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Chapter 558: Generous King, Rewards for Warriors!

The ancient hall is built of volcanic rocks, with deep colors, simplicity and solemnity. The four walls are carefully decorated and painted with large and bright murals, telling the story of the oldest tree snake god descendant and the establishment of the tree snake city. This is the Tlaxcala people.

The inherited epic is remembered in the hearts of generations of descendants of the tree snake god.

However, if you look closely, you will see that there are more marks of hacking on the still gorgeous carvings. The gold, silver and gems that were once decorated have disappeared. There are only rows of torches on the walls, blazing.

Burning, lighting up the scene in the hall.

The Mexica generals had solemn expressions and were wearing gorgeous uniforms, sitting in a circle. And more than a dozen warriors who had made great achievements were lying on the ground, kneeling with their bare hands in the center of the hall. In front of them, the hands of the supreme king

Holding the magic staff, smiling faintly, and declared loudly.

"The Eastern Expedition is a great victory, the Lord God protects the alliance! The hereditary nobles of the Lake District, the commander of the royal army, the dead dog Chichi Mickey, took the lead in attacking the South City, occupied the temple in the city, and captured the leader of the Tree Snake City, making his first contribution to this battle!...


Having said this, Avitt paused and glanced at the city-state army commanders with piercing eyes. Everyone lowered their heads and expressed their sincere respect for the brave and capable king's confidants.

Seeing this, Avitt smiled with satisfaction. Naturally, the first victory in the attack on the city must be attributed to the royal legion directly under him. He raised the staff high and made a decision like a god.

"King's order: Chichi Mickey, the dead dog, is promoted to the third level of honorable noble! Give Chinampa a fief of 400 acres, 100 serfs, 20 beauties, and 10 boxes of precious stones, gold and silver!"

"What, promoted to the third level of Honorable Nobility?!"

Upon hearing such a reward, the army commanders from various states looked at each other and were a little shocked for a moment.

Among the king's rewards, the most important thing is to be promoted to a noble rank. From the second-level hereditary nobility to the third-level honorary nobility, that is a real threshold and a huge class jump! The honorary nobility is the pinnacle of noble promotion. From then on

Become the true top ruler, hereditary, and live with the country. And if it is enfeoffed in a foreign country, you can serve as the city lord!

"The king rewards us like this and arbitrarily promotes upstarts to the glory... How can we, the glory family, who have been inherited for hundreds of years and have shed blood for the alliance for generations, feel embarrassed?"

Captain Xintel of the Wejian Legion opened his eyes wide, opened his mouth, and was about to object.

You know, the entire Mexica Alliance only has thirty or forty glorious families. There are only about three families scattered in each state, all of which are in charge of the power of each city-state. Chichi Mickey, the dead dog, was just an ordinary family ten years ago.

A nobleman of military merit. But now, after just one western expedition and one eastern expedition, he has risen to the top and is equal to all the glorious nobles and city-state army commanders here!...


The commander of the Pacho Army of the Xiajin Army quickly reached out his hand, held down Xintel who was sitting next to him, and signaled with his eyes. He had already seen that the king was constantly taking measures to weaken the local nobles.

The previous centralization reforms, the ecclesiastical reforms, and the city-state warriors who were driven to attack the city during the Eastern Expedition all weakened the strength of the great nobles. Now they are continuously promoting new nobles and weakening the influence of the inherited nobles...His

Dissatisfaction is also accumulating! However, thinking of Jotiko's doubtful death in battle...

Pacho coughed carefully and whispered to Xintel.

"...The most important warrior in the alliance. With such military achievements, although the reward is great, it is reasonable."


Xintel gritted his teeth and sighed lowly, his heart burning, but there was nothing he could do.

A secret conversation took place in the corner. After a few words, they were speechless. In the center of the hall, the dead dog Chi Chi Mickey's eyes were red with excitement and his voice was choked with sobs. He suddenly fell to his knees, knocked his head heavily on the ground, and moved towards a simple hand.

The king of Ba, trembled and swore.

"Your Majesty! You... you are the flying eagle, and I, Chichi Mickey, am your wings!... Witness the Lord God! No matter where the eagle goes, I am willing to follow you and fight for you!"

"Ha ha!"

Avitt laughed heartily. He stretched out his hand and shook the dead dog's hair. Then he personally lifted up his beloved general, handed him a glass of wine, and toasted to celebrate.

"Come! The Lord God bless the alliance! The generals raise their glasses to celebrate the first victory of the Eastern Campaign!"

"God bless you! Congratulations to the king! Congratulations to the commander of the Death Dog Army!"

No matter what they were feeling in their hearts, overflowing smiles appeared on the faces of the generals. Everyone raised their glasses and drank it all in one gulp. Chi Chi Mickey took a big swig, and poured the slightly spicy tequila into his throat, but

Sweet as honey.

"In order to capture the Tree Snake City, warriors from all over the world fought hard and made outstanding achievements! ...The warrior Mo Qihui, a military nobleman from the Lake District and the vanguard of the royal army, took the lead in breaking into the southern city and killed the warrior chief of the Tree Snake family.

Capturing two divine princes alive is the second merit of this battle!"

Mo Qihui's face was red, he knelt on the ground, and his breathing became heavy. He was waiting for the king's reward, and his heart was pounding and beating hard.

Avitt smiled slightly, glanced at the loyal and fearless young warrior, paused for a moment, and announced loudly.

"King's order: Warrior Mo Qihui is promoted to the second-level hereditary noble! Give Chinampa a fief of one hundred acres, twenty serfs, four beauties, and four boxes of precious stones, gold and silver!"

"Second-class hereditary noble, one hundred acres of Chinampa!"

Mo Qihui's head buzzed, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face. One acre of Chinampa Floating Field is equivalent to six acres of Milpa Field. One hundred acres of Chinampa is equivalent to 600 acres of ordinary fields!

What's more important is that such floating land has a price but no market, and is hardly circulated in the market. It is the foundation of the inheritance of noble families.

In fact, the population in the Texcoco Lake area has been saturated, and all suitable fields have been cultivated and are in the hands of nobles at all levels. In this Eastern Expedition, King Avit was able to give thousands of acres of Chinampa as a reward because

The high priest's purge last year uprooted the great nobles of Tlacopan and exiled a total of 20,000 people!

It is a pity that now, both the elders and the high priest have gone to the Kingdom of God. The successor, the high priest of Ugel, has always been pretending to be deaf and mute and cautious. Such a big case will never be handled again.

While Avitt was thinking, he reached out his hand and shook Mo Qihui's hair. Only then did the slightly tipsy young warrior react and swore loudly.

"Your Majesty! You are my supreme sun! I will thrust out a bronze spear, wield a battle axe, and fight bravely! I will let your light shine on all nations in the world!"

"Haha! Okay! Come and drink this cup!"

"The Lord God bless you! Congratulations to the king! Congratulations to the warriors!"

Regarding the promotion of hereditary nobles, the powerful commanders present had no reaction. They were powerful and well-informed. They already had such power in the city-state, and they didn't care much about it.

Avitt finished his drink and looked at Mo Qihui who was kneeling down, thinking of his performance in suppressing the Lord of Tree Snake City in the temple during the day... The king's lips curled up, like a god granting wishes, and he asked with a smile.

"Mo Qihui, besides these rewards, what else do you wish for?"

"Uh, wish?"

Mo Qihui was startled. He raised his head, looked at the king's majestic and amiable face, and by some strange coincidence, shouted out his wish not long ago.

"Your Majesty! I want a beautiful girl dancing in the garden!"


Upon hearing this wish, the Mexican generals looked at each other and burst into laughter.

"It turns out that it's a little wolf cub in full strength and in heat!"

"Ha ha!"

Avitt laughed out loud. He stretched out his hand, patted Mo Qihui's red face, and agreed with a smile.

"Okay! When you go out later, if you like whoever you like, just take him away! I will spare you your errands tonight, and I promise you a good night!"

"Uh? Just take him away?"

Mo Qihui drank a lot and was a little drunk. At this moment, he heard the king's words, thought about it, and boldly shouted.

"Your Majesty, I was born with great strength! If I can carry two of them, will they all be mine?"

Hearing this, the hall suddenly burst into laughter and was filled with a happy atmosphere.

"Haha! Of course, if you can take away a few, they will all be yours!"

Avitt couldn't help but burst out laughing. He nodded readily and agreed to Mo Qihui's request. He was always particularly tolerant of loyal and brave warriors.

Then, the king raised his scepter high again and walked towards the next warrior. He looked at the kneeling burly body, smiled faintly, and his voice became louder and louder.

"The military noble of Sourwood City, the warrior commander of the Sourwood Legion, Turquoise Tessie Whitt, climbed the city wall first and broke into the South City first. He also made great achievements!"

Texihuite was kneeling on the ground, his expression calm and without any ups and downs. He was originally taciturn, and after the death of the family leader in the battle, he spoke even less.

"King's order: The warrior Texi Huite is promoted to the second-level hereditary noble! Give Chinampa eighty acres of fiefdom, sixteen serfs, three beauties, and three boxes of precious stones, gold and silver!..."

After hearing this, Texihuite's expression was still unmoved. After all, he was a general trusted by the former army commander, and he had no shortage of land and wealth. And he himself did not care about money and beauty.

"...Such a warrior should be selected into the Guards of the Broken Hair, serve as a centurion, fight for the alliance, and die for the royal family!"

"Huh? Transferred to the Hairless Guards and serve as a centurion?"

Hearing this, Texihuite raised his head in surprise, and saw the king's smiling and gazing face, and was a little at a loss for a moment.

"If you are transferred to the Forbidden Army, you will have to leave the Sourwood City State and go to the capital city in the lake. The guards will be on the king's side... In this case, how can I have the chance to investigate the truth about the death of my family?"

Yes, although the Turquoise General at this moment is full of doubts about the death of the family leader, the object of his suspicion is the successor commander of the Sourwood Army and the leader of the Spruce Clan, Xochikalo.

Because, that night, the one who had the ability to take action in the camp and finally gained the greatest benefit was Xochikalo! As for the supreme king, he hadn't thought too much about it yet.

Xochikaluo had a fat smile on his face and looked at Tesihuite kindly. If Tesihuit continued to stay in the legion, he would never let him return to the city-state alive from the Eastern Expedition. What a pity...


Avitt's eyes were shining, and he carefully examined the expression of the turquoise general. He observed for a long time, and from the other's stunned expression, he did not see any exposed resistance, nor did he find a trace of hidden hatred. The king finally relaxed and smiled.


"Why, Tessie Whitt, you don't want to?"


Tesiwhit was speechless, but the situation was such that he could not refuse. After a moment, he sighed, lowered his head, fell to the ground like a bear, and saluted respectfully.

"Your Majesty, you are a towering sacred mountain, standing at the highest point of the alliance! I am willing to follow your figure, climb high, and fight to the death for you!"

"good very good!"

Avitt got the answer he wanted and nodded with satisfaction. He rewarded city-state warriors who made great achievements and conquered the hearts of warriors from all countries... This Texihuite is the best example!

"Come and drink this cup!"

"The Lord God bless you! Congratulations to the king! Congratulations to the warriors!"

All the generals congratulated together and drank a lot of water and wine. The king laughed and stretched out his hand.

Seeing this familiar link of allegiance, Texihuit was in a daze. He stayed for a moment and slowly lowered his head. Then, a strong big hand held his hair, restricting his soul from then on. Then,

A majestic and smiling voice came from the front.

"Haha! Texihuite, my warrior. Apart from these rewards, what else do you wish for?"

"What, wish?"

Hearing this, Texihuite pursed his lips and raised his head. From this angle, he could see the king's friendly smile and also the kind smile of Xochikalo. As for the death of the head of the family, for Huo

Chicaro's suspicion suddenly flashed through his mind, and he was about to blurt it out!

This chapter has been completed!
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