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Chapter 800 Chiefs of the Eastern Tribes

The twilight emerges from the sky, reflecting the jungles and coastal city-states, and it is another bright spring day. In Jinwan City, the vegetation is new and tender, and the stone carvings are ancient and flowing. The towering Temple of the Sun corresponds to the huge Temple of the Feathered Serpent.

, standing together in the center of the city-state. When the sun reaches the highest point, a grand prayer ceremony is held in front of the two sacred temples at the same time!

"The sun god descends his power, Quetzalcoatl flies in the sky! The Aztec demon's divine thunder will lose the power of soul corruption under the blessing of the gods!..."

The priests of the city-state lit a blazing holy fire and raised the sacred smoke of birds. They chanted in the sacred smoke, danced in front of the holy fire, waved sharp obsidian daggers, and sacrificed selected humans and animals.

In addition to the thousands of warriors guarding the city, more than 40,000 Totonak warriors and tribesmen gathered in the square in front of the temple to pray together. With ignorant expectations, they longed for the arrival of divine power.

Come to protect the city-state and its tribes and resist the Mexica conquest!

"O Gods! Please protect your people, protect the Totonac people!..."

Pious shouts resounded throughout the city-state and spread far into the distance. The Mexica Legion outside the city seemed to have awe of the gods. They were shocked by the ritual of praying to the gods and postponed the brutal siege.

The prayer ceremony in the city became more grand and fanatical. The Totonac people shouted the names of the Sun God and Quetzalcoatl, bursting into tears with excitement, and even cut their own cheeks.

In the midst of the hustle and bustle of this desperate situation, the envoys of the chiefs of the Great Sun came and went in a low-key manner, bringing news to the chiefs of the various tribes that the next day's chiefs' meeting would discuss the evacuation plan.

The prayer ceremony on the second day was still full of noise and excitement in the city. Many tribal leaders held prayers and praises to the Sun God in the Sun Temple, and they all shed tears piously. Then, when the sun set in the west,

After the praying crowd dispersed, the chiefs of each tribe took a few personal guards deep into the depths of the Quetzalcoatl Temple. There, a discussion concerning everyone's lives officially began at this moment!

"...Jinwan City has 60 war boats, which can carry four hundred people. The first batch to be transported can only be the gods and warriors of our Jinwan tribe!"

Chief Chikini looked serious and spoke uncompromisingly when facing the quarreling chiefs.

"As for the descendants of Tuqiu City and Grass Mandala City, they must either wait for the second batch of ships to return, or take the war boats of other city-states... However, the two noble chiefs can go with me!"

"Yes! Witness the ancestors! Our Zhuowu City headquarters only has 40 war boats, and we can barely transport 300 people at most. The first batch of people to board the boats are all the tribe's divine warriors, and we really can't squeeze out the empty boats...


The chief of Cone House City, Yorzin, responded loudly. After being defeated by Black Wolf's ambush by the Adobe River, he fled back to the city-state on the other side of the river, and then returned with new tribal warriors. Regarding the jihad called by the Holy City

, it can be said that he spared no effort and participated in it religiously. But now it was a matter of life and death, but there was no room for negotiation.

Thinking of this, he looked at his fellow sufferer, the chief of Coyote City, Timberwolf Mayaquin, who was also defeated and returned with his troops.

"Lin Lang, your Coyote City has more than 50 warships, what do you think?"

"Hey, my ancestors witnessed it! This time I returned with my troops and brought almost all the last warriors in the city-state with me!"

Timber wolf Ma Yakun sighed, with a sad look on his face.

"Jinwan City cannot be defended. Next, there are the two cities of Cone House and Coyote across the river. No matter what, I have to bring back the backbone of the tribal warriors... In this way, even if the city-state cannot defend, the tribe can still

Retreat to the interior of the jungle and fight guerrillas with the Mexicans in the jungle!"

Hearing this, Teotra, the chief of the Carved Stone City, frowned and pursed his lips in silence. He glanced at Ozley, the successor chief of the Jihu City Department, and the two nodded slightly, confirming each other's intentions.

If Jinwan City is the first line of resistance against the Mexicans, then the two cities of Cone House and Coyote, one or two hundred miles east of the Adobe River, are the second line. Three or four hundred miles further east are the Carved

The two large tribes of Shicheng and Jihu City serve as the third line.

The two of them each led two thousand tribal warriors and traveled more than 400 miles along the coast to come to the rescue. Now that they have to abandon the city and retreat, they must bring back as many of the elite backbones of the tribe as possible! As long as there are experienced warriors

With the backbone, you can recruit several times the strength of the tribe, train day and night, and organize the strength to continue to resist!

"Ahem! There are only more than 40 war ships in Carved Stone City... Divine Rabbit Tokina, you may be able to wait for the second batch of ships..."

"Yes! It's the same when we offer sacrifices to Lake City!"

"Damn it! Waiting for the second batch of ships? Bullshit! After you escape, can the ship come back again? Will the Mexica people allow you to come back? In this Golden Bay City, there are no chiefs and gods, and the abandoned warriors and

How can the tribesmen keep guarding this place any longer?"

Chief of Rabbit Hill City, God Rabbit Tocina gnashed his teeth, his face full of anger. He led two thousand Rabbit Hill warriors and trekked four hundred miles from the depths of the jungle in the south, where the Mixtecs meet.

The jungle came to help. He took the land route, but he didn't have a boat! And now these rabbits wanted to leave him and escape alone!

"Ha! If you abandon me and leave, I will take the tribal warriors and surrender to the Mexica people!"

"Sacred Rabbit Tocina, you actually want to surrender to the brutal Aztecs? You coward!"

Hearing this, Chief Ozley of the Sacrificial Lake City Department instantly turned red-eyed. His father, Chief Oluo, was shot to death in a sneak attack by the Mexica Chief Black Wolf, and there was an irresolvable blood feud with him.

For him, even if he fights to the last person and dies in the hands of the Mexicans, he will never surrender!

"You will be cut open and sacrificed by the Aztecs! Your head will be collected!"

"Ha! Our Tuqiu City is far away in the depths of the jungle, four hundred miles away from the coast. What's the use of killing me? The city-state will also elect a new chief! In such a deep jungle, the Mexicans can't even

Even with a large army, it is difficult to conquer."

The Divine Rabbit Tokina stared with an angry look on his face, but his words were not confused at all. He had obviously been thinking about it for a long time.

"The one currently in charge of the Mexica Army is the divinely enlightened Death Temple! His wisdom is much more powerful than the black wolf that can only bite people! He will definitely accept my surrender!..."

"Sacred Rabbit Tocina, the priests of the Hidden Serpent Holy City, have declared the will of the gods! We, the chiefs and warriors of the Totonac tribes, must resist the invading Aztecs to the end for the sake of the gods and ancestors!


The chief of the Grass Mandala, Holy Tutrako, looked solemn. It was only at this moment that he spoke for the first time. The Grass Mandala is located around the ruins of the first ancient city, next to the Hidden Snake Holy City. For the priests' divine decree,

He was also the most obedient. After Hidden Snake Chief Kua She was killed in battle, Holy Turco became vaguely the one with the highest status among the many chiefs.

"There are more than 40 war boats in the Grass Mandala City. Tokina, I will give you 10 war boats! You take dozens of personal guards and leave with me... No matter what, we must stay in the jungle in the south.

and maintain the independence of the Totonak tribe in the mountains!"

Speaking of this, Saint Turco's eyes darkened and his words became heavy.

"Rabbit Hill City relies on the mountains in the south and is connected to the Mixtecs and Zapotecs. You have the best location and can even retreat into the mountains! Perhaps, among the tribes, you are the last hope.

, the longest one can hold on!”

After hearing the words of Saint Tutlako, the many quarreling chiefs gradually fell silent, showing sadness and determination. Chief Chikini of the Great Sun also lowered his eyes and sighed secretly in his heart. At this moment, he finally understood.

, why did the Death Temple repeatedly request that these chiefs and leaders of the Eastern tribes must be captured.

"These chiefs are all the real Totonak warriors from the various tribes in the East!..."

Chief Chichini pursed his lips and looked around at the people in the temple. These respected city-state chiefs, who could respond to the call of the Holy City and lead city-state warriors to travel hundreds of miles to come to the rescue, were the most respected among the Totonak tribes.

Stubborn resistance elements!

No matter how much they quarrel in their mouths, they still have the existence of gods and ancestors in their hearts, and the soul of the tribe that has been passed down for hundreds of years! And as long as they still control the power of various city-states, the Mexica people want to completely conquer this land.

In the land of Tonak, we have to fight through the city-states one by one in hundreds of miles of jungle, fighting for several years or even longer!

Complex and unspeakable emotions surged in the heart of Chief Chichini. He slowly closed his eyes and was silent for a moment. When he opened them again, he was sincerely moved.

"Hey! Saint Tutraco is right...that's all. For the future of the Totonac people, someone has to make sacrifices! In this case, then Golden Bay City also sent out 10 war boats to transport the rabbits away.

The divine warriors of Qiucheng!”

Hearing this, Saint Tutlako nodded. He waited for a moment, but no other chief spoke. He shook his head secretly, then looked at the chief of Tuqiu City and asked in a low voice.

"Sacred Rabbit Tocina, I'll give you 20 large boats. Come retreat with us! The tribe has not reached the end of the road and will always continue to resist!"

"...20 large boats took away more than a hundred people..."

Divine Rabbit Tokina pursed his lips and his expression changed. After a while, he nodded heavily and responded.

"Ancestors witness! I will resist to the end!"

"Okay! Praise the ancestors and the gods! In this way, we have reached an agreement! Three days later, gather all the fleets and evacuate from the seaside!"

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Speaking of this, Chief Chichini looked determined. His face showed a heavy look of sadness, and he chanted a prayer in a low voice towards the Quetzalcoatl statue in the temple.

"May the spear-bearing ancestors of Golden Bay City bless our journey! May the giant snakes on the coast and the earth bless the tribe's path!...One day, we will return here to rebuild the golden land of the Totonak people.

Bay City!...”

"May the gods and ancestors protect us!..."

Seeing this scene, all the Totonak chiefs lowered their heads and prayed devoutly to the statue. The chief of the Holy Land, Trako, looked solemn and bowed solemnly to Chief Chichini, who had abandoned the Jinwan tribe.


Chief Chichini raised his brows, his expression still sad, but with a hint of elusiveness. In front of all the chiefs, he struggled to squeeze out a smile and tried to look uplifting.

"Witness the gods! The common ancestor of the Totonac people protects the descendants of gods from all tribes! We promise to resist to the end and never surrender to the evil demons of the Aztecs!... Next, let us work together

Drink blood wine and swear by blood!"

This chapter has been completed!
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