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Chapter 584 Suppression

The sun was in the sky, casting a scorching light; heads hung high, dripping with drops of blood. Under the light and blood, more than 10,000 Tlaxcala captives were terrified and forced to gather in the center of the village. Sharp spears The sharp points are closing in from all directions. The powerful warrior has a ruthless killing intent on his face. Even the moist air seems to be filled with the smell of death.

"People of Tlaxcala! The power of the Lord God is the sun, the fire, and the light! She, in the highest clouds, shines on everything on the earth! And all the resisters, rebels, unbelievers, and evil ones are A dead end!"

Pimon held a spear and stood in front of hundreds of warriors, facing tens of thousands of fearful moth people. He looked coldly and shouted word by word in Nahua language that was not fluent.

"Your Majesty will move you to the south of the kingdom! There, you will get new fields and new huts. You will have enough food and be blessed by the Lord God! And as long as you dare to fight and fight bravely, the humble moth people will also have The opportunity to be promoted to a warrior, or even become a noble!...Such a bright future is a gift from His Majesty and a promise from the God of War!"

Hearing this, the Tlaxcala people were silent, with complex expressions on their faces. Most of them were accustomed to obedience, feared the Mexica's force, and did not dare to have too many expectations. Similarly, His Highness the Mexica regarded the God of Death as his The name also brings them a vague awe.

However, when the noble descendant of the Cloud Snake God called the captives to riot, many tribes were still young and strong, and they participated in the chaos... The divine rule of the nobles has lasted for too long, so how could it have happened overnight? , can it be wiped clean?

"Your Majesty is so kind and the Lord God is so majestic, but some people don't know whether to live or die!"

Having said this, Pimon's eyes were filled with anger. He raised his spear angrily, pointed at the wooden pole in the center, and shouted filial piety.

"Yesterday, a group of prisoners rioted and fled! Today, their heads are all here! Give them to me and take a good look!... Your Majesty, the Supreme Majesty, is the incarnation of the God of Death. If you dare to disobey, you will only die. End!"

A gust of mountain wind blew by, and more than a hundred fresh heads were shaking on the tall wooden poles. Most of their faces were full of fear. Their eyes were frozen, staring at the same fear. Captives of Tlaxcala.

"Now, I give you a chance! Who participated in yesterday's riot? Come forward! In front of the Lord God, I will give him a glorious death!"

The cold words echoed in the venue. The noisy Tlaxcala prisoners fell silent for an instant. Many people lowered their heads, not daring to look at the Prepecha warriors around them. In the center of the square, you could almost hear a pin drop.

"Ha! Are the descendants of the Cloud Snake so cowardly? Ha! They are just like grass rats in the mud. They can only hide in the gaps and tremble!...Bah! What kind of noble snake descendants? They just eat grass. Mean Tick!”

"Ah! Damn it!"

Hearing such humiliation, a young noble warrior couldn't bear it any longer. He shouted loudly, stood up abruptly, and strode out from the hidden crowd.

"Damn you Western barbarians! Descendants of the Cloud Snake are born noble! Even if I die, I will make you pay the price with blood for your humiliation!"

"Okay! As expected of the noble blood of the Tlaxcalans, a true warrior!...Who else? Is this the only warrior among the Tlaxcalans? If you don't dare to stand up now,

Then prepare to go thousands of miles away and become a farmer!"

"And me! Choluraban, the noble anaconda!"

In response to this, another strong man jumped out from the crowd. He moved quickly, and even with his bare hands, he still carried the power of a tiger. He was obviously a well-trained warrior.

"I am like a moth, farming for the Aztecs, my old enemy. Why don't I die here and return to the Kingdom of God!"

"Okay! What a warrior as majestic as a dahlia! Who else?"

"Me! Hilltop City, Noble Flower Python!"

"Me! Shuigu City, Noble Viper!..."

Soon, another eight or nine young noble warriors, no longer hiding their identities, walked out from the tens of thousands of young captives. Each of them had divine blood, and in Tras, who respected the noble race,

Kara people have natural charisma.

"Okay, very good! What a warrior worthy of admiration!"

Pi Meng nodded with respect on his face. He looked around at the thousands of prisoners and waited patiently.

"Are there any more? Are there any noble descendants of the Cloud Snake? Are there any truly brave warriors?"

The number of shouts that were not afraid of death was always very few. Soon, the scene became quiet again. The prisoners shut their mouths tightly and looked nervous, looking at the more than ten noble warriors who stood up, waiting for the gorgeous and destined ending.

"Then, the Lord God witnesses!"

Pimen stretched out his hand and grasped the sun amulet around his neck. With a serious look on his face, he bowed slightly to the warrior opposite.

"This is a battle of reverence, a battle dedicated to the gods! The soul goes to the kingdom of God, death is not the end, the glory belongs to the dead!..."

"Give them each a spear!...Then, kill them!"

The sacred battle began quickly, fierce, cruel and short. More than a dozen Tlaxcala nobles fought hard, roared filial piety, and were overwhelmed by the forest of spears. Within half a quarter of an hour, more than a dozen logs fell.

The pole was erected, and the head with open eyes hung.

"This is a sacred battle! The supreme god will lead the souls of those who died in the battle and let them enjoy happiness forever!..."

Pimon dropped the broken spear, held the bloody hatchet, and prayed loudly. Then, he looked at the gloomy-looking prisoners and shouted in a deep voice.

"All the noble descendants of the Cloud Snakes stood up bravely and died here in battle! And the rest are not worthy of being Snake Descendants anymore!"


No one responded, and no one dared to stand up. At this moment, it was like a heavy hammer fell, hitting the hearts of the prisoners hard, smashing the last remnant of something into pieces.

Pimento held the hatchet and looked around. Feeling the energy of the prisoners, he always felt that something was missing. What was missing?

"More than 10,000 prisoners were taken, but more than 100 people were executed...How can the majesty of the Lord God be engraved in the bone marrow and remembered by everyone?"

Pi Meng's eyes sharpened, and after a moment's thought, he pronounced the verdict again.

"The noble warriors who stood up just now come from seven migrating brigades, totaling a thousand people!"

Tens of thousands of captives were escorted south, and they were naturally divided into many teams. Some of these teams were tribal remnants, some were in-law groups, and some were spontaneous organizations, ranging in number from dozens to hundreds.

In this era, with the management skills of the tribal warriors, it is impossible to understand them all one by one. In fact, even the leaders of each team may not know how many people there are in each team.

"The Alliance has already had military orders to hide noble descendants of gods, conspire against rebels, and sacrifice all of them to death!"

Hearing this, Chihuaco's face trembled and he trembled all over. He smelled the strong smell of blood, which was a sign of death so clearly.

"Go, the eagles of Prepecha! Capture all the men from these seven teams, more than a thousand people!"

Pi Meng's expression was cold and hard, and he swung the copper ax with all his strength. Red blood beads splashed from the ax blade and went straight into people's hearts.

"Let them identify each other, expose the nobles among the tens of thousands of prisoners, expose the young men who participated in the riot! Exposing one young man is worth one life, reporting one noble man is worth ten lives!... When the time is up, the remaining

All the people below must be sacrificed to the Lord God, and no one is allowed to be spared!"

This chapter has been completed!
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