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Chapter 700: Inquiry from the Kings Messenger

Hunter Chapo walked into the dull and solemn hall with his head held high, and was called in front of him by the commander of the Black Wolf Legion. He whispered back a few words, and a stern look flashed in the eyes of the commander of the Black Wolf Legion.

"Very good! I understand. You go down first!"

"Yes! I obey you, Chief Black Wolf!"

Hunter Chabo bowed to the ground and turned around respectfully to leave. During the brief reply, he didn't look sideways and didn't even look at the great nobleman of the alliance next to him.

"Respected royal noble Yao Lin, the scout of the vanguard of the army, has arrived in the Golden Bay City area. According to the latest news, the Totonak tribes, large and small, are migrating to Golden Bay City along the way."

Hei Lang pondered for a moment, with a blank expression, and looked at the king's envoy beside him, the middle-aged royal aristocrat Yao Lin.

"The power of the Totonak rebel tribe is gathering and strengthening! I need to gather my troops and go to the front line to launch a conquest and cleanup of the Golden Bay City area as soon as possible... Forgive me for not staying here longer. Praise the Lord God

!" After saying that, General Black Wolf glanced at the descendants of Qinbo Ali who were lying on the ground with an indifferent look, and was about to leave.

"Wait a minute! Dear Commander of the Black Wolf Army, please slow down!"

Royal envoy Yao Lin frowned and hurriedly stepped forward to block the black wolf Toltec.

"Witness the Lord God! The Totonac tribe of Qinbo Ali has always been a loyal vassal of the Mexican Alliance. They have paid tribute on time twice a year for twenty or thirty years! In the past few decades,

The divine leaders of Qinbo Ali are all the strong pillars of the Mexica Alliance that governs the land of Totonac. Even if the legion in the lake went south for no reason to conquer, under my persuasion, the tribal leaders of this city did not occupy the walled city.

Resist, but surrender to the Alliance legions..."

"Going south to conquer for no reason? Haha!"

Hearing this, a dangerous light like a wolf appeared in the eyes of Black Wolf Toltec. He interrupted the messenger Yao Lin and asked coldly.

"Yao Lin, what exactly do you want to say?"

"General Toltec, please return the forcibly detained divine nobles and return the management rights of the local tribes to the leaders in the hall! You must know that they are the most loyal supporters of the alliance's vassal tribes!"

"Praise the Lord God, praise the King, we are loyal to the Alliance!"

Hearing this, the local noble chiefs in the palace shouted loudly. The leading leader of the Nishui City Tribe, Asuka Shah (Saa), raised his head and shouted excitedly.

"I am the most loyal vassal of King Avit, and I took the lead in surrendering to the alliance army heading south! General Black Wolf, how could you detain my four sons for no reason, occupy my palace, take away the food in the warehouse, and force the tribe's warriors to

All recruited? I will go to Trochititlan in person to appeal to the great King Avite!..."

Hearing this, Toltec's eyes turned cold. With a "dang" sound, he pulled out the bronze sword from his waist and pointed at the position of Chief Shah. He did not hide the murderous intent on his face and shouted angrily.

"Shah of Asuka, shut up! I led the army eastward from the Sierra Madre Pass and sent envoys to ask you to respond in the hinterland. How did you refuse? I attacked the ancient city of Quetzalcoatl and defeated hundreds of Qinbo Ali warriors.

Who was sent to support? The legions reached the foot of Nishui City and were preparing to attack the city. You just thought of surrendering. What kind of loyal vassal of the alliance are you?..."

"...The main god witnesses! Shah, when I entered the city and saw the smallest main temple among the many temples, I knew what kind of thing you were!... Come here, take him down for strict interrogation."

!Let him reveal the details of colluding with the Totonac rebels and opposing the alliance!"

Following Black Wolf's order, two Guakili warriors wearing armor and carrying axes strode forward. They pulled out their copper axes, turned their blunt sides, and smashed them mercilessly a few times, killing the big leader.

The Shah fell directly to the ground. After the Shah screamed several times, two strong warriors grabbed his arms and dragged him away.


Seeing such a ferocious scene, many tribal noble chiefs took a breath of air and dared not speak out again. Yao Lin opened his mouth several times to stop him, but in the end he made no sound.

Among the several crimes charged by Black Wolf, two are the most deadly. One is to send warriors to support the Holy Land of the Quetzalcoatl to fight against the Legion in the Lake. The other is to disrespect the main god and treat the main god as a subordinate god. At the moment,

The alliance's religious reforms became increasingly severe. King Avit ascended to the throne as God King, integrated the high priests, and increasingly emphasized belief in the Lord God. At this juncture, even as a royal noble, Yao Lin could not speak out at will, as it would be suspected of disrespecting the Lord God.

"...Hey! Dear Commander of the Black Wolf Army!"

It wasn't until the screams of the great leader Shah disappeared outside the main temple that the royal noble Yao Lin sighed. He lowered his voice and spoke cautiously.

"God bless you! The great leader, Shah, did make some mistakes in disrespecting the Lord God. But he has always been respectful to the alliance and did not resist to the end. The Nishui City Department has always been the land of Totonak, the fulcrum for the alliance to maintain the vassals of various states.

..Please also ask Captain Black Wolf to leave him a way to survive. It is best to send the leader of the vassal city-state to the royal capital for a decision by the king and the high priests!"

"...Well. God bless you!"

Hearing this, Black Wolf Toltec was silent for a moment, and then nodded inconspicuously. He took a deep look at the king's envoy, the royal noble Yao Lin, and felt some constraints from the alliance.

Yao Lin came all the way from the royal capital and directly said that the Nishui City Tribe, which had lost more than 20,000 people, was beyond his expectation. According to his original plan, he was to attack Nianshui City and wipe out the Qinbo Ali tribe.

. Even if two thousand Totonak soldiers are killed and surrendered, we must kill all the noble leaders in one fell swoop and control all the ministries!

As for the current situation, the Nishui City Ministry surrendered, not only providing up to 3,000 tribal troops to surrender, but also retaining many divine nobles. Although this saved the time for the army to move south and reduced casualties, it also made subsequent processing difficult.

It gets tricky.

After all, he was not prepared to maintain the traditional vassal system and return this crucial ancient city to the hands of the tribal leaders, but to make it directly under the expeditionary corps. As for the thousands of men in the Nishui City Department,

He had no intention of letting go of the grain he had been hoarding for several years.

Because, according to His Highness's instructions, what he wants to fight is not a vassal war of conquering but not destroying, just making all the tribes surrender, but a unification war to completely destroy the upper echelons of the tribes, complete a brutal cleanup, and rebuild the order of faith!

Hei Lang pondered for a long time, his expression becoming colder and harder. Yao Lin saw this, his expression moved slightly, and his voice became deeper.

"Dear Commander of the Black Wolf Army, I come from the royal capital, and by the king's will, I am responsible for mediating the conflict between the Kingdom of the Lake and the vassal tribes of Totonak!"

The king's messenger Yao Lin looked solemn and raised the scepter in his hand, which was given to him by King Avit himself. He looked into the eyes of the black wolf Toltec and asked word by word in front of the statue of the main god.

"The Lord God witnessed everything! The Kingdom of the Lake moved eastward, first captured Wushan City, then occupied the Holy Land of the Feathered Serpent, and controlled the Nishui City. Now, the Lake Army will go south to attack Jinwan City further southeast..."

"Commander of the Black Wolf Army, on behalf of the king, I want to ask you: When and where will the Lake Army attack the Totonak tribes before they are ready to stop?"


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