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Chapter 597: Divine Enlightenment Five Thousand Miles Away

The temple is broad and bright, the statues of gods shine with golden light, the walls are carved with divine patterns, and the flags of gods are raised high on the ceiling. The king sits cross-legged and under the statues of gods, and everyone bows their heads to listen to the divine teachings.

"The so-called breeding is to select stable and advantageous light and dark divinities (alleles) from the seeds of generations. The manifestation of these advantageous divinities in corn is that it has more fruit and shorter stems.

It is less prone to lodging, has fewer illnesses, and has less yield loss when rainfall is insufficient..."

"The divinity that is beneficial to planting needs to be continuously accumulated in the crops from generation to generation. Select good seeds from the dominant corn, cultivate in a small field, harvest, select seeds, and repeat again. This field, in the end, will

Fortunately, the lake is separated from other corn fields. In this way, the stability of the divine inheritance can be ensured... The selection process needs to last for a long time, ten years, decades or even hundreds of years. And when the advantage

When you have enough divinity, you can further hybridize and obtain special breakthroughs..."

"In fact, in the Olmec era three thousand years ago, the corn they cultivated produced much smaller cobs than what is cultivated by the Alliance and other countries in the world today. The corn yield at that time was also greater than it is now.

Few. And at the beginning of the first era, the first corn was slowly domesticated by our ancestors from strong grass thousands of years ago!..."

Hearing such words, everyone present looked at each other, and their expressions changed a little. You know, in ancient mythology, corn is a gift from the gods. If anyone else dares to say such disrespectful words to the gods, what will happen...

"Ahem. Of course, the original corn was also a divine revelation given by the Lord God to the ancestors!"

Shulot coughed slightly and quickly added a sentence. Then, with a serious look on his face, he looked at the priests and guards present and preached seriously.

"Just, you need to remember! Pairs of light and dark divinities exist in all things. They can be accumulated and selected, go in different directions, and cause different changes in all things. God created all things and only gave them the original divinity.

.And all things continue to reproduce, light and darkness are born and die, and changes are also taking place! This kind of change can also be called evolution..."

"There are four eras of reincarnation and death, and all things in each era are different. The so-called breeding is the control of the divinity of light and darkness! What we have to do is to let humans choose the direction of change of all things, and let them change,

Fits our needs!”

After the words were finished, there was silence in the temple. The only sounds were the rustling of the priests who accompanied the army with their heads lowered, recording on the papyrus paper, and the sound of the long wind blowing through the curtains of the gods. All the preaching was done in

Under the gaze of the Lord God. And the so-called divine enlightenment means enlightening all living beings in the name of God!

"...God creates all things and bestows the original divinity. All things multiply, the divinity of light and darkness arises and disappears, and changes in different directions..."

Mayan businessman Tikalo murmured to himself, with the light of wisdom flashing in his eyes. He couldn't help but stretched out his hand and stroked his slender and divine head, feeling the smooth and smooth touch, which is unique to wise men.


"The divinity of light and darkness, evolution and selection..."

Tikalo thought silently and realized the mystery contained in His Highness's words. His keen intuition reminded him repeatedly, telling him that behind His Highness's description, there must be an extremely complex and huge system that encompasses all things.

"This feeling is like me carrying the 20-digit multiplication that has been passed down for thousands of years, and carrying a few words about astronomy and stars... but I don't know that thousands of years ago, the ancestors of the City of Gods used these to do things.

What a glorious feat?...Ah! Your Highness, Your Highness must be like this too! He looked at the divine tree of life reaching the sky, but he could only describe fragments of branches and leaves, and told us with difficulty..."

Thinking of this, strong greed and desire appeared in Ti Carlo's eyes, which was the instinctive pursuit of mysterious knowledge by the ancient Mayan nobles. He couldn't help lowering his head and quietly clenched his palms.

"...Ah! That is the mystery of the gods! How great it would be if I was the one who could receive divine enlightenment and see the divine tree of life!..."

Two steps away, the old militiaman Chihuaco stood in the corner, lowering his head and making a respectful gesture. He had a sneer on his face and a curse in his heart.

"...Ha! The pigs are farting when they go to the ground. Your Majesty is saying some unintelligible things again. I have been cultivating the ground all my life, but I have never touched anything divine..."


Next to the old militiaman, Huitu Puap looked confused, as if he was sleepwalking. He listened to His Majesty's words and could understand every word, but these words together were like a priest's incantation to summon souls. Only ghosts can


Shulot looked around at the crowd, looking at the expressions that were either deep in thought or blank, and touched his smooth chin. He thought for a moment, tilted his head slightly, and stretched out his finger.

"Chihuaco, you are the best at planting among everyone. Do you understand what I just said about breeding?"

"Ah!...Uh, this!..."

When he heard the roll call, Chihuaco trembled and was horrified. He almost thought that His Majesty could read minds. He stammered and answered carefully.

"Your Majesty, I don't understand that... divinity. I only know how to dig holes and plant the ground. Well, when planting, you should choose some good, fat seeds. As for the other... uh...

.When heading, it is best to have wind. If it rains too much or is too dry, there will be few grains or bald spots..."

"Huh?... Let me think about it. That's right! The pollination of corn relies on the wind... Its divine transmission relies on the power of the wind to pass from male flowers to female flowers. Of course, you can also pollinate manually, by yourself

Just click on the pistil..."

Shulot thought for a while and added a few more words. Whatever he thought of, he would tell it. Regardless of whether he remembered it correctly or not, he would tell it to the priests. Finally, he also drew on the wooden board with a charcoal pen.

The structure diagram of a flower describes some common sense of plant physiology.

"...Bloom and bear fruit, and the divinity of light and darkness is inherited. Among these flowers, there are also male flowers and female flowers, stamens and pistils. The inherited divinity of light and darkness is conceived in the stamens and pistils. Generally speaking, each of them has its own characteristics.

Contain half of it. The stamens produce pollen and fall into the style of the pistil, just like men and women giving birth to a fetus... Oh, by the way! The process of men and women singing is the same as this. The men and women each produce half of the light and dark divinity, and combine to form

The source of life, and then develops into a newborn fetus..."

The priests lowered their heads again and wrote down the king's graffiti. Everyone was meticulous and respectful, just like recording magic symbols.

It wasn't until the sun set in the west and torches were lit in the temple that Xiulote waved his hand and asked the priests and guards to retreat. Then, he raised the corners of his mouth and looked at the old militiaman Chihuaco and the dusty noble Puap.

There is also the Mayan businessman Ti Carlo, who smiled gently.

"Witness the Lord God! I summoned you from thousands of miles away just for a very important divine enlightenment!..."

Hearing this, the old militiaman felt a chill all over his body. An unknown premonition came over his heart, like dark clouds in the sky, blocking all the sunshine. However, His Majesty was still sunny and had a gentle smile.

"That divine revelation is a little far away... probably in the east, um, five thousand miles away..."

This chapter has been completed!
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