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Chapter Six Going Home

The blue sky sheds warm sunshine, and the wind in the Mexican plateau is still cool. The moist air carries the freshness of Lake Haltokan. The southern part of Lake Haltokan is connected to Lake Texcoco, and the east coast is more than ten kilometers away.

It is the ancient holy city of Teotihuacan, where Shulot was born.

After seeing Lake Haltokan, the team suddenly became lively, as if there was a certain kind of vitality.

The warriors rushed to the lake, fetched water on the lakeshore, and drank the taste of their hometown. There were small boats on the lake, and when the villagers saw the warriors from the city-state, they all greeted them warmly and asked about the harvest of the captives. There were also young

The girl approached in a small boat, wearing only a half-length sarong, boldly showing her youthful figure, and sang a love song of admiration for the warrior.

Shulot blushed a little and turned around to look at the village near the lake. Simple canals diverted the lake water and led it into the continuous corn fields outside the village. Black beans and pumpkins were mixed in the fields. The agriculture here is obviously much more developed.

, the population also appears to be more dense.

Between the village and the lake, there are many small ponds, and in the ponds are floating Chinampa fields of different sizes. Chinampa can be harvested 6-7 times a year, making full use of the nutrients in the river mud, with sufficient water and fertilizer, and few insect pests.

The yield is nearly ten times that of ordinary rough farmland. These chinampa are controlled by the nobles of the city-state to maintain a prosperous life. The big nobles often have chinampa gardens, which are filled with magnificent flowers and delicious herbs.

And holy cacao.

Shulot's eyes paused for a long time on a pond near a village, remembering a vague destiny of death. He watched silently until he was woken up by Ters, and the team set off again. Soon, a grand and simple city appeared

, appeared in Shulot's field of vision, and it was spectacular.

Teotihuacan has no city walls. Its walls have been buried in the dust of history, and most of the city is buried underground. A thousand years ago, this was the "City of the Gods" of the Teotihuacan people.

"Du" is also the place where the gods leave!

Xiulote entered the city from the west and passed through the unclear city boundary. What appeared in front of him was a magnificent spectacle that spanned a thousand years. Under the sun, a 40- to 50-meter-wide paved avenue ran from north to south, as if leading to the end of the era.

, it is the famous "death" avenue!

To the north at the end is a stone square, two hundred meters long and wide, with a square altar in the center. This is the Moon Square, a place of sacred sacrifice, a place to please the gods. Shulot was here for the first time

Seeing bright reds gathering into lakes and corpses forming hills. The unforgettable blood and shock made him understand for the first time that he had left the bloodless modern civilization forever and came to this cruel and cruel place.

of the jungle age.

The warriors led the horrified captives along the Avenue of Death. Further north of the altar was a magnificent pyramid, three times as long and wide as the avenue, and about forty or fifty meters high. Looking up, the huge stone barrier was built into five floors.

On the tower body, an exquisite temple stands on the top of the tower. The temple is bright, with red and blue dyes rendering simple patterns, and many moons, stars, jaguars and snakes are carved among the patterns.

On both sides of the temple door are four temple guards wearing wolf-headed hats. Their black leather armor is engraved with blue and yellow stripes, and they are as motionless as sculptures. The sculptures hold half-meter-long leather wooden shields in their left hands.

In his right hand, he holds a long obsidian stick more than one meter long. The sharp obsidian blades on both sides of the long stick are flashing with cold light.

Shulot tried to climb to the top of the tower several times to find a way back, but was blocked by the sculptures. If it weren't for his special status, he would have been sent to the altar and became a sacrifice. This is the sacred moon.

The pyramid is the bridge between heaven and earth.

On the other side of the team, directly east of the avenue, is another huge pyramid, the Pyramid of the Sun. It faces the sun and has a base of two to three hundred meters long and wide. It has the same five-story tower, but is taller.

The top of the towering pyramid is extremely open. In the middle is a sacrifice stone half as tall as a man, and to the east is the half-open Sun Temple.

There is a tall statue of the sun god in the Sun Temple, facing the east. The statue has a gold crown, gemstone eyes, and silver sash hanging from the arms and waist. Behind it is a pure gold sun several meters in diameter.

!The weight of this golden sun is definitely more than one ton. It is a wealth that the nobles of the old continent cannot imagine!

The sun was shining on the top of the Sun Pyramid, and the dazzling golden light dazzled Shulot's eyes. This most noble Sun Pyramid is dedicated to the sun god of the alliance. Only sacred sacrificial ceremonies can be held here.

Climbing is absolutely prohibited during normal times.

Orosh and the warriors stopped and knelt down towards the Sun Temple in the east.

He prayed loudly with a solemnity that Shulot had never seen before.

"Great patron saint Huitzilopochtli, under your sunshine that shines on all things, we have completed this capture! As your eternally loyal warriors, we will sacrifice the hearts and blood of our enemies to you until we return to the earth

, dedicate yourself. I hope you will bless our bodies and weapons so that we can win the next noble battle!"

Shulot also seemed to have finished his prayers. As soon as he stood up, he saw Orosh ordering the prisoners to kneel down to the Sun God and offer their faith.

The captives thought that death was imminent, so they trembled with fear and howled randomly. The fear of sacrifice made their limbs weak. After a while, the captives collapsed on the ground and crawled into a ball.

Not far from the west side of the procession, there is a gorgeous continuous palace. Colorful paintings are carved on the walls and fluttering on the pure white cotton curtains. The heaven and earth of gods, sacrificial farmland, rain forests and lakes, tigers, leopards, snakes and deers.

, are all alive in the palace. The scene in the painting is the past and present of the Aztecs, their beliefs and life.

This gorgeous building complex was the residence of priests and nobles. Likewise, it was also the place where God's servants worked daily.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Seeing the returning warrior team, a young aide hurriedly came from the palace. The young aide was twenty years old and had a face as gentle as jade. He did not wear a feather crown.

, wearing a white shawl on the upper body and a white short skirt on the lower body, exposing the chest. An ordinary obsidian necklace is tied around the neck to represent the identity of the deacon.

"Dear Orosh warrior, oh, and little Shulot."

The deacon smiled gently and winked at Shulot.

"How's it going? Did everything go well with the capture?"

"Not bad, Akapu. This time we captured the Huastec territory and found a tribe of savages. The opponent was very weak, and none of our soldiers were injured. God bless us!"

Orosh nodded, with a serious expression as if he had not yet recovered from his prayers. Then, he pointed to the kneeling crowd.

"All the captured prisoners are here!"

"Okay! God bless you!"

Acap briefly counted the prisoners, and then took a look at the damaged leather armor of the warriors standing at the back. He smiled and did not reveal it.

"Dear Orosh warriors, you have gained a lot among the returning team! Leave the male captives to me, and you can handle the female captives yourself. There are twenty-five sacrifices in total. It seems that every newcomer has

I can get promoted!"

Hearing this, Orosh also smiled. He turned around and roared at the warriors.

"Turkeys, I have good news for you! After this capture, each of you will be promoted to a first-level warrior 'Binder'."

"Tels, Marley."

Orosh glanced over, then roared.

"Both of you will be promoted to second-level warriors, 'Vastek Hunters'. You can go to the temple warehouse to receive the cloak and suit of the second-level warrior!"

Shulot looked intently and saw only two smiling faces that were equally eager to fight. But one had a cruel expression and the other had a pure expression.

"For the remaining first-level warriors, after I report to the elders, you can go get your new cotton armor tomorrow!"

Hearing this, the young warriors let out a burst of excited cheers and howls. Their promotion as warriors finally got off to a good start.

"However, remember it all! This time the opponent is very weak, and you are still a group of inexperienced turkeys! Only when you can capture a fierce and skilled Tlaxcala warrior alone, or a well-equipped Tarasco

Warriors, only you can be called true warriors!"

"Tels, Marly. You brought these four-handed women to the southern city and sold them to civilians without wives. In exchange for the cocoa beans, let the brothers divide them, and then repair the weapons and leather armor!"

Hearing this, the warriors cheered again.

"By the way, if you are one of your own, it can be cheaper."

Orosh said, patted Shulot on the shoulder again, and laughed.

"Xulot, it's a pity that you don't have a share here! Of course, you don't lack this either."

Hearing this, Shulot raised his brows and lost interest. The young man remained silent, just watching the captives being taken away and processed like goods. He knew that these tribal women would be sold to civilians to have children.

Strengthen the alliance. The men of the tribe will be sent to the temple to become sacrifices to please the gods. Life and death only happen in an instant, just like ordinary laws of nature.

After everything was completed, Acap took over the words. He smiled and spoke gently.

"Okay, Orosh. Now that things have been arranged, you and Shulot come with me! Captain Shusok has already given instructions to go see him immediately once you come back."

After saying that, he turned around and took the two of them towards the gorgeous palace society.

This chapter has been completed!
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