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Chapter 50 The Covenant

Wearing a simple raincoat and a wide hat woven from reeds, Shulot walked through the camp with his messenger Akap. Big raindrops hit the wide brim of the hat, and the crackling sound of rain obscured the sky and the earth.

All noise.

"How did my grandfather and Avitt know each other?" the young man asked curiously. In his previous memory, he had never heard of this information.

"The high priest and the royal family of Tenochtitlan must know each other. He is also an old royal who came from the era of Montezuma I. Being able to become the high priest of Teotihuacan was inseparable from Montezuma I.

Strong support." Akap explained gently.

"However, the high priest has always kept a neutral distance from the direct descendants of the royal family in the capital." Akapu sighed softly, looking at the young man with soft eyes. "This time you were taken away by the king, the high priest was very helpful.

He didn't sleep well for two days. Then he made up his mind, contacted Brother Wang secretly, and asked him to help take care of you."

Shulot nodded with some understanding. In the world of adults, all goodwill has its original source. Under Tisoke's suspicion, his situation was very dangerous. If it weren't for Avitt's secret help, he might have been in trouble long ago.

More bad luck than good.

The two quickly arrived at the tent. Seeing the young man and the messenger, the commander laughed and strode forward. He enthusiastically grabbed their arms and pulled them into the tent, feeling quite familiar and informal.

Akapu smiled helplessly, obviously he had met Avitt many times. He took off his raincoat and hat, and seriously bowed his courtesy to the king's brother, and then the three of them sat down cross-legged in the big tent.

The thick cotton cloth isolates the wind and rain from the outside, bringing people a kind of private warmth and security. The bonfire in the camp is swaying in the brazier, and the rain evaporates from the body, and the faces of the three people are reflected in the flickering light. The camp tent

There was a moment of silent silence.

After a long time, it seemed that the rain on his body had completely evaporated, and Acap said calmly: "Your Highness Avitt, before I set off, I received urgent news. The Tlaxcalans are already at the northeastern border of the alliance.

A large-scale gathering, nearly 80,000 troops from the four kingdoms, and an estimated 40,000 warriors."

"All the city-states in eastern Mexica mobilized and recruited militiamen and warriors. The state of Atotonilco, located on the farthest border, urgently asked for help from the alliance. When I came, there were already four of the six legions under the city of Xilotepec.

Cross the Tempon River and transfer to Atotonilco."

Avitt nodded calmly, obviously already knowing the news: "Atotonilco is a border that has been at war for many years. There are many fortresses there and the city-state is strong. It is not easy to fall. The people of Tlaxcala may not be able to withstand the siege.

huge casualties.”

"It's just that the army commanders of the eastern city-states had long wanted to withdraw their troops. Taking advantage of this news, there was a commotion in the camp. Tisok then decided to send four legions over to stop everyone's mouths."

Although he was not in the Otopan siege camp, the general intelligence officer knew everything that happened in the camp.

"The war has been going on for more than a year, and the warriors are all eager to go home." Shulot also nodded in agreement. He often talked with ordinary warriors and the lowest level militiamen, knowing that everyone had lost the enthusiasm for war. In this difficult time

During the rainy season, homesickness filled the army. Only relying on the commander's prestige and recent victories did the army maintain normal morale.

"Based on the mobilization of the Tarascos and Tlaxcala people," Akap said seriously, "the high priest judged that our enemies have united together and are preparing to rescue the ancestral land of the Otomi people and prevent them from

Completely conquered by the Alliance."

Xiulote looked solemn. During the spring plowing this year, he encountered an attack. This attack showed signs of a tripartite alliance between the Otomi, Tarasco and Tlaxcala people.

"So, the high priest believes that the next key point is the city of Xilotepec. He has sent scouts to keep an eye on this Otomi city. Because our enemies cannot forget that this location is so critical, and at the same time

The city-state still has eight thousand warriors."

Avitt gently touched his palms and praised: "The eyes of the eagle are always the same far away, while the grass rats only look at the food in front of them. The city of Xilotepec is just pretending to surrender. They are poisonous snakes under the stone. Once

If you move the stone away, it will definitely come out and bite you."

"So, the city of Hilotepec may rebel at any time?" Xilote asked curiously, "The way back is unstable, so the king should withdraw his troops as soon as possible!"

"The grass rats that are tempted by the food in front of them cannot be driven away, except for the moment when the fox pounces on them." Avitt said with a smile, he no longer concealed his disdain for the king.

"Totec has made suggestions to Tisok several times, but the king insisted on not retreating. He only hoped to siege the city for another three months and capture the city of Otopan. He just repeatedly urged the capital to send a new batch of troops to fill the gap in Hilo.

The camp under Tepec City. The king's prestige has been almost exhausted, and conquering Otopan City has become his psychological bottom line."

Avitt turned his head and looked at the young man seriously: "Xulot, do you remember what I said to you? The bottom line cannot be violated, otherwise it will become a weakness. A great ruler cannot have weaknesses!"

"Because weakness brings death!" the young man blurted out. Death? Tisok's death? He fully understood in his heart, and felt a sense of horror.

Akap nodded: "Thank you, Your Highness, for teaching Shulot. He has indeed grown a lot."

"Xulot is an outstanding young man and a good heir." Avitt smiled and looked at the young man with a rare soft emotion in his eyes, "He is my student and also my friend. I am here

He sees many traces of his own past and the shadow of his grandfather Montezuma I. He can become an excellent ruler."

Akap smiled, and suddenly made a bow to Avitt: "Your Highness, the high priest is willing to ally with you and offer the loyalty of Teotihuacan to help you realize your grand ambition. But we also

I hope you can repay us with sincerity that is enough to make us feel at ease."

"Sincerity?" Avitt thought for a moment, "Captain Shusok's meritorious service is enough to become a third-level honorable noble and take charge of the city of Teotihuacan. Shulot can become the successor of Kechar, the chief priest of the capital's great temple.

In this way, when he grows up, he can hold the positions of chief priest and high priest at the same time, merging the two major priesthoods of the alliance into one."

"In addition, I can allocate 500 hectares from the 2,500 hectares of Chinampa directly under the royal family to Teotihuacan. This is enough to support you in cultivating two new glorious nobles in the capital!


The boy was a little surprised. One hectare of Chinampa can support 20 people. Five hundred hectares of Chinampa means food for ten thousand people. Tenochtitlan has only 9,000 hectares of Chinampa. The land is vast and rich in resources.

In the Celestial Empire, this is also the treatment of a feudal lord, not to mention the Aztec Alliance, which has a total population of three million.

"Thank you for your generosity, Your Highness, but the reward of five hundred hectares of Chinampa is too generous, and we dare not accept it." Akap shook his head solemnly. If he took away one-fifth of the royal land, he would become the target of public criticism. This is

The way to die in the future.

Then, he suddenly had a sly smile: "You said that Shulot is your student and your friend. I wonder if you have ever thought about taking it one step further?"

"What do you mean? But the priest can't..." Avitt's face was stunned for a while. As smart as he was, he understood the meaning in an instant.

"If the plan of the high priest and you comes true, there will be no question of whether or not it can be done." Akap smiled gently, but showed a bit of edge.

"The high priest heard that your head wife's eldest daughter is eleven years old. She is gentle, intelligent, beautiful and lovely. She is the whitest lotus in the city on the lake. He specially sent me to ask you: I wonder if the hummingbirds in Teotihuacan can

Are you lucky enough to land on the lotus of Tenochtitlan, waiting for the holy bloom?" After speaking this message solemnly, Akap paid homage again, waiting for the commander's reply.

"This..." Avitt was a little at a loss. He put his hands behind his back, got up and walked back and forth in the camp. During this period, he looked at Xilot several times with a complicated expression. Finally, he sighed softly and stretched out his hand.

Touched Shulot's face.

The young man was a little confused, he hadn't reacted yet.

"My lovely Alyssa is still young and has not married anyone yet. Shulot is indeed a good child." Avitt sighed again. He finally couldn't help but tighten his hands and pinch the boy's cheeks hard.


It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts! The boy cried out in pain.

"When we return to the capital this time, let Alyssa and Shuluo get married!" The commander retracted his hand, feeling a little more comfortable, and then made a decision with a serious expression.

"The Teotihuacan family will be your most loyal allies. Under the witness of the Sun God, they will never waver! And your enemy is our enemy, no matter who he is!" Acap raised his head.

, put his fist on his chest, and swore loudly with the same solemnity.

"Nani?!" Shulot was confused and shocked and speechless. He rubbed his pinched red face. It hurt. He was not dreaming. What did he hear just now? Are you engaged now? The young man raised his head.

, looked at Acap, who smiled happily. He looked at Avitt again, and the commander glared fiercely,

"I'm only thirteen years old!" The boy finally shouted in disbelief in his heart.

This chapter has been completed!
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