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Chapter 716 The Disappeared Militia

Aztec Eternals Chapter 716: The Disappeared Militia

The clouds were getting thicker and the sky was gloomy. Sulfur smoke was drifting in the wind, and the banner of the Lord God was flying on the top of the city. The eagle warrior Barda led thousands of janitor warriors, and the third batch entered the city without encountering almost any resistance.

"Huh? There should be thousands of militiamen guarding the city. Where are they all dead?"

Wearing bronze armor and holding a bronze spear, Barda looked around the city, but saw only deathly silence. It seemed that after passing the city wall, there were no more defenders, nor the large groups that were common when attacking the city in the past.

Militiamen. He kept walking, first leading a large group of guards, walking past low and deserted thatched huts, past desolate and quiet stone houses, and finally arrived at the first important point, the main warehouse in White Snake City.

In the main warehouse area, there were originally more than a hundred White Snake warriors stationed, but now they have thrown down their weapons and surrendered to the first batch of pioneers who entered the city. At this moment, nearly two hundred Mexican pioneer warriors, in addition to dozens of people guarding the prisoners, all

Search and loot in the warehouse to steal some unobtrusive small items, such as gems, gold sand, silver grains and spices that are easy to hide.

"Huh? These bastards"

Barda frowned and saw the nervous pioneer warriors, but didn't say anything. The pioneer warriors risked their lives and killed the enemy first. According to private practice, they would also get an extra share of the spoils. The items in these warehouses

As long as the things are not too ugly, the military judges will not deal with them.

"That's almost it! Seal the warehouse! All large pieces of cotton and grain will be confiscated!"

The confiscation of large items of property meant that small items could be kept privately. The guards showed smiles on their faces, and the pioneer warriors also relaxed and cheered quietly.

"Witness the Lord God! Battalion Commander Barda, although there are a lot of various properties in the warehouse, there is indeed not a single grain of food!"


After hearing the reply from the warrior captain, Barda walked into the stone warehouse and glanced around. It was so clean that even a mouse would cry. He was thoughtful, turned around and left without saying anything.

Soon, a hundred guard warriors stayed here to guard the warehouses and prisoners. The main force of the guards continued to advance, and within a moment, they arrived at the palace area in the city. In the palace area, there were originally sounds of stubborn fighting, but when

Hundreds of praetorian warriors arrived, and the last resistance collapsed in an instant under the rain of arrows and sharp axes.

"The White Snake's personal guard warriors killed more than a hundred people. The divine nobles captured more than two hundred people. Are all the divine nobles in the city here?"

"Yes, Battalion Commander! Oh, in addition to here, many of the Cloud Snake priests in the Central Cloud Snake Temple are descendants of gods!"

"Well, I understand, I'll go to the temple later!"

Barda nodded, strode forward, stepped on the corpses and bloodstains of the guards, and entered the palace of the city lord. More than two hundred of the last descendants of the Cloud Snake God were lying on the ground in despair, sobbing and whining. Since

Falling into the hands of the Alliance, the fate of these gods has been sealed.

Barda looked around at the prisoners, nodded with satisfaction, and asked again.

"Where is the warehouse in the city lord's palace?"

"Batalion Commander, behind!"

Barda kept striding, and under the leadership of a warrior, he came to the private treasury of the Lord of White Snake City. There were even more gems and jade, gold and silver ornaments, spices and herbs, feathers and costumes seized in the treasury. Not only that.

, there are more than a dozen bronze weapons, long bows, and bronze arrows in the inventory. Barda picked up a bronze ax, inspected it for a moment, and cursed secretly.

"Damn it, the Lord God has witnessed it! This symbol of the ax handle must have been produced by the craftsmen's business in the capital of the alliance! I don't know which noble family it came from."

However, there were only a dozen smuggled bronze weapons in the warehouse, and the number was too small to be investigated. Even if they were found, the nobles of the capital involved could refute the fact that they were seized by the Tlaxcalans in battle. In fact,

Judging from the number of bronze weapons flowing out, the alliance's arms control has been very good. The great nobles in the alliance are still afraid of the king and the high priests and do not dare to go too far.

In addition to weapons, there is also food in the warehouse that can supply five hundred people for half a year, which should be specially prepared for the gods in the mansion. This is also the first time that Barda has found food in the city.

"The Lord God bless you! Leave two hundred people behind! Keep an eye on these divine captives and don't allow them to commit suicide! They are all precious gifts to the gods!"

After a while, the guards left another two hundred people behind, while the main force continued to move forward, heading towards the Yun Serpent Temple in the center of the city. In the distance, there was a faint flicker of fire there.

When Barda arrived, the ancient Cloud Serpent Temple was already in the hands of the pioneer warriors. The fire that had just been ignited in the temple had been extinguished at this moment. The corpses of more than a hundred temple guards were scattered along the pyramid.

He fell down and died in a hideous and tragic manner. The bright red liquid slowly flowed down from the height of the pyramid, covering the thick and sticky dark red blood clots, as if a new layer of dye had been applied.

"Yes! This smell of blood, these old blood clots! How many people have been sacrificed here?"

Barda sniffed his nose, with a look of displeasure on his face.

There was too much blood stained on the pyramid of the Yun Serpent Temple, and in the siege, there was not enough water to wash it away. Over time, the blood stains solidified into thick blood clots, exuding a disgusting smell under the hot sunshine.

Breath. And when the praetorian warriors climbed up the stone steps of the pyramid, they discovered that the accumulated thick blood clots could reach their ankles.

"Battal Commander! Seeing the Alliance warriors attacking the city, all the Cloud Snake priests in the temple have committed suicide!"

After a while, the armored pioneer warrior Quez ran down from the temple above and bowed to Barda to report back.

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"As for the drawing boards and wooden books in the temple, most of them were set on fire and were put out just now! There is a lack of grease in the city and they cannot light a fire."

"These cloud snake priests are decisive in their death!"

Barda raised his brows, looked at the thick blood stains on the pyramid, and did not choose to climb the tower. He pondered for a while and asked seriously.

"Have you captured any divine prisoners? Have you discovered any hidden warriors or militiamen?"

"Battal Commander, brothers, we didn't capture the descendants of the gods, but with the blessing of the Lord God, we captured dozens of prisoners in the small, low temple behind the temple pyramid. They are"

Speaking of this, the face of the pioneer warrior Quez showed a little hesitation and a bit of disgust that could not be concealed.

"Well, what are they?"

"They are the quartermasters and chef servants in the city, responsible for preparing food for the defenders. They may know the whereabouts of the militiamen in the city."

"Quartermaster? Preparing food? And the whereabouts of the militiamen?"

Hearing this, Eagle Warrior Barda lowered his eyes. He vaguely guessed something, his face remained calm, but his voice became deeper.

"It seems that we will not encounter any more resistance in this dead fortress."

"Then let's go! Go to the small temple and interrogate the captured quartermaster. You must give His Highness a clear response!"

This chapter has been completed!
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