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Chapter 397 The Black Wolf Attacks

On the evening of December 23, Black Wolf led three thousand Guakili dog descendants, ran nearly three hundred miles, and captured the empty Hand Snake City, the ancestral homeland of the Southwest Tekos tribe, in one fell swoop.

Three thousand canine elites plundered the city all night, and plundered outside the city for another day. According to the instructions of the leader of the Black Wolf Army, the plundering Guakili warriors did not pursue and kill the tribesmen who fled into the mountains and forests, but just wandered around.

The basin was set on fire. More than a dozen nearby Tekos villages were completely set ablaze.

Rolling smoke rose from the sky. Fires broke out in the barns, the grain stores were burned, the huts were burned, and the Tecos villages were reduced to ashes and burned to the ground. On the night of the 24th, the entire prosperous Hand Snake Basin,

There will be eternal fire everywhere!

The legion had a good night's rest in Hand Snake City. On the morning of the 25th, the black wolf personally set fire to the chief's hall in Hand Snake City, while the red monkey set fire to the granary with sufficient food. Soon, large flames burned everywhere in the city.

Seven thousand women and children were released by the legion and fled north. Most of the women and children who escaped looked pale and frightened. They took three days of food with them and were ordered to flee north and surrender to the kingdom outside the valley. Of course, there was no one to supervise them.

When they passed through the north of the city, they would only see a temple built with heads, which shocked all Tekos people.

As the morning sun rose, more than two thousand canine warriors gathered in the south of the Hand Snake Basin. Dailu, with hundreds of red-haired hunters, had already gone south first, serving as a scout for the army.

The black wolf stood on the hill in the south of the city, watching the city of Hand Snake burning in the sea of ​​fire. A large amount of black smoke rose up, changing shapes in the sky. It was the dry season, and there was no rain in the sky. Such a fire would never be destroyed.

Manpower extinguishing.

"Haha! Let's go, the whole army goes south!"

The black wolf laughed with satisfaction, waved his hand, and ran towards the south. Thousands of canine descendants howled and set off like a pack of wolves. After resting for two days, their morale was high and they wanted to destroy all enemies!

The kestrel hovered over the mountain forest, looking for hungry prey in the swirling smoke. It patrolled for a while, smelled the smell of danger, and decided to leave. Because at this moment, there were 30,000 people scattered in this basin and the surrounding mountain forest.

The tribesmen are about to starve.

On the afternoon of the 27th, 3,000 Guaquili troops marched for a day and a half, covering 60 to 70 miles of mountain roads, and caught up with 2,000 Tecos militiamen who were retreating in the area of ​​Yeshan Village (today's Tehuantepec, Michoacán). These

The militiamen came from coastal tribes further south and belonged to several noble chiefs.

After seeing the fire in the direction of Hand Snake City, the noble chiefs were panicked. The enemy went deep into the mountains and captured Hand Snake City. Could it be that Chief Chimali had been defeated and died? They stayed in place for a day and waited until several northern troops arrived.

The troops were routed and learned that the invading enemies were "thousands of them, ferocious and brutal, howling like wolves."

Faced with the critical situation in the Hand Snake Basin, the noble chiefs of each tribe discussed for half a day and made a decision: withdraw their troops and go south, leaving the Hand Snake City of the great chief's tribe alone. Each tribe returned to the village to protect themselves and moved the tribe into the mountains as soon as possible! Two thousand special

The Kos militiamen finally hurriedly retreated south, but within a day they were suddenly attacked by running red-haired hunters.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

The sharp rain of arrows shot past, killing the feathered leader and killing the hunter who counterattacked. The Tecos team soon became loose and fell into chaos without command.


After several rounds of arrow rain, thousands of Guakili warriors howled and launched an attack from the flanks! They had high morale, wore protective cotton armor, brandished sharp copper spears in their hands, and attacked the poorly dressed Tecos militiamen.

Easily stabbed to death!

The Tekos militiamen came from different village communities. Their field morale only lasted for a quarter of an hour. Some village militiamen broke down first and turned around to flee. Then, the collapse expanded rapidly, blowing like the wind. Thousands of militiamen were

Scattered and fled into the mountains!


The black wolf quickly shot an arrow and killed a Tekos warrior wearing commoner clothes. Then he lowered his bow and looked around the battlefield. The enemy had been completely defeated, and the canine descendants were howling in excitement and running to kill him.

"It's so vulnerable!"

Black Wolf curled his lips and asked Mavik, the Tekos bodyguard and guide beside him.

"Mavik, where is this?"

"Boss, this is Tehuantepec, the 'mountain where wild beasts roam'. The small mountain village in front is the Wild Mountain Village. Here, the road between the mountains will branch, one going to the southwest and the other to the northwest.


Mavic lowered his head and answered respectfully. He was from the coastal Tecos tribe and has always been known for his bravery. A few years ago, he was recruited by the Kingdom of Tarasco to resist the Mexica Alliance in the Western Expedition. Subsequently,

He was defeated and captured, converted to the faith of the Lord God, joined the Guards, and became a brave throwing pioneer.

Later, Black Wolf formed the Guakili Legion and took away five hundred vanguards, including Mavic. Mavic was familiar with the terrain of the southern mountainous area and was an important guide in the adventurous march south.

"Two mountain roads?"

The black wolf raised his brows. He looked to the southwest, and saw a narrow mountain road winding in the forest, which was only slightly flat. He looked to the northwest, and saw an even narrower mountain road with no end in sight, and the terrain was gradually rising.

"Where are you going?"

"The southwest one goes to the endless lake, only a hundred and twenty or thirty miles away. The northwest one goes to Fire River City in the Colima Mountains, about two hundred miles away."

"Colima Mountains, Fire River City!"

Black Wolf murmured, with a lustful light in his eyes. He licked his lips with a strong desire to fight.

"Mavik, have you been to Fire River City?"

"Ah! Boss, I have never been to Fire River City."

Mavik guessed what the legion commander was thinking and was startled. He quickly admonished.

"Boss, the area around Fire River City is extremely fertile. There are at least 80,000 or 90,000 Western Tekos tribesmen gathered there. Chief Colima can pull out 10,000 to 20,000 warriors and thousands of elite warriors at any time. What's more, the people on the opposite side are

There are also terrain advantages..."

Black Wolf pursed his lips and said nothing. He stared at the mountain road in the northwest, which was a place that His Highness never forgot, and it was also a huge barbarian lair. This time the royal army went south, and the 200,000 Western Tekos tribe had been in a state of mobilization, but they did not come out of the mountain.

If we fight now, we might run into 20,000 to 30,000 tribal soldiers...

After a while, the black wolf suppressed the murderous intention in his chest and looked to the southwest.

"Well. Then let's continue heading south...Mavik, lead the way!"

"As you command, boss."

Mavik looked relaxed and nodded in agreement. Then, he looked at Hei Lang's face and carefully suggested,

"Boss, the relationship between the various tribes along the coast is complicated, and they are not one with the large shield tribe of Chimali... Some villages can become allies of the army, such as..."

"Um, Mavic?"

Hearing this, the corners of Hei Lang's lips curled up. He looked at his old subordinate who had been following him for many years and asked with a smile.

"Like the village where you were born?"

"Ah! The army commander is wise. There are dozens of Tekos guards in the camp who come from coastal communities and belong to more than a dozen villages..."

"Well, for your sake, I will be merciful."

Hei Lang smiled, looked solemn, and made a stern decision.

"Now that we have messengers to communicate, all the people and food in these villages will be taken away!"

The Guacchili Army chased the defeated army for half a day, and did not return until nightfall with the severed heads. Two thousand Tecos militiamen were killed and six hundred others fled everywhere. The army dispersed thousands of mountains in the Yeshan Village.

The people rested in the village.

Early on the morning of the 28th, the three thousand canine descendants continued southward, burning the mountain villages as usual, leaving behind a post-war capital. Then, the legion marched one hundred and twenty miles southwest, burning all the villages along the way.

The Vandotecos tribesmen lost their food and fled to the mountains and forests.

Three days later, on the last day of the year, the black wolf Toltec finally arrived at the vast seaside, the eastern edge of the Pacific Ocean. This was the first time in his life that he saw the sea. This was also the case for thousands of canine descendants in the wilderness.

Soldier, saw the sea for the first time.

Black Wolf stood on the beach in shock, looking at the endless blue sea. The midday sun fell on the end of the sky, shining with dazzling waves. Seabirds circled in the sky near the sea, making crisp calls from time to time. And the sea

It is so deep that only the sound of the undulating waves remains in people's hearts.

"Is this the sea that His Highness is talking about? An endless lake, a dangerous journey to a distant continent?"

After a while, Hei Lang finally spoke with difficulty.

"No wonder His Highness always said that it is as vast as the sea of ​​smoke, as vast as the sea of ​​mist... Quetzalcoatl went here on a snake raft?"

The red monkey and the stupid deer looked at each other, both speechless. Then the stupid deer sighed and said.

"O God! What is lacking in the wasteland is water, but there is so much water here! If we could dig a ditch and divert the water, I wonder how much food could be grown..."

"General Massat, the water in the endless lake is salty and cannot grow food."

Guard Mavik looked at these people who had never seen the sea before and smiled.

"But the fish in the lake are not salty."

"Ah! It's so salty!"

The red monkey squatted down, took a sip of seawater suspiciously, and drank it. Then, he was so surprised that he looked at the big lake in front of him, as if he was seeing a huge salt mine.

"With so much water, how much salt should be added!"

In the wilderness, salt is also a commodity in short supply.

"There is a lot of salt near the seaside, so just boil the salt! It's just a bit bitter, not as good as the kingdom's well salt and lake salt."

Guard Mavic shook his head. The coastal communities did not master the perfect skills of boiling salt, let alone drying salt. Of course, there are many salt lakes in Central America, there is no shortage of salt, and the price of salt is relatively low.

"Mavik, where is this?"

After watching for a while, Hei Lang calmed down and asked seriously.

"Boss, there's no name here. It's just that there are many palm trees and it's close to a large lake. The locals call it Palm Bay. There are more than a dozen coastal villages nearby. The population is not large, but there are small canoes for fishing."

"Little canoe?"

Hearing this, Hei Lang's eyes lit up. He had been fighting with His Highness for many years and was extremely sensitive to water transport.

"Mavik, is there anyone among Tekos's personal guards who was born here?"

"...There should be a few of them. They are from a fishing village not far from the northwest. There are estimated to be more than 300 people in the village..."


Black Wolf did not hesitate and gave the order decisively.

"Ozoma, Massat!"

"Here, legion commander!"

"The legion spreads out, forming a team of three hundred people, and attacks the surrounding villages! Take away all the canoes and food, and then burn the village and the food that cannot be taken away! Don't waste time on looting!"

"As you command!"

"Mavik, you take the Tekos bodyguards and three hundred Guaquili warriors to communicate with the familiar fishing village leaders. We can spare them, but we have to move everyone away and provide us with boat transportation.


Black Wolf's eyes were bright. In this era, due to seawater erosion, most coastal villages lacked fertile soil for farming, and were not as prosperous as villages near lakes or rivers. The density of villages was not high, and the population was not large. The army's food problem would be

Gradually appear. From here on, we must collect as much food as possible and use canoes to improve transportation capabilities.

"...Yes, boss."

Guard Mavik pursed his lips and nodded with difficulty. The regiment commander's will cannot be changed. Fortunately, although the villagers have to leave their homeland, their lives should be saved. Next, the entire southern mountainous area will fall into famine. Sooner or later,

Leaving isn't a bad thing...

Mavik comforted himself while leading the soldiers away. The gathered legions also dispersed, bringing howls of wolves and flames to the coastal areas.

The legion plundered for two days and acquired 300 fishermen, one or two hundred canoes, and food to support 3,000 people for ten days. Everyone saw the magnificent sunset on the sea for the first time, and greeted them at the seaside.

new year.

Early on the morning of January 3rd, the black wolf Toltec led his legion and turned to the southeast along the seaside plain. The coastal plain area was relatively wide, and the three thousand canine descendants could be divided into several teams to spread out and sweep through all the villages.

Fires were ignited on the plains along the lake, and the tribesmen fled in the mountains and forests. During the day, thick smoke rose in the sky, and in the dark night, the firelight and the starry sky reflected each other, leaving only the sea speechless.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! The Guakili Legion marched along the seaside, much faster than in the mountains. Under the restraint of the black wolf, the Canine Legion did not kill too much, but only looted and

When burning food, he told: If you want to survive, go to the north and surrender to the kingdom. Otherwise, even if you survive one season, such raids will happen again next year!

They marched southeast for eight days and swept more than 300 miles! The legion created 30,000 to 40,000 Tekos refugees who were short of food, and forcibly recruited a thousand fishermen in rowing boats. On the coastal land, there were thousands of people carrying bows and spears.

The canine warriors marched all the way. Close to the coast were four to five hundred light canoes, carrying plundered food and property, and on board were one or two hundred black wolf guards who were responsible for surveillance.

The Black Wolf's bodyguards come from a wide range of sources, and many of them know how to swim and can even fight on the water. As for the canine descendants in the wasteland, they are all land ducks. They will faint as soon as they get on the boat, so there is no hope for them.

After running for eight days, the legion rested in a rich village. Today is January 11th. If they were in the hinterland of the kingdom, New Year celebrations were being prepared everywhere. But now, the legion just had a full meal and roasted

Some sea fish, take a rest for half a day and rest for a while.

Black Wolf gnawed on the hot grilled fish and finished it in two bites. Then, he held the fish head and pointed towards the north.

"Mavik, where does that mountain road lead to?"

Guard Mavik looked at the mountain road to the north, with memories in his expression. After a moment, he said with emotion.

"Boss, that mountain road is very long and can go all the way to Apatchingan! However, that mountain road is four to five hundred miles long and very difficult to walk. A few years ago, I took that road to go to Talas.

The Kingdom of Ke is at war..."

Hei Lang looked for a moment and saw the rolling mountains. He shook his head. These tribes in the mountains could only be let go for the time being. Going into such deep mountains and old forests, even the hardy dog ​​descendants would cause a lot of attrition.

"Mavik, where are we now?"

"Boss, we are in Nexpa, and nearby is the largest beach within hundreds of miles."

"Neshpa? What do you mean?"

Hei Lang chewed on this strange-sounding word, a little confused.

"Sounds a bit like nexatl, brownish-grey."

"I don't know. This is the word passed down from our ancestors."

Mavic shook his head and said with a smile.

"Brown-gray places are everywhere along the coast. If it's really interesting, we have to go one hundred and twenty miles east. Not far from the mouth of the Talsas River, there is a gray-black sacred mountain. There are trees on the mountain.

Not much, there are some reddish-brown stones..."

"Phew! There are still one or two hundred miles left... After such a long circle, we are finally almost at the Talsas River!"

Black Wolf looked to the east, his heart full of expectations. He led three thousand elites and swept across the land of the Tekos people in the southwest, as if they were in no man's land! Tens of thousands of tribesmen fled for their lives, but no one was behind them.

The pursuers appeared.

"Under the leadership of Toltec, victory is so easy! Haha!"

The black wolf raised his head and grinned confidently. After a while, he looked at his personal guard Mavik.

"The army is here, so we have to leave some souvenirs. When we get near the Tarsus River, we will go see the sacred mountain you mentioned and carve a stone tablet to record our achievements!"

"Okay, boss!"

This chapter has been completed!
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