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Chapter 983: The prophecy of the ancestral epic: 'Destiny' unifies and rebuilds the Jiao people!

"The main god witnesses, the divine object enlightens! The outline of the ancestor's epic is the reincarnation of the five eras, telling the main god's destined rule... Under the shining of the main god, all the tribes in the world are destined to reunite! ... And the Mexica Alliance carries the main god's rule

The mission is destined to rise from the plateau... Then, the God-King is destined to conquer the world, and His Highness is destined to unify all the tribes... All of this is also reflected in the epic of the Kingdom in the Lake sent by His Highness."

The old witch doctor Kani looked calm and smiling, and took out a thick volume of the epic poem of the Lake Kingdom. When he saw this brand-new volume, Priest Pap immediately nodded with understanding.

In order for the seaside priests to compile the Olmec ancestral epic, Shulot specially sent dozens of copies of the latest Lake Kingdom epic as a reference for many priests. Everyone present had read it to a greater or lesser extent.

This "new" epic has discovered many modified "truths".

Facing this newly revised epic, many priests had different reactions. Some publicly praised it, some secretly shook their heads, some were full of reverence, and some were secretly slandering... Unfortunately, only the old witch doctor Kani

Together with the priest Papu, I realized the "essence" of it!

If Shulot wants to complete the first great unification of Central American tribes in history, and even lay an ideological foundation in advance for the future unification of North and South American tribes...he must create and demonstrate the legitimacy of imperial rule.

It is the "destiny" for the unification of the world!

The source of this "mandate of destiny" will be based on religion and culture. It will come from both the "main god" and the "ancestors", and it will also come from the consensus established in the hearts of the people. The newly compiled Orme

The epic of defeating the ancestors is to demonstrate the vital "ancestor" link in the "destiny"!

"The myths and legends of all tribes in the world, the relics and history of the ancestors, all 'confirm' the divine mandate of the Lord God and follow the prophecies of the ancestors' epics! And our mission is just to rediscover all of this under the guidance of divine revelation...


The old witch doctor Kani smiled leisurely and looked around at the many priests who were still a little shocked and confused. He pondered for a while and decided to speak more carefully and clearly.

"Every tribe in the world knows the legends of the Five Era, and there are many different versions... It's only after we carefully reviewed the historical materials of the Olmec era that we 'discovered' the 'real' divine destiny and epic


"As the compilers of the epics of our ancestors, we want to 'inherit' the inheritance of our ancestors and tell all the people in the world: the 'divine destiny' that they should really believe in, the 'fate' that they should really accept, and the 'right path' that they should really follow!


"The 'truth' of the five eras... In the first era, the Lord God awakened and ignited the fire. He created the world, created the sacred rubber tree, created and enlightened man... This is the consensus of all the ministries in the world, and every ministry has it.

Similar creation myths. However, the various ministries do not know that the different original gods in the original myths are actually the incarnations of the main god!..."

"So, the main point of the epic of the First Era is the 'Lord God'! The Lord God is omnipresent and omnipotent, and must be believed by all tribes in the world..."

The old witch doctor Kani blinked his eyes, looked at the thoughtful people, and continued with a smile.

"The Second Age, this is the era of the Olmec ancestors! The main god is sleeping, and the ancestors took the 'Ancient Holy City' as the source, and then built many ancient cities. This is also the origin of all the tribes in the world... As for the specific epics and legends in it

, we need to slowly sort out and investigate, and compile it bit by bit..."

"The key point of the Second Era is the 'Omen of Inheritance'. The 'Inheritance' of the ancestor's divinity, the 'Omen' of the ancient destiny!... At the beginning of the Era, fire ignited the sacred tree, and snakes with blue blood flowed out.

The eagle left the golden smoke, and the wolf dropped the black light!...The flame, the sacred tree, the blue snake, the golden eagle, and the black wolf are the five sources of divinity in the world, and they also foreshadow the fate of the next eras!"

Hearing this, many priests looked at each other with subtle expressions on their faces. In the stone carvings of ancient Olmec ruins, "flame", "sacred tree", "snake" and "eagle" do often appear

, the image of a "wolf". And ancient ruins and epic inheritances from all over the world also have similar common elements, and everyone is familiar with them.

Just like the "Condor holding the divine snake in its mouth" of the Mexica tribes, the "Sun Condor, Flame of the Dead" of the tribes of the Lake, the "Sacred Tree of the Clouds" of the people in the clouds, the "Sacred Tree of the Clouds" of the tribes of Tlaxcala

"The black wolf of death", the "coyote ancestor" of the canine descendants of the wilderness, the "kapok sacred tree" of the Mayan tribes, the "coastal sacred snake" of the coastal tribes...

However, these worship images derived from nature have different interpretations in various states and tribes, and there are not only these five kinds. And there is usually no strong correlation between these five images... But look at the old witch doctor Kani

The meaning behind the words is to extract these five images individually, or even separate them from front to back, top to bottom, and write some kind of "destiny" and "prophecy"...

The expressions of the priests in the temple changed and their thoughts floated. At this moment, everyone vaguely guessed something and grasped some of the "essentials" of the epic. Therefore, everyone just listened carefully, and no one publicly jumped out to object.

"In the prophecy of the ancestor's epic, the wandering blue snake, the flying golden eagle, and the falling black wolf will all return one after another, opening a new era, and then ending the end of an era!..."

The old witch doctor Kani smiled slightly, with slightly gray eyebrows and hair, like an old vixen. The circle of priests in front of him were foxes of different levels. At this moment, a group of foxes gathered together

At the same time, it determined the general outline of the five eras, compiled the ancestral epics that were passed down to future generations, and established a "Historical Records" for the American world!

"In the third era, the main god fell into a deep sleep, and the blue snake was the first to return, transforming into the gods of various tribes in the world, and building tall pyramids! Therefore, the images of the gods of various tribes were mostly in the shape of snakes. Each tribe also built towering pyramids.

Pyramids, with relief carvings of snake gods..."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "As for the specific evidence...the Mayan tribes in the eastern jungle, the snake god pyramid in the city of Tikal; the Teotihuacan people on the northern plateau


"All tribes in the world have the same origin and are destined to be one!... Therefore, the brief split in the Third Era, the return of the Blue Snake, and the emergence of the false gods of each tribe are just a brief dispersion of the ancestors' divinity while the main god is sleeping... And the main point of the Third Era is,

It is also 'divided and separated'..."

After talking about the third era, the old witch doctor took a deep breath and his voice gradually became louder. With a solemn expression, he prayed to the Lord God in front of everyone before speaking loudly.

"Praise the Lord God, He awakens in the Fourth Era!... When the Fourth Era opens, the condor returns with the divine snake in its mouth! The condor carries the divinity of its ancestors, listens to the guidance of the Lord God, and searches for the true successor in the world.

The tribe ordered by the gods..."

"Finally, the condor stayed on a small island in the lake more than two hundred years ago. He obeyed the will of the Lord God and passed on the divinity of the sun to the tribes of Mexica, and also gave the Lord God's divine mandate...

That is to 'conquer all tribes in the world, unify the beliefs of all tribes, and take back the divinity of false gods'!..."

"From that time on, with the rise of the Mexica tribes, the scattered tribes in the world began to reunify! At this moment, the Mexica alliance wiped out the tribes and unified the world, which was also destined in the epic.


The old witch doctor Kani raised his eyebrows, showing some "piety" and "excitement" on his face. He was impassioned and held up the kingdom's epic scroll with one hand, as if he was holding His Highness's royal order!

"Blessed by the Lord God! All the tribes in the world will be unified by the divine eagle in the fourth era! This is the prophecy of the ancestors' epic, and it is also the main theme of the epic of the Kingdom of the Lake. It is mentioned repeatedly in this long scroll!..."

"Dear seaside priests! Under the guidance of the Lord God, we re-examined the epic of the Olmec ancestors... only to find that everything that is happening now has already been determined in the oldest 'destiny'!... So, this

It is the 'divine destiny' of the Lord God, and it is also the 'destiny' from the sky!..."

"As the seaside priests who inherit the Olmec heritage, our most important mission at the moment is to connect the past and the future, 'discover' everything in the ancestral epic, and then carry it forward and tell everyone in the world!..."

"God's destiny and destiny...connect the past and the next...carry forward..."

Hearing such a shocking narration, many priests were shocked and couldn't help but talk about it. They speculated on the true purpose of the kingdom's epic, and also thought about the continuation of the epic in each era.

"The awakening and sleeping of the main god, the dispersion and gathering of divinity, the destiny of Mexica's rule... If the epic is compiled according to this idea, then the entire world's context and the entire historical direction will be clearly visible in an instant!"

The chief priest, Yi Muyu, was excited and his eyes showed admiration. As the newly promoted third-level chief priest in the Jinwan City Temple, Yi Muyu undoubtedly represents the authority of Jinwan City and also represents some kind of His Highness's will. After thinking for a moment,

He looked at the old witch doctor Kani in front of him, held the kingdom epic in his hand tightly, couldn't help but stand up in front of everyone, and was the first to respond in agreement.

"The Lord God testifies! I listened to His Highness's teachings in Jinwan City! ... What the wise man Kani said does coincide with His Highness's divine revelation! I believe that this is the Lord God's inspiration and the most sacred guidance!

…Guide us to unravel the prophecies of our ancestors’ epics, and tell the fateful future for all tribes in the world!…”

As soon as this conclusion came out, everyone present fell silent instantly. Many Totonak priests were either silent or nodded, without a word of objection. But the main priest Papu stood up with joy on his face, having already figured everything out.

He lowered his head, bowed sincerely to the old witch doctor, and then excitedly announced to everyone.

"Thank you, respected wise man Kani! Thank you for the guidance of the divine object! ...The golden eagle of the fourth era will subdue the divine snake of the third era. And when the divine eagle falls down with the divine snake in its mouth, there will be a successor to this divine destiny.

Tribes of Mexica!…There is no doubt that this is indeed the prophecy of the ancestral epic!”

"The golden eagle symbolizes the sun and incarnates generations of Mexica ancestors. This last generation of golden eagles is the great god king of the alliance, Avit. He will wipe out all the tribes in the world, complete the mission of the end of the Fourth Era, and completely unify the world.

!At this point, all the divine snakes in the world will be picked up by the divine eagle and subdued, allowing the blue snake's divinity to completely return..."

"So, the key point of the fourth era epic is the blessing of the Lord God, the 'unity of eagles and snakes'!..."

The chief priest, Papu, was in high spirits. He stood in the center of the temple and looked at the many priests present. Everyone nodded in agreement. The old witch doctor Kani touched his chin, smiled melodiously, and then again

Back into the corner.

As for the next epic of the Fifth Era, it is of great significance and is also related to the future of everyone. Since Priest Pap has stepped forward, he is naturally "responsible" and must personally announce and take over this great achievement.

"The Lord God has witnessed that the ancestral epic has already predicted it! The blue snake returns from the sea to start the third era; the golden eagle returns from the sky to start the fourth era... and the opening of the fifth era will be completed by the last black wolf who returns from the earth!


"He is black light, coming from the deep earth, possessing the divinity of death, and incarnating under our divinely inspired Temple of Death!..."

"And the key point of the fifth era is to 'rebuild the Jiao people'! Under the control of the Death Temple, all the tribes have reunited into one clan and been reshaped into the true descendants of the Jiao people!..."

This chapter has been completed!
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