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Chapter 303 Dao Palace Elder!

Sensing Yun Mo's gaze, Su Yanru took two steps forward and said, "Don't forget, you promised me."

Hearing this, Yun Mo hesitated for a moment and nodded slowly. Naturally, he had not forgotten Su Yanru's request.

But he couldn't figure out why the other party wanted to take Guo Yuan away.

Of course, based on what Su Yanru showed now, he could judge that the other party would never hurt Guo Yuan.

With Su Yanru's strength to defeat Yu Xiaofeng head-on, I am afraid that only Luo Qianfeng and Liu Zhongzhou can fight against him.

These people in Nanxuanguan are not the opponent's opponents at all.

If you want to hurt Guo Yuan, you don't have to go through so much trouble.

"No." Yun Mo shook his head, saying that he would not forget her request at that time, and then he took Yu Xiaofeng to the south entrance.

Now that Xuefeng Kingdom's army has retreated, the crisis at South Xuan Pass has been resolved.

Moreover, the commanders of Xuefeng Kingdom's three armies have also become their prisoners, and Xuefeng Kingdom will no longer send troops in a short period of time.

As for the mess at South Xuan Pass, it was up to Mo Wuya to sort it out.


With the defeat of Xuefeng Kingdom, the soldiers at Nanxuan Pass were also dealing with the mess on the field.

Among them, you can see Mo Wuya, Liucheng and the others.

"That boy must have subdued Yu Xiaofeng!"

After hearing Yu Xiaofeng's unintentional words, Mo Wuya had already guessed that only if Yun Mo and the others defeated Yu Xiaofeng could the other side choose to retreat when they had the advantage.

Liucheng and others' faces were filled with joy, but they still dealt with the situation quickly.

Injured soldiers and soldiers on the field need to be dealt with one by one.


Soon, one day passed.

But at dusk, there was a stream of cyan light piercing the sky and landing on the city wall.

The visitors were Liu Zhongzhou and Luo Qianfeng, who came in a hurry.

"What's happening here?"

Looking at the battlefield in the distance where the smoke was gradually dissipating, Liu Zhongzhou's eyes were filled with surprise. Could it be that the battle was over?

Luo Qianfeng also focused his gaze, turned to look at a soldier on the city wall, and asked: "Let me ask you, how is the war between Nanxuan Pass and Xuefeng Kingdom?

Which side wins?!"

The black-faced soldier was pulled in front of Luo Qianfeng without any precautions, and a look of horror appeared in his frightened eyes, "The battle started today, but within three hours of the battle, Xuefeng Kingdom retreated.

As for the reason, no one knows.”

After Liu Zhongzhou heard this, he raised his eyes and looked at the soldier: "You said Xuefeng Kingdom has withdrawn its army?"

"Exactly, it was the order personally given by the enemy's commander-in-chief Yu Xiaofeng." The soldier could feel how terrifying the auras of the two men in front of him were, and he said with some uneasiness.

"Let's go!"

After hearing this, Luo Qianfeng's eyes flashed, and he let go of the soldiers in front of him and let them leave.

"Could it be that Yu Xiaofeng was defeated?!"

Liu Zhongzhou had a suspicion that at that critical moment, he wanted Yu Xiaofeng to personally say the words to withdraw the troops. Apart from this outcome, he could not think of another possibility.

"Go and have a look!" After Luo Qianfeng finished speaking, he rushed towards the south entrance.

When Liu Zhongzhou saw this, his eyes flashed and he followed closely!

After the fighting at Nanxuan Pass calmed down, the Northern Dynasty also officially announced that it had overcome this crisis.

When the news came out that the North Profound Pass and the South Profound Pass had won successively, everyone in the Beitian Dynasty looked excited.

They all prepared for the worst, but they got the best result!

Tianxuan Kingdom and Xuefeng Kingdom combined have a total of 300,000 troops.

But just like this, the Beitian Dynasty defeated the strong with the weak, and forcibly defeated the joint efforts of Tianxuan Kingdom and Xuefeng Kingdom. Under this iron-blooded offensive, they found a chance to survive!

So scary!

Everyone's eyes were filled with joy. The Northern Dynasty defeated the two great empires together. This achievement was enough to make everyone awe.

The soldiers guarding the two major borders deserve to be known to everyone!

And Yue Yuyang, who was sitting in the imperial city, immediately learned the news that Nanxuan Pass had also won, and a smile of relief appeared on his handsome and demonic face.

"I knew that boy would never disappoint!"

However, what Yue Yuyang didn't know was that if Su Yanru hadn't existed this time, even if they could win in the end, it would be a lose-lose situation for both sides!

At this moment, Yue Yuyang also issued an edict to seal off the South Xuanguan and North Xuanguan to the officials who had made meritorious deeds.

Rewards for merit!

Even if these rewards are dispensable to Liu Zhongzhou and the others, this is what Yue Yuyang should do.


Of course, even if the current Northern Dynasty defeated the offensives of the two empires, it would be impossible to launch a counterattack.

After all, even if the Northern Dynasty wins, it will still lose its soldiers.

Especially at Nanxuan Pass, 30,000 soldiers faced Xuefeng Kingdom's 100,000 soldiers. Even though the enemy quickly withdrew their troops, Nanxuan Pass still lost nearly 10,000 soldiers.

Coupled with the loss of soldiers from the Tianxuan Kingdom, the Northern Dynasty also suffered a heavy loss in strength in this battle.

If you want to launch a counterattack, you will need to rest and recuperate for at least a few years.

In the short term, there is no need to consider this idea at all.

Therefore, even though he returned from defeat, Murong Tian, ​​the leader of Tianxuan Kingdom, was extremely angry and frightened, but he still had his final assurance.

Because Murong Tian also understood that even if Su Jianghe was lost, the Beitian Dynasty's attempt to counterattack his Tianxuan Kingdom would be like an idiot's dream!

However, what made Murong Tian quite uneasy was that Zhen Zixu was captured!

Zhen Zixu came from the Dao Palace after all, and the other party came to this barren land because of his relationship.

In the Taoist Palace, there was an elder who had contact with him. If Zhen Zixu died on the battlefield under his instructions, he would also have to bear a lot of responsibility.

Murong Tian hesitated again and again, his eyes were solemn, and he was temporarily undecided.

But at this moment, a strong pressure of spiritual power suddenly surged outside the palace. The pressure was like thunder clouds shaking in the sky, pressing hard on him.

In a moment, a middle-aged man wearing a Taoist robe walked towards the palace, holding a fly whisk in hand.

The man's eyes were as indifferent as water, but there was a hint of evil hidden in his eyes that could not be seen with the naked eye. His whole body seemed to be integrated into the world. Every step he took made Murong Tian, ​​who was sitting on the dragon chair, feel a tremble in his heart!

After seeing the person in front of him clearly, Murong Tian couldn't help but tremble, quickly stood up from the dragon chair and walked to the man.

"Murong Tian pays homage to Elder Cang Ming!"

Murong Tian bent down and held his hands in front of him, showing utmost respect.

And if there were people from the Tianxuan Kingdom present, they would definitely be surprised that the Lord of the Tianxuan Kingdom, whom they feared like a god, would be so cautious in front of a middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man, named Cang Ming, came from the land of Dongling where martial arts flourished.

And he also comes from the Dao Palace, and is the elder of the outer palace of the Dao Palace!

"Well, why don't you see Zixu?" Cang Ming nodded indifferently, but his eyes swept around.

When Murong Tian heard this, his body trembled. When he met Cang Ming's eyes, he was frightened to death. He clearly knew the terrifying methods of the man in front of him.

Although he is the leader of Tianxuan Kingdom, he is nothing in front of the elders of Dao Palace.

Let alone the Taoist palace elder, even if Zhen Zixu wanted to kill him, it would be easy.

In a world where martial arts is respected, everything must come from one's own strength!

Murong Tian did not dare to lie and said in fear: "Little friend Zhen may have died on the battlefield..."

"What did you say?!"

The atmosphere in the hall suddenly became heavy!

Under this pressure, Murong Tian's knees softened and he fell to the ground.

"Elder Cang Ming, please listen to my explanation!" Murong Tian said quickly. If he didn't explain, he was worried that he would never have this opportunity again.

"Say it quickly!" Cang Ming said coldly.

The coldness in his words made Murong Tian feel a chill down his spine again. He had a hunch that if he spoke frankly and said that he was the one who suggested that Zhen Zixu go to the battlefield and be captured, the other party would definitely slap him to death!

Between Zhen Zixu and him, the leader of the barren land, Cang Ming didn't even have to hesitate to choose.

This chapter has been completed!
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