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Chapter 57 The Caged Beast

Ouyang Jinlei shook his head. He actually felt sorry for Yu Zhujun, who was always a friend's child! He also treated him as his own child, but this child knew how to be kind to others, but didn't know how to treat himself well. An old problem.

He still couldn't be cured after so many years, so he wanted to help him. He also said that there was no one else who knew his body better than him. It was really impossible to deal with this kid. So he said: "Go get the medicine and go home to take it yourself."

It’s doctor, do you know what to get?”

"Do you want to debit the account?" Yu Zhujun asked pitifully.

When other doctors, medicine boys and patients in the clinic outside heard this, they couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"No need! I've almost deducted all my deductions, so what else can I deduct!"

Ouyang Jinlei let out a thundering roar filled with raging anger. Everyone hurriedly shut up and suppressed their laughter. As a rule, he would follow Yu Zhujun out.

Sure enough, when Yu Zhujun walked out and went to the medicine area to get the medicines he needed from the medicine cabinets, Ouyang Jinlei followed behind him with his hands clasped, and kept glancing at him from the corner of his eye.

After he saw that the dead child was not taking medicine for ordinary old and ill health, but medicines that he had often brought home in the past two months, Ouyang Jinlei couldn't help but move his overweight body again and rushed to Yu Zhujun.

Start scolding.

"Why did you take that medicinal material again? How many medicines did your distant relative take and his body is still so weak?"

"No money will be deducted? If you don't take it, you won't get it. It's hard for you to be generous." Yu Zhujun resisted the pain in his stomach and replied with a smile.

"Poof!" In the front hall, a burst of laughter started again.

Ouyang Jinlei turned around and glared angrily. Everyone lowered their heads hurriedly, but their stomach hurt from holding back their laughter.

Ouyang Jinlei was so angry that he blew his beard and glared: "You don't have to deduct the food, but your poor distant relatives have to deduct the food!" He took out a thick book from the cabinet, turned around and picked up the abacus on the counter, and quickly

He opened the account book, moved the beads on the abacus, raised his head and glared at the child: "You are almost out of salary this month."

"Okay, I got it." While he was adjusting the abacus, Yu Zhujun was not idle. He quickly tied up the two medicine bags and said, "I'm going back."

"Why so early? Are you feeling unwell, little doctor? Is it an old problem again?"

"Are you going to rest at home for a few more days? I'll ask my daughter to take care of you."

Several mothers-in-law and mothers in the hall immediately stood up to come and care, but Ouyang Jinlei waved to them, pulled Mr. Yu Zhu toward the door, and asked the medicine boy who packed the medicine to pull Mr. Yu Zhu's carriage to the door. Then he asked Yu

Zhu Jun: "Those Yingying Yanyan are not bothering you anymore, are they? I heard that several distinguished guests have come recently and they have spent a lot of money. Those women are all guarding them because they are afraid that the God of Wealth will run away."

No wonder! His place has been so quiet these days. Mr. Yu Zhu said: "I hope those distinguished guests will stay longer."

Yu Zhujun smiled, took the medicinal materials and got on the carriage, pouting and yelling for him to go home quickly. Ouyang Jinlei, who arrived three days later, waved his hand and drove away immediately.

As we were walking through the bustling streets of the city, we could faintly see several brothels with red lanterns hanging in front of us around the corner. It was daytime and the brothels hadn't opened yet, but we saw many orioles in heavy makeup already vying for beauty at the door.

He stopped the carriage out of curiosity, and saw a carriage stopping at the door. Two familiar musicians got out of the carriage, and then two tall men got out. One of them had a scar on his face, and he didn't look like that.

He was a kind person. When the two people got out of the car, they looked towards him. Yu Zhujun was stunned for a moment and wanted to drive away.

At this time, a carriage overtook his car and almost hit him. Both sides urgently stopped the horses at the same time. The driver of the other carriage gave Yu Zhujun a fierce look, which seemed to be a vicious one. Inside the carriage, because the bamboo curtains on the windows were

Rolling it up, he saw a handsome man through the window. The man turned his head and their eyes met.

"Mr. Han, I'm sorry, I didn't disturb you, did I? There is a daredevil, we are almost there." The driver suddenly shouted, and then drove forward.

What a handsome man! Han Wei looked at the man in white who was driving the car with surprise in his eyes, but when he thought about it, he was glad that the man lived in this remote mountain city, otherwise the master in the palace would never

Let this one go.

Mr. Han? Mr. Yu Zhu looked at the carriage clattering at the door of the brothel and shook his head. It's a pity that such a handsome man went to the brothel in broad daylight, and the people with him were also cruel people. As the saying goes, birds of a feather flock together.

Judging from this, he is definitely not a good person.

Thinking of this, his lower abdomen felt tight and painful again.

"Little Xifu, let's go."

Finally, Yu Zhujun returned to his residence in the mountains.

"The little doctor came back early today!"

When the dejected children saw him, they became more energetic and quickly gathered around him, chirping: "Brother Qian is silent again."

"He glared coldly at us again and didn't allow us to be around him."

In the past half month, before Yu Zhujun went to the hospital every day, he took the money and Xiaoxiao to walk around the nearby hills, helping the elderly with household chores, farming, cutting firewood, and even asking him to buy him back from the city.

Daily necessities, such as wine, needlework, cloth, etc., were given to neighbors.

These elderly people have all come to see Yu Zhujun for medical treatment, and naturally they also know Qian Xiaoxiao.

However, as long as these people call him "Qian Xiaoxiao", "Xiaoxiao", "Mr. Qian", "Master Qian", "Mr. Xiaoxiao" and other titles, he will use a pair of sinister black eyes that kill people without paying for their lives.

Staring at each other, so in the whole mountain, only Yu Zhujun dared to call him Qian Xiaoxiao, while everyone else called him "uh", "that", and "you".

These things were all told to Yu Zhujun by the children who were always chasing him around with nothing to do. In the past, he would listen patiently to the children, but now he is really not feeling well, and he saw a few little sparrows chirping.

He kept talking and had to reach out to stop him and said: "Okay, I'll go talk to him."

"He went to the lake again, practicing there and ignoring people."

"That's right, he hates us more and more."

"Little Lihua likes to talk about your annoying father, but Brother Qian doesn't want to hear it at all."

"No, I just want my brother to beat my father away because he beats my mother every time he comes home."

"Your father loves gambling and is in love with Hualou. Brother Qian doesn't like to hear what you say."

Yu Zhujun stopped them several times before letting them shut up, and finally talked about something other than Qian Xiaoxiao.

"By the way, Grandpa Yang sent a lot of sweet potatoes and said they were for you."

All the children looked eager. The roasted sweet potatoes were the best, especially the sweet potatoes grown by Grandpa Yang.

Yu Zhujun also understood, but he didn't have much energy to take care of them today, so he said: "Hey, here are these for you, go home and bake them yourself. The little doctor is busy today and can't help you."

He gave each of them larger sweet potatoes, and each child was so happy that they went home holding the sweet potatoes in their arms.

It finally calmed down. Yu Zhujun shook his head and smiled, looking at the few pieces of sweet potatoes left on the ground, he probably didn't have the energy to cook at night.

He bent over and picked up the sweet potatoes and walked to the kitchen. He first put the two packages of medicinal herbs he brought back on the stove and cooked them. Then he washed the sweet potatoes. After working for a while, he stood up and stroked his slightly swollen and painful belly with one hand. He felt weak.

He said: "This kind of dull pain won't kill you, but it's really uncomfortable. When will it get better..."

He took a long breath and turned to look for the troublesome person.

There is a small lake behind the house hidden in the mountains and forests. The color of the lake changes with the weather and the time of day and night. During this time, Qian Xiaoxiao often runs here after finishing his work.

Mr. Yu Zhu is also aware of this, and occasionally comes over to see if he comes back early.

At this moment, when he walked over, he was not surprised to see Qian Xiaoxiao practicing boxing. Just looking at his increasingly gloomy handsome face, he knew that the training was not going well.

Originally, haste makes waste. He deliberately asked for money. Xiaoxiao ran around to help the old man every day. He didn't really want him to be a long-term worker, but just to divert his attention, move his muscles and bones, and activate his blood.

Put aside your ever-present thoughts of going to the city to find out who you are.

Doctors not only heal the disease but also heal the heart.

Yu Zhujun quietly watched him practice martial arts. It seemed that he was really not going well. He would pause after every few moves. He would stop at the same place again. After a few times, he might have given up. Qian Xiaoxiao simply leaned on him.

Standing on a tall pine tree, he stares at the color of the lake in a daze with an expressionless face.

He strode over and asked, knowingly: "Stuck again?"

Qian Xiaoxiao ignored him. He was very anxious and bored. He had a lot to think about and a lot to do, but the more he thought about it, the more anxious he became like a caged animal.

This chapter has been completed!
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