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Chapter 903: The prosperous kingdom, the manor of the accomplished warriors and Chinampa!

The sun rose into the sky, and the smoke never ceased. A thousand Tlaxcala archers squatted and sat outside the inn, having a messy lunch. They had just formed an army and trekked from the two counties in the south. Their military appearance and discipline were as follows:

The level of the kingdom's trained militia.

However, after experiencing the brutal and unusually cruel Eastern Expedition, the strict obedience to farming in Water Valley City, the long and restless thousands-mile migration, and the difficult and exhausting farming and road construction in the south of the kingdom...the Tlaxcala archers who finally made it through this battalion have already

The tribe's consciousness of resistance was completely wiped out, and they became submissive and obedient, becoming a usable royal army.

"Well!... They know how to be reverent and can obey orders. They are all a good group of eagle cubs!..."

After eating the tortilla in two bites, the woodpecker carried the battle flag and patrolled among his archers. Whenever he appeared, the Tlaxcala archers would immediately stop eating and bow their heads respectfully to him.


Aipei looked carefully. In the simple eyes of these archers, there was not only fear and obedience, but also an obvious look! This kind of look, just like the military serfs Aipei had seen, was a sign of wanting to make military exploits.

, the urgent desire to grant land and slaves, and to change the destiny of oneself and the family! And for this goal, killing and being killed is nothing more than ordinary for these warlike tribes who are accustomed to life and death, and sacrifices.


"Conferring military merit to the fields...the only way out for the surrendered tribesmen is to climb the mountains of the kingdom..."

Aizhai pondered, his eyes slightly lowered. In this thousand-man battalion, most of the tribal archers wore sun hummingbird talismans on their necks. Some even had the emblem carved on their foreheads, and even wore an extra

The amulet of the Black Wolf, the God of Death. The bonus of this belief in the god, the abundant food supplies along the way, and the encouragement of military meritorious officials, finally maintained the morale of the army at a level worthy of a battle.

"Praise the Lord God! Praise His Highness! After the meal, we all set off as a team!"

The battle flag waved, pointing to the north. The officers of the kingdom waved the shafts of their bronze spears, shouted loudly, using "beat" and "roar", and lined up the tribal archers into an irregular marching team. Then, they

Under the watchful eyes of the postmaster Luo Duzhu and the camp leader Tai Shishan, they set off noisily to the north, leaving only mess and smoke along the way.

"Lord God! This messy camp leader is finally gone!..."

Tai Shishan, the leader of the field, curled his lips, looked at the tribal archers heading north, and shook his head.

"Lao Luo, look at how they look. They can't line up well. Do they look like they can fight?"

"Like! Can!"

The postmaster Luo Duju's answer was concise and concise, but very affirmative.

"Ah? Why?"

"Look at their eyes, arms, and fingers. They are all good archers! Archers shoot arrows from a distance and don't need to line up neatly."

"...Uh! Whether you can fight or not doesn't just depend on your shooting skills..."

Tai Shishan, the leader of the field, pursed his lips and retorted somewhat unconvinced.

"When I was on the northern expedition, I also encountered those canine descendants who were good at shooting. As long as they lined up to charge forward and fought face to face for a while, the canine descendants in the group fled, running as fast as rabbits!..."

"The Lord God witnesses! Taishan, this is different."

"It's different there? They're all the same mess, but the same shooting skills!"


The postmaster, Luo Du, scratched his head with one hand, thought for a while, and answered seriously.

"They have the kingdom's weapons, armor and food, and they are also commanded by the kingdom's officers..."

"They believe in the Lord God, and the gods will give them courage. They come from the east and from the south, and there is no way out..."

"They are just like me, they can only risk everything, seize this only opportunity, and fight with their lives...for the blessing of the Lord God!"

Hearing this, Tai Shishan, the leader of the field, stared at the northern sky, watching the disappearing figures, and remained silent for a long time. It was not until the working village men returned one by one that he sighed quietly.

"God bless you! Lao Luo, it's time to stew the meat..."

There is very little rain in late autumn on the plateau, which is a suitable season for marching. After sections of dirt roads and county roads were built, the marching speed became even faster.

Woodpecker Aipei estimated that before the roads were built, long-distance marches on the plateau were required. In order to maintain a stable speed and the ability to respond, a battalion of a thousand people could often march 30 miles a day. After building smooth dirt roads and county roads,

, the daily marching speed can be increased to 50 miles.

"God bless you! With the smooth county road, this march saves a lot of energy... And from here to Hekou County in the north, there are only 8090 miles left. Hurry up, we will definitely make it before noon the day after tomorrow!


Thinking of this, Woodpecker's anxious heart finally felt a lot more at ease. The archers under him were all lightly-armed troops. When they marched in a hurry, they didn't need to think about the next day's actions, and the speed could be doubled. Therefore,

The big ceremony at noon the day after tomorrow, in front of so many nobles and priests, will definitely arrive on time!

"Haha! Although the villages and fields in the north are only two hundred miles apart, they are very different from those in Gyeonggi!..."

Woodpecker Aipei felt relieved and had some time to take a good look at the villages and fields along the road. He also recalled what he had seen along the way and compared the differences in various parts of the kingdom.

"The special feature of Gyeonggi County is the military manor. There are fourth-level warriors who confer land and first-level military nobles everywhere. There are also large and small manors everywhere, as well as Chinampa on the lake..."

Woodpecker Ai rubbed his chin and recalled his manor in the Patzcuaro Lake District. As a first-class military noble, he was also granted 800 acres of land and forty serfs to farm the land. But in fact, after a few years,

After the war and reclamation, the area of ​​​​his estate has actually reached more than 1,000 acres, and there are more than 50 serfs, as well as a dozen children of the tribe who defected from the Mexica Alliance. And the neighbors around him,

All of them are nobles of high rank and meritorious service who accompanied His Highness on the Western Expedition, owned hundreds of thousands of acres of land, and were ennobled together.

Military manors of this kind, large and small, are dotted throughout the Patzcuaro Lake District. The military nobles and warriors in the manors are also the most loyal pillars of the kingdom. During the autumn harvest season that just passed, the entire Gyeonggi County was full of people.

A scene of prosperity and prosperity!

"With the help of countless prisoners of war and slaves, a section of white stone embankment has been built on Lake Patzcuaro, and 'cement' poured with volcanic ash. This large lake flooded in the rainy season has been initially tamed, as if it was surrendered at the feet of the Lord God.

The huge anaconda obeys God’s will obediently..."

"In the rainy season that just passed, the precipitation was blocked and accumulated by the dams, without causing a flood. Neatly built canals led the lake water, irrigating the large fertile fields along the lake, and also nourishing the farmland on the fertile fields. Groups of serfs

Busy in the fields, wielding new farm tools, harvesting the green and yellow corn fields. A small Chinampa floating field was finally built in the corner of the lake, preparing for multiple harvests a year! And in the corner of the field

, is a compost pit dug to prepare fertilizer for the high-yielding Chinampa floating fields..."

Thinking of Chinampa in the Lake District, the woodpecker's face is full of smiles. With Chinampa's floating fields, it truly feels like the home of the Mexicans! And if the entire Patzcuaro Lake can be like Texco

Like Kehu, it was completely divided and tamed by the kingdom. Then the Chinampa floating fields and Milpa farmland along the lake alone could support 500,000 people in the entire Gyeonggi Province!

Yes, after the conquests and migrations of the Eastern Expedition, the more than 200-mile-long Gyeonggi of the Lake Kingdom has reached a scale of 500,000 people. And four-tenths of the population of the Gyeonggi, nearly 200,000 people, are producing wealth

serfs, labor slaves and mining slaves.

Among them, serfs from military nobles and warriors at all levels accounted for about 85%; slaves from the mines and smelters of Black Rock City accounted for 10%; and slaves working in the royal family building dams and temples accounted for the remaining half.

Cheng. This number is still growing with the kingdom's external expansion and the arrival of batches of prisoners of war, but the proportion is roughly the same.

For slaves in the kingdom, there are two ways to change their destiny. One is to survive a long time according to the teachings and become a civilian after working for ten years. The other is to join the army and make military exploits for the main family.

, if you are promoted to a warrior, you will automatically get rid of your slave status.

Of course, Woodpecker Aipei did not know about these populations and figures. As a military noble who had already made a promising future, the Gyeonggi Lake District in his memory was a kind of divine blessing, led by His Highness, and created by the warriors of the Kingdom.


"In the prosperous Patzcuaro Lake District, there are emerging military estates everywhere. Boats carrying stones and wood are constantly transporting building materials from the mountains to the west. Among the military estates along the lake area, there are tall

Wooden and stone houses, vast fertile farmland, enclosed Muzha market, and teams of patrolling Kingdom warriors!…”

"In front of the tall houses, young warriors are training martial arts and practicing archery under the guidance of their elders. In every manor, there will be several warriors and the same number of servants. The warriors are well-dressed

They wear leather armor, wear helmets, carry big bows, and carry bronze axes and spears... They are well-equipped and dare to face any enemy. Even their servants are also well-equipped!..."

"In the vast farmland, serfs wielded wood, stone, iron, and even bronze farm tools to harvest crops. The priests guided new harvest 'rituals' to fertilize the earth, and even found some stones that increased yield...

Grain filled the barns, and pumpkins kept the serfs well fed. No one wanted to escape, because there was a greater chance of starving to death, being killed, or being captured in the wild..."

"In the circled market, goods from all directions are waiting to be traded. There are obsidian sacrificial vessels from the Alliance, gold and silver jewelry from the people in the clouds, spices and dyes from the people on the seaside, feather clothing from the people in the forest,

There are also jade and opal from the southwestern mountains, and even furs and horns from the northern wilderness...all waiting to be traded by military warriors!"

As a military noble, from the perspective of the woodpecker, the prosperity of the kingdom should be like this. This prosperity comes from the fighting of the warriors, the conquest of the legions, and the work of the serfs. This is a kind of prosperity.

The prosperity of the military nobles is also the stable pillar of the kingdom and the inexhaustible driving force for expansion!

And this kind of prosperity, compared to the prosperity of the Mexican Alliance, which only belongs to the great nobles, is more sincerely supported and embraced by the warriors!

"Prosperity comes from the land, but also from war... The warrior's manor blooms like flowers on Lake Patzcuaro in Gyeonggi Province, like the most beautiful Chinampa!... Praise the Lord God and the King!..."

After reminiscing for a moment, Woodpecker Aipei felt excited. He couldn't help chanting in a low voice, which was a hymn poem created by the poets of the Qincongcan Kingdom. And after reciting, he looked at both sides of the road, where large areas of harvested crops had been harvested.

In the fields and villages where people live, they once again felt a different kind of prosperity. A kind of prosperity that was a bit unfamiliar to him, rare in the alliance, and belonged to the common people!

This chapter has been completed!
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