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Chapter 67 Sunset and Sunrise

The setting sun slanted to the west, leaving behind its last afterglow and its last warmth. The golden sunlight fell, reflecting the shining hills and painting the magnificent forest fields.

This is the junction of the Otomi Mountain Forest and the edge of the Valley of Mexico. Going south from here, the forest gradually thins out and the mountains gradually become flat.

Hundreds of warriors with long bows and bronze spears walked steadily and headed south without hesitation.

A young commander wearing a helmet and covering his face was walking in the center of the team. He was small, holding a shield in his hand, carrying a war club on his back, and wearing the commander's sunstone cloak, with a large bow painted on the back of his cloak.

An extremely delicate obsidian necklace surrounds his neck, symbolizing his status as a high-ranking priest.

Where the warriors were walking in solemn silence, flocks of birds flew up from time to time, and the cries of eagles lingered in my ears.

The boy saw the eagle flying among the brilliant red clouds, saying goodbye to the golden sun and the warmth of the world.

Beside him, a particularly strong jaguar warrior was listening attentively. A similar eagle cry was repeated several times before he nodded in understanding.

"Xulot, the prey has moved to the east, half a day's journey away from us, and is drinking water." Orosh said confidently.

Shulot nodded slightly. He wore a face-shielding helmet to maintain the majesty of the commander and prevent the warriors from seeing the young man's handsome face.

"Teacher, is this gone?" The young man kept his posture [ www.xbqg5200.me ]. After a long time, he looked surprised and looked at Orosh next to him.

"Of course! The eagle signals imitated by the jaguar warriors can only convey simple messages: east, west, south, north, half a day, one day, two days, drink water, eat, sleep. This is not human language, what else do you want?

How about it?"

Orosh looked at the boy and rolled his eyes. He had been with the boy for a long time and learned this action very early.

"Also, in the army, there are clear levels of hierarchy. If you need to maintain your authority, just call me by my name!"

"Okay, teacher."

Xiuluo nodded and then shouted an order: "Turn eastward!"

The warriors followed the order and chased eastward.

This hunt has lasted for two days. During these two days, the jaguar warriors of the holy city of Teotihuacan finally had the opportunity to show off their traditional skills: hunting.

Unlike their wealthy colleagues in the capital, Teotihuacan's military nobles did not have enough land and villages to support themselves. The high priests also occupied an absolutely powerful position in the distribution of the city-state's wealth.

The military nobles of the Holy City can only do it themselves to support their families.

They often go to the mountains and forests of the north to hunt, catching tigers, leopards, deer, wolves and crocodiles to obtain animal skins and meat. The animal skins can be used to make or repair leather armor, and the meat is used to subsidize the family members who participate in warrior training.


And every once in a while, when large-scale sacrificial events require the preparation of sacrifices, the warriors will also gather into small teams and go deep into the territory of the Otomi, Huastec, Tarasco and even Tlaxcala, and capture the local people.

The canine savages attacked the hostile villages and even captured the samurai of the opposing force. This was capture.

Capturing prisoners can bring promotion and honor to the participating warriors, but of course it also hides a cruel death. Male sacrifices can bring rewards to the temple, and female captives can be exchanged for wealth in the market, or simply stay at home to weave cloth.

The young men of Teotihuacan always experience their first battle in life while being captured, just like Shulot himself. When senior warriors are promoted to military nobles, most of them will join the Americas who are good at raids.

Tiger Squad to further improve their hunting ability.

In hunting, the most important skill is tracking and the most valuable quality is patience.

In order to capture an unparalleled warrior like Totec, Shulot had enough patience.

The jaguar warriors of the Holy City were scattered into the mountains and forests by the young commander. They closely monitored Totec's movements and sent signals with high-pitched eagle cries.

Tisoke's whereabouts were always locked, and Totec tried to break out several times, but in the end they all failed.

During the two days of hunting, the hunters were constantly inflicting wounds on the prey, consuming the prey's physical strength, and waiting for a fatal blow!

Whenever the guards drink, eat or rest, a small team of longbow warriors will quietly arrive. The firing longbows bring deadly arrows, taking away exhausted lives one by one, leaving the guards unable to rest.

By now, nearly half of the more than 150 guardsmen have been lost. The remaining loyal guards are also injured and exhausted. They don't even dare to set up a bonfire at night, they can only chew cold dry food and endure the cold.

of cold wind.

Once the angry Totec is ready to chase, other teams will loom in the surrounding mountains and forests, waiting for the opportunity to shoot the king. Totec is like a ferocious beast with its hands and feet trapped, and Tisoke is

The ropes that bound his hands and feet.

If this rope is cut off, will the beast surrender to him? The young man thought leisurely.

At this moment, under the guidance of the Jaguar soldiers, Stanley came from the mountains and forests to the east. He walked in a hurry, looking slightly tired, but very excited.

"I have made contact with the warrior group in the south. Three thousand warriors have been surrounded from the south. Early tomorrow morning, we will completely trap Tisok."

"Well done!" The young man took off his visor, revealing his delicate face. He looked confident.

"Early tomorrow morning, let us launch a fatal blow!"

Nights without a bonfire are always difficult. Totok closed his eyes slightly, and a vigilant guard stood beside Tisok.

Surrounding the king were the guards who were on duty with their shields raised. They had been marching and fighting for the past two days, harassed and harassed without sleep, and the guards struggled with exhaustion. From time to time they closed their eyes and lowered their heads, their helmets lightly tapping on the top of their shields, and then they woke up for a moment, and soon

He soon closed his eyes and fell asleep again.

Totec listened carefully, but did not hear the annoying cry of eagles or the low sound of the longbow. He was slightly relieved. Tonight, it was rare for the rebels to not disturb him. He took another look at the tired and scarred prisoners.

The guards said nothing.

Everyone enjoyed a rare rest, and the king was finally able to sleep peacefully. In his sleep, he screamed inaudibly in his sleep. In the past two days, the troops marched southward with difficulty, and the rebels harassed them day and night, and they had to sleep with half their eyes open.

Only eyes.

In a difficult situation, the king inspired the tenacity of a warrior. He no longer complained or cursed. Instead, he inspired the loyal guards from time to time and made promises for the future.

"These are the descendants of the late king Montezuma." Totec thought quietly, "Don't be obsessed with theology and despise loyal warriors. Don't be bewitched by the chief priest's words and have murderous intentions towards his brother.


"If only it had been like this earlier..." Totec shook his head slightly. Once things in this world have passed, they can no longer be changed. Since they cannot be changed, there is no need to think about them again.

"If he can return to the capital this time, the king will definitely be able to change and become a British master like the previous king!"

Totec tried to remember the face of his late king, but he could only remember a tall and vague figure. Perhaps, in the distant past, during his boyhood, he never dared to look directly at the great and glorious Montezuma. He just followed the instructions of his ancestors.

He obeyed the king's orders, loyally loyal to the king, and kept in mind the oath of protection.

As a cut-haired guard, he guarded the previous kings; as a commander-in-chief, he guarded Tisok. He was grateful to the king for his promotion, but the official position and rewards actually meant nothing to him.

He is just alone, without a wife, relatives or friends, living the simplest life, as pure as the rock on the top of the mountain. Because the life of a warrior is just being loyal to his mission and fulfilling his promise until he dies peacefully!

Peaceful time always passes quickly, and in the blink of an eye, there is a new red sun on the horizon. The morning sun brings infinite dawn and hope, illuminating the vast world and climbing to the highest peak, just like the emperor in the world.

When the red sun rises, its path shines brightly.

Totec looked at the gorgeous morning glow, which dyed the clouds on the horizon. The clouds spread out from the east, like the door to the kingdom of God. A smile of understanding rose in his heart: the old sun has left

, the new sun has just risen, it is really a beautiful day, just suitable for a peaceful death.

That night, Shulot slept very well. He woke up at dawn and raised his head to face the rising sun in the sky. Then the young man dressed up neatly and led the warriors to the east under the guidance of the eagle's cry.

Before noon, he received urgent information. A few miles away to the east, Totec led 80 guards, and they were about to break through the obstruction of a thousand-man battalion. It was not known how long the two thousand-man battalions behind them could hold back.


The young man cursed secretly in his heart: "These royal warriors are useless at work!"

He immediately gave the order, and the eight hundred warriors turned into a torrent and hurried toward the east.

This chapter has been completed!
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