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Chapter 19 The Harmonious and Simple Prime Minister's Mansion

The population of Yan's Mansion is simple, and it is relatively quiet compared to ordinary official mansions. There are no messy aunts or Yangzhou thin horses.

The eldest master has one wife and one concubine, and has two legitimate sons and two daughters, and one concubine. The eldest daughter has left the court, and the one who speaks is the eldest daughter, Yan Zhifei, who is sixteen this year;

There is a legitimate son and a concubine's daughter by marriage; the third master only has a wife and no aunts or maids. The couple are very loving and have a son and a daughter. The daughter is twelve years old.

Other mansions value men, but the Prime Minister's Palace is just the opposite. It prefers girls. Because Yan Su is too weak mentally and physically, the old Prime Minister made a new family rule in the early years. The female family members in the mansion can only discuss marriage when they are sixteen years old and eighteen years old.

After leaving the court, a man can only get married when he is twenty years old, and not too early. Giving birth to a child too early in a girl's family will be harmful to the body and shorten her lifespan. It is just right to get pregnant at the age of eighteen, and the children will be strong.

"Go, you little bastard, you're so pretentious. I'm tired of looking at you every day. Why don't you get smarter and give up your seat to your cousin, so that grandma won't have to chase her away." Mrs. Yan patted her granddaughter's hand and said,

He joked half-jokingly.

"No, I'm dominating. Grandma is mine and I won't let anyone else." Yan Zhifei took her grandmother's hand and said coquettishly.

"Then I'll cry for you." Situ Qingqing followed suit, pretending to cry, and she openly put two drops of tea under her eyes.

"It's not fair, you're pretending to cry." Yan Zhifei yelled in disbelief.

Situ Qingqing raised her mouth proudly and said: "Who is really crying with you? I am a filial little granddaughter. If I really cry, my grandmother will not feel heartbroken."

"Grandma, look, she's a swindler, and I don't accept it." This cousin is really fun, not rigid at all, unlike the second cousin's sister who always pretends to be a legitimate daughter and pretends to be a lady.

There are still differences between the legitimate concubines, but there is little friction. The reason is that the girls in the Yan family are all pampered, and there is not much difference in terms of distribution. Whenever there is a banquet, they will attend the banquet according to the situation. There is no legitimate daughter in the second wife, so Yan knows

Ru often regarded herself as a legitimate daughter and did not recognize her status as a concubine, thinking that she was her father's only daughter.

She loves to show off with the eldest daughter in the house, sometimes it's clothes, sometimes it's jewelry, sometimes it's her piano skills that she's good at. She especially likes to be with Dafang's Yan Zhifeibi. The two are close in age and have the same exposure.

People are so competitive that they have to compare themselves to others.

Therefore, Yan Zhifei was also very dissatisfied with Yan Zhiru's behavior. Although the two were not enemies, they could not have a heart-to-heart relationship. At most, they had a sisterly relationship of nodding when they met.

As for Yan Zhilan, the third-bedroom girl, who was only twelve years old, Yan Zhiru didn't take her seriously at all. She thought Yan Zhilan was too young and couldn't compare with her.

"It's okay not to be convinced, otherwise you're cheating! Grandma belongs to everyone, it's too shameful for you to eat alone, we despise you." Situ Qingqing pretended to take a sip.

In Mrs. Yan's house, there are five little girls sitting in a row, Situ Qingqing, Yan Zhifei and Yan Zhihui from the first bedroom, Yan Zhiru from the second bedroom, Yan Zhilan from the third bedroom, five of them.

Different temperaments and expressions make a room full of people.

Yan Zhifei was annoyed and chased after her to tickle her cousin. Yan Zhihui sat quietly, showing a slight smile from time to time. Yan Zhiru sat upright and behaved generously, but there was disdain in her eyes, and she was disdainful towards Situ Qingqing.

Yan Zhilan ate the fruit obediently and laughed occasionally.

"Situ Qingqing, did you grow up taking cheating drugs? It's so hateful." Yan Zhifei said that he couldn't win against her, but it was hard to calm down. He had to win back the victory.

"No, I am a medical practitioner myself. I don't take medicine. I eat whole grains, birds and animals."

"You said you were fat and breathless. You also examined me. My heart hurts. Please give me some medicine." Yan Zhifei clutched his chest and cried out in pain.

Situ Qingqing checked her cousin's pulse in a serious manner, and then shook her head with a heavy face: "There is no cure, so be prepared."

Yan Zhifei was so frightened that his expression turned red and his eyes turned red: "Am I really sick?"

"Well, just be less angry." Situ Qingqing said, this was her diagnosis and treatment as a little miracle doctor.

Upon hearing this, Yan Zhifei turned from worry to anger: "You actually scared me! Grandma, screw her."

Mrs. Yan didn't bother anyone, she just laughed and said: "Well done, well done. Don't be bored, little girl. Only when you have a good time and have a good time can you be happy."

"Grandma, you are kinder to Qingqing, I like it." Although Yan Zhifei said this, seeing her grandmother look much better and smiling more, she felt really happy, it was great, it was all thanks to her cousin


"I am good to everyone and am not partial. It's just that Qingqing lost her mother when she was young. As a grandmother, I have to love her more."

Mrs. Yan took her granddaughter's hand and patted it gently, the care and affection in her eyes never hidden from others.

"Qingqing also feels sorry for my grandmother. You should eat more rice and less meat. Don't miss out on vegetables, fruits, and vegetables. Less salt, less sugar, less oil. Have a bowl of green bean soup or mung bean soup in the morning and evening. If you have diabetes, you should eat small meals frequently. Diet

Try to keep it as light as possible..."

"Come on, come on, I understand, don't keep nagging in my ears every day, I'm almost like a cow, I'm always eating grass."

Mrs. Yan, who loves nothing but meat, loves sizzling braised pork and braised pork elbows in soy sauce. She can eat three large plates by herself. She eats less fruit and leaves vegetables untouched. She likes spicy food and has a strong taste, so she can't get enough of the salt.

The young lady felt her mouth tasted tasteless, but after her granddaughter came, she couldn't eat these delicacies.

Situ Qingqing quickly figured out her grandmother's taste and changed the dishes to vinegar flavor, with more vinegar, a little sugar and spicy. It was not completely tasteless, but it also whetted the old man's appetite and made him no longer picky about food.

"Grandma, cousin Qingqing is doing it for your own good. You have to listen to her. This is the doctor's order." Yan Zhifei helped to persuade.

"Tsk! Just now we were clamoring for grandma to seek justice, but now it's getting better. You heartless little girls, your hearts are getting so fast." Mrs. Yan pointed out with a smile, teasing her granddaughters for their windy nature.

Sometimes it blows east, sometimes it blows west.

"Aren't we cousins ​​close to each other? Does grandma want us to fight so that outsiders can laugh at us?" Yan Zhifei alluded to Wang Shangshu's family. There are seven masters in their family, and the concubine and concubine plus one plus one are the three legitimate children.

Times, the legitimate concubines often got into quarrels due to competition for favor. Not long ago, a legitimate daughter was beaten by three concubine sisters. The family scandal was publicized and made public. Wang Shangshu was reprimanded by the emperor for this.

"Okay, grandma can't say bad. Qingqing has been walking around with her father all year round and has no idea about the affairs of the inner house. Fei'er, you are the elder sister. You should teach her more and don't let anyone say anything wrong about her."

The old lady thinks that there is nothing wrong with her granddaughter. She looks good, has a good temperament, and has good medical skills. However, she is still worried that people who value rules will find fault with her.

She didn't want to change her granddaughter's lively and active nature. There was nothing wrong with being optimistic and cheerful. Today's rich ladies were too lifeless and boring, but she was also worried that she would be wronged in the future and be criticized and ridiculed by others.

"Grandma, don't worry, I will take care of cousin Qingqing and won't let her be bullied." Who among the girls in the prime minister's family dares to look down on them?

"Qingqing, the princess of Qingping County Prince's Palace is very kind. She is one of the few sisters that your mother had some contact with during her lifetime. She has the same heart disease as your mother, but her condition is milder. Since your mother asked someone to come from Wuyou Valley,

I brought her pills to treat her heart disease, and she hasn’t had another attack for several years..."

What Madam Yan meant was that Situ Qingqing's mother was kind to the Princess of Qingping County and she would not embarrass her benefactor's children and would protect her when necessary.

The Qingping County Prince's Palace holds a plum blossom banquet every year, inviting young men and women to visit the plum garden. Firstly, it is a custom, the princess likes the crowds and liveliness, and secondly, it is a matchmaker for the younger generation, allowing them to express their feelings in the plum forest with poems and express their feelings to each other.


But just using poetry, painting, and piano as media, they do not see each other. The plum blossoms planted in the mansion are divided into red plums and white plums. A wall is built in the middle. They come in rotation every year. This year, you can enjoy red plums, and next year, you can pick snow plums.

, the plum blossoms are affectionate, and secretly send my heart to you.

The Prime Minister's Mansion also received an invitation, and Mrs. Yan brought the girls from the mansion to enjoy the plum blossoms. Situ Qingqing had just arrived, and Mrs. Yan also wanted to let her see the world, so she followed the sisters to see the scenery of other people's homes.

It will also be good for her to get married in the future.

"Grandma, don't be sad for my mother anymore. She passed away peacefully and did not suffer. My mother was kind-hearted and the Bodhisattva accepted her as a deity. You have to be happy for her. She doesn't have to stay in the world of mortals and suffer." Situ Qingqing comforted her.


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