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Chapter 470: Exploration of the Kingdom in the Lake, First Encounter in a Distant Place

Desolate songs, accompanied by low drum beats, sounded along the vast coast, carrying strange and fiery greetings.

"The sacred heaven and earth bless us! It is the flowers of spring, the rain and dew of summer, the fruits of autumn, and the songs of winter!...Thank you, the messenger of the tribe in the lake, for bringing us precious gifts!...

.The spirits of nature guide us, allowing the 'people on the river bank' and the 'people on the lake' to meet and share this beautiful day. Come, messengers of the tribe in the lake, let's dance a festive dance together!...


Chief Kalan wore white clothes with frogs painted on them, a heavy deer head on his head, grass ornaments similar to those of the Guakili people wrapped around his legs, and two gourd-like wooden bells in his hands. He had a warm smile on his face.

, stood up in front of the roaring bonfire, came to the leader of the messengers in the lake, and issued an invitation to dance.

"Uh... dance? You have to, you have to... dance, wow!..."

Chihuaco, an old militiaman, responded intermittently, quickly using a few newly learned Guaquili words and responding enthusiastically.

The big tribe here calls itself "Yorem", which means the people of the river bank. It is a branch of the coastal Mayo people. Chief Kallan in front of you is the leader of the big tribe of Yoreme, who controls one or two thousand tribes.

Warriors. The Mayo people are located in the northwest of the Zacatecas Wilderness, on the coast. The language they use is somewhat similar to the Guakili people in the wilderness, and they also have common vocabulary with Mexican. Among them, about

It implies some ancient connection.

Chihuaco's eyes flashed and his smile was sincere. He wore gray leather armor, an eagle feather crown symbolizing the leader, and an obsidian dagger at his waist.

"Um, which one of you is going to dance?"

The old militiaman smiled and agreed, while looking at Puap next to him. The gray warrior lowered his head and pretended not to hear. He then looked at the ship's priest Mecate on the other side. Mecate opened his eyes curiously.

He looked at Chief Callan's clothes, guessing the religious meaning, but never looked at Captain Chihuaco. Finally, he looked at Pave, the Guakili guide who was accompanying the ship.

"Captain, this is a dance that expresses friendship between leaders. It can only be danced by you or the vice-captain!"

"Dancing...good! Wow!..."

With a smile on his face, Chihuaco looked again at the more than a hundred personal guards holding spears behind Chief Kallan. He sighed in his heart and had to stand up, following the deer-headed Chief Kallan to the center of the crowd.

center, standing side by side in front of a bright campfire.

"Haha, friends from the Lake Tribe! Come on, put on the sacred deer head, pick up the blessing wooden bell, and dance and sing with me in front of the traditional bonfire!"

"Uh, deer head? Okay! Wow!..."

Chihuaco stayed where he was and allowed two Yorem warriors to come forward and put a heavy deer head on his head. Two sisal ropes hung from the deer head and were tied tightly to his chin, strangling him for life.

It hurt. Then, another middle-aged man dressed as a witch doctor saluted and gave him two gourds and wooden bells.

After finishing it, Chief Kalan stood in front of the bonfire and took the lead in dancing. He bent his waist and arched his legs, maintaining the starting position, squatting together enthusiastically, shaking the wooden bell in his hand, like

Singing loudly like a frog, telling ancient legends.

"Ahaha! A long time ago, there was no fire in the world. All animals longed for fire!

The flame was on the highest mountain top, and they asked a frog to go to the top of the mountain to find it.

The frog will not be burned because he lives in the water and has water in his mouth!

The frog jumped and jumped, and finally jumped to the top of the mountain and swallowed the burning flint in one gulp.

He wrapped the fire on the stone with the water in his mouth. Two plumes of smoke came out of his nostrils.

The frog got the fire!….

Ahaha! The fox then said, turkeys, you have to follow the frog.

When the fire in the frog's mouth is about to go out, blow it out quickly!

So the turkeys followed the frogs and lit the flint again when it was about to go out.

However, the frog's mouth was too big, and the flint fell and hit the Possum on the tail.

The possum's tail was on fire, it screamed and ran around, setting fire to the grass and trees in the mountains...

Ah haha! Thanks to the frog, fox, turkey and possum.

All animals have fire from now on!...

Ah ha ha ha ha ha!...


"Uh...ah haha! Frog, fox, turkey and possum?"

Chihuaco opened his eyes wide and imitated Chief Kallan, dancing like a frog. He twisted his waist and jumped up and down hard, and the wooden bell in his hand made bursts of "ding bells". Chief Kallan's singing was like thunder.

The person was so dizzy from the shock that he could barely understand a few words. After a while, he blinked sharply.

"Huh? And the burning stones?"

Among the people sitting around, Pave, the guide of Guakili, looked in admiration and echoed in a low voice. Among the entire expedition fleet, he was probably the only one who understood the song completely.

This is an ancient song that tells the inheritance of the tribe. The flame is the spirit inherited by the wilderness tribe and a gift from the divine heaven and earth. The climbing frog is the leader of the tribe, the most brave and determined warrior. The wise fox is the tribe

The priests guide the leaders and warriors. The turkeys that follow are naturally the guided warriors and have the responsibility to protect the flames. The possums with their tails on fire are the numerous tribesmen who spread and share the flames.

Leaders, priests, warriors, and tribesmen, these four groups are the components of the tribe in the North. The reason why they are united together is because they inherit the divinity of their ancestors and the flame of the tribe!

The intense dance lasted for a full two-quarters of an hour, until Chihuaco's old waist almost broke. Chief Kallan, who was leading the dance, was sweating profusely and stopped dancing. He laughed heartily, stretched out the gourd bell in his hand, and shook the dance heavily.

He touched Chihuaco's bell, and it made a crisp "ding"!

"Ahaha!... Turkeys who have come from afar, the frogs of the Yorem tribe welcome you! We have sung songs and danced together, and we have been trustworthy friends from now on!"

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Hearing the chief's words, the warriors of the Yolem tribe suddenly stood up. They put down their spears, danced with their hands, and laughed loudly.


"Ah, friend? Okay! Wow! Ahaha!..."

Chihuaco smiled and nodded. Then, he turned slightly, looked at his team members, and made a gesture.

"What are you doing here? Everyone, get up and celebrate!"

"...Praise the Lord God! May friends meet again, haha!..."

After a while, more than thirty Prepecha warriors stood up, put away their weapons, raised their hands, and prayed joyfully. Seeing their actions, the tribal warriors on the opposite side became even more enthusiastic and almost rushed over to hug them and dance.

"Huh!... Damn it... Who... brought me here... God is really blind!"

At this moment, Chihuaco finally confirmed that the tribe on the opposite side was not hostile. He breathed a sigh of relief and cursed in his heart, a certain noble person who had been thinking about him.

This journey was too difficult, and everyone had a close call with death several times. Looking back at this moment, tears streamed down my face.

In mid-November last year, he received a call from the kingdom, so he had to pick up a spear, leave his daughter Luwei and son-in-law Ezpan, and go south alone. Several old brothers wanted to accompany him, but they were all kicked out by him.


It was not until early December that he came to Lake Atoyak and reported to the Southern Shipbuilding Department. According to His Majesty's instructions, the Southern Shipbuilding Department handed over the three newly launched Crocodile God galleys to the leadership of the old militiamen.

Accompanying the ship was Mecat, a first-level priest, who was proficient in navigation, could read and count, and estimate directions. There was also Guakili guide Pavi, who grew up in the wilderness and was familiar with the northern language and the customs of the wilderness. Then there were sixty others.

Prepecha sailors are familiar with the operation of galleys and are all good rowers.

Then, the group rowed the kingdom's most advanced galley and sailed south along the Tarsus River, arriving at the seaport a few days later. Huitu Puap and fifty Prepecha warriors had been waiting for a long time. The two met.

, naturally there was a burst of emotion and sigh.

Puap's face was full of regrets. He should have followed Chihuaco's advice and confessed to His Majesty earlier about his dealings with the southern nobles. Maybe he would not have lost his military power. Chihuaco cursed angrily and wanted to hit Pu'a on the head with his hand.

After reminiscing about old times, Puap also joined Chihuaco’s team as the deputy captain of the expedition team in accordance with His Majesty’s royal order. At this point, the Kingdom’s first ocean-going expedition fleet was completed!

The expedition fleet has a total of three galleys and 110 people. The cabins are filled with food, fresh water, cloth, cocoa, two small bags of gold and silver, and a large bag of gems from the kingdom's inventory. The purpose of the voyage is to follow His Majesty's instructions.

Wang ordered them to go along the coast to the far northwest. They wanted to find islands where birds inhabit, collect stones condensed by guano, and record the hydrology and navigation along the way until they could return safely.

And this is the kingdom’s first voyage of exploration into the vast unknown world! And this is the kingdom’s first voyage of exploration into the vast unknown world! Nearly twenty years after coming to this world, Shulot

All preparations were finally completed and the first group of explorers were sent out. And the entire vast American continent would be unfolded again in front of him, telling a destiny-changing future in a completely different way!

This chapter has been completed!
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