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Chapter 835 The second kingdom exploration, this blind...

"Be sure to save food and don't get wet!"

"God bless you! The kingdom's army has captured Jinwan City..."

"Yes! Your Majesty is invincible and will fight here soon!..."

Everyone nodded, talked in low voices for a while, and then became quiet again. Priest Mecat thought for a while, held the amulet around his neck, and prayed devoutly for a while.

"The Lord God protects us! We passed through the terrible storm, passed the enemy's obstruction, walked through the waves in the sky, and arrived at the coast of the kingdom..."

Hearing the words of Priest Mecat, the old militiaman Chihuaco raised his eyebrows. He stared at the eastern night sky, and the difficulties and dangers of the return journey hit his mind one by one.

In October last year, four long ships carrying 200 people began to return from the town of Tiewan, which was established by the kingdom near Mayari. He led the fleet along the northern coast and headed west.

The fleet passed by the large Taíno tribes along the coast in sequence, including the Brown Hill Department by the palm trees, the Fishing Bay Department that is rich in fish, the Gabi Department that has a lot of sacred smoke, the Yanbin Department that produces sea salt, and the Jinghe Department that occupies a deep natural well.

, the Havana Department with a large population, the Mane Lizard Department that breeds mane lizards, and all the way to the forest crest at the foot of the Snake Tail West Mountain.

These large Taíno tribes were very friendly. They not only provided food and drink, but also slept with them. The morale of the fleet has always been very high. After a bad day at the end of the year at the forest crest in the westernmost part of Snake Island, Cuba, they finally added

A batch of food. Then, everyone crossed the sea directly and sailed to the land of Maya, which is more than 600 miles away!

"A terrible storm..."

Chihuaco, an old militiaman, raised his head and thought of the ever-changing sea storms as he crossed the sea, as well as the several sailors who were taken away by the storm. He couldn't help but shiver, took a deep breath, and looked at the sky

He cursed angrily.

"Damn it, you blind god!"

After crossing the sea and arriving in the Maya, the fleet stayed at the port of Ekab in the southwest of the Maya for more than half a month. Everyone repaired the longboat and celebrated the festival of the main god at the beginning of the next new year.

Most of the sailors and warriors who had stayed there to recuperate from their injuries have recovered and rejoined the kingdom's fleet. As for the rest, the old militiamen found a village, resettled a dozen injured people, and left them.

Enough wealth.

Afterwards, the fleet cautiously stayed in the Fire Salt Village of the Chikin Chiefdom for more than half a month. The group reconnected with the remnants of Mayapan, the Cocom family from Tikalo.

The leader of the Kokom tribe and the leader of the divine descendants, Tiakin, with the emblem of the Lord God engraved on his forehead, appeared in front of the fleet covered with dust. He brought the promised southern sea chart, the bee slave shipwright, and the most important royal descendants.

His two children, Tilan and Tidan.

"Blessed by the Lord God! Having lost the heir he cultivated, Xiu Pan, the leader of the Xiwu clan, has gone crazy!..."

The leader of the gods, Tiakin, was described as haggard and had bandaged wounds on his body.

"The weak Kanur clan has negotiated peace with Xiwu. The Xiwu clan's legion has left the mountains and forests to the west. The eight thousand warriors ignored it and fully invaded the territory of the Kapur clan!"

"I moved my tribe all the way to the northeast, but I was intercepted by the pioneer warriors of the Xiwu clan and fought hard! Thanks to the weapons you left behind and the armor the priest gave me... I was only a casualty of the tribe.

…Escaped and lost a third of it…”

"On the way west, you must be careful! The Chel Theocratic Chiefdom is our ally and can be trusted. But the Weiyu and Luchong clans further west along the coast are both vassals of the Xiwu clan. They obey the Xiwu clan's chief Xiu

Under Pan's strict order, a fleet has been assembled and is frantically looking for you..."

Tiakim left his guide and messenger behind, praying to the name of the main god, and watched the fleet go west. The next journey was like a chase of life and death. Everyone mustered up their strength, day and night, and rushed directly through the tail feathers.

On the coast of the Deer Clan, we fought several times with the intercepted Mayan fleet!

They didn't even dare to stay on the coast of the Kanur clan, and they finally breathed a sigh of relief until they arrived at the prairie city of the Puton clan. Chihuaco counted the number of people in the fleet, and found that nearly half of the two hundred people on the return trip had been killed or injured.

There are only more than one hundred and twenty people left!

"Overcoming the enemy's obstruction..."

Chihuaco, an old militiaman, gritted his teeth and thought of the fallen warriors and sailors, most of whom could not even recover their bodies. He closed his eyes, remained silent for a long time, and exhaled a long breath. Then, he opened his eyes again, and fiercely

He stared at the Mayan merchant Tikalo for a while and cursed hatefully.

"Damn it, you blind Puap!"

Hearing this, the Mayan businessman Tikalo touched his nose and lowered his head silently. Now, he and the exploration fleet are grasshoppers on the same rope. And he is even more concerned about the safety of the fleet than Chihuahua.

Ke should be more concerned. Because the last heir of the Mayapan royal family, the sacred bloodline of the Cocom family, is in the fleet at the moment!

Thinking of this, Ti Carlo turned around and looked at the two tired children. He rubbed their heads kindly and comforted them softly.

"Sleep, sleep peacefully! ... Grandpa will tell you the story of the capital in the lake... That is the end of our trip, a huge white stone city built on the lake..."

Seeing this scene, the old militiaman Chihuaco pursed his lips and sighed. He shook his head and stared at the fire pit in front of him. The swaying firelight fell into his eyes, making the night where he could not see the way ahead look gentle.

A lot.

The kingdom's fleet stopped in the grassland city of the Short Spear tribe for half a month before meeting Chief Mozi who had returned from the expedition. Chief Mozi returned with a great victory, annexed two Puton tribes with a strength of 1,000 people, and captured many more

Prisoner of war. He was very satisfied with the bronze weapons provided by the fleet and made another exchange.

The fleet added forty Puton warriors before continuing westward. In fact, Chief Mozzi still had many prisoners of war, but Chihuaco only selected forty obedient warriors for the safety of the fleet.

He originally thought that there would be no need to fight again in the following process. As a result, when the fleet arrived at Red Lake Town and encountered the Mayan merchant ship that had been waiting for Tikalo's men, he learned of a sudden surprise.


"Under the Temple of Death in the Kingdom of the Lake, they launched an eastern expedition against the tribes of Totonac and destroyed the holy land of the ancient city of Quetzalcoatl! The priests of the Holy City of Hidden Serpent mobilized various ministries and declared the divine war of the gods! Totona

The various tribes will fight against the invading Mexican Legion until the end!…”

"Walking through the waves that fill the sky..."

The old militiaman Chihuaco's eyes were red, remembering the shock and despair when he learned the news. Once the returning Kingdom fleet encounters the boatmen of the Totonac city-state, a battle will definitely break out! And the hostile city-state is not a

Two, the entire coast of East Totonac!

Thinking of this, Chihuaco gritted his teeth, glanced at the equally depressed Priest Mecat, and cursed fiercely.

"Damn it, your blind majesty!..."

This chapter has been completed!
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