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Chapter 784 Wang Qi arrives at the camp outside Jinwan City

The sun in early February rises high, shining like a god, illuminating the east, west, north and south. The sun crosses two time zones, nearly ten latitudes, and covers a full four thousand miles, coming from the dry and cold southwest coast of the North American continent.

to the warm and humid Southeast of the Gulf of Mexico.

There are dense jungles, crisscrossed rivers, a warm climate all year round, and heavy rains in the rainy season. This is the Totonac Coast, the frontline of the battle between the Eastern Seaboard tribes and the Kingdom's legions, and another warm "Golden Bay".

The camps and military strongholds of the Kingdom Legion fly the flag of the Lord God. They stretch from the main camp of Shehu Village near the sea in the northwest to Hewan Village near the river in the southeast, stretching nearly 60 miles, forming a semi-encirclement front. There are more than 6,000 Kingdom warriors.

, commanding nearly 10,000 subjugated Totonak tribe warriors. A legion of 16,000 people are dispersed in five camps and military villages. They have spent a long rainy season, competing with the East and West Totonak tribes.

The allied forces of Croatia had been facing off for half a year!

The East-West Totonak coalition, with the city of Jinwan as its core, plus eight or nine surrounding tribal camps and military strongholds, extends for more than fifty miles and is located on the other side of the semi-encirclement front. Before the rainy season last year,

The Totonac coalition experienced several disastrous defeats, was ambushed by the Kingdom's army in succession, and fell into two strongholds, once reduced to more than 20,000 people.

However, after the rainy season, more tribal reinforcements came from the land of Totonak, seven hundred miles to the east, holding the flags of city-states. The size of the entire coalition army gradually increased to more than 30,000 people.


At the beginning of the war, no one expected that the battle under Jinwan City would last so long! After the rainy season passed, the Kingdom Army still maintained the initiative on the battlefield, semi-surrounding the city with a strength of 16,000 people.

Thirty thousand Totonac troops.

Sixteen and a half thousand men surrounded 30,000 people, which at first seemed a bit unbelievable. But after repeated field battles involving thousands of men, the leaders of the Totonac coalition were forced to admit a tragic outcome.

The fact is that the Totonac city-state army with cotton armor, stone axes, stone spears and short bows, even if it has twice the numerical advantage, cannot defeat the kingdom headquarters with copper armor, copper axes, long spears and large bows in a field battle.


However, if the scale of the field battle increases to tens of thousands, and the kingdom's 6,000 headquarters, along with tens of thousands of levied tribes that are easily defeated, fight a decisive battle with the 30,000 coalition forces, then the outcome will be somewhat unpredictable. But right now,

The leaders of both armies, one was guarding the city with peace of mind, and the other was waiting hesitantly, neither of them had the idea of ​​putting all their bets on the outcome of a battle to determine victory or defeat.

If you don't fight in the field, you can only attack the city. There are only 6,000 warriors in the kingdom's headquarters. Even if there are tens of thousands of cannon fodder troops, it will be difficult to capture Jinwan City and the surrounding military strongholds garrisoned by tens of thousands of coalition troops. Battlefield

The situation fell into a stalemate. The Kingdom's army set up a long snake camp, while the Totonac coalition curled up into a porcupine with thorns. The two armies faced each other and consumed each other.

"Hey! The giant python in the heavy rain, the porcupine in the mud, no one can do anything to anyone, they are all rolling in the water and mud!..."

When the rainy season arrives, the black wolf Toltec raises the wolf flag and returns to the camp in Snake Lake Village, where he remains stationary.

The long rainy season lasted for several months, turning the land into mud and creating swamps in the jungle, making all large-scale military operations expensive and impossible to carry out. The war finally stopped on the coastline of more than a thousand miles.

, there was a rare calm. The small boat, supported only by the Totonac people, still braved the raindrops with difficulty, transporting reinforcements to the Golden Bay City along the coast and river.

When the harvest was harvested in October and the rainy season passed, His Highness's messenger came in a hurry, bringing new instructions and plans. After reading the new plan, Black Wolf Toltec's eyes flashed, and he thought for a while before he figured out what was going on.

the taste of.

"Ah! Your Highness treats me, Black Wolf, as a fishing net. He wants to catch all the big fish from all the Totonac tribes!..."

Next, Black Wolf Toltec changed his past habits and no longer rushed to fight. He even had some free time, found a priest who accompanied the army, and worked hard to study the words and teachings in the Ali Sutra.

Because he knew that when His Highness came, he would definitely test his literacy level to see if he had improved.

"Hey! Reading, literacy, and teachings are simply more difficult than fighting in battle! And how can these things improve the level of fighting?"

Black Wolf Toltec complained in his heart, but did not show it on his face. He endured it and read those troublesome big books word by word. Because, he gradually had some feelings and knew these words, although

You can't help him fight the war, but you can help him learn local governance...so that he can better prepare for the war.

"O Lord God! Why is His Highness's march so slow?"

The black wolf Toltec sat in the big tent, waiting for His Highness's army, and he was almost moldy. His Highness's army did not arrive until mid-November, and it was not until mid-November that the news of their departure came. After that, every day

On that day, His Highness marched slowly, not only covering more than twenty miles a day, but also arranging rest breaks at every camp along the way.

"This march is only slightly better than a turtle!..."

Black Wolf Toltec complained secretly. From Tree Snake City to Zhan She New City, a journey of more than 500 miles, His Highness's army actually traveled for more than 20 days, dragging it to mid-December. However, as the two armies became more and more

Recently, the exchanges of messengers have become more frequent.

"Hey! Encourage the generals and appease the surrendering troops...these surrendered Totonak tribes are weak and vulnerable, so what can they do to appease them?..."

Through the messengers that came and went, Hei Lang knew clearly that His Highness was marching so slowly just to meet with the Kingdom generals stationed in various places and to summon the surrounding tribal chiefs who had surrendered to have a dinner together. Later, His Highness would also give the Alliance a seal of canonization.

Promise the status of the chiefs, and even divide the territories of each chief to appease them.

Later, in the Snake-Slaying City, also known as the ancient Feathered Serpent City, His Highness stopped the royal flag and stayed there for a full month!

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! It is said that His Highness did everything in detail. He first summoned the generals from all ministries to comfort and praise the surrendered troops. Then, His Highness personally presided over the conferment of fields and titles, and gave the speech to the superiors.

Thousand Mexica, Prepecha, Mixtec, and even Totonac warriors allotted fields outside Snake Killer City.

After completing these important priority matters, His Highness inspected the harvest of last year's field and inspected the reserves of grain, cloth, weapons and wood. The army also brought dozens of shipwrights from the Kingdom, and under the personal auspices of His Highness, the establishment of

He joined the Eastern Shipbuilding Department of the Kingdom and prepared to build long galleys for long journeys.

"Huh! Dividing land, farming and shipbuilding...are the three things that His Highness values ​​the most! I must learn to do them too..."

His Highness spent a month carefully sorting out the internal affairs of Snake Killing City before leading his army southward again. He stayed at Qinbo Ali Nishui City for another five days, meeting with the leaders of the Nishui tribes and having a banquet with many chiefs.

Among them, there were many surrendered Totonac noble chiefs who offered beautiful girls from their direct lineage. His Highness did not refuse as before, but accepted them all and sent them to the Kingdom's Divine Power University.

With the arrival of the 12,000 alliance troops, coupled with Shulot's "united front" efforts to appease them along the way, the more than 500 miles of territory that Black Wolf had secured was finally stabilized.

"It's only seventy miles from Nianshui City to here! Even if it's a tortoise crawling, we should arrive today..."

Black Wolf Toltec was sitting in the big tent, holding a book in his hand, but he had no intention of reading it. The table in front of him was filled with copied scriptures, and he looked like he was studying hard. He was thinking randomly in his mind.

He stood, his ears always paying attention to the outside of the camp, until the red-haired bodyguard Uta hurried over and shouted through the camp.

"Captain! Boss! Your Highness, His Royal Highness's royal flag has finally appeared!"

"Okay! Okay! I will go to see His Highness right now!"

The black wolf Toltec jumped up, threw the book in his hand casually, and walked out of the tent happily. As soon as he walked out of the tent, he suddenly stopped and turned back, holding the book upside down in his hand.

"Hey! I, Hei Lang, will hold the book and go to see His Highness! This is what His Highness said, that... that 'hands don't release the book'! Haha!"

Thinking of this, Black Wolf smiled with pride. His feet were like the wind, his body was covered with armor, he was holding a book in his hand, and a copper ax on his waist. He was followed by several red-haired guards and disappeared outside the tent in a moment.

This chapter has been completed!
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