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Chapter 651: The Second Kingdom Exploration, Night Talk on the Beach, and the Closer Lowland Maya

When the red sun goes to the west, the sky is filled with green light, and the evening at the seaside is always magnificent. The Caribbean Sea breathes majestic energy, drinking up the water of the grassy river, and at the feet is the Yucatan Peninsula along the coast. Dozens of Mayan clans,

On this peninsula in the north prosperity and decline, existence rises and falls.

"The Aztecs and Putons reached an agreement so quickly. They are really colluding tigers and wolves!... The barbaric atmosphere rushed towards us, rushing to the north like a tide..."

Looking at the human trade of these "barbaric" tribes, Mayan businessman Tikalo secretly curled his lips and sighed inexplicably. He conscientiously translated every sentence between the two parties, his eyebrows were slightly lowered, and he didn't know that he was planning again.


"Okay, very good! Spear Mokayin, the Lord God will bless you! Come on, put on this sun protection... uh!"

Looking at this young and strong tribal warrior, Priest Tuomat was very satisfied. He reached into his arms and took it out for a while before he remembered that the sun amulet had been given away. But it didn't matter, there were many more on the boat. Tuomat looked at the boat

, after thinking for a moment, he called Huitu Puap.

"Praise the Lord God! Captain Pu, I have sworn a blood oath with Chief Moqi of the Short Spear Tribe and reached an agreement. I will use the excess weapons on the ship to exchange for 80 Pudu tribe warriors! When we reach Snake Island in the East China Sea, the fleet will establish a stronghold.

, leaving enough manpower, one or two must be replenished in advance..."

"This river mouth is the only place that the kingdom's subsequent fleet must pass through. I intend to operate here and gain a solid foothold on the Yucatan Peninsula. Chief Mozzi can provide the kingdom's fleet with long-distance voyages.

Supplied water, and fighting men! He is very important to us! As long as the expansion of the Short Spear Tribe reaches a certain level, it will definitely impact the Mayan city-states in the north and create turmoil in the Yucatan Peninsula... This pair

For us, it’s beneficial and harmless!”


"Eh?...Hmm. Priest Thomas, you are right."

Priest Tomat's eyes were bright, and he patiently explained for a long time, which made the gray earth noble feel dizzy. Then he lowered his voice and gave instructions.

"Captain Pu, go get a pair of bronze cloth face armor from the Kingdom. I want to give it to this chief!"

"What? Give him precious bronze armor?!"

"Yes! Chief Mozi believes in the Lord God, which is very important to us!"

Tomato nodded affirmatively.

"The kingdom wants to ensure that he will not die inexplicably in the next battle. If so, it may not be easy to find another Chief Puton who can be traded! ... By the way, arrange two more kingdom warriors

, stay here, get familiar with the local situation, and learn the Mayan language."

"...Okay! You have a point, I have to listen to you!"

Puap pursed his lips and complained in his heart. The Tomato Priest liked to hold up the scriptures and toss them back and forth, causing many things to happen. He returned to the boat and whispered to the old militiamen.

"...What to do?"

"What else can we do? Others are already stuck there, and what they say is right, so just listen to him!"

"Well. Then I'll order two people! Pekka, Pechu, you two brothers pack up and come with me. Stay in the Puton tribe for a while and learn their language as soon as possible! ...What, you ask

When will we pick you up? Let’s wait until the fleet returns from Snake Island!”

After a while, Puap finally brought back a pair of bronze armor and two kingdom warriors with bitter faces, and handed them over to the Tomato Priest.

"Haha! Brother Moqi. You gave me a personal guard, and I will also give you a god-given battle armor, so that you can stand as solid as a rock on the battlefield and remain undefeated!"

Priest Tomat quickly took action and grabbed Chief Mozi's arm tightly, making the corners of his mouth twitch. Then, he handed the bronze cloth armor to Chief Mozi with an unusually solemn expression.

"Praise the Lord God! She gives the warriors who believe in armor invulnerable to spears!"

"Praise the Lord God! Praise her armor!"

Chief Mozi stretched out his hand to touch the bronze armor, and his expression changed. He couldn't wait to put on the heavy armor, hammered it with his fist a few times, feeling the sonorous impact, his face was filled with surprise and joy.

"Brother Tomat! You are really my good brother! With such a stomach, I can kill with ease! ...Okay, okay!"

Chief Mozi praised repeatedly and tested it with a dagger for a while before he took off his armor with satisfaction. Beads of sweat were already appearing on his back. The weather in March was not too hot. If it comes to the burning August and the red sun is scorching, then the weather will be so hot.

Strong tribal warriors can only wear armor for a few quarters of an hour, so they have to take it off quickly!

"Haha, the main god bless the kingdom! Brother Moqi, there are thousands of such god-given armors in the kingdom! The Short Spear tribe has already believed in the main god. When the kingdom's priests and craftsmen come, they will guide you in making weapons and repairing equipment. In general

One day, the Short Spear tribe will also be able to produce weapons and armor given by the gods!"

With a smile on his face, Priest Tomat drew another corn cake of the future.

Chief Moqi nodded excitedly and looked forward to the future of the tribe. He thought for a while and then grinned.

"Priest Tuomat, you came here before and gave you a hundred copper axes... I will give you twenty more tribal warriors, both as compensation and as an apology! You are looking at the eagle in the distance, and I am staring at it.

The coyote in front of me. The mountain eagle flies very high, and the coyote runs with it, and at the same time pounces on the prey, sharing the heart of the enemy!..."

Having said this, the strong Chief Mozi stretched out his cut right hand and shook hands with Priest Tomat once again. This time, there was a little more sincerity in his eyes.

"Priest Thomas, witness from our ancestors! We can become true brothers! Because our roads are far ahead!"

Hearing this, Priest Tomat looked solemn. He looked into Chief Mozi's sincere eyes, and after a moment, nodded slowly.

"Chief Mozi, the Lord God witnesses! Our road is far ahead. As long as you devoutly believe in the Lord God, I will be your brother like brothers!"

"Okay! Praise the Lord God!"

“Praise the Lord God!”

The two of them clasped their hands and looked at each other with burning eyes. No need for translation at this time, they could feel each other's thoughts and the will to move forward!

Night gradually came, and bonfires were shining on the shore. The kingdom warriors in the fleet returned to the ship to rest, and most of the ordinary warriors of the tribe returned to the prairie castle to rest.

Both sides sent invitations at the same time, but Priest Tuomat did not go to the Puton tribe's stronghold, and Chief Mozi did not board the kingdom's ship. The two led dozens of people, lit bonfires on the shore, and camped on the spot. Low

The low voices of each other floated in the dark night, and then dissipated into the rough sea. They both told a lot, many stories that the other could not understand. And the only one who understood them at the same time was the one who was too sleepy and struggled to cheer up.

Mayan merchant Tikallo.

"The Great Emirate in the Lake? The Alliance of Mexican Chiefs? The Divine Death Chief?...So, you are just the largest tribe among dozens of tribes in the Menghu Tribal Alliance?"

Chief Mozi's eyes sparkled with curiosity. After a night of conversation, neither party felt sleepy at all. He had never thought that the western plateau was so vast, and that the tribes on the plateau were so powerful...and complicated.

"No. The largest tribe is the king of the alliance, and we are the second largest. However, our highness, the leader, is the king's son-in-law and cousin, and the first successor of the kingdom. If the king dies, the largest tribe will

The two tribes will become one. And other weak tribes, unless they can all unite, they will not be worth mentioning!"

Priest Tomat spoke concisely and described it as simply as possible. Mozzi touched his chin, thought for a while, and asked in confusion.

"Two jungle jaguars, so close together, wouldn't they fight?"

"Well... no. Both the king and His Highness believe in the supreme god, who is the incarnation of the god in the human world! They have been fighting for years, responsible for different directions, and are working closely together to bring peace to all the ministries in the world!"

"Oh, that's it! The wolves in the jungle haven't finished eating yet, and it's not time to fight with each other yet."

Chief Mozi suddenly understood, clapped his hands and smiled.

"When all other prey in the jungle are eliminated, the two strong jaguars will finally bite to determine the only king!"

"No, that's not the case!"

Upon hearing this, Priest Tomat's expression changed. He immediately retorted, and even felt a little inexplicable anger.

"Witness the Lord God! The king and His Highness are the real eagles, leading the alliance and the kingdom! God bless them, they are two close kings! Moreover, there is also the eldest princess among them..."

Chief Mozi smiled, looked at the somewhat annoyed Priest Tomat, and changed the subject.

"Okay! Tomat, my brother! I don't know what the rules of inheritance are among your tribes on the plateau. It's just that when we, the Puton tribe, and the big tribe inherit, the successors will always fight each other to decide a leader.


"As for the city-state people in the north, they are much weaker. They will compare the 'divine nature' and let the powerful elders in the clan vote to elect the leader of a clan. Even the Kanur clan directly north of us

, they don’t have a leader, just a group of elders composed of a group of old guys..."

"Kanur clan, group of elders?"

Hearing this, Priest Tomat raised his eyebrows, glanced at Ti Carlo who was translating, and asked aloud.

"Mozi, my brother, I heard that the four largest forces in the north are the Kanur clan in the west, the Xiu clan in the middle, the Kapur clan, and the Ekabu chiefdom in the east.

.How much do you know about their strength?"

"Yes. Our Puton tribe has fought against the Kanur clan and the Xiwu clan! As for the two further east, I don't know."

Chief Mozi thought for a moment and replied seriously.

"The Kanur clan in the west seems to be allies with the Cocom family from before. Decades ago, the Xiwu clan wanted to become the boss and raided the Cocom family. I heard that they killed many people and massacred the entire clan.

Royal City! In order to contain the Kanur clan in the west, he also sent a batch of weapons, women, salt and goods to our Puton tribe, allowing us to attack the border of the Kanur clan..."

Hearing this, Tikalo's body trembled slightly. He lowered his head and translated softly without changing a word.

"Oh? Did you go to attack? What was the situation like in that battle?"

"I've gone! Why don't you want something that was given for free? The south of the Kanur clan is very empty. I heard that many women and food were robbed... However, that was two generations of chiefs ago. I didn't have it at that time.

Born. But my mother was kidnapped from the northern city-state by the previous great chief. It seems that she is still a descendant of the gods."

Chief Mozi's expression flashed, telling long-standing stories, and seemed to be reminiscing about something.

"I remember my mother said that the Kanur family (ah

ul), is a person who protects and supports. Their ancestors also came from the western plateau. He once held a white gourd and an obsidian spear, following the older King Nava. Then, he

It was entrusted to the southwest by King Nava, guarding the nine hills, guarding the nine rivers, and also guarding the border of the royal city of Qiqinyincha..."

"Then, a Mayan named Cocom climbed out of the sacrificial well with the help of his companions. Holding a coconut in his hand, he declared his sacred blood and experience, and gained the support of many Mayan tribes. These Mayans

The tribe attacked King Nava, continued to grow, and finally invaded Chichen Incha. The Canur family defended until the end, but surrendered. They made an alliance with the new Mayan king, and retreated to the westernmost part of the peninsula, still

In the name of 'protection', they just changed a king. It's just that they failed to protect this new king in the end and was killed by the Xiwu clan!...Haha! Hahaha!"

Mentioning these bedtime stories told by his mother, Chief Mozzi laughed loudly and told another version of the Mayan epic. Tikalo next to him suppressed the excitement in his heart and asked in a low voice.

"Dear... Chief Mozi, is your mother still there?"

"Oh, she has gone to the Kingdom of God a long time ago. People in the tribe never live to be old... Hey, why do you ask this?"

Chief Mozi pursed his lips and replied calmly. Then, he looked at the Mayan civilian with some confusion, wondering why the other person suddenly became excited.

"Brother Moqi, so there is an old feud between the Kanur clan and the Xiwu clan?"

Priest Thomas looked at Tikalo deeply, then turned around and asked.

"Will these two powerful Mayan clans fight each other?"

"Yes! Not only do they fight each other, they also sacrifice each other. And we often take advantage of them to fight and go to the border to plunder!"

Chief Mozi nodded heavily. These two clans were the two most powerful forces in the north of the Puton tribe. Of course, they were also plundered by the Puton tribe.

"The Kanur clan and the Xiwu clan both have more than 10,000 city-state warriors. The warriors on both sides are pretty average, and none of us can fight them. However, they have refined stone spears and short bows, as well as a lot of wooden armor and leather armor.

He is good at fighting in the jungle. Similarly, if the city-state people are given time, they will mobilize a huge militia. It is very annoying! We usually just grab a handful and leave, retreating into the jungle and mountains. We will come out again when we find an opportunity!"

"Then between these two, who is better?"

"Haha! Of course it's the Xiwu clan! They occupy a very wealthy royal capital, have more warriors, and firmly dominate the Kanur clan. Their leader is also very cunning, and even ambushed our tribe. But,

In the east, they are still restrained by the hostile Kapoor family, and they are attacked on both sides. No matter how many troops they have, they can always find a loophole to get in and grab them!... And if there is no Kapoor clan in the east, the Kapur family who claims to be 'guardian'

The Nuer clan may not even be able to protect itself!"

This chapter has been completed!
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