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Chapter 83 The past of the empire

In the history of the Aztec Empire, if you want to choose a figure who made the greatest contribution, then he is neither the "Obsidian Snake" who founded the empire, the first imperial leader, or the fourth generation Mexica ancestor Is.

Coatl was not the "angry and frowning king" who expanded the empire. He was Montezuma I, the second imperial leader. The person who truly gave history to the Aztec Empire was the immortal sun, the chief architect of the empire.


In the process of studying with his father, Shulot habitually brought the great figures of the empire into the familiar Chinese history, looking for the future of Mexica's history in a Chinese era with similar economics and politics.

If Iscoatl, who raised an army as a vassal city-state, established the Aztec Three Cities Alliance, and overthrew the rule of the Tepanec suzerain state, could be compared to King Wen of Zhou who raised an army to defeat Zhou.

Then Moctezuma I, who inherited the throne of the alliance, stabilized the alliance, pacified the legacy of Tepanek, and expanded the alliance's territory, was King Wu of Zhou who ruled the world.

Moctezuma I's younger brother successively served as Vizili Vitel (the second generation ancestor), Chimal Popoca, Isko Atel, Moctezuma I, Asia Cattell, Tisok,

Tracaeler, who had been king of Mexica for six generations and leader of the empire for four generations, was the sage who laid the foundation of the Western Zhou Dynasty, Gongdan of Zhou.

In Xiulote's mind, most of the great people in the world have one thing in common, that is, they live long enough and have enough life to achieve their grand goals. In Central America, where the average age per capita is only more than 20 years old,

, Tracaheler, who is 85 years old this year, obviously has the most important foundation as a great man, immortal time.

Tracaheler was the son of the second-generation ancestor, Vizili Vittel, and was born in 1397. It was an era before anything had happened. The overlord of the Mexica Valley was still the special ruler on the west bank of Lake Texcoco, the capital.

In the Kingdom of Panec, the Aztecs were just a subsidiary city-state that settled on a small island in the lake after wandering for hundreds of years.

The royal power of the world was passed down from the Teotihuacan civilization from the first to the fifth century BC, to the Tula Toltec civilization from the sixth to the twelfth century AD, and then to the Toltec civilization in the 13th century AD.

In the hands of the Ertec-Tepanek people, it was like the succession of Xia and Shang.

The Aztecs' improved Chinampa floating field technology became the basis for the budding empire. The astonishing food production brought huge population growth, and the city-state in the lake gradually became important. Three years after the birth of Tlacahelal

Ten years was a long dormant period for the Aztecs to quietly farm, accumulate strength, engage in marriage diplomacy, and obey Tepanec.

At this time, the Kingdom of Tepanek was ruled by a generation of heroic lord Tesosomoc, who conquered the east and west and pacified the world. In 1418, he launched a large-scale attack on the eastern part of Lake Texcoco and conquered the rising city-state of Texcoco.

, and from then on unified the valley. Many city-states could only endure silently and contribute gifts to the Kingdom of Tepanek on time.

When Tesosomoc finally died in 1426, the twelfth year of the rabbit in the Mayan calendar, the long-awaited city-state of Mexica-Tenochititlan quickly came together with the unwilling-to-submit city-state of Texcoco, followed by

The western shore of the lake was joined by the city-state of Tlacopan.

In 1428, the Aztec Three-State Alliance was established. In the same year, the Aztec Empire besieged and captured the capital of the Tepanec Kingdom, Azga Bozarque. The alliance then fought for several years and inherited the hegemony of Tepanec. The Three-State Alliance unified

The Mexica Valley became the Aztec Empire.

During this era, Tlacahelal was an outstanding general of the Alliance, together with his brother Montezuma I, the poet king of Texcoco, Nezahualcoyote, and the three Tlacochical Cartels of the Alliance.

, that is, Marshal.

In Xuelote's eyes, although Trakaeler had outstanding military exploits at this time, he could not be said to be great. His real great cause was to establish the civil and legal system of the empire.

With the arrival of peace, Tracaheler resigned from the position of marshal and became the country's chief architect, or chief consultant. The entire lake area was completely transformed under the command of the chief architect, important water canals were built, and the productive floating fields of Chinampa

It was expanded to the top, a large number of bridges were built across the lake, and the spectacular stone city gradually took shape. There is no doubt that this large-scale Stone Age infrastructure must use the lives of workers as fuel.

Tlacaelal's will was strong and firm. He exchanged the corpses of countless Tepanek slaves for the agricultural core of the empire's hegemony, a Texcoco Lake area that could support 1.5 million people.

Only in the prosperous and prosperous Mexica Valley did the Aztec Empire truly lay the economic foundation for its hegemony.

In Xiulote's view, this was equivalent to the Duke of Zhou expanding and improving the well-field system. "The Zhou Dynasty implemented laws and regulations, farmers were granted hundreds of acres of land, and tithes were also levied." This laid the economic foundation for the hegemony of the Western Zhou Dynasty.

Thanks to its achievements in agricultural construction, Tlacaelal gained enough prestige to carry out deeper religious and cultural reforms, thereby unifying and condensing the ideology of the Aztecs.

The first thing he did was to depose the gods! He upgraded Huitzilopochtli, the god of war and the patron saint of Mexica, to the main god of the sun, and deposed the original sun god Tezcatlipoca.

Establishing the status of the Mexicans as a God-blessed nation.

The second thing he did was to revise history! Under his revision, the Aztecs were no longer the descendants of a semi-nomadic dog breed from the northwest Aztlan, but the ancient Teotihuacan

The inheritor of civilization, the successor of the glorious Toltec civilization, the blessed ethnic group with a glorious history!

The new sun god Huitzilopochtli also became the creator god of the Toltecs, and conveyed divine decree to allow the Toltecs to join the great Mexica.

Subsequently, all the classic stone inscriptions recording the Aztecs' alternative history were completely erased. With the expansion of Moctezuma I, all conquered city-states had to hand over the inherited sacrificial plates and destroy all "slanderous" books.

.The past history has become a taboo secret spread only among the royal family and high-ranking priests.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! After so many generations, to this day, the concept of divine blessing has penetrated into the beliefs of the Mexica people, establishing a strong sense of national pride and

Centripetal force, and the urge and determination to dominate the known world.

In Xiulote's opinion, this is equivalent to the concept of the world in the Book of Songs, coupled with Dong Zhongshu's inspiration from heaven and man, and the divine right of kings. In one sentence, it means that I firmly believe that destiny is in me and I am destined to rule the world!

This is the fundamental belief that all powerful nations in the world must have, and it is also the ideological core for the true rise of a country and civilization. Looking back at history, any powerful civilization will have similar ideological reinforcement.

Huaxia Hui said that the whole world is not the king's land, and the shores of the land are not the king's ministers! We are the celestial dynasty.

The ancient Egyptians would say that the Pharaoh was the son of the god who lived in a pyramid to reach the sky after his death.

The Japanese would say that the Shinto emperor is one for eternity! The ancestor of the emperor is the sun god.

The Ottomans would say, Osman's dream is the lord of the world! He may be stronger than Osman.

The British would say, Rule, Britannia! God save the Queen.

Americans will say, Manifest Destiny! Take and dominate God's gift of America, with the liberties, rights and federal autonomy entrusted to me.

In Shulot's view, the most ruthless method used by Western colonists is to erase the ideological self-confidence of temporarily backward countries and nations in the name of different lifestyles and religious beliefs, thus destroying the possibility of the other country's future rise. There is nothing better than killing people.


Facing the Indians, the Spanish colonists burned all historical records and promoted that the resistance of white people in the face of infectious diseases was God's preference, and that the conquered people who had no resistance were inferior abandoned people.

The backbone of the Indian nation. However, in the face of the black African ethnic group who are more resistant to diseases, this statement has become that the black African ethnic group is ignorant and has low intelligence.

For thousands of years, similar methods have been continuously used by colonizers, from life, system, culture to belief, to better plunder, conquer and rule the world. Once a nation has completely knelt down, it wants to stand up again.

It's just as difficult as it is difficult.

Shulot has always believed that it is not the technological gap that determines the destiny of a nation, but the deeper core. The weak and incompetent Central American countries in the future, as well as the weak and weak South American plateau countries, have proved this with their long decline.

You must first find yourself before you can embark on the road to rise.

In his view, everything from an individual to a nation, a country, and even a civilization all develop from the inside out. What he hopes to do, just like Trakaeler does, is to unite a nation.

Faith to build a strong Mesoamerican native civilization.

In order to further improve the internal drive for the expansion of the Aztec empire, Tlacaeler once again modified the myth. The gods were in his hands, just tools to achieve the goal. This time, in the myth, the sun god Huitzilopochite

Leigh asked the Mexica people to sacrifice "sacred blood" to him to ensure the movement of the sun and prevent the end of the world.

With the establishment of this religious concept, continuous expansion wars became the natural attribute of the Aztec Empire. The new generation of Mexica regards war as their instinct, warriors as their honor, and sacrifice as their salvation. News

War brings joy, and death is a joy. The powerful force brings conquests one after another, a small war every three years, and a big war every five years. Driven by myths, in only fifty years on earth, the Mexica people have become the world's favorites.


This religious war reform, well, should be original. Xiulote thought carefully and estimated that Duke Zhou had never done anything similar.

In order to pass on these new ideas, Trakaeler expanded the bureaucracy and the number of priests, and also opened the way for lower-level civilians to become priests. In order to increase the ritual effect of sacrifices, Tracaeler began large-scale expansion

Temple, formulate daily small-scale "Glory and Crown War" system.

The modified religious forces have therefore become more powerful and are a powerful threat to the royal power and secular forces. But for now, Tracaelal's unparalleled prestige is enough to control everything. This potential conflict between religion and secularity will have to wait until Montezuma

It would only break out after the Second World War, and then the priest king Montezuma II took the initiative to lead the "Feathered Serpent" colonists into the core of the empire to suppress the princes, nobles and warriors who opposed him.

Facing the Western colonists, the Aztec Empire failed to exert its real power. One hundred thousand warriors were in confusion and confusion, amid long-term internal conflicts, rebellious city-state tribes, tragic smallpox infections, and sieges from colonists and hostile tribes.

It was destroyed. This achieved Hernan Cortez's immortal achievements, and also gave the Westerners, who had been suppressed by the Ottomans for a long time, the confidence and ambition to conquer the world for the first time.

After the iron-blooded Tlacaeler injected the core of war into the Mexica people, he began to adjust the social structure of the Mexica people and established a true classical military society to match the belief in war.

He established a strict military merit system, dividing priests into five levels, and warriors into four levels, ascending in order, and finally promoted to military nobles. Different levels have strict dress codes, social status and land rights. No matter how rich they are, civilians

Do not wear clothing that oversteps your status.

Xiulote felt that this was somewhat similar to Zhou Gong's ritual and music system, and similar to Qin Dynasty's military merit conferment.

Similarly, Trakaeler stipulates that all fifteen-year-old boys must receive five years of compulsory military education to train the boys as warriors and war priests as much as possible. The remaining craftsmen, merchants and farmers are in society

They are at the bottom. In the entire society, the only way for civilians to rise is to participate in wars, obtain military honors, and capture prisoners.

Therefore, every Mexican that Xiulote met wanted their children to become warriors. This is a military society with a state.

After the social reform of Tlacaeler, the succession of the nobility and throne of Mexica was also determined by military merit, which was completely different from the inheritance of the eldest son of Zhou Gong. It injected an iron-blooded core, but made Mexica's power

The delivery is more cruel and bloody.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! If the legitimate son of a nobleman cannot perform bravely on the battlefield, his inheritance will be handed over to the heroic bastard. And every king will launch a "coronation war" to prove his

War capabilities. Similarly, once Tisok failed in the war, he immediately lost his support and his throne was on the verge of collapse. However, the throne obtained by Avit through war was widely recognized by warriors and nobles.

Xiulote was sorting out the deeds of the Duke of Zhou in his mind, and he was actually sorting out the foundation for the prosperity of the Aztec Empire.

Economically, build water channels and floating fields, complete the core agricultural area, and increase the population.

Culturally, it is clear that God bless the ethnic group, build national self-confidence, and unite faith.

In terms of religion, carry out religious reforms, provide internal driving force for war, and expand the country.

In society, clarify the hierarchy, establish a militarized society, and promote classes.

It is clear at a glance that this is a complete set of adapted national systems, which was completely established by one person. To be able to build such a great cause, one is either a natural talent or an acquired time traveler, and one must live long enough.

It is precisely because of Tlacaeler's reforms of the Mexica people that the Mexica civilization has the necessary conditions to truly become a powerful civilization. If there is no interruption from external forces, Aziz is destined to unify the world of Central America.

Turk Empire!

Then the system of this civilization will become more mature, and new ideas will be born from internal conflicts. The country will be rebuilt on a new economic basis, just like the reforms of the Warring States and Qin and Han Dynasties.

Accompanying the change in thinking was the advancement of science and technology, first entering the complete Bronze Age, and then difficultly entering the Iron Age. With the help of metal tools, navigation technology was developed, the Caribbean Sea was turned into a lake, and then North and South America were explored.

, met the Incas, obtained llamas for light transportation, and tamed the bison for farming, until the group expanded to the entire America.

Shulot shook his head and came back from his distant thoughts. Hearing the news that Trakaeler was still alive really shocked him, as if he saw a mythical character coming out of a book.

The little Avvit behind him received no response and continued to chirp dissatisfiedly. This was a call because he was hungry.

Avitt stood up and looked at the little golden eagle with its head probed, which was quite interesting.

He smiled faintly: "What is this? A little white turkey?"

"It's a little golden eagle, only three months old. It was picked up from the sacred tree of Avivit in the mountain forest."

As Xuelote said, he took out the prepared pieces of tender meat and fed them to little Avivet. Then he took out a pottery gourd that the Tarascans liked to use, and carefully fed the water in it to its beak.

Here, the little golden eagle was obedient and did not shake his head.

"Oh, it turns out to be a golden eagle. The eagle is the favorite of samurai." Avitt came over and tried to touch little Avitt. As a result, the little golden eagle resisted and turned away, and kept pecking him with its soft beak.


"This little guy... the golden eagle is really fierce and rare." Avitt chuckled. "I remember that there is an old warrior in the capital who knows how to train chestnut-winged eagles. When we return to the capital, we will call for one to train it.


Xiuluo nodded. The eagle does need to be trained by a specialized trainer before it can be used in hunting. If the eagle is smart enough and trained for a long enough time, it can also identify certain special things. For example, a large-scale army.

Another example... a ship on the sea.

"Avit, what should we do now? Will the immortal Trakaeler be harmful to you?" Shulot asked with some worry.

"I have sent Gillim to ask for instructions from our ancestors. We are temporarily stationed here to wait for a reply. It is estimated that we will receive a reply in ten days. Since the capital has not interrupted the supply of food and grass to us, it seems that there is no big problem."

Avitt smiled faintly, a little sad, but more confident that he had the overall situation in hand.

"Tisoke failed in the coronation war and was defeated and replaced by me. This is within the scope of the inheritance rules set by our ancestors. Besides, Tisoke is dead. Now besides me, who else can truly take over the throne of the alliance?

?Do we have to rely on my eldest brother’s son, Montezuma II, who is only seven years old?”

Hearing Moctezuma II's name, Hulot was a little distracted. His thoughts were surging and his hands stopped slightly.

Avitt snatched the piece of meat from Xiulote's hand and continued to tease the little golden eagle. He had the foundation of a warrior and his wrists were flexible enough. If he was a little more careful, the little golden eagle couldn't peck at all. Little Avitt couldn't eat the food.

, and couldn't peck the bad guy, so he called Shulot "chirping" anxiously.

Shulot came to his senses from the call and glared at Avitt. Then he took out a new piece of meat from his arms and carefully fed it to the little golden eagle.

Avitt smiled softly and continued to analyze the situation in the royal capital.

"The ancestor is old and has lived in seclusion for many years without paying attention to the world. He only asked to expand the temple. When Tisok came to the throne, he did not appear. This time it seems that Kechar was pushed into a hurry. He managed the temple.

Temple, so I appear in front of my ancestors more often, and I can say something to some extent. It seems that this time I go back, I won’t be able to change the position of high priest in a short time."

The young man pondered for a moment: "What if the immortal Trakaeler really attacks you? Should we raise our troops and go south?"

Avitt shook his head: "No. After all, our ancestors are the ancestors of the Tenochtitlan line. If they really want to deal with us, they can only deal with Texcoco and Tlacopan, which are the collateral lines.

In recent years, it was precisely because of the suppression of the ancestors that the 50,000 direct warriors in the Tri-City Lake District of the capital were all in the hands of the Tenochtitlan family. The two families of Texcoco and Tlacopan

The princes are just decorations now.

Raising troops is the last option. Facing the ancestors, the nobles cannot believe it at all. The leaders of the city-states are also extremely shaken, not to mention the direct warriors of the royal family. After all, it is the immortal sun!"

Shulot was convinced. When the Three Cities Alliance was founded, the leaders of the three cities were all called Tratoani, meaning kings. But later, Montezuma I deliberately strengthened the connection between the three cities and allowed them to marry each other.

Integration, the integration of the ruling class into one.

Then with the death of the poet king Nezahual Coyot, Tlacahelal became the only founding father. His prestige was unparalleled! Under his suppression, Tlatoani of Tenochtitlan became

He became the only true king, and the lord of Texcoco and Tlacopan became Teguchitri, the prince.

The princes of Texcoco and Tlacopan were above the third-level honorable nobles. Among the 50,000 direct warriors, Tenochtitlan directly controlled 30,000, and the remaining 14,000 were from Tex.

Koko, six thousand from Tlacopan.

These two princes have done nothing now, but they are all hidden dangers of centralization in the future. Historically, they will also oppose Moctezuma II in the future and split the power of the alliance.

Shulot sighed. It seemed that now he could only wait for Gillim to come back and see how the ancestral sacred tree dealt with the newborn eagles. He continued to feed the little golden eagle.

After finishing the last piece of meat, little Avivet finally called out "Yo yo" twice with satisfaction, and then began to comb his feathers. Its wings were growing, and new slightly black feathers had just sprouted, and they felt as light as goose down.

Taking advantage of little Avitt's defense, Avitt finally touched the little golden eagle's head as fast as lightning, and was very satisfied with the soft touch.

He smiled and said to Shuloter: "You picked up this little eagle, why don't we call it Shuloter! It also describes its future flying in the sky like lightning."

The young man looked at his friend with some embarrassment: "Well... um... I have already chosen a name for the little golden eagle."

"Oh? What's it called?" Avitt looked at the boy with a smile.

"Well...because I picked it up on the tree of Avivet, so...I called it Avivet."

The smile on Avitt's face froze.

Then, he reached out and grabbed the young man's cheek.

The young man had been prepared for a long time, and the samurai training was effective. He jumped back and dodged.

"Avit, listen to me, this name can still be discussed!..."

Shulot continued to dodge and move, and Avitt also showed off the strength of an elite warrior. The two quickly advanced and retreated to attack and defend. After a while, Avitt was the stronger martial artist after all. He forced the young man to the corner of the room and struck hard.

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, my face..." The familiar scream sounded again.

The boy's screams alarmed the little Avevit who was combing his feathers. He stuck his head out and looked at the two people who temporarily put aside their worries and took off their masks, looking relaxed and real.

"Chirp?" Little Avvit was a little confused.

The young eagle cannot understand the sacred tree because the world in their eyes is different.

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