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Chapter 54 Capture the Army

The army simply camped in a sheltered mountain valley and rested overnight. At dawn, Shulot woke up in the leaky tent. He touched the single clothes on his body and found that they had already been soaked by drizzle and dew. Fortunately, it was the rainy season.

The Mexican plateau is quite warm, the temperature is a comfortable 20 degrees Celsius, so there is no need to worry about wind and cold.

Marching and fighting are always difficult. Without a strong body, it is impossible to endure the harsh natural environment, endure merciless pain and fight, and become a qualified and fierce warrior. It is also impossible to become a commander-in-chief who carries the commander's flag.

The young warrior roughly rubbed his sharp body, put on strong leather armor, and then put on a gray and black sacrificial robe. The feather crown was too cumbersome, so he put on a pointed leather hat common among warriors. Finally,

Tie the war stick and shield on your back, put the long dagger on your waist, and maintain a fighting posture at all times.

Then, the young warrior went to gather his followers and longbow guards, with the warrior captain Bertard also guarding him.

Today, Avitt is dressed up. He is wearing a majestic animal helmet, a necklace with precious stones, and a set of bright red and exquisite leather armor, with a gold sun inlaid on the chest of the leather armor.

In his left hand is a long shield that also depicts the sun, with bright feathers hanging from the bottom of the shield. In his right hand is a two-meter-long staff, with an oval base of pure gold on top, about the size of a palm. And on the gold base

In the middle, there is an egg-sized star ruby ​​inlaid with six sharp star lines running through the gem, carving out a perfect "*" star shape.

Shulot held his breath for a moment. He asked Avitt for the magic staff, and gently stroked the smooth surface of the cut star ruby. This ruby ​​must have exceeded a hundred carats, with perfect lines and star marks, and it will be the most famous in later generations.

The Roseleaves Star Ruby is not far behind. It will be a treasure that will fascinate the entire world.

"This is..." The young man looked at his friend in surprise.

"The scepter of Montezuma I was inlaid with the largest ruby ​​in the world. This scepter was left to his daughter, my mother Atotostri II. Before my mother went to the Kingdom of God, she also gave it to her.

It was left to her youngest son, me."

Avitt looked at the magic staff with emotion, with a sense of reminiscence. "This is a symbol of royal power!"

Shulot immediately woke up from the shock of the treasure. He raised his head and continued to look at Avitt's commander's flag.

This new back flag is four meters high and has an unusually huge yellow umbrella-shaped round cover. The umbrella cover is full of complex red patterns and exquisite red feathers. On the top is a huge jaguar skull, and in front of it is

The brilliant sun intertwined with obsidian and topaz. Behind the commander's flag, there is a row of personal guards holding high the gorgeous flag.

"This is the commander-in-chief's flag, the king's exclusive guard of honor!" After identifying the flag's shape and size, the boy blurted out. He looked into his friend's eyes and made some guesses.

"Correct." Avitt smiled softly, "This is the king's flag sent from the capital. It arrived last night. It is the second most noble bloody sun in the commander's ceremonial guard, second only to the evil spirit commander taken away by the king."

"Now, let's take it on the road."

The army immediately set off, and under the guidance of the scouts, quickly marched northeast. Hulot asked Avitt to bring Montezuma I's magic staff and hold it for him to prevent his friend from "burdening him too heavy". Avitt did not care.

Mind you, although this divine staff is indeed shining brightly, he has already admired it countless times. Now he just smiled and looked at Shulot's little face illuminated by the ruby.

The boy repeatedly rotated the translucent gem in a novel way. This is a treasure-level collection, and future generations can only see it in national museums through thick bulletproof glass.

Under different rays of light, different "starlights" will be reflected in the ruby. The surrounding warriors showed their worship of the divine object in their eyes. This kind of starlight was considered to be the brilliance of gods, and had the effect of God's protection and intimidation.

After noon, the drizzle gradually subsided, the clouds gradually thinned, and a few glimmers of the sun showed in the sky. The commander once again established contact with the family warriors in the reinforcements, and the troops were only three or four hours away from the reinforcements.

The leader of this reinforcement is Ketoko, a hereditary noble who is loyal to the king. He is the nephew of Kechar, the chief priest of the capital, and has a certain reputation in the army. Tisok loves theology and has always been close to the chief priests. He ascended the throne.

Soon, the king promised the chief priest more privileges, and the chief priests reciprocated by sending many noble children to join the army.

Akap suggested making some preparations: "We can rest for a while and wait for nightfall. Then we can cooperate internally and externally to attack the command tent of the reinforcements at night, seize Ketoko, and finally surrender the remaining reinforcements."

Shulot thought for a moment and thought this plan was inappropriate: "There are always only a few elite warriors who can participate in night attacks, and they may not be able to catch Ketoko in time. Moreover, night attacks can easily cause military riots and kill each other. Both sides are

The precious combat power of Mexican warriors who are loyal to the Alliance should not be wasted here."

Avitt thought for a moment and nodded. He patted Shulot on the shoulder, and then said to Akap with a smile: "It is more appropriate to fight during the day. Let us rest for an hour first to restore the warrior's physical strength. Then we will directly attack the march.

I will inform the family warriors to prepare for the reinforcements. This battle will be dominated by momentum and there won’t be too many battles.”

After saying this, he immediately sent an envoy to the northeast.

The Mexican warriors sat down on the spot, simply drank some food and water, and quietly gathered their strength. The commander had already given orders for the next battle objectives. Although they had experienced countless lives and deaths and no longer cared about life, the warriors were still somewhat demoralized.

They were not willing to take action against their comrades in the same camp, but remained obedient under the authority of the commander.

The rain has stopped and the sun is shining on the earth. Shulot asked the longbow warriors to prepare armor-piercing copper arrows. If necessary, the longbow guards will deliver a fatal blow.

The fourteen thousand warriors quickly set off. The army was like a raging herd, rushing towards the first opponent. When the sun set slightly, a huge army appeared in Shulot's eyes. The rear of the army was loose and bloated.

Militiamen, they were carrying luggage and food. In front of the militia were eight thousand warriors, roughly divided into three teams: front, middle and rear. Two thousand of the front army went out to explore the road, four thousand of the middle army surrounded the commander's banner, and two thousand of the rear army

Regulation controls the militias.

The scouts of the reinforcements had already discovered the Mexica troops coming from the rear. At this time, the reinforcements in the front had stopped. They arranged their formation slightly, but did not assume a fighting posture. As the two armies approached, the "King's" flag

It is clearly reflected in the eyes of every Mexica warrior.

The warriors on the opposite side were making some noise. They hurriedly gathered from the capital, and then headed north to support the city of Xilotepec. They just wanted to open up the logistics line and re-establish contact with the king's army whose current situation was unknown. But the king actually appeared here?

A new wave of messengers came from the command flag of the Chinese army on the opposite side. The messengers bowed their heads respectfully to the king's flag and saluted. At the same time, they brought the commander's inquiry: "Your Majesty, may I ask how the war in Otopan is going and how the king is doing?"

Coming here?"

Under the ceremonial guard, Avitt's face was covered by a beast helmet. He maintained the posture of a god in silence and did not speak.

Shulot, wearing a gray and black exquisite Tengu priest robe, replied with a serious face: "The blessed king led his loyal direct warriors and went south to the Leman River. We boarded the alliance's boatman and went up the river. First,

Return to the Herotepec camp in one step. Now we are reorganizing the army and rescuing the city-state legions trapped in the mountains and forests. Please ask Commander Ketoko to come forward and see the king."

The messenger raised his head, his expression slightly surprised. The king abandoned the city-state army and retreated first. This was a major news that shook the alliance. He took another look at the majestic king's ceremonial guard, the fierce jaguar battle group, and Shulot's Tengu sacrificial robes, and then

He respectfully excused himself and left.

Soon, there was a slight commotion among the warriors on the opposite side, and there was a burst of chaotic sounds. Then hundreds of commanders and guards separated from the crowd, and slowly came towards the king's honor guard surrounded by a large command flag.

Xiuluo looked closely and saw that there was a vaguely middle-aged commander under the banner. He walked very slowly, always looking at the king's flag here, and he also took five hundred elite guards with him, obviously he had doubts.

This chapter has been completed!
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