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Chapter 665: Evening in Wushan City, the end of blood and fire

April is the hope before spring plowing, and spring is spreading in the wilderness. In the northeast of the Yucatan Peninsula, the Kingdom's expedition fleet is docked in Port Ecab. Everyone is repairing the ships, replenishing their spirits, and preparing to cross the sea eastward to the Cuban Snake.

Island. On the Mexican plateau, tens of thousands of Totonac captives were being escorted by alliance warriors, heading southwest to farm outside Shuigu City.

The long wind blew and followed the captives' path, four hundred miles east from Shuigu City, to the source of many captives. This land of fertile mountains and forests with many villages, abundant water sources, farmland all over the fields, and

The western important town of the Totonac people, Wushan City.

At this moment, the Eight Thousand Yuyan Legion is stationed on this 400-mile long road, transporting prisoners, covering food routes, and arresting tribesmen along the way. Thousands of kingdom warriors, the sharp edges of the army, are marching in the Wushan City area.

Spread out to capture prisoners. They formed a team of hundreds of people, broke through villages and towns, and captured young men and women as prisoners. As for the black wolf Toltec, he was personally leading 4,000 Guakili legions and 4,000 Misters.

The surrender barracks and a thousand guards artillery battalions besieged the crumbling Wushan City.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Ten Sun Condor cannons were deployed outside Wushan City, emitting roaring thunder! Stone projectiles flew up, fiercely bombarding the walls of Wushan City, like stones thrown by giant beasts. From time to time, there were sharp stone projectiles,

Breaking through the wooden shield, a blazing wooden blade exploded at the top of the city, and a large cloud of blood mist was brought up.

"O Quetzalcoatl! Save your people!"

"Please, please send down your divine power to fight against the volcano demon in the west!"

Cries filled the sky, echoing at the top of Wushan City, accompanied by howls of despair. Xalapa, the lord of Wushan City and the descendant of Totonak, looked pale and trembled all over. He stared at the terrifying copper beast bombarded outside the city.

, I feel directly that the end is coming, right before my eyes.

"What on earth is this?! How did the evil Aztecs control such a majestic power? Is it really, as the fleeing Tlaxcala nobles said, this is the evil power of the volcano demon? If I had known this, I would have

Knowing this..."

The face of the divine descendant Sharapa was already full of regret. There were five hills surrounding Wushan City. Although the city walls were low, the terrain was easy to defend and difficult to attack. He once thought that this was a fortified city that was difficult to capture!

In fact, for more than a month before, the Aztec legions had only besieged Wushan City and plundered the city without force. He had also been patient and waited for the powerful enemies in the field to retreat after running out of food. Unexpectedly,

, what he was waiting for was the golden copper beast of thunder!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Ten bronze beasts lined up in a row, let out a shocking roar, and fired stone bullets that destroyed everything. This bombardment only lasted for a few days, and the six thousand warriors and militiamen at the top of the city were all frightened. They witnessed the stone bullets fired across the city with their own eyes.

, pulling out the screaming blood mist. They had no way of understanding it, they only regarded it as the divine power and thunder of the God of War, and they felt irresistible despair.

"If I had known this, it would be better to hand over the 15,000 Tlaxcala tribesmen we accepted, and then hand over 5,000 men... stay low and be coy, and ask the arrogant Aztecs to retreat!"

The Goddess Xalapa clenched his teeth, his heart filled with anger, unwillingness and fear. A few months ago, the Aztec legion raided the border, plundered several Totonac villages, and had a fight with the scout warriors of Wushan City.

They fought, and there were casualties on each other. Then, he sent an envoy to ask the nominal suzerain, "Why do you want to attack the submissive village of Totonac?" The reply brought by the envoy was a condition that he could not accept at the time.

"The Alliance Gods are fighting to the east to completely annihilate the descendants of the Tlaxcala people! Wushan City dares to accept the Tlaxcala tribe who fled eastward, and must be severely punished! I will give you ten days to hand over 20,000 Tlaxcalans.

Kara people! If it is lacking, make up for it with Totonac!"

Hand over a full 20,000 young tribesmen! Wushan City only has 1,340,000 tribesmen. Even if it accepts 10,000 to 20,000 Tlaxcala young men, there will only be 156,000 people. Hand over one-eighth of it at once, and return

Most of them were young and strong, and the leaders of various tribes and the noble priests in the city were completely unacceptable! And in just ten days, everyone could not reach a compromise at the loss of profits. Therefore, there is no doubt that Wushan City did not agree, no

Refusing is just to delay.

However, the Aztec army was ready to attack without any delay! Ten days later, the Black Wolf Toltec personally led the assembled army of tens of thousands into the hinterland of Wushan City. He personally

Commanding the vanguard, he broke through several obstructing camps in succession, and went straight to the Wushan City without hesitation! From the time he received the ultimatum to the time when the Aztec battle flag appeared, it was only twenty days!

"Damn the Aztecs! They have already planned it, they are just like greedy jaguars! They have just eaten the powerful Tlaxcala alliance, and their red eyes are looking towards the east! At this time, Toto

The leaders of the Nak states are probably still arguing with each other about how much troops to send. When they mobilize and gather, it will take another month to come...I am afraid that Wushan City has already fallen! And I will also climb up to the big temple.

At the top, go to the Sacrifice Stone..."

Thinking of this, Shalapa's limbs trembled and he was sweating all over. He knew clearly what would happen to him, as the most noble leader of the gods in the city, if he were to capture the city and be captured by the Aztecs.

End! He gritted his teeth, bit his lip, thought for a moment, and then hurriedly shouted to his guards.

"Come here! Come here! Take out the property from my palace warehouse and give it to the warriors guarding the city to boost their morale! Then invite the feathered serpent priest to come and hold a ceremony at the top of the city to appease people's hearts and summon the divine power of the feathered serpent...


"Whoosh whoosh!"

A fierce rain of arrows suddenly struck from below the city, bringing a roar of death. The god-born Sharapa's knees weakened and he immediately squatted down, and a bronze arrow shot over his head.

" Quetzalcoatl protect me! Damn the red-haired barbarian! Damn the barbarian archer!"

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! The god Xia Lapa gritted his teeth and cursed, and looked up again, and sure enough, thousands of red-haired hunters, wearing leather armor and bronze armor, holding large bows, approached the city.

They ran at great speed, and once they stood still, they fired sharp arrows one after another, suppressing the defenders at the top of the city.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

A shrill scream suddenly came to the ears of the god Xia Lapa. He turned around and saw the messenger who had just delivered the message, running and showing his figure, and was shot directly into the side by an arrow from the red-haired hunters.

Abdomen, unable to fall to the ground, struggling to death.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

The god-born Sharapa cursed angrily. Before he could summon another personal guard, the thunder of the giant beast struck again.

"Boom boom boom!"

Ten flying stone bullets hit the city walls in this area. One stone bullet hit the left side of the god-born Sharapa, killing three or four bodyguards. The other stone bullet passed over him.

The top of his head was shot into the city, knocking down a hut. Seeing such a concentrated bombardment, the god Xia Lapa was finally convinced that the Mexica people were targeting him and wanted to behead him!

"The Lord God bless you! For the glory of God, kill! Kill them!"

"Kill! Sacrifice the descendants of the gods in the city and kill the nobles in the city! This is the mission of the God War!"

"The regiment leader said it! After Wushan City is conquered, all the women's belongings will be taken away by the warriors, and he doesn't want any of them! At the head of the first battalion to board the city, all the warriors will be transferred to the legion and they will get 20% of it!"

"Ho ho! Attack the city, attack the city! Break the Wushan City, and you will be a noble master for a few days!"

"The leader also said it! The Lord God witnessed it! If you win the siege, the first battalion to ascend will be transferred to the legion and become the regular army!"

"Roar! Witness the Lord God! Become a regular soldier and be awarded military merit! First to ascend! First to ascend!"

A wild howl like a wolf came from outside the city, getting closer and closer. Xia Lapa, the god-born, squatted under the shield at the top of the city, his face ashen. He didn't need to look, he just needed to listen to the familiar people in the clouds.

From the accent, you know it must be the Mixtec soldiers who worked for the Mexicans!

In the past few days, he has seen through the Mexica's fighting methods. Each time, they are bombarded by copper beasts, suppressed by red-haired hunters, and then thousands of Mixtec warriors climb up the city with ladders to fight, wave after wave.

Wave. And the Mexica warriors were holding the battle at the rear. No matter how cruel the fighting at the city head was, they did not participate in the bloody siege.

"My Iceberg Beauty Wife"

Over the past few days, the warriors in Wushan City suffered thousands of casualties, and the mobilized militiamen suffered even greater casualties, and even collapsed. The morale of the defenders was getting worse day by day, and it was not known how long they could hold on.

"Blessed by Quetzalcoatl! For the glory of the divine family, guard Wushan City!"

The god-born Sharapa pursed his lips, watching the city crumbling, and finally sent out the five hundred family warriors in his hands. These elite warriors roared, wore leather armor, and fought bravely. They were the last pillars of the city-state, and their combat skills

They were skilled and their morale was very high. Five hundred family warriors climbed to the top of the city. After fighting for a moment, the Mixtec soldiers who had climbed to the top of the city were driven back one after another.

"Okay! Okay! It's finally out!"

On the hill, the black wolf Toltec, carrying a big flag, laughed heartily as he looked at the surrender camp that was driven off the city. Then, with a cold look on his face, he waved the red flag without hesitation and shouted an order.

"Beat the war drums! Order the Divine Blessing Throwing Team to go into battle! As long as they survive, they will immediately be transferred to the main army and promoted to the third level of warriors!"

The so-called regular army is the official legion of the kingdom like the Guakili Legion. The warriors in the legion are awarded military honors and enjoy various benefits in the kingdom. Under the regular army, they are surrendered troops.

Black Wolf led his legion to conquer everywhere, and surrendered thousands of warriors. These surrendered soldiers all had battle experience and had seen blood. It would be a pity to kill them all at once. But to send them to the rear to farm, it would be a pity.

Potential hidden dangers. Hei Lang thought about it for a long time, and then thought of the Eastern tribes conquest that His Highness had mentioned, so he came up with this system.

"The surrendering soldiers first used force to scare them, and then let them kill their comrades or nobles with their own hands, cut off their escape routes, and drive them out of the doghouse. Then, they let them plunder wantonly, attack the city and fight, releasing the passion in their hearts.

The wolf nature becomes a wolf in the wild. A few who are not afraid of death or convert to the main god will be selected into the Divine Blessing Throwing Team, and the rest will form a surrender camp! Finally, give them a way to climb up and let the wolf bleed.

Fighting, chewing flesh and bones, and being domesticated into a biting wolf dog!"

Thinking of this, Hei Lang burst out laughing, quite pleased with himself.

"Haha! This strategy was developed by me, Black Wolf, and it has no disadvantages. The kingdom can have a powerful and fierce siege cannon fodder without spending too much money. The secret is that the leader is famous, fierce and decisive.

.This unit is strong, agile, ferocious and capable of fighting. Only when a tiger drives away a wolf can it be driven effectively! Well, I have to give this method of warfare a resounding name, let’s call it...just call it...tiger and wolf tactics!”


The black wolf was thinking proudly, and then the fierce war drums sounded. Amidst the passionate prayers of the war priests, the real "wolf pack" who was determined to die was dispatched.

"Praise the Lord God! Dedicate yourself to the Lord God! Hoho!"

Fanatic shouts suddenly came from the Mexica army formation, carrying a desperate will. The god Xia Lapa looked startled, and when he heard the sound, he saw only hundreds of fierce Mixtec warriors.

, holding the smoking pottery ball, howling crazily, running towards the low city head like a pack of wolves.

"Praise the Lord God! Dedicate yourself to the Lord God! Hoho!"

The howling "wolf pack" ran very fast, and within a few moments, they rushed within a hundred steps of the city. Seeing these fierce warriors running towards them, the Mixtec soldiers who were fighting at the city suddenly became panicked and lost their lives.

and jumped down to the city.

"Hmm? This is it?"

The god-born Sharapa was stunned. He looked at the warriors holding the smoking pottery balls. They were only wearing light battle clothes and didn't even have a weapon on them. Are they here to die?

“Praise the Lord God! Dedicate yourself to the Lord God!


The ear-splitting shouts came again from under the city wall. Then, fierce warriors climbed up with crazy expressions. They climbed up the low city wall, paying no attention to the warriors of Wushan City who were coming to kill them. What they did for the first time

One thing is to throw the smoking clay ball in your hand into the nearest crowd!

"Hey! I seem to have heard it somewhere... This is this?"

The god-born Xia Lapa frowned and saw the smoking pottery ball falling not far away from him. Two personal guards were holding shields and cautiously stepped forward to investigate. Perhaps it was because of his gorgeous battle clothes and symbols.

There were a lot of clay balls thrown at him, four or five in total. Wisps of green smoke emerged from the rolling clay balls, bringing with them the scent of volcanic demons.

"The breath of the volcano demon? Ah? This is it! This is it!"

The god-born Shalapa suddenly woke up. He remembered what the fleeing Tlaxcala nobles had said, and his face instantly turned pale. He felt the boundless fear of approaching death, and even his face was distorted.

"Quetzalcoatl! No, no!..."

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

The explosion of thunder was so close that it exploded in front of our eyes. The exploding pottery ball turned into a weapon of death, bringing an irresistible impact, fragments and flames. The god Sharapa felt pain all over his body, and felt light all over.

.His consciousness instantly blurred into a lake, his vision went black, and he felt his body was empty, as if he was flying in the clouds. After a few breaths, the tranquility and illusion of death appeared in his mind. The supreme Quetzalcoatl appeared from the clouds.

With its three-color tail feathers hanging down from its body, it leads the fallen gods to the Kingdom of God in the sky.

"I am dead?..."

The last thought circulated in the mind of the god Xia Lapa, and then it was fixed. Half of his upper body flew for a moment amidst the frightened main gods of the family warriors, and landed heavily behind the city wall, waving the bright red color of the god.

"Master! Master!"

"The Goddess is dead?... The Goddess is dead!"

"This is, this is the evil method of the volcano demon! Even the gods can't stop it, how can mortals resist it!..."

"O Quetzalcoatl! Save us!"

After the continuous thunder, the city was in a mess, full of chaos and death. The last family warriors suffered heavy casualties and completely lost their fighting spirit and hope. The Mixtec surrender camp howled with excitement and became like wolves again.

They pounced fiercely, and the city was about to be broken! At this moment, the surrendering soldiers had red eyes, bursting out with boundless killing intent and fighting spirit. They had experienced countless killings and deaths, and they were no longer the domestic dogs of the nobles in the Tehuacan Valley, but

They are the ferocious and cruel pack of wolves under Black Wolf!

"The city has fallen! The city of Wushan has fallen! Oooh! Roar!"

A pack of wolves climbed to the top of the city and howled into the city. The desperate cries of tens of thousands of Totonac people resounded throughout the five-mountain city just before sunset. Blood, death and flames were about to fall with nightfall.

The black wolf outside the city was so satisfied that he issued the last order to the thousands of armored soldiers.

"The pro-army troops enter the city in armor. Don't get red-eyed when you look at these wolf dogs! Control the warehouse temple, escort out the captured young men and women, and then collect the surrendered Totonak warriors and replenish a new batch of wolf cubs! As for the wealth and wealth

Let the wolves and dogs have a good time venting their divine palaces, noble manors, and merchants’ residences. The entire army will plunder for ten days, transporting away all the property and prisoners! Ten days later, set fire to the city!”

The cold and ruthless order was passed down from the mouth of Commander Black Wolf, who regarded the bright red as nothing. Black Wolf squinted his eyes, looked at the howling and fallen city-state, and shook his head indifferently. His eyes once again turned to the groggy city in the evening.


The hills are low in the east, and the streams flow to the east. The terrain goes all the way down, and one hundred and fifty miles to the east is the prosperous seaside lowland, the coast of Totonac where the kingdom's fleet docked. There is also Cole

The starting point of Tesi's destiny, the western holy land revered by the Totonac people, the ancient city of Quetzalcoatl!


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