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Chapter 408: The Kings Western Tour: Guarding the Southwest, the third glorious nobleman!

The sun went to the west, and the light was sparse. Everyone stood on the edge of the mountainous area, blowing the February wind. It was neither cold nor hot. Marching on the tropical plateau is relatively easy, and the need for warmth is not high, so there is no need for too much luggage.


As far as Shulot could see, a faint cloud of marching smoke was rising in the sky. Even though more than half a month had passed, the team escorting the prisoners of Tekos was still stretching out, winding out of the mountains in the southwest. Looking carefully, the prisoners coming out of the mountain

They were getting thinner and thinner, and it was obvious that they had been marching for a long time.

The king pondered for a moment and then spoke calmly.

"Ezpin, I once said that if you can get 100,000 people, you will be the number one contributor to the Southern Expedition! Now, how many people have you gathered?"

"Your Majesty, for more than a month, the army has gone deep into the mountainous area to clean up the mess left by General Black Wolf's sweep, and captured extremely rich people!"

Ezpin saluted respectfully and reported in detail.

"Nearly 30,000 prisoners have been captured in the Hand Snake Basin, and all have been escorted to the Apa Plain. These people include the entire Shield Tribe, family members of the Palm Family, and various mountain people. To the south of Yeshan Village, between the mountains

About 20,000 people were captured in the tunnels and valleys and have just been transported out of the mountains. The large group of prisoners currently passing through Kanhe Village is basically this group. Going further south, General Coca is on the beach two hundred miles away from Palm Bay.

, gathering 30,000 refugees. Most of these people have arrived in the Hand Snake Basin. In a few days, they will come out of the mountains!"

"Oh? So that's 80,000 Tekos mountain people? Slightly more than the Dingkou captured by the Northern Expedition!"

Xiulote smiled. The Tekos people are a farming tribe in the mountains and valleys. They are familiar with farming and their population is much larger than the hunting Guakili people. Of course, the combat effectiveness of the Tekos tribe warriors is greater than that of dogs.

The difference is much greater. He patted Ezpin on the shoulder affectionately and said with a smile.

"Not bad! Very good! It's a pity that it's still a little short of the small goal of 100,000 people. I was originally going to give you a generous reward..."

"Ah! Your Majesty, there are still many tribal people who are hiding and scattered in the southwest mountains and along the seashore. They are short of food and cannot even grow food. They cannot stay in the mountains for a long time. If we wait another month or two at most, these people will starve to death.

, or we have to go out of the mountains and surrender. And with the food tribute from the various tribes of Colima, we can bring them all back!... By then, we may be able to gather 90,000 to 100,000 people..."

Hearing that the generous reward was about to pass him by, Ezpin's eyes turned red and he hurriedly spoke.

There are more than 100,000 people in each tribe in the southwest Coalcoman. After successive raids, 80,000 people were plundered, which was actually close to the limit. He originally planned to go to the tribes on the edge of the Colima Mountains in the west and plunder another 20,000 people.

Population is the king's "small goal". But now, the various tribes of Colima are obedient to the kingdom, sending noble ladies to accompany His Majesty, and providing a large amount of food, but it is difficult to do so.

"Well, let's count 90,000 people. It shouldn't reach 100,000."

Shulot smiled and thought about the arrangements for the ninety thousand Tekos mountain people. He turned sideways and looked at the red sun gradually going west, holding the fate of tens of thousands of people in his hands.

"Before the Southern Expedition, there was a gap of 80,000 for military merit, land and slaves. There were 20,000 rebels in Zicao City, 10,000 rebels in Apa City, and a total of 10,000 rebels from the southern nobles who resisted the reform, which is 40,000 serfs.

Then, we will send out 40,000 more serfs from the Tekos captives to completely fill the previous gap!"

Ezpan lowered his head to listen, and was shocked in his heart. Faced with the king's reduction of seals and reforms, one-fifth of the population of more than 200,000 in Zicao County rebelled, and 40,000 people were demoted to serfs. After this southern expedition, the southern people

The old aristocrats were completely wiped out.

"Well, 40,000 Tekos serfs. There are 30,000 captives in the Hand Snake Basin, most of whom are the backbone of the large tribes that resisted, and 20,000 were demoted to serfs. The mountain tunnels and seaside refugees each produced 10,000 serfs. The remaining 50,000 people are

According to the formation of the northern flag team, more than 4,000 people will form a team, 12 flag teams will be organized, and dozens of villages will be concentrated in the Apa Plain for cultivation!"

"I obey your will, Your Majesty!"

"The kingdom will soon dispatch priests to manage these banner villages and spread the faith of the main god! Each banner will send 250 soldiers to form a Tekos tribal militia of 3,000 people and absorb experienced tribal warriors. Ezpan,

After the southern expedition, you will lead the Second Lance Corps to colonize the Apa Plains and guard the southwest for me! I will also temporarily hand over this Tekos tribe militia to your jurisdiction!"

"Thank you for your use, Your Majesty!"

Ezpan was overjoyed. He would be the first legion commander in the entire kingdom to command more than 10,000 troops, guarding the border for the kingdom!

Xiuluo nodded. He looked around the wilderness. The Apa Plain was full of green vitality. The uncultivated soil was extremely fertile, and the rivers in the mountains brought a stable water source. This is a land of heaven like Bashu. As long as you take good care of it,

Management is the logistics granary for the kingdom to conquer the world.

"Ezpan, the Apa plain is surrounded by mountains and is fertile for thousands of miles. I traveled all the way from around the city of Apa in the east of the plain to the town of Tepalcatepec in the west, 150 miles from east to west. And from Bo in the north of the plain

From the Hecun area (today's Los Tazumbos) to Caolin Village in the south, it is 130 miles from north to south. Roughly speaking, it is eight million acres of fertile wilderness!"

"Yes, Your Majesty! The Apa Plain is indeed fertile and suitable for farming. There are lush forests and flocks of birds and animals. There are many rivers flowing down from the mountains, criss-crossing and connecting in all directions. They are natural artesian canals that can easily irrigate the coast. Gran

The Rio Grada has sufficient water throughout the year. It flows down from Los Pelillos in the northern mountains and crosses the entire plain. It is the largest river. In addition to the Rio Grande, there is also the Rio Ticuilucan.

Rio Buenavista, Rio Tepalcatepec..."

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! Ezpan answered respectfully. During the Tarasco era more than ten years ago, he had fought in the southwest for many years, conquering the Tecos people, and was very familiar with the terrain and environment here.

.At this moment, he was telling the details of the Appa Plain in front of the king.

"Taotu Town is the western boundary of the plain, located on the bank of Tao River. It is rich in clay and can produce high-quality painted pottery. To the northwest of Taotu Town is Los Olives, the source of Tao River. There are strange fragrant trees standing around the lake.

, rich in resin and frankincense. Furs and feathers are produced in various villages near the mountainous areas..."

Hulot listened patiently. He became more and more convinced that Ezpin was the most suitable candidate to develop the Apa Plain and guard the southwest for him.

You must know that the Apa Plain covers more than 3,000 square kilometers, which is about half the area of ​​the Chengdu Plain. Even in this era, the area of ​​the entire plain that can be reclaimed as farmland is more than 2,000 square kilometers. Calculated on the basis of 2,500 alliance acres per square kilometer.

, there are 5 million acres of cultivated land here.

Including fallow, 5 million acres of land can cultivate 2 million acres of milpa farmland. And assuming that each oral farmland has 10 acres and 4 acres are cultivated, the entire plain can support at least 500,000 people! This is based on the low productivity of this era.

In other words, when metal agricultural tools and fertilizers are widely used, and these irrigated fields have sufficient water sources, the yield per mu will reach a new leap, supporting a doubled population!

After a long time, Ezpin finished his story. Shulot smiled and nodded.

"Ezpan, the land of the Apa Plain is fertile, but it has not been effectively developed in the past hundred years. Do you know why?"

"Your Highness, this was originally the land of the Tecos tribes. It was occupied by the Kingdom of Tarasco after repeated conquests. For decades, this place was located on the border and has been in constant war. The Prepecha and Tecos people attacked each other.

, it was difficult for villages along the river to prosper. In the Tarasco era, the focus of southern reclamation was mainly in the cities of Apa and Curamo."

Ezpin pondered for a while and tried his best to answer based on experience.

"In addition, the Apa Plain has fertile soil and abundant water, so there are many trees and lush weeds. Without sufficient manpower or metal tools, reclamation is not easy. And the long Glen River surges down, and there will be floods in the rainy season, and

It creates many tidal flats that are difficult to develop.”

"Yes, you are right."

Shulot laughed with satisfaction. Then, his smile faded and his expression became serious.

"Today, the Coalcoman Mountains in the southwest have been pacified, and the Tekos tribe has disappeared in all likelihood. The Colima Mountains in the west have surrendered and will not harass you again. If you lead the army to guard here, the Apa Plains can be reclaimed with peace of mind.

Become a big granary in the heart of the kingdom! As for the bronze tools for felling and the bronze farming tools for farming, I will allocate them to you from the Northern Kingdom!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Ezpin knelt on the ground and saluted solemnly. Then he stood up and asked.

"Your Majesty, after the southwest expedition is completed, where will the border of the legion's settlement be?"

After hearing this, Xiulote pondered for a moment, took the map from Bertard's hand, and drew the border that had been planned long ago.

"Ezpan, on the southwest border of the Apa Plain, set up three military garrison fortresses, and gradually built stone forts. The western important area is the clay town, which controls the access to the western mountains; the southwest important area is here.

He Village was upgraded to Kanhe Town, where camps were built to guard the southwest mountain pass; the important southern area was Caolin Village, which was upgraded to Caolin Town to guard the southern mountain pass. In addition, troops are sent into the mountains every year to recruit surrender and gather the mountain people!"

Ezpin thought for a moment and nodded respectfully. After the three military towns were established, they controlled the major mountain passes and completely surrounded the Apa Plain.

"As for the northern boundary of the plain, it is located at the Snake Bone Village (El Hueso) at the northern mountain pass, sixty miles northwest of Bohe Village. Build a military town here to guard against the Lake Chapala area!"

Snake Bone Village at the northern mountain pass is almost the northernmost boundary of Zicao County, almost at the same latitude as the Qinganbat Mining Area. The terrain there is undulating, the rainfall is not abundant, and there are large areas of sandy land, which later produced grapes. However, from Snake Bone Village

More than two hundred miles further north is the vast Chapala Lake. When the northwest is conquered and the Chapala Lake area is conquered, a partial force can be launched from here.

Shulot looked to the north. Eagles were flying in the distant sky, and their desire to hunt never ceased. After a southern expedition, it is estimated that there would be another 20,000 to 30,000 serfs left to teach. The kingdom's military machine will never stop, and until this year

After the autumn harvest, there will definitely be a new war!

"Your Majesty, the four military cities are the border. How should we deal with the rich Hand Snake Basin?"

Ezpin thought for a moment and asked cautiously.

Shulot thought for a while. The Hand Snake Basin is isolated in the mountains. Logistics are difficult and the maintenance cost is very high. It is also very close to the tribes of Colima. Once there is a change...it took a while before the king made a decision.


"The border of the kingdom temporarily stops at the Apa Plain. Only when you have reclaimed the Apa Plain, with sufficient food and population, and dense villages and farmland, can you expand into the mountains again. This basin will be free for now. Just set up a few

Stay at the outpost and leave some manpower to recruit the tribes in the mountains! Ezpan, when you gather the tribes, pay attention to maintaining relations with the tribes of Colima!"

"I obey your will, Your Majesty!"

"Well. After dealing with the captive population and arranging the reclamation of the Apa Plain...this unforgettable southern expedition should come to an end."

Shulot looked solemn, contemplative and silent, staring at the western sky. After a long time, until the red sun reflected the Tukan River, he looked at the legion commander Ezpan.

"Ezpin, the Rabbit Moon has arrived. It is the last month of the 260-day sacred year. The old cycle is about to end, and a new cycle is about to begin."

"Yes, Your Majesty. The Rabbit Moon is the month of sacrifice, the month of courage, and the month of the end. Witness the Lord God! I am willing to dedicate my loyalty to you and fight for you with fearless courage!"

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! Ezpin suppressed the excitement in his heart. He raised his left hand with only four fingers and swore to the king.

Shulot nodded slowly. He whispered to himself, but allowed Ezpin to hear.

"In ancient mythology, the cycle of time never ends. The original god woke up in the last month, divided the world into dreams and reality, and left the seeds of connection. When people fell asleep in the spring, the dreams

The world will wake up in my heart..."

Although he did not understand the king's emotion, Ezpin still listened silently. This was an unprecedented closeness, which made the king's image come alive.

"Ezpin, there is a dream of an empire in my heart. I know what it looks like, and everything is lifelike. It keeps pushing me forward and keeps telling me where to go!..."

"Your Majesty, no matter where you go, I will follow you faithfully!"

"Very good, then let's go on the road together! After all, mortal time is short, and we don't have much time..."

Having said this, the king paused, his eyes as bright as flames, staring at the former general.

"Ezpan, reclaim the Apa Plain, set up military towns, spread the teachings of the Lord God, and appease the people of the tribe. You should do less unnecessary killing, focus on food production, and focus on appeasing the Fire River City... Southwest Affairs of the Kingdom

, I will leave everything to you!"

"Your Majesty, thank you for your trust! The Lord God has witnessed that I will do my best for you and be loyal until my death!"

"Okay! Ezpin, I trust your loyalty. Develop the southwestern plain for me, which will be the kingdom's rear area."

Shulot pondered for a moment and made a decision. Although the small goal of recruiting a population of 100,000 was not achieved, Ezpan's merits and qualifications were worthy of a heavy reward.

"When I return to the royal capital, I will reward you based on your merits. Ezpin, you are the third honorable noble in the entire kingdom after Bertard and Orosh!"

"Ah! Your Majesty! You are my only sun, my only light! God bless my king, burn forever!"

The red sun sets in the west, filling the Apa Plain. The sky and the fields are red, just like the blazing fire, burning in the southwest sky and earth.

This chapter has been completed!
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