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Chapter 949: From the Stars to the Sun, Thoughts of the Emperor

The wooden house was quiet, with only the cat's breathing. The wooden windows opened to the roof, and the moonlight fell from the night sky. The faint divine smoke surrounded Shulot, making people think far away. He stared at the jade incense burner in front of him, and turned the

The sacred smoke in your hand is inserted into it, like lit incense, dedicated to the distant gods.

"After I wake up, I don't know that the bright moon is covered with flowers and shadows, and beautiful people are supporting me..."

Thinking of this long night, celebrating the fall of the Stone Carved City, drinking with many generals and subordinates, and finally having drunken joy with Yin Lian... Shulot had a complicated expression and looked at the stars on the zenith. He seemed to see a touch of white.

The beautiful clouds were reflected in his deep eyes, and seemed to be staring at him coldly from afar.

"Yesterday's stars were yesterday's me, today's blazing sun is today's..."

Shulot lowered his eyes and murmured in a low voice. The indulgent joy of this night was different from the past. He seemed to be drunk, but in fact he was sober inside and even remembered every cat's cry.


In fact, he has already been able to control his desires freely, and tonight he is not driven by desire, but by his inner desire for power. Tonight's choice, the beginning of this final decision... also means that he has finally fully embarked on love.

On the road to becoming an emperor, he became a political creature chasing power!

"In order to resist Avitt's pressure, and to conquer all the tribes in the world as soon as possible, I will arrange a secret hand... to marry and have children, to inherit the claim, to unify the tribes... the so-called 'cloth the world', the so-called 'golden family'! I will be worthy of it.

Everyone but you is sorry..."

Shulot was silent, watching the sacred smoke burn out. He looked at the drifting smoke, looked at the invisible silhouette, and whispered the last inaudible words. Then, everything became quiet and dispersed into the dust and smoke.

"You have not betrayed me and I have betrayed you. I will never forget you when I miss you from the end of the world...I will not be a pure star, nor a hidden moon...I am the only shining sun!..."

The sacred smoke burned out, and the beauty slept in spring. The moonlight was like water, and the window was empty. Shulot put on his robe and strode out of the wooden house. The captain of the guard, Eckart, bowed his head respectfully, having been waiting for a long time.

"Master! You're awake!"


Xiulote nodded slightly, looked back at the courtyard of the wooden house, and gave instructions softly.

"Ekart, Yin Lian will live in this courtyard from now on. Choose more reliable maids, as well as warriors from various Tekos tribes, to take care of Yin Lian and protect her safety!"

"Yes! Master!"

"I come here often recently...Yin Lian's food expenses are also in accordance with my daily standards."

"Yes! Master!"

"Yin Lian will be responsible for the daily paperwork for the time being. But we need to find someone to take over later..."

Shulot pondered for a while and looked at Eckart.

"Eckart, do you have any recommendations?"

"Well... the head of the family and the tribes of Nishui City once again donated several noble ladies..."

"The tribes of Nishui City?"

Hearing this, Shulot thought for a moment and shook his head.

"No! The situation in the Seaside Alliance is stable, and it's time for the various tribes in Nishui City to organize themselves again and formally organize the flag team! This time is not appropriate... In addition, Miawa is about to give birth. If she gives birth to a son, I will not prepare it.

, the noble lady of divine descent from the seaside land..."

"Well... Master, this time the exploration fleet can return smoothly, thanks to the cooperation and help of the Vastek Silver Crow Tribe... In the past two years, Papata, the chief of the Silver Crow Tribe, with the support of the Alliance and the Kingdom, has

Integrated half of the Huastec Alliance. In fact, the Silver Crow Tribe controls the southern Huastec land, with hundreds of thousands of surrendered Huastec tribes..."

The captain of the guard, Eckart, looked cautious and warned carefully.

"Counting the time, the two daughters he sent to you, Liyu and Liyao... have just completed two years of clerical training at Shenwei University and have mastered the alliance's writing. If they do not further study mathematics, astronomy and geography,

You can already graduate!…”

"The daughters of Chief Silver Crow? Liyu, Liyao? Those two sisters who are close in age?..."

Shulot was stunned for a moment, recalling the sisters in his memory. His elder sister, Liyu, was quite calm, as beautiful as a white orchid in summer; his younger sister, Liyao, was a little shy, as beautiful as a daisy in early autumn. And the two of them had extremely graceful figures.

, all developed from practicing dance since childhood, which is impressive and unforgettable after watching it.

"White orchids and daisies, twin sisters...the Silver Crow Tribe..."

After a while, Shulot rubbed his eyebrows and nodded slightly.

"Eckart, it's just them! Hurry up... I don't have much time to stay in the seaside area! There is also the latest progress in Yunshe Mountain City... When the Eastern Expedition is completely over, King Avit will definitely recruit

I’m going back to the capital city in the lake!…”

"Ah! Master! What are your plans?... Please think about it! Think about the high priest's last letter! Please think twice!..."

Hearing this, the captain of the guard, Eckart, was stunned for a few breaths, and his expression changed drastically. He looked anxious and wanted to say something more to persuade him. However, Hulot waved his hand, stopped the captain of the guard, and said calmly and decisively.

"Ekart, stop talking! I see clearly, and I know my choice! ... Well, snake girl Miava, how is she doing lately?"


Eckart, the captain of the guard, opened his mouth to speak. After a while, he gritted his teeth, lowered his head, and bowed to answer.

"Master, as your captain of the bodyguard, my only suggestion is that you please protect yourself..."

"Since being grounded by you, the snake girl Miawa has been very submissive...she stayed in the courtyard to raise her fetus, and followed the doctor's advice on eating and drinking activities, and was very protective of the fetus in her belly...and the doctor's diagnosis the day before yesterday, she is now far away from giving birth.

It’s probably only half a month…”

"Well, I got pregnant in June last year, and now it's the end of March... Counting the days, it's really soon!..."

Thinking of the snake girl who had been grounded by him, Shulot touched his chin and his eyes flickered. During the New Year Festival, the snake girl and Yin Lian somehow got together and almost made some sexy and ridiculous things that he had never thought of.


However, he always had someone beside Snake Girl to monitor her actions and knew everything in advance. He was repeatedly seduced by the bold two women all night long, but in the end he did not drink the deer blood wine that "added to the fun"...

Yin Lian's love was very pure, and Shulot didn't blame her for anything. But regarding the pregnant snake girl, she had hidden temptations, and Shulot gave her a clear response and told her his own attitude.

"Be banned for three months to raise a baby! All affairs of the Seaside Alliance will be left to others!..."

In this way, the Snake Girl once again lost the power in her hands, and she also understood the king's attitude and the reality of being monitored at any time. Well, she knew that all this was only temporary. She found out the king's background, and she cursed in her heart.

The man who had been "in love" for a long time became obedient again.

"Snake Miawa..."

As the moonlight fell, Shulot turned around and looked at the small courtyard of Miawa. He thought for a long time before lowering his eyes and sighed quietly in his heart.

"Among my women, you are the most ambitious and talented...and you are the one who makes me feel the most joyful, pampered and admired by me the most!..."

"However, although you are extremely smart and can memorize the entire Ali Sutra backwards, you only know the epics of the coastal tribes and plateau tribes, but you do not know the history of the Celestial Dynasty..."

"From now on, if I become Emperor Wu, then you will be Mrs. Gou Yi!..."

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