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Chapter 604: Ironware, innovative productivity!

"The rise of the military nobles and warrior class has impacted the traditional nobles and priests, and promoted the political changes of the kingdom! However, such changes also require supporting productivity improvements..."

Near lunch, the prayers of tens of thousands of warriors came from the camp outside the city. Shulot listened for a moment, smiled, and then found two documents from the Department of Industry and Mines in the Kingdom's report. The key to the Kingdom's productivity innovation

The key lies in it.

"Your Highness, your warrior, Nekali is reporting to you: There are already 8,000 mining slaves in the Chinganbat mining area. Among them, there are six copper mining areas, large and small, with a total of more than 6,000 mining slaves. There are three to four coal mines.

There are more than a thousand mining slaves in the area. There are hundreds of mining slaves in the surrounding logging camps..."

"Your divine inspiration has always guided us! Your warriors, according to your instructions, used more ventilation equipment and transport wheelbarrows. More blast furnaces over two meters tall were built in the mining area, and expanded large drums were used.

Wind skin bag. And around the mining area, closed walls were built using copper smelting slag and stones from the mountains..."

"Now, the average monthly mining and smelting of copper in the mining area is about 8,000 jins per thousand people, and the total monthly output of copper materials is 50,000 jins! God bless! In two years, the copper output in the mining area has increased significantly.

Twice as much!...”

Seeing this, Shulot nodded with satisfaction, feeling quite pleased.

The quality of the copper ore in the Qingambat mining area is indeed excellent. Through the large-scale increase of mine slaves and the use of shaft furnaces and large bellows, the mining area has reached a monthly production level of more than 20 tons of copper materials. The output has increased so significantly,

Then more bronze can flow into the production of agricultural implements and tools, thereby fundamentally improving the productivity of the entire kingdom. Of course, in the Middle Ages, mining was the most arduous and dangerous labor. These copper materials increased production.

Behind the scenes, the price paid...

"Your Highness, your warriors are begging you: Can we replenish a new group of mining slaves from the captives from the Kingdom's Eastern Expedition? The monthly loss in the mining area is about 150 people..."

Xiulote's eyes flashed and he calculated in his mind. The loss of 150 people per month means a loss of about 1,800 people a year. But based on the ratio of 8,000 people in the mining area...

"On average, each mining slave can only live for more than four years?"

Shulot lowered his eyes and was silent for a moment. Then, without changing his expression, he picked up his pen and wrote down a new royal order.

"Necali, my warrior, you have done a great job! Continue to increase production capacity and minimize losses...increase the number of mine slaves to 10,000. Copper production must reach a monthly output of more than 30 tons!"

..As for the suppressed warriors and the consumed mine slaves...I will make up for it for you!"

After writing the king's order, Shulot took out the seal and printed the king's emblem. The red emblem fell into the eyes, and it was like blood. However, blood is unavoidable. It is the fuel for the progress of the times and the bones of all living beings.

Next, there is the second document, from the leader of the Black Rock Mountain Iron Mine, the Tekos warrior Mavik.

"Your Majesty! Your scales on the seashore, Mavik is reporting back to you: The rainy season has passed, lightning no longer falls, and mining in the Black Rock Mountain iron ore area has returned to its original state! There are now 1,600 Tekos in the mining area.

Miners, as well as four hundred loggers, are busy day and night... In fact, this is open-pit mining, and the number of manpower in the mining area can be increased a lot. However, the supply of food in the mining area has always been somewhat tight..."

Seeing this, Xiulote thought for a while and nodded slightly. There are less than ten thousand Tekos tribesmen stationed in the Black Rock Mountain area. Their farming level is also very limited, and it is difficult to provide much surplus food. The mining area is the most

The main source of food comes from Lithospermum City, four hundred miles away in the north. It passes through the waterway of the Talsas River and goes down the river. This journey is not difficult and can be easily transported by transporting food.

However, since the Eastern Expedition, Zicao County has resettled too many young people from Tlaxcala, and food is very tight. On the river plain north of Trout Village, more than 10,000 Tlaxcala people have been resettled at this time.

Tribe. They will have to wait until next year’s autumn harvest before they can produce food.

"The development of industry and mining requires the foundation of agriculture. The southern lowlands are vast and sparsely populated, and are far less prosperous than the river mouth and Gyeonggi Fu, so they must be further cultivated. Since there are iron mines in Heiyan Mountain and convenient waterways, the focus of the kingdom's development must be

Sloping towards the southern seaside.”

After making up his mind, Shulot looked at the details of mining and smelting in the report again. This part of the content should have been written by priests and craftsmen, and it was very detailed.

"Your Majesty, iron ore and copper ore are both the condensed essence of the Mother Earth. But iron ore has been baptized by the Lord God's lightning and is harder than copper ore! The miners mine iron ore much slower than copper ore. In addition, iron ore is mined much slower than copper ore.

, Iron ore smelting is more difficult, and the iron produced is less than the same amount of copper ore..."

Seeing this, Shulot pondered for a moment. The quality of the Black Rock Mountain iron ore is obviously lower. Compared with the high-quality copper mine in Qinganbat, it immediately shows its superiority. At the same time, the Mohs hardness of the iron ore is 5-6.

, while the Mohs scale of copper ore is 3.5-4.5. Based on the current technical level, the cost of mining and smelting iron ore is probably higher than that of copper ore.

"It has been two years since the Black Rock Mountain Iron Mine produced iron. According to His Majesty's continuous divine revelations and for His Majesty's generous rewards, the priests and craftsmen have continued to explore and have achieved some results..."

“First, build a shaft furnace of more than two meters with kaolin and clay, equipped with a large blast bladder... The bottom is fuel, and the top is iron ore. With the help of the power of the God of Fire, the power of the God of Wind is blown in to melt the earth.

The essence of mother... The iron-making furnace produces molten iron and solidifies into iron material. However, the iron material at this time is very brittle and cannot be used. Therefore, the craftsmen followed closely and put in the iron-melting furnace. The iron material was in

Melt it twice in the iron furnace, and then produce molten iron, and it will be better."

Seeing this, Shulot nodded with satisfaction. What is produced in the iron-making furnace is pig iron with a high carbon content. The secondary melting is to reduce the carbon content in the pig iron as much as possible.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Under his hard thinking and advanced guidance, the kingdom's iron-making technology quickly surpassed the primitive stage of block smelting and came to the high-temperature pig iron smelting of shaft furnaces.

The casting stage. This is also the inspiration inherited from the Celestial Dynasty, a technology that has emerged during the Warring States Period.

"...Behind the iron furnace is a row of pottery molds. According to His Majesty's instructions, the main focus is on the manufacturing of agricultural tools. As for the iron molds you pointed out, the craftsmen are still exploring, but some results have been achieved...

The molten iron is poured into the pottery mold and solidifies into different farm tools. But it is still a little brittle at this time and requires a blacksmith to burn it red and keep forging it... The more times it is forged, the better the effect will be until durable farm tools are made. This is

Repeated tempering introduces the power of the Lord God to make the iron harder!...Of course, according to your instructions, after the forging is completed, there will be a quenching step to introduce the power of the Rain God!...Gather the power of the gods,

So you get hard and tough iron!"

"Your Majesty... As for the 'extremely hard iron' you mentioned, 'soft iron and hard iron are mixed and forged', and what about 'semi-melted molten iron and iron powder added to stir-fry steel', 'keep the molten iron melted and stir for a long time in the open air.

Mature iron'... Well, the priests and craftsmen are working hard to explore. The Lord God bless the kingdom! By next year, there will definitely be a breakthrough in the mining area!..."

Seeing this, Shulot's expression changed and he frowned slightly. He frowned and thought about the current situation of iron smelting in the kingdom.

After many forgings, the pig iron was beaten into relatively low-quality steel, which can be used as agricultural tools and shorter weapons. This is also the current situation in the Black Rock Mountain mining area, which provides some iron agricultural tools for the kingdom's farms and further explores steelmaking.


To obtain better quality steel, we need the "fried steel method" of the Han Dynasty, or the mature "steel filling method" of the Southern and Northern Dynasties, to smelt wrought iron and then mix it with pig iron to make steel. And these leap-forward technologies want to

It will still take time to reproduce in Central America, which has a weak foundation...

If higher quality steel is urgently needed, wrought iron can also be made using the block smelting method, and then combined with pig iron from the shaft furnace to obtain higher quality steel. However, the cost involved and the quality of the final product are hard to describe.

.In general, the most feasible steel-making method at present should be the steel-frying method of the Han Dynasty.

"Easier said than done, requires accumulation. The Kingdom's smelting technology is not accumulated enough. Even if it knows a clear route and bypasses hundreds of years of exploration, it will be difficult to achieve it overnight!"

Shulot sighed softly, with helplessness on his face. He could not ask for more from the priests and craftsmen in the Black Rock Mountain mining area. In the face of the devout faith of the Lord God and the attractive rewards of the kingdom, the craftsmen have done their best. The rest is

, it is really limited in ability and lack of experience...

"If I could get craftsmen from the Old World..."

The divine smoke rose, like a rising desire. The young king whispered to himself. His eyes looked towards the east again, thousands of miles away.

This chapter has been completed!
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