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Chapter 485: Exploration of the Kingdom in the Lake and the End of the First Voyage

The boundless sea of ​​sand stretches into the distance, and bright seabirds circle and sing loudly. There are always sparsely populated deserts, with only a faint green. However, behind the desolation, there is the vitality hidden deep in the north and the boundless land.


At this moment, Chihuaco stood on the sand dunes, gazing at the new mountains and sea in the north. They were desolate mountains and desert seas. Memories of the past few months came to mind one after another, which made people deeply moved.

In mid-December last year, the Kingdom's fleet officially set sail from the seaport of Talsas. They sailed along the coast, full of unknowns and uneasiness, toward the northwest of the world. At that time, Mecat's first measurement was

North Star 18 degrees.

At the end of December, the fleet arrived at the heart of the Nantecos tribe and the villages on the edge of the Fire River Plain for supplies, and met envoys from Fire River City asking for information. The recorded position was approximately 19 degrees from the North Star.

In early January this year, the fleet arrived at the estuary of the Leman River, the center of the Northern Tekos tribe, the prosperous city of Three Rivers. There, they were attacked by the hostile Tekos tribe, with more than a dozen casualties. It was close to 21 degrees North Star

, has traveled about 1,500 miles!

In late January, the fleet arrived at the outlet of the Totome River and encountered the first unknown tribe, the Totome people. Everyone went to the Totome people's Yushan Village for supplies, and heard about the Mayo people further north. As for the Mayo people further north.

The location of Yushan Village should be between 22-23 degrees of the North Star.

In February, the fleet arrived at the estuary of the Mayo River and met a powerful seaside tribe, the Yoremu tribe of the Mayo people. Chihuaco followed traditional customs and met with Chief Callan and Dai of the Yoremu tribe.

They danced together with a deer's head. Afterwards, the two chatted happily, told each other's origins, reached a fair deal, and even exchanged young warriors.

In the Yolem tribe, the fleet learned for the first time that the island where the birds live is on the northwest coast. They heard about the Yaqui people on the northern coast, the Opata people in the northern mountains, and the Cochimi people in the western peninsula.

, the Sri people in the far northern desert, and the desert people in the more distant wilderness.

Everyone also saw the rich gold and copper mines of the Mayo people, and knew the existence of the tribal flint field, that is, the coal mine. And the location of Yolem is 25-26 degrees from the North Star, close to the mouth of the Talsas River where the journey started.

Three thousand miles.

In mid-February, the fleet arrived at the mouth of the Yaqui River and encountered the more powerful Yaquiome tribe. The Yaquiome tribe not only produced copper and gold, but also had large open-pit coal mines with amazing reserves. Chihuaco got to know each other.

The leader of the warriors, Shanying Weihuo, went to the flint field of the Yuomei tribe and exchanged some hard and good coal in a fair exchange.

The location of the Yome tribe is very critical and is the center of trade among the surrounding tribes. The fleet met merchants from the Opata people in the mountains, who brought with them red copper weapons for trade, which also confirmed the rumors about the Opata red copper mountains. Everyone also met

The Makuvi tribesmen who came from the edge of the Eastern Wasteland to trade. From the mouths of these people, they also heard about the powerful Tara tribes in the Eastern Wasteland and the fierce Apache alliance in the northern grasslands.

The position of the Mei Department is approximately between 27 and 28 degrees of the North Star.

At the end of February, the fleet was in the Guayma region and found out exactly the bird island in the sea occupied by the Sri people, the huge and strange "Tahyok" island.

In early March, the fleet arrived at "Tahyo" Island after a long journey. There were many seabirds on the island and the mountains were towering, so Chihuaco named it "Tahyo Island". Everyone went to the island to explore and dug up some gray and yellow stones.

The struvite stone soon had a serious conflict with the Sri hunting team!

After the brief conflict, there was a larger-scale fighting. When the fleet landed on Shantiao Island, it was like poking a hornet's nest among Sri Lanka's various ministries.

Thousands of Sri soldiers traveled day and night and came from all over the desert to guard "Tahyok". They abandoned the island and landed, and had a naval battle with the Sri people, killing more than ten or twenty people. The Sri soldiers suffered at least casualties.

Over a hundred, Pikam, the chief of the Lobster tribe, was captured.

That night, Chihuaco shook hands with Pikam and made peace. The two swore an oath in blood, and their blood blended, eliminating the hostility caused by the fighting. From Pikam's mouth, Chihuaco knew that Shantiao Island is the sacred ancestral land of the Sri people.

, is the place where spirit whales live, and outsiders are not allowed to invade. And around Shantiao Island, there are many islands with struvite stones.

For the first time, the fleet knew that the sea area it was in was an extremely long and narrow bay. The long and narrow peninsula in the west isolated the rough sea. If it continued sailing northwest, it would reach the end of the bay and the edge of the northern continent.


As for the location of Shantiao Island, it is around 29 degrees from the North Star, more than 4,000 miles away from the initial voyage.

Subsequently, the fleet found a large island that also contained struvite, "Snake Bird Island", a hundred miles west of Shantiao Island. Everyone collected some struvite samples and set off for the final goal.

Today, in mid-March, the fleet finally landed at the end of the bay, at the edge of the sand sea! This is the end of the kingdom’s first voyage and the beginning of the boundless continent in the north!

This is 31-32 degrees North Star, a full five thousand miles away from the seaport of Tulsas where we set sail!

To the northeast from here are the Apache Alliance on the safari grassland; to the due north are the desert people occupying the sand sea; to the northwest are the Kumeya people occupying the salt lake. And behind these tribes, there are

Endless vast land, countless northern tribes as numerous as river sand!

"Traveling five thousand miles, I can't see the end of the world... It's such a vast world, it's such an endless world! ... What a blind god!!..."

After a long time, Chihuaco woke up from the long memories and couldn't help shouting in a low voice.

At this moment, he looked at the vast deserts and hills in the north, with pure curiosity in his eyes, like an innocent child. At this moment, under the vast sea and sky, he forgot everything he had to bear. He was just in his heart, suddenly

A question popped up that I had never thought about.

"So, how big is this world?"

The old militiaman had no answer. He wanted to know the answer, but he didn't want to find the answer. His heart was small and could not hold such a vast world, but only a small home. His heart was big and he had enough.

Tenacity to withstand the difficulties of exploration and search in the vast world.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! After thinking for a moment, Chihuaco finally put away all his thoughts. At this moment, after completing His Majesty's mission, a strong desire to return home has surfaced.

In his heart, the longing for his daughter and his family was like a raging tide, completely submerging him!

"Well, dig some sand here and bring it back to His Majesty! ... You can also keep some for yourselves, just as a thought."

Chihuaco gave a few instructions in a deep voice, and everyone took some sand and put it in the cotton bags they carried.

The Sri people had already left, leaving only two tribal scouts behind to observe the actions of the Dachuan tribe. When they saw this scene, they were a little confused and a little laughing.

"Have these tribesmen in big boats never seen sand? This endless sea of ​​sand will take a whole month to travel! And sand is the most abundant thing in the world..."

"Shh! They dug some sand and seem to be leaving."

"You're leaving now? Where are you going?"

"It seems to be the southwest. On the other side of the bay, that is the territory of the Cochimi people, and has nothing to do with us Koncak people."

"Oh, good to go! Then let's go too!"

"No! They didn't take the deer. We have to take the deer away...it will last for several days!"

"Ah? They didn't take the deer?! What a stupid tribe! We have to go quickly, the desert people might come back!"


Soon, two Sri scouts were carrying wild deer and standing on the sand dunes, staring blankly at the large ship that quickly moved away without stopping.

Chihuaco stood at the stern of the ship, wearing an old eagle feather crown, looking to the north in the distance. The vast sea of ​​thousands of miles of sand was getting farther and farther behind him; the vast northern continent was still in the unknown thick fog. However, the entire

The kingdom's fleet has reached the limit of exploration and has no more energy to explore the unknown in the north.

Along the way, the exploration fleet was attacked several times. In addition to the losses along the way, the crew actually suffered heavy casualties! When they set out to sea, there were more than a hundred kingdom warriors and sailors. At this moment, they had lost almost 30% of their strength.

The gaps in the many sailors were filled by tribesmen recruited along the way. The casualties of the kingdom's warriors could not be replenished. And the morale of the fleet had dropped. Even devout faith and divinely inspired royal orders could no longer maintain it!


"It's time to go home! I've come this far, enough to answer to His Majesty. But there's still five thousand miles to go home!"

After looking into the distance for a moment, the old militiaman Chihuaco turned around. He looked towards the vast southern sea and sky, and shouted loudly to everyone.

"Praise the Lord God! May He protect us through the long waves!"

"Praise the Lord God! Let us cross the waves!"

The sailors and warriors shouted and cheered together, looking yearning and excited.

"The ancestors will also protect us and return to our hometown in the kingdom!"

"Blessed by our ancestors, return to your hometown!"

"Let's go home!"

"go home!!"

Fierce shouts spread in the sea and sky in the north, carrying a burning will. A long and mighty wind came from the mountains in the north, carrying away the shouts in the wind. This long wind blew all the way south,

It travels through desolate deserts and steep mountains; it climbs onto undulating plateaus, and continues to swing eastward along the vital rivers...

Finally, it stopped by the river more than 6,000 miles away and came to the battlefield of brutal fighting. And the real flame was burning in a dangerous mountain city-state, reflecting the entire sky red!

This chapter has been completed!
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