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Chapter 447 Four Important Things

Following the man's words, there was a sudden silence in the hall, and even the breeze seemed to have stopped.

Xiulote stood there, watching quietly. Although he hadn't seen him for many years, his old friend's appearance had not changed at all, as if it were carved from stone and wood. He just paused for a few breaths, a smile appeared on his face, and he bowed his head in return.


"Blessed by the Lord God! Greetings to you, the respected snakeess of the Alliance, the chief advisor of the royal family! May you fly high with the king like the wings of an eagle and govern the world!"

"God bless you!"

Gillim stood up slowly and bowed again. Then, he stepped forward, holding a distant bow in his hand and expressing sincere praise.

"Your Highness, it is such a joy to meet you again after several years. You are the eagle of the west and the long snake of Mikancho. You rule the Lake Kingdom of the Alliance with your divinely inspired bravery and wisdom!


"In just a few years, the Kingdom in the Lake was established in the west and became increasingly prosperous. It centralized power and reformed the system, implemented county governance, established farm households, conferred military merit on land, promoted industry and controlled commerce, inspired creation by God, conquered the north and south, and changed the feudal system... What do you think?

Every time I hear about your achievements, I am filled with admiration and admiration!"

Having said this, Gillim fell to the ground again and paid homage.

"It is truly a blessing for Mexica people that God has given His Highness the enlightenment! Please let me pray for you. As a Mexican, I hope that your God's enlightenment will be immortal! God has given His Highness, praise the Lord God!"

"Dear Chief Advisor..."

Hulot quickly took a step forward to lift Gillim up. However, the chief intelligence officer resolutely fell to the ground and solemnly performed a complete courtesy. Then, he raised his head and looked at each other calmly with Hulot, with only sincerity in his eyes.

Heartfelt sincerity and praise.

Seeing this, Shusoke, who had been sitting upright, raised his eyebrows. He sighed lightly, stood up to persuade him, and also took action to support the chief intelligence officer.

The father and son persuaded each other again and again, and Gillim slowly stood up. He adjusted his clothes slightly, with the smile still on his face. The three of them greeted each other, and then formally took their seats. Shulot and Gillim faced each other, and Shusok still sat on the side.


After the greetings, Shulot pondered for a while and asked calmly.

"Dear Chief Advisor, you are involved in the political affairs of the alliance and have always been quite busy. I asked my father to invite me here this time. I don't know why?"

Gilliam put away his smile and became serious. He answered respectfully.

"Your Highness, I am entrusted by the king with four important tasks... The first important task is to report to you: the rebellion of the nobles in Tlacopan has been put down, and the 20,000 rebels will be imprisoned.

Exiled to the Kingdom of the Lake, everything in the capital has returned to normal. The royal elder, Kakamazin, discussed with the king yesterday to set your wedding to Princess Alyssa on an auspicious day ten days from now!"

"Ten days from now?!"

Hearing this, Shulot's face was startled, and uncontrollable joy surged into his heart. In his mind, a slender figure in white clothes, a beautiful and pure face, and a pair of tender eyes appeared in his mind.

"Alyssa, my love...it's our wedding in ten days!"

When he heard that his son's wedding date had been set, Shusok was smiling and overjoyed. He patted the table and smiled happily.

"Okay, great! Haha, respected lady snake, it turns out that you can also tell good news from your mouth!"

"Haha! Captain Shusok, facing the heroes of the Alliance, I am naturally a bird announcing good news."

Gilliam's smile did not change. In the past few years, the central government has repeatedly raised prisons in order to reform and centralize power. No one knows how many alliance nobles died in his hands. And his reputation among the nobles is probably as good as a black-headed vulture asking for death.

, which is chilling to hear.

The atmosphere in the hall relaxed. The three of them chatted and laughed for a while, talked about some wedding arrangements, and praised the royal elder Kakamazin. Then, Gillim looked at their expressions and spoke in a deep voice.

"Respected Your Highness Shulot, respected Commander Shusok... The second priority when I come here this time is to discuss the preparations for the Eastern Expedition! After Your Highness's wedding, preparations for the mobilization of the Eastern Expedition will begin.

Relying on the eastern mountains, the Tlaxcalans built many dangerous mountain fortresses and stationed many skilled archers... In this Eastern Expedition, the Alliance's biggest challenge was not to fight in the wild, but to besiege the fortresses...


Hearing this, Shulot nodded slightly. The Alliance had conquered the Tlaxcala Alliance several times, but they were all blocked by layers of solid fortresses. The Tlaxcalans have Miscuatl, the god of hunting, as their main god, regardless of whether they are warriors or not.

Even the militiamen will practice bows and arrows and are very good at defense. The steep fortresses in the mountains and the large number of archers are the biggest obstacles to the Eastern Expedition!

"Your Highness, among your tribute gifts to the kingdom, there are 36 Rain God Tiger Squatting Cannons and 4 Sun Condor Cannons. These bronze cannons are extremely powerful and possess the power given by the gods! The Sun Condor Cannon can fire from hundreds of steps away.

The cannon can destroy wood and stone, and is a powerful weapon for attacking cities and defeating enemies!... However, after the craftsmen of the craftsman camp studied the condor cannon, they found that it is extremely difficult to make..."

Gillim changed his words and his expression became solemn. He suddenly knelt down and saluted, and his expression became more sincere. "Your Highness, for the sake of the success of the alliance's Eastern Expedition, and to reduce the casualties of the warriors... please also send the bronze cavalry from the Kingdom of the Lake."

The craftsmen are here to guide the alliance in the cannon-making technology of Shenqi! As for the weapons and food needed by the kingdom, the alliance can fully support it."

After Gilliam finished speaking, he knelt on the ground respectfully, motionless. The sound of needle dropping could be heard in the hall. Shulot looked at his father, and both of them frowned.

"The Alliance asks for the cannon-casting technology to attack the fortress..."

Shulot pursed his lips and remained silent. The chief intelligence officer made such a request, obviously he had sufficient knowledge of the power of the bronze cannon.

With the current level of technology, it is very difficult to cast bronze cannons. Although the kingdom accepted the bronze craftsmen of Tarasco and mastered many casting traditions, it could only reluctantly select suitable cannons through the cumbersome method of large-scale casting.

Condor Cannon... not to mention the Alliance's lack of heritage.

When he presented the bronze cannon, he was prepared to be asked for his technology, but the request came so quickly, which was far beyond his expectation.

"It seems that the alliance values ​​force and is indeed very sensitive to military innovation."

Shulot thought for a long time and made a decision. Avitt wanted to conquer the world, and naturally he was determined to acquire the artillery technology for sieges. It was not difficult to reject the chief intelligence officer, but it was difficult to reject King Avitt behind him.

It was very difficult, especially at such a sensitive time when he was in the capital preparing for the wedding.

After thinking for a moment, Shulot lowered his eyes and answered in a deep voice.

"Dear Lady Snake, since you are in charge of alliance intelligence, you must know a lot about the Kingdom in the Lake... In addition to cannon-casting technology, I am afraid you have other requirements? You might as well tell them together so that the kingdom can prepare in advance."

"Your Highness will see you tomorrow."

Gillim smiled slightly and heard the promise in Shulot's words. He nodded solemnly and replied respectfully.

"Your Highness, the third important thing is that in order to successfully conquer the Tlaxcalans in the east, and for the future expedition against the Totonacs and Mixtecs... the royal family also needs to learn new shipbuilding methods from the Kingdom in the Lake.

Technology. Build the Crocodile God's galley to strengthen the alliance's navy and gain advantages on the north and south rivers...Your Highness, please also send the master shipbuilder from Prepecha to guide the alliance's shipwrights!"

"Ask for the shipbuilding technology that will determine the future..."

Hearing this, Shulot's eyes moved. He looked at Gillim carefully and was surprised by the other person's keen sense of smell. After thinking for a while, he gradually came to a conclusion.

The Alliance has a lot of dry wood stored in the sun and an astonishing number of craftsmen and craftsmen. The potential shipbuilding capability is very strong. Strengthening the overall strength of the Alliance navy and cultivating skilled shipbuilding craftsmen will be beneficial to the overall situation of the world. After all, the West

The colonists are coming...

"Dear Lady Snake, does the king have any other requests?"

Gillim watched carefully, but couldn't see any dissatisfaction from Shulot. He was a little surprised, paused for a while, and then spoke again.

"The last important thing is the king's entrustment. Princess Alyssa is the eldest daughter of the king. She has a respected status and noble status. She is also the most cherished flower of the royal family. The alliance will set aside five hundred hectares of Chinampa fiefdom.

Ten thousand people are directly subordinate to the feudal clan, and five hundred family warriors serve as the tributaries of the eldest princess."

Gillim fell to the ground again and paid homage. Although his heart ached, he still had to obey the king's instructions.

"The king enjoined that in addition to land, population and warriors, the eldest princess also needs financial support. Please, your highness, after getting married, hand over all the kingdom's gem trade to the eldest princess to manage!"

"...Hand over the gem trade to Alyssa?"

Hearing this, Shulot was stunned. He pursed his lips, hesitated for a moment, and nodded.


Hearing this, Xiu Suoke frowned. He looked at his son and wanted to say something, but he held it back and sighed softly.


"Okay! Your Highness is so generous!"

Gilliam finished his salute and showed a sincere smile.

"In this case, I will report back to the king..."


Shulot's expression changed and he spoke solemnly.

"Alyssa is my wife, and she is my favorite woman. It is natural to leave the gem trade to her. Similarly, I can also hand over the artillery and shipbuilding technology to the alliance... but it requires a city.

Come and change!”


Hearing this, Gillim's smile disappeared silently. He looked slightly cold and said in a deep voice.

"Your Highness, the feudal kingdom in the lake is a vassal of the alliance and should obey the royal order of the royal family! The Texcoco Lake District is directly under the alliance, and the other states also have their own...I don't know where the city your highness wants is.


"Dear Lady Snake, please rest assured. That city is not in the alliance, and it is not the fiefdom of any great noble."

Shulot smiled faintly, took out a simple map of the world from his arms, and unfolded it in front of the two of them. Then, he moved his finger, touched the east of the map, and said loudly in the surprised eyes of the two.

"The city I want is right here!"

This chapter has been completed!
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