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Chapter 822 The Execution Wolf

The flames are like invisible giant spirits, rising in the ancient city-state. They bared their teeth and claws, never wanting to be restrained, constantly looking for new fuel and expanding the area of ​​​​fire. The hot smoke flew in the air, covering most of the Coyote City.

, were all shrouded. When the sun set in the west, the Kingdom's legions who entered the city were forced to retreat like a tide, taking with them the 20,000 captive Coyote tribe. The warriors wearing armor and the prisoners kneeling with their bare hands gathered around them, almost occupying the area.

The wilderness outside the city was filled.

"The rainy season has not yet arrived, and there are many huts in the city. Once such a fire breaks out, most of Coyote City will be reduced to ashes. Not only will the army be without food, but there will also be no houses to stay. This fire.


The black wolf's eyes were cold and he said nothing. He stared at the fire in the city for a long time, until the red-haired hunters hurriedly rushed from the city gate carrying a captive chieftain wearing a feather crown. Then, the hunters were unceremonious.

, threw the captured chief to the ground, then grabbed the chief's burnt hair and forced him to raise his head, revealing a face covered with dust.

That gray-black face was engraved with many scars symbolizing bravery and tattoos symbolizing piety. Looking carefully, the man's age seemed to be less than thirty. And the expression on his face was full of rebelliousness.

Arrogance and deliberate contempt.

"The Lord God witnesses! Are you a fire rat? Did you lead someone to set this fire?"

"Bah! The Aztec demons who fell into the abyss! I, the fire rat Masar, will never beg for mercy from you!"

Hearing this, Black Wolf narrowed his eyes and stared at the unruly fire rat in front of him, as if looking at a dead person. With a gloomy look on his face, he turned around and asked the Timber Wolf Chief next to him.

"Timber Wolf Mayakun, is this your nephew, the one who took away your chief position, Fire Rat Masar?" Lan

"...Yes. The respected Commander Black Wolf, it is him."

Lin Lang had a complicated expression on his face as he stared at his brave and pious nephew whom he had trained with his own hands. He pursed his lips, with sadness and anger in his eyes, and asked in a deep voice.

"Masar! Why did you launch a rebellion and lead the warriors of the city-state to resist the Mexica army? After the city-state fell, why did you set this fire and burn the precious food? Do you know, you are like this

If you do it, how many people from the tribe will die!"

"Bah! Timberwolf, you coward, a coward who surrendered to the Aztec evil! You betrayed the gods, wagging your tail, and became the dog of the plateau people! Ha! Sooner or later, you will be eaten by them, and your bones will be boiled into glue.

, the brain is boiling with oil, and the soul is suffering in the black abyss!..."

Seeing the look on his uncle Linlang, Fire Rat Masar's expression, he suddenly became excited. He cursed loudly, shouted the most vicious curse, and declared with some pride.

"The Aztecs are coming, and the tribe is finished! But I will not bow to them even when I die! The Hidden Snake priests said that the Sun God has seen my piety, and my soul will ascend to the Kingdom of God forever.

Enjoy the light and beauty! And all the tribal people who were buried will be led by the gods and rise into the sky together!..."

"You... this idiot who was brainwashed by the priests!... let the power of the tribe die meaninglessly here..." Lan

Hearing these words, Timber Wolf Mayaquin lowered his eyes, feeling unspeakable sadness in his heart. He knew that in the face of such resistance and no food, the Mexica people would definitely slaughter the tribe. And the trusted warriors he hoped to control were eager to

No one knows how many people will die from the gathered resistance.

"Masar, you burned the grain! You killed your tribe with your own hands!"

The black wolf Toltec looked at the raised fire rat Masar with wolf-like eyes and spoke coldly.

"Is there a priest from Hidden Serpent City here? Where is he?"

"Ha! The descendants of the gods are all dead, and the blood of the gods will be shed. The divinity of the tribe will be extinct, so what is the use of keeping these humble tribesmen? It is better to be buried together and disappear completely! When the Sun God saw it,

I’ll nod my head too!”

Fire Rat Masar raised his head and laughed needlessly.

"Priests of God are everywhere! They didn't lie to me! Sure enough, if the food is burned, you will be in a hurry! Haha!" Lan

"You will die. Your family will also die."

Black Wolf looked cold and told the facts that were destined to happen.

"Let me ask you again, where is the priest of Hidden Snake City hidden? Among the tribesmen?"

"Ha! You cruel sacrificers! If you fall into your hands, this noble god will die!"

Speaking of this, Fire Mouse Masar gritted his teeth, his face full of hatred. He glanced at the Timber Wolf again and shouted viciously.

"Commander of the Evil God! You say you will die, but you must do it! Kill me, my uncle who betrayed the God, and accompany me!"

Hearing this, Black Wolf Toltec raised his brows. He finally lost his patience and coldly pronounced the judgment.

"Masar, after you die, I will raise your head up and let the birds peck at it. Then I will hold a ceremony, throw your body into the black oil, and sink into the bottomless abyss! The power of the Lord God,

Far more powerful than you imagine! Your soul will never ascend to the kingdom of God, but will fall to the depths of the earth and perish forever!"

Hearing this ending, Fire Rat Masar's face showed fear for the first time. He looked fiercely, gritted his teeth, and shouted loudly.

"Evil Aztec chief! I want to fight with you! Holy fight! Come on! If you have the ability, kill me with your own hands!... The priests said that I died in a divine battle.

, the soul will be picked up by the Sun God and fly directly into the Kingdom of God!"

"Yue Dou? You don't deserve to die in my hands."

Black Wolf shook his head and stopped looking at Marsar. He pulled out his bronze battle ax and threw it at the feet of the forest wolf with a "dang" sound.

"Lin Wolf, go! Kill him with your own hands and cut off his head!"

"Ah?!" Lan

After hearing such an order, Timber Wolf Mayakun froze on the spot. He stretched out his hand and picked up the copper ax tremblingly. He looked at the black wolf staring at him, and then at the canine warriors holding axes around him. He stood up slowly

He stood up and walked to his nephew, silent.

"Lin Wolf, you degenerate who betrayed the gods! Come, kill me! I died in battle, a warrior of God! The priests will not lie to me! No matter where my body falls, my soul,

They will all ascend to the Kingdom of God of the Sun!"

Death was approaching, and the fire rat Masar roared loudly, as if he was crazy. He seemed to be trying hard to make himself believe in everything the priests promised after death. And all of this to him was far more important than the life and death of tens of thousands of tribesmen.

Be more important!

"Fire Rat, you are a fool!... I should have taught you not to believe what the priests say..."

Speaking of this, a trace of sadness and a hint of regret appeared in the eyes of Timber Wolf Mayakun. Feeling the cold and scrutinizing gaze behind him, he pursed his lips and raised the copper ax in his hand. Then, he spoke in the Nahua language of the plateau.

A roar from the bottom of his heart.

"Witness the Lord God! Kill the followers of the false god and kill the rebel chiefs who resist!"

With a loud roar, both hands were waved, and the copper ax crashed! A head with open eyes flew high, and the warm blood splattered all over the neck, dyeing the executioner red. Such bright red was reflected in a pair of narrow eyes.

For some unknown reason, his eyes gradually turned dark, like a wolf hunting for the first time in the forest.

This chapter has been completed!
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