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Five hundred and sixty-six chapters drink tea on the generals, the monarch and the minister determine the ranking

It's refreshing and intoxicating, and you don't know where to go~~

On the morning of the next day, Shulot walked leisurely, stepping on the pattering raindrops, and returned to the main hall to discuss with the long-awaited warrior chief. Naxiu, who was always standing by his side, well, she had difficulty moving today, so she did not show up.

"The rainfall this month is still so abundant!"

Shulot stood in front of the window, looking at the low-hanging clouds in the sky, recalling the wind and rain last night. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"It is hot and rainy in late summer, which is the ear stage when corn grows rapidly. As long as there is enough rain, there should be a good harvest this autumn."

"Yes. God bless you! The growth of corn in the fields is very gratifying."

Bertard nodded calmly. He picked up the purple pottery kettle, brewed a cup of hibiscus tea, and handed it to His Highness's hand. Then, he looked at His Highness who was a little tired and warned him politely.

"Your Highness, it's hot and rainy. Although the corn will grow taller, there is a risk of it growing too tall. It needs sufficient sunlight... Although this is good, you can't be greedy for too much."

"Indeed! If it rains a lot and there is no sunshine, the corn stalks will grow too long and lodging will occur, damaging the harvest...huh?"

Shulot took a sip of scented tea, savored the rich fragrance of the flowers, and nodded in agreement. Then, he saw the bright eyes of the warrior commander, was startled for a moment, then came to his senses, and responded with some embarrassment.

"...one or two..."

"Your Highness, it's been a long time since you practiced martial arts in the morning."

Bertard smiled slightly and stopped. He also took a sip of scented tea, naturally changing the subject.

"As a warrior, you must build a strong body, gather a firm will, and cultivate the energy 'Ihotel' in your liver... Your Highness, why don't I come and practice with you early tomorrow morning!"

"Get up early and practice martial arts?"

Hearing this, Shulot's eyes flashed. Ten years of memories flooded into his mind, making him feel a little dazed. Since he was ten years old, he has been training as a warrior with Jaguar Orosh. And since he was thirteen years old,

From then on, his partner became a loyal samurai captain until he got married at the age of nineteen last year. Unknowingly, samurai training was put aside for a year...


The young king thought for a moment, then looked solemn and nodded decisively. He looked at the silent warrior captain and said with emotion.

"Bertard, in my current position, there are fewer and fewer people who can advise me... If you leave soon, who in the kingdom can replace you?"

"Your Highness, Jaguar Orosh has rich experience, sharp vision, and is able to take charge of the overall situation of the kingdom. He is loyal to you. After I leave, he should be the leader among the generals."

"Well. Jaguar Orosh is the general my father left to me and my teacher when I was young. I have always trusted him very much. However, he wants to sit in the kingdom and cannot be with me."

Shulot pondered for a while, took another sip of tea, and asked with a smile.

"What about other than that?"

"Veteran General Etalik is resolute and steady, with a strong style. He is a warrior from your Highness's family. He has deep qualifications and is loyal to Your Highness. Among the generals, he should be ranked second."

"Veteran General Etalik is the general left to me by my grandfather. He is old and strong, and can be entrusted with important tasks to guard the south for me. However, although Etalik is in good health and can fight the enemy in battle, he is already over fifty.


"Your Highness, your family has many warriors who have followed and served for generations, and their loyalty has been tested. The high priest has gone to the kingdom of God, and the commander of the Eagle Legion is by the king's side. You are their only loyal lord... Temple Guard

Chief Hervé, Chief of the High Priest’s Guard Ekart, and High Priest’s Personal Guard Ewa are all ready to fight for you!”

Bertard thought about it and recommended it emphatically.

"The captain of the guard, Ekart, is not inferior to me in martial arts at all. Your Highness, you can call him by your side to protect you and continue to practice martial arts."

"Captain of the Guard Eckardt?"

Shulot closed his eyes and meditated, and a resolute and steady figure appeared in front of him. It was also a family warrior he was familiar with when he was a child.

Eckart had been guarding his grandfather for many years, and his loyalty was unquestionable. On the night of his grandfather's death, he even led his soldiers to set fire to the holy city of Cholula. They charged back and forth and fought bloody battles night and day, creating a good opportunity for the southern army to enter the city.

"Okay! Bertard, you reminded me very well!... Well, do you have any other suggestions?"

The warrior commander hesitated for a while before speaking cautiously.

"Your Highness, your brothers and sisters are all getting older...perhaps you can train some of them."

"Huh? My blood brothers? You mean..."

"Everything is decided by His Highness!"

Bertard bowed his head and saluted without saying much.

Shulot pursed his lips and thought silently. In this era where nobility is born, and family is higher than the country, the relatives of the monarch often hold great power. Even if there are some unspeakable risks, most of the time, they are

The king's most important support force must be more loyal than other gods.

The elder Tracaheler was the brother of the late king Montezuma, and he also successively established three grandsons of Montezuma as kings of the alliance.

"If you do the math, Xiuvari is four years younger than me and is now sixteen; Xiu Jiage is three years younger than me and is fifteen this year. Both of them have completed basic warrior training... Elder brothers are like fathers, and fathers

I entrust the two younger brothers to me, and I always hope that they will achieve something. At this time, there will be no major changes in the Eastern Expedition... Anyway!"

Shulot thought for a moment and then made a decision.

"Send an envoy to call the two of them from the royal capital of Qin Congcan to the army! Let's start with the guards of the personal guard camp. Don't give any preferential treatment."

In the Nahua language, cuauhtli means white eagle, and galgo means greyhound. Well, eagle and dog are both favorite names of the Mexica people. So, cuauhtli means white eagle.

, the meanings of Xiu Jia Ge’s two names are “Xiu Baiying” and “Xiu Greyhound”.

"Follow your will, Your Highness!"

Bertard saluted respectfully, and Thulot nodded in thought.

The family warriors from his father's ancestors and the brothers from the royal family are all loyal forces that can be relied on. Apart from them, the only ones left are the trusted generals he has trained and cultivated.

"Bertard, among all the generals, who can be the third?"

Hearing this question, the warrior commander looked solemn. He thought for a long time and answered carefully.

"Your Highness, Kuruka, a hereditary nobleman, is intelligent, thoughtful, simple and loyal. He can win the hearts of warriors and militiamen, and is full of respect for Your Highness. He is clear-cut and flexible in handling affairs... He can be ranked third among the generals!


"Haha, monkey Kuruka! In the past few years, he has guarded the north for me, managed the canine flag troops, and steadily suppressed the Chapala Lake area and the three states of Otomi... A commander who is truly good at fighting will not

Even if there is an unexpected victory, there will be no wisdom, fame or bravery. Because everything is ready, there is no need to take risks."

Shulot smiled, took a sip of tea, and said something meaningful.

"Monkey, if he trains for a few more years, he can be a marshal! I once thought about sending him to the big events in the East. However, I was worried that he would be too flexible to go too far. After all, there is some loyalty.

, don’t use time and distance to test..."

Hearing this, Bertard's heart trembled. He immediately knelt down and bowed to the king.

"Your Highness! The Lord God testifies that I am loyal to you!..."


The young king raised his eyes and stared at the kneeling warrior captain. Then he stretched out his hands and personally lifted him up.

"Between you and me, although we are kings and ministers, we are actually teachers and students. I trust you as I trust my own brothers and sisters. I will entrust you with all the affairs of the Eastern Islands. If it is suitable for the land of the Taíno people in the East,

You can make the land a king..."

"Your Highness! Please stop talking."

The warrior chief had sweat on his forehead, and his calm face showed fear.

"You are the revered sun, you are better than anything else in the world!"


Shulot smiled and said nothing more. He changed the topic and asked gently.

"I heard that you are planning to marry your niece to the black wolf Toltec?"

"Yes, Your Highness! My niece, 'Pearl' Acitlalin, is sixteen years old and has reached the age of marriage. Toltec is the descendant I have always valued..."

Bertard's expression was still a little nervous.

"Your Highness, if you feel it is inappropriate, you can cancel the engagement..."

"No, this engagement is very good."

Shulot smiled and nodded. He had no dissatisfaction with the marriage between his trusted generals.

"Among the generals, right after the monkey is the black wolf Toltec. He is extremely brave, unparalleled in sharpness, has great military exploits, and is very courageous in his actions. Although he has some small problems of being aggressive and murderous, but his own

His character is actually straightforward and simple, even a little simple... You were right to entrust your niece to him!"

Having said this, Shulot paused and raised the corners of his mouth.

"Bertard, you, on the other hand, are over forty. You are neither married nor have any children. I have already ordered Naxiu to send you two girls from Tlaxcala tonight.

While there is still time, leave descendants in the kingdom before heading to the east!"

"Your Highness! This...I..."

Bertard looked awkward, hesitated to speak, and even turned red in a rare sight.

Shulot's smile faded and he gave serious instructions.

"Bertard, this is a royal order given to you, you must obey it!"

"No, Your Highness...I...I already have an heir."

"What? What did you say?"

Bertard gritted his teeth, lowered his voice, and whispered back.

"It's a girl, just two years old. She is with the leader of the alliance navy, Annatri... According to the custom of Anna's family, the girl will belong to her..."

"Ah?! You and Annatri have a two-year-old girl?"

Shulot's eyes widened, and he looked up and down at the samurai commander who was bowing his head in embarrassment. He was really impressed. This was done secretly, and there was no news in the Kingdom of the Lake.

"Bertard, why don't you take the girl and bring her up with you? Or, I will send an envoy to propose marriage to King Avite for you."

"Your Highness...No need."

Hearing this, Bertard shook his head, calmly and firmly.

"The alliance's naval families are inherited independently and do not lean towards any side of the royal family. If Anatli marries me, she will not be able to continue to lead the navy...she does not want to leave."

"As for the child, if she is trained in the navy family, it is very likely that she will succeed the name of the mother of the lake, 'Anatri', and become the next navy captain... And I am beside His Highness, responsible for

I have such a heavy responsibility and have no time to teach my children.”


Shulot looked at the silent warrior commander for a while, then sighed quietly.

"Bertard, thank you for your hard work."

"Your Highness..."

The monarch and his ministers were silent for a while, raising their glasses to drink tea at the same time. After a while, the low voice of conversation sounded again in the hall.

"After Black Wolf, how will the generals be sorted?"

"The hereditary nobleman Ezpin is in awe of you. He guards the southwest, has a ruthless style, is decisive in doing things, and is as stoic as a wolf. After the Black Wolf, he can be ranked fifth."

"Then what?"

"Eagle warrior Barda is loyal to the royal family and respects you. He has deep qualifications and is a general of the Guards. He works calmly. Although he has no reputation for ingenuity, he will not make any omissions... Among the generals,

He is sixth."

"Well... keep talking."

"Further on, there is the poet-commander Páramo, guarding the northern wilderness. He is kind to people's hearts, has a careful mind, is not afraid of hard work, and does not have too many ambitions... Necali, the director of industry and mining, is responsible for the copper and iron mining area. He

He is battle-hardened, decisive, diligent and strict, and has devout beliefs... Artillery Battalion Commander Tupa is keen and eager to learn, loyal and obedient... All the generals of the kingdom, as long as your Highness is in power, you will be unbiased and loyal.


"Very good! Is there any more?"

"In addition to the senior generals of the kingdom, there are also the surrendered generals of Tarasco, as well as the canine generals who are good at fighting... The red frog Cocker is tough and dares to fight. The red monkey Ozoma is flexible and wise. The red deer Massa

Special, good at running and attacking. Arnold, the red salamander, good at running an army..."

"The dog-born generals..."

Shulot's eyes flashed and he thought carefully. The dog-born generals have flexible beliefs, simple dialectical thinking, and accept new things quickly. Such characteristics are very suitable for dealing with the coming European colonists...

"Bertard, if you choose one of the four dog-born generals to go to sea with you, who do you want?"


Bertard looked surprised. He looked at His Highness's serious expression, thought for a moment, and gave a definite answer.

"Your Highness, I want Arnold the Red Salamander."

Shulot looked at the calm warrior captain with great interest.


"Because, Chief Red Salamander Ashulote is dead, and there is only Arnold in the kingdom."

Bertard smiled and explained in detail.

"Arno once lived incognito and farmed in the village. Compared with several other chiefs, he did not have too many ambitions... The Eastern Islands are thousands of miles apart. If the generals had too many ambitions, they would become kings of the kingdom.

Hidden danger.”


Shulot thought for a long time, looked at the sincere warrior captain, and nodded heavily.

The family generals left behind by their fathers and ancestors, the brothers trained by the royal family, the trusted commanders from civilian backgrounds, and the generals from various ministries who returned from the war... Together they control the military power of the Kingdom in the Lake, and they both cooperate with and restrain each other.

What they gather together is the supreme and only king in the kingdom!

"No, there is another force on the water. Although this force is still small at present, it has infinite possible future!"

The young king's eyes flashed and his thoughts fluctuated. After a few breaths, he straightened his spine, looked to the west, and spoke in a deep voice.

"Where is the kingdom's exploration fleet now? How long has it been resting?"

"Your Highness, it has been half a year since the Kingdom's exploration fleet returned. Now, the two leading captains are resting in the Kingdom's southern navy station, Zicao City."

"Half a year's rest is enough!"

The corner of Shulot's lips raised, and he declared that the king's order could not be refused.

"Send an envoy and ask the two exploration captains to drive a long boat and go eastward along the Talsas River! Within a month, they will arrive at the Water Valley City camp and await new orders."

"Your Highness, the middle section of the upper reaches of the Talsas River is extremely steep and difficult to navigate..."

"It rains a lot in the summer, and the water level of some tributaries rises, so small boats can pass. Well, some local fishermen are sent to guide them. In addition, Tlaxcala laborers are arranged along the upper reaches. Where it is really difficult to pass, thousands of people are mobilized to tow on land.

Cross over!"

"This...sailing on land?..."

Hearing this, Bertard looked surprised. He thought carefully for a while and nodded again.

"Indeed, although the longship is long, it is not too heavy. As long as the manpower is sufficient, it is feasible to tow it. At present, there are many prisoners in the South Route Army, and the most indispensable thing is manpower."

"Ha ha!"

Shulot laughed loudly and made a decision. He looked at the statue of the main god and prayed loudly with the determination and will of a king.

"Blessed by the Lord God! When sailing on dry land, it is natural to show off your grand ambitions and go to the vast east!...I am right here, waiting for their arrival!"

This chapter has been completed!
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