were shouting at the top of the city wall. Within a moment, another one or two hundred people climbed onto the city wall.

"Dear Commander of the Black Wolf Army!"

Ozoma saluted respectfully and called him Legion Commander. Lord Black Wolf liked this title the most.

"We came very quickly, and the city of Hand Snake is obviously unprepared. Now is a good opportunity to attack the city!"

"Okay! Red Monkey, you lead the hunters to get closer and shoot! Dailu, be prepared. After a few rounds of shooting, you lead the soldiers to climb over the wall and attack the city!"

Black Wolf smiled and nodded, his expression serious, full of killing intent.

"There are still two hours before dark. Tonight, I will kill all the enemies and rest in the city!"

"Yes! Legion Commander!"

The two immediately summoned the soldiers. Within half a quarter of an hour, the "dong dong" drum sounded.

More than six hundred red-haired hunters grasped their long bows and approached within sixty steps of the city. The hunting bows at the city's head were weak and weak, and the hunters could shoot at will. As soon as they took aim, a fierce rain of arrows would be released.

"Whoosh whoosh!"


Piercing screams rang out from the low city top. Six or seven leaders wearing long feathers were directly fired upon by the hunters. They were hit by several arrows and fell to the top of the city. Dozens of strong guards were pierced by sharp arrows and fell wailing.

The ground and city walls were immediately in chaos.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

The god of death came with a whistling sound, like mowing grass, easily taking away the lives of the defenders. The defense at the top of the city was too hasty and did not prepare enough shields. The young men were like dead leaves in the wind, flying into pieces.

Maple red.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

The canine hunters shot wantonly. Many brave red-haired hunters advanced directly within thirty steps and shot the enemy accurately. Within a quarter of an hour, the defenders at the top of the city were scattered in disarray. There were seventy or eighty brave warriors.

He rushed out of the city, but was shot to death by elite hunters with bows and arrows, and stabbed to death with short spears.

"Dong dong dong!"

Black Wolf watched for a moment and waved his flag decisively. Dailu Masat roared wildly and led thousands of tribal warriors to attack the city walls on both sides. The tribal warriors approached the city wall and threw sparse arrows and stones.

A bronze hook for climbing. Then, hundreds of people climbed together, climbed over the low stone wall, and entered the city.


Under the impact of the soldiers, the defenders at the top of the city barely resisted for a moment, and then burst out with a burst of chaotic shouts. Hundreds of men turned around and fled, and then the entire line was defeated.

"Ouch! Follow me into the enemy city!"

Black Wolf's eyes turned red with excitement, and he pulled out the bronze sword from his waist. He finally couldn't help it, and wanted to take his bodyguard and kill himself into the city.

"Occupy the barn in the city! Control the four walls! Kill the noble chiefs! Kill the tribal priests! Kill the tribal warriors! Kill all men who are taller than a short spear!"

"Ouch, kill! Destroy the big 'Shield' tribe and level the Hand Snake City! Kill, kill, kill!"

This chapter has been completed!
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