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Chapter 894: A tribe that knows the sea, the whale tribe of the Makka people

"Ancestral spirits! Ancestors!...This...ah, this!..."

The narrow strait has turbulent tides, icy rocks stand firmly on the water, and the rapid cries of whales are right in front of you. Cloak Hunter Lotte opened his eyes in astonishment and looked at the "Ice Banshees" hunting whales in front of him.

. He remembered his fear just now, glanced at the smiling leaders on the boat, and his old face suddenly turned red.

"Uh... this... turns out... to be a strange tribe from nowhere, actually hunting whales around the coast!..."

"Hey! Lord God! This group of whale hunting tribes are... very powerful!"

Exploration captain Zuvalo touched his chin with a look of surprise on his face, staring at the mythical fighting scene in front of him. Just on the sea in front of the fleet, there was a group of forty or fifty tribal hunters hunting a ten-meter-long bird.

The behemoth, the powerful gray whale in the northern ocean!

At this moment, these strong sea hunters surrounded the crashing and screaming whales and were roughly divided into two parts.

They built a wooden whaling platform on the rocks on the coast, which was a large raft. Then, seven or eight hunters stood on the raft and used very long harpoons to dive desperately into the sea.

The whale stabs, splashing blood. The sharp bone-tipped harpoon penetrates the skin and is sometimes carried away by the violent whale. At this time, the hunters on the raft will pull the harpoon connected to it.

The leather rope was used to retract the harpoon, and a bleeding wound emerged.

On the floating raft, there are several strange little drums, which are temporarily thrown aside. Not far from the raft, there is a several-meter-long floating wooden wither. At first glance, it looks like another wagging head.


Most of the hunters sat in groups of a dozen or so small boats, patrolling and paddling around the whale in the middle. They threw out long and tough grass nets to trap the injured huge gray whale.

In the net, the movement of the whale was restricted. They also threw out ropes of whale skin and shark skin, and quickly wrapped them back and forth, trying their best to tie up the whale's body. As the whale continued to struggle and collide, they also

Just like fishing, keep paddling the boat with the force, loosening or tightening the rope net!

When the whale's struggle slows down a little, the hunters on the boat will also throw shark-tooth javelins and pierce the whale's head hard. That kind of desperate posture is like the warriors in the epic, fighting with the myth.

The giant beast fights!

"Witness the Lord God! This group of hunters who don't know where they came from actually came to hunt such a huge sea beast with only small boats and rafts, grass nets and leather ropes, and bone and wood harpoons and javelins?!"

Mickey the Knowledgeable opened his eyes, carefully observing every detail of the hunt, and exclaimed in amazement from time to time.

"O Lord God! Stab, throw spears, bind, entangle... if forty or fifty people cooperate at the same time, they can bravely challenge the giant beast... The cooperation of these hunters at sea is such a tacit understanding! They are really a group of the best.

Hunter, I’ve never seen one before!”

"Not bad! This is the best sailor I have ever seen! A sailor who is adapted to the North Sea!..."

The corners of Zuvalo's mouth were raised, with excitement on his face. He was just thinking about how to deal with this strange group of sea tribes, when the other party came directly with a small boat and headed towards the two large ships.

"At sea! The tribes on the big ship!... Come together! Help us! Whaling!... The whale attracted by this ancestral wooden drum is really too big!"

Two tribal hunters paddled a swift kayak and quickly approached the long boat. The leader, the elderly hunter Whale Hai, flushed and covered in sweat, shouted loudly towards the long boat. He first used the tribe's Nati Nuu-uth, which is the same Salish language family as the Salish people, shouted hard for a while. Then, he looked at the confused people on the bow of the boat, gritted his teeth, and then changed to stammering words. The Lutian language can finally be barely understood by the translator on the ship.

"Blessed by the ancestors! Blessed by the ancestral whales! Come on! Come on! Help us! The meat, skin and oil we caught... we... we will share it equally!..."

The old hunter Whale Hai loudly promised "equal division", his heart was bleeding.

The best hunters of the tribe have been busy for so long. They first built wooden platforms, and then beat the wooden drums of the ancestral spirits to imitate the songs of whales to attract prey from the sea. Then people rowed small boats and brought the tribe’s whale wood carcasses with them. Shaking his head and shaking his head, he lured the "lecherous" whale to put down his guard and eagerly come over to "stick"...

Finally, they launched an ambush! Throwing grass nets, winding leather ropes, controlling whales that had no time to react, and then throwing javelins and harpoons! This series of hunting processes has been practiced hundreds of times by the tribe's hunters. Once, I was extremely skilled. But now an accident happened! This damn gray whale was too big, its skin was too thick, and it had too much blood... It had left so much blood, but it was still struggling violently to its death. .And the tied grass net was about to break! Once it broke free and swam madly into the deep sea, the tribe's hunting failed, and even a dozen precious whale harpoons and spears were lost. If you can’t take it back, you’ve gained a lot of money from the sharks in the deep sea…

Thinking of this, the old hunter Jinghai took another look at the violent whale not far away, as well as the forty or fifty tribesmen who were struggling to survive, became cruel, and shouted again.

"The tribes on the two big ships!...As long as you help! We will divide the prey according to the head!...The ancestors witnessed it! Divide it according to the head!"

"Uh? This old hunter, what is he shouting?"

Exploration captain Zuvalo touched his head and looked at the translator Tuowu in confusion. Tuowu said a few words and Lotte nodded before telling everyone.

"He said, let us go up and help! Hunt together and the prey will be divided equally!..."

"Haha! What a blessing from the Lord God!"

Hearing this, a smile appeared on Zuvalo's face. He was just thinking about how to get in touch with these outstanding sailors when the Lord God gave him an opportunity. He did not hesitate and immediately gave orders to the two longships.

"God bless you! Raise the red flag! Let's go and help these separated brothers hunt down this giant beast on the sea!"

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "God bless you!"

Everyone in the fleet shouted in unison, and then, under the guidance of the old hunter Whale Hai, they quickly moved closer to the whaling boat and raft.

"Oops! The net can't hold it anymore! This giant whale is trying to escape! Hurry, we have to kill it as soon as possible!"

The old hunter Whale Hai only glanced at it twice, his heart trembled, and he shouted urgently to the longship.

"Do you have a javelin? Shoot it quickly! Shoot at the weakest parts of its body, around the eyes, throat, under the belly and at the bottom of the tail! Look for it accurately. The skin on its middle body is the thickest and it is difficult to shoot through!..."

The old hunter was still shouting, but the warriors on the longboat had already taken action. They held their sharp bronze spears high, aimed at the behemoth ten meters away, mustered up their strength, and threw it hard!

"Hush, rest, rest!..."

In the old hunter's shocked eyes, these spears flashing with cold light fiercely pierced the thick skin of the giant whale, even five inches into the flesh! Then, under his puzzled gaze, the tribe on the longboat actually used

Several strange "horizontal bows" were produced. The two of them strung up the strings vigorously, aimed at the whale's head, and fired powerful crossbow arrows!

"Hugh! Hugh!..."


Under this round of fierce attacks, the huge gray whale struggled to raise its head and let out a trembling cry. Its cry was first an angry low roar, then a penetrating sharp neigh, and then turned into a low and prolonged cry.

Screaming miserably. At this moment of dying, it still looked confusedly at the strange, motionless "whale" not far away, thinking about the beautiful song that attracted it, and didn't understand what happened.

?It just wanted to hang out with its kind and do what whales love to do, but it ended up like this...

"Almost! One last step!"

The exploration captain Zuvalo observed for a moment and saw the gray whale gradually slowing down its movements and the bright red color that almost covered the entire sea surface. In the distance, a few sharks had smelled the fishy smell and swam towards them, but they saw these

The hunting scene of "the same kind" is still hesitantly watching from a distance.

"Gunner, are you confident that you can aim at this whale and fire a shot accurately without hitting the surrounding boats?"

Zuvalo rubbed his hands and looked at the crouching gunner who was accompanying the ship. The man felt the shaking hull of the ship, then looked at the small boats swimming around, and shook his head in the affirmative and resolutely.

"The Lord God witnesses! I will definitely miss it!..."


Zuvalo scratched his head, pondered for a few breaths, and then made a decision with a smile.

"Okay then! Just shoot an air cannon into the sky!..."

"God bless you! The other sailors rowed with all their strength and backed up tens of meters! Then, they used the ramming angle of the bow to ram towards the giant whale at full speed!..."

"Haha! Let us use the most majestic gesture to end this giant beast on the sea! Let the majesty of the Lord God be engraved into the hearts of these sea tribes! ... Fire the cannon! Charge!"

"Yes! Fire off the cannon! Charge! God bless you!"

A burst of fanatical shouting erupted from the bow of the flagship. Then, an unprecedented thunder appeared on the northern sea!


In the horrified and horrified eyes of the sea hunters, smoke suddenly floated from the strange ship. Immediately afterwards, the strange ship accelerated rapidly, like a spear thrown by a giant god, with a weight of dozens of tons, using sharp

The extreme collision angle, the unparalleled impact on the dying whale!


Under the most ferocious impact, a wave of blood suddenly erupted from the huge gray whale. Zuvalo stood on the bow of the boat and held the reins tightly, with blood splattered on his face. Afterwards, he was proud of himself.

Man, looking at this incomparable giant beast, slowly lowered its head, and gradually turned its body... After a moment, this gray whale, which was more than ten meters long and weighed dozens of tons, turned up on its belly and floated on the water, completely

's motionless.

"Haha! Witness the Lord God! We actually hunted a giant beast in the deep sea!"

The exploration captain Zuvalo held his head high, shouted loudly, and declared proudly. After a moment of silence, the surrounding sea tribes also burst into cheers!

"Ancestors! We really killed this gray whale!"

"Blessed by the ancestor whale! She has a great spirit and gives us food to feed the tribe! So much meat!"

"The great sea! She is our mother, nurturing us Makka people (aah)! We are the descendants of the sea!..."

Everyone cheered excitedly for a moment. The Makka people's small boats became busy again. They tied the dead gray whale with a strong leather rope. Then, more than a dozen small boats rowed hard and dragged the gray whale to

On the southeastern beach.

"Let's go! Go quickly! Drag this rare prey to the shore for processing! Damn it, this hunting time is too long! There are many sharks gathering in the distance! ... These greedy big fish have no meat, so it's hard to

The food is very good... Let's go quickly! Call the friends who are helping on the long boat, and together we will drag the prey to the shore!... Leave the raft here for now, keep the dead wood as well, and be sure to bring the wooden drum of the ancestral spirit!..."

The two long boats of the exploration fleet also separated several ropes and dragged the gray whale to the shore. A dozen sharks were swimming not far away, chasing the blood stains on the sea. Two quarters of an hour later, a huge

The gray whale finally stranded on the beach.

Then, dozens of Makka tribal hunters began to skillfully butcher the whales. They peeled off the thick whale skins and kept them for making clothes, kayaks and ropes. They also cut off large pieces of meat and piled them on several

A long wooden row with ropes was attached to it. The leader of the hunters, the old hunter Whale Hai, also walked towards the landing fleet again. This time, the two sides finally had time to have a good exchange!

"Blessed by the ancestor whale! Friends on the big ship, thank you for your help! If it weren't for you, this time the tribe would have failed to hunt with all its efforts..."

"Blessed by the Lord God! She guides us to meet our brothers from afar! This is a great hunt that will surely please the supreme gods! And your fearless courage and excellent whaling skills also make us admire you very much! ...


"Haha! Thank you! Friends on the longship!"

Hearing the praise relayed by the translator, a smile appeared on the face of the old hunter Jing Hai. With keen eyes, he carefully looked at the leather armor and copper axes of the kingdom's warriors, and then took a quick glance at them, which could make thunder.

The golden shaman's magic weapon. He recalled it quickly in his mind, but even with his experience of traveling hundreds or even thousands of miles to the sea, he could not think of any similar tribe.

"Ancestors! Where did this tribe come from? There are so many elite hunters, such sharp spears, arrows and copper axes, and amazingly powerful shamanic weapons..."

The old hunter Whale Hai thought about it in vain for a while, and then he was convinced that this was the first time he saw these longship tribes. He pondered for a while and said with a smile.

"Ancestors witness! We Makka people are descendants of the sea, and we always keep our word! The hunters of the tribe are processing the prey, and the women of the tribe will come to help. The whale meat needs to be smoked or salted immediately, which may take a day or two.

Time...and these raw leathers need to be cleaned and then tanned, which will take even longer..."

"Friends! If you are willing, you can come with me to rest in the tribe first! Our tribe is very close, not far ahead!..."

"Okay! Of course! Praise the Lord God!"

Upon hearing such an agreeable invitation, exploration captain Zuvalo's face was filled with a bright smile. He prayed sincerely and readily agreed.

"Thank you for the invitation!...Brother, the light of the Lord God shines on you. It is also she who guides us to meet!...By the way! What is the name of your tribe?"

"Ah? Main God, light? Guidance? Uh... are you a noble tribal shaman?"

Old Hunter Whale looked surprised. He looked at the leader in front of him for a while and was a little unsure of his identity. But he thought about it and answered solemnly.

"Our tribe lives by the sea. We have the blessing of the ancestral whale and her inheritance. We are able to hunt whales on the sea... Therefore, the name of our tribe is called the Whale Division!"

This chapter has been completed!
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