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Chapter 16: Departure to the capital

In the past, Situ Qingqing was a tomboy, pretending to be a Taoist boy and no one could see through it. Now she is a long wicker, with a graceful figure, a graceful walk, a waist that is so thin that it is not too full, and the originally flat chest gradually swells and no longer stretches.

There is no distinction between the chest and the back, the slender fingers are as white as green onion, and the fragrance of orchids can be faintly smelled.

It has only been half a month, but there have been such big changes?

In fact, she should have been like this a long time ago.

Situ Kongkong, who lived in seclusion in the city and changed his name, did not want to be found, so he walked around the streets as a Taoist priest to earn money, inquire about the court's movements, and avoid unnecessary people and things.

As the youngest Imperial Preceptor of the dynasty, before he "retired", he calculated that within ten years a noble girl born with the destiny of a phoenix would be born. Whoever marries her would be the emperor's destiny, and a woman with the destiny of the phoenix would be helpful.

With good luck, the government will be able to stabilize the government, the country will be prosperous and the military will be strong, and there will be no natural or man-made disasters within a hundred years.

But he kept it secret and was worried about this woman. She would cause great chaos in the world. After all, break first and then build. Only when there is dispute can there be creation.

A month later, his junior brother who loved to compete with him in everything also discovered the secret. He proudly informed the Qintian Supervisor of the matter.

Take it back to the palace.

Before leaving, he quite sympathized with the noble girl whose identity she didn't know, and her future was worrying.

Unexpectedly, two years later, my daughter was born. She was a Yin girl born on a Yin day in a Yin year. As soon as the person fell to the ground and cried for the first time, a strange phenomenon of nine stars appeared in the sky, and there was a nail-sized fingernail on her back.

The tread pattern is conical and feels warm to the touch.

When he saw it, he was shocked. It turned out that the person with the Phoenix destiny was actually his daughter.

Fortunately, he was in Wuyou Valley at the time and few people knew about it. In order to prevent his daughter's phoenix nobleness from being exposed and causing a fight among the heroes, Situ Kongkong used his own blood to cast a spell to suppress the growth of the phoenix and keep it in an egg shape.

Unable to appear.

The only way to break the curse is to use blood to break the curse, and it is the blood of close relatives. Situ Kongkong and Situ Qingqing are father and daughter connected by blood. As soon as her Guishui comes, his spell will be broken.

Originally, the Phoenix Society broke out of an egg when Situ Qingqing was three years old. The newborn little phoenix grew up with little Qingqing. The relationship was the most sincere and inseparable since childhood. The gray phoenix feathers gradually became plump, and the beautiful little phoenix was born.

She is also becoming more and more beautiful like a phoenix, dominating the crowd with her eye-catching beauty.

However, the baby phoenix hatched too late and is still a fledgling. Therefore, Situ Qingqing's appearance cannot be stunningly beautiful. At most, it is pure and beautiful with a touch of heart-wrenching charm.

However, she hasn't fully grown yet, and Situ Kongkong has already begun to worry. His daughter will have hairpins in another year. Even if her fate has changed, how can he stop the crazy bees and butterflies that come after hearing the news?

The royal nobleman of the throne?

"Dad, when I grow up, don't touch my head anymore. You've messed up my braided hair again." Situ Qingqing spent a lot of effort to put it up.

"Hmph! Dad can't touch it yet. I think you're afraid that I'll touch your new jade comb." The teeth of the comb are cut into different sizes, and the carvings on the comb surface are messy. You can't tell whether it's a crabapple or a peony. The workmanship is rough.

It's so unbearable to look at.

Situ Qingqing glanced at her almond-shaped eyes, protected the hairpin in her hair with her hands, and said, "That was a birthday gift from someone. I just think it looks good."

"It's so ugly!" A childish voice sneered.

"Yes, it's really ugly. I feel the same way. Xiaofeng, you also find it unsightly, right?"

It's just a comb, and she treats it like a treasure.

Situ Kongkong is a bit of a dad. Every year he prepares longevity noodles with a hard-boiled egg for his daughter’s birthday. He never thought that his daughter would grow up. He always regarded her as a little girl with eight millet teeth.

A smile made his heart melt into water.

"Ugly." Xiaofeng nodded firmly. The more he looked at the hairpin comb, the more he disliked it. He secretly swore that when he grew up, he would buy her a hundred jade combs of various colors inlaid with gems.

"Go, go, go away, these two blind guys, they spent days and nights grinding out the comb, and it was engraved with my favorite jasmine, why do you dislike it?"

Ouyang Sufeng gave her his sincerity and congratulated her on her fourteenth birthday, but they refused to even pick a wild flower as a gift to her. They only had longevity noodles with eggs every year.

"Oh! That's Jasmine, I really can't tell!" Situ Kongkong, who was wearing a Taoist robe, said in a sour tone, and he was very picky.

"It's obviously broken grass clippings." Xiaofeng, who was impatient, said with a last strike.

"Huh! Children at such a young age have bad eyesight. Look, these are jasmine petals, and here are the buds. The carving is a bit rough, but you can feel the shape of jasmine... Hey! What are you going to do?"

Xiaofeng reached out to take away the annoying jade comb, but Situ Qingqing quickly dodged to avoid it. She unintentionally used the Qing Kung Fu her father taught her, which made Xiaofeng very envious.

"Why are you yelling? You can't even touch it? When I become rich one day, I will move you a thousand-jin jade mountain to open your eyes." Xiaofeng made a grand wish.

"That's right, I'm waiting for you to be bitten by the big words and return to Jade Mountain! It would be nice to give him a jade pendant." Looking at his awkward temperament, I'm afraid it's unlikely to be a big deal.

"I want the jade pendant to be bought by my father. Anyway, there are still two days before your birthday. If you hurry up, you can get to the next big city." It's all that boy's fault. He just left when he wanted to. Why did he give the gift in advance? It looked like he was

This father was not attentive enough and neglected his daughter's big day.

"Dad, do you still have some money with you?" Situ Qingqing glanced at his father's old Taoist robes suspiciously, secretly wondering where he had hidden the money.

Situ Kongkong was stunned for a moment, touched the flat money bag on his waist, smiled shamelessly, and said: "Qingqing, why don't you lend me two taels of silver from dad first, and I will pay you back after dad finishes the dojo. You can do it."

After three points of profit calculation, I can’t lose to anyone but my daughter.”

"Dad, your money is my money, you have no private property."

It's a no-brainer to borrow money. He doesn't have the money to pay it back. So he uses his own money to buy a jade pendant. Is she stupid?

"I earned the money, and my daughter uses it..."

She took it very easily.

"It's a matter of course."

Hearing this, Situ Kongkong was angry and funny, scratching his ears, but after thinking about it, he was right, he only has a daughter, and the money he earned was meant to be given to his daughter, so how could he bring it into the coffin, as bright as the moon?

His face smiled, and instantly it was filled with brilliance.

Situ Kongkong took a deep look at the bamboo house and asked, "Have you taken all the things? Did you leave anything behind?"

This bamboo house was built by him with his own hands, and he was quite sentimental. He really couldn't bear to part with it!

"Took them all."

"Didn't fall."

"Master, I've also loaded the dried vegetables into the car." Doumiao didn't forget the jars of pickled vegetables.

"Okay, there's nothing worth thinking about inside, let's take one last look at it!"

The four people of different heights couldn't help but look at the bamboo house where they had lived for nine months, with reluctance in their hearts and a little red eyes.

"Spill oil."

"Dad, does it have to be burned?"

After all, after living in the house for so long, it has feelings.

"Qingqing, didn't my father say that only by giving up can you gain something? We can't leave any traces of where we lived. Even if it's just a hair, someone can use it to hurt you. Didn't I mention it in the book of tricks I gave you?

There are thousands of ways to harm people, all of which can be done invisible. And the most terrifying curse is that it can be done on something close to the body."

With red eyes, Situ Qingqing nodded: "Then burn it, burn everything to ashes."

Situ Kongkong, who had already prepared the mechanism, handed a long rope to his daughter. She pulled hard, and thick vegetable oil spilled from the roof, and soon spread to the entire bamboo house.

The skinny Xiaofeng also threw the remaining half barrel of oil into the neighboring Hsinchu House. Neither house could be left alone, and they had to be burned together.

"Qingqing, are you coming or dad?"

At this moment, Situ Kongkong couldn't help but sigh. Choosing is a test in life.

Situ Qingqing took a deep breath and said, "I'll do it."

As soon as the torch was thrown, the raging fire burned quickly, but I don't know whether it was the fierce flames that burned my eyes or the reluctance to give up that made my eyes dim.

The fire burned very quickly and engulfed the bamboo house in no time.

The crackle is the sound of the bamboo pipe exploding, and the burning bamboo explodes like fireworks. The fire is hot, the heart is cold, and it is annihilated bit by bit.

"Dad, where are we going next?" Situ Qingqing, who had shed tears and lost her sadness quickly, put on a cheerful smile again, and Lichou Yiyi could not defeat her.

"Beijing." The heavenly man showed melancholy for the first time.

Situ Qingqing said in confusion: "Didn't you say you wouldn't go to the capital because it would be too dangerous for me?"

Situ Kongkong showed a gentle smile: "Dad, let me tell you one more thing. The more dangerous the place, the safer it is. No one would think that you would hide next to others."

"Then what are we going to do? Isn't it to exorcise demons and subjugate demons?"

This chapter has been completed!
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