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Chapter 36: One Hundred Tricks for House Gates

She cries when she has no money and also cries when she has money. Mrs. Jingpinghou was shocked by the huge dowry. She originally thought she was rich, but she suddenly realized that the mansion was too small and could not even hold her daughter-in-law's dowry.

It's so embarrassing.

Finally, the dowry that entered the Marquis of Jingping's Mansion was 564 tons. In other words, the dynasty's Guo Zuo still has 564 years to live, and the emperor's descendants can still pass it on to many generations.

There is a risk of national subjugation.

"Worship the heaven and the earth..."

Mrs. Jingpinghou, who was finally going to worship, looking forward to the stars, the moon, and her son's early marriage, had tears in her eyes. When she saw the young couple kneeling to the high hall, she cried so much that she wet a handkerchief.

Situ Qingqing couldn't bear to be cried, so she put the red scarf with the polo fruit in her mother-in-law's hand so that she could continue to cry.

This... this is against the rules!

But who cares about the rules? Mrs. Jingpinghou stopped crying because of her daughter-in-law's considerate behavior. She laughed every time she met her. Even before they got along with her, she said that her daughter-in-law was the best, well-behaved and filial.

"The ceremony is completed and sent to the bridal chamber."

In addition to bean sprouts and douxiang, Situ Qingqing added bean sprouts, douye, four first-class maids, eight second-class maids from the Jing generation, sixteen little maids, and thirty-two rough servants and

Mother-in-law, there are two nuns in charge, who are responsible for the affairs of the yard.

To be honest, there were so many people that she couldn't even remember them. They were all prepared by Mrs. Yan for her because she was afraid that she wouldn't be able to find anyone when she asked for help. They were all trained people who were loyal to their master.

After all, she had a dowry that was richer than the emperor's, and no one was keeping an eye on it. She felt more at ease when using her own people. She had a death contract in her hands, so they couldn't have any other intentions.

"Ouyang Sufeng, the phoenix crown is too heavy, help me take it off," Situ Qingqing said.

This phoenix crown is inlaid with 108 longan-sized southern beads. How could it not be heavy?

"What did you call me?"

The kerchief was lifted up, revealing Situ Qingqing's delicate and delicate face. The makeup was not thick, but the thin layer highlighted her natural beauty, which was as beautiful as a garden full of begonia flowers.

Without the shyness of the wedding night, Situ Qingqing softly shouted: "Brother Sufeng, my good husband, please help me, my neck is about to be broken."

Listening to her soft voice, Ouyang Sufeng's heart skipped a beat and he almost pounced on her.

"Who taught you to speak in this tone? You are not allowed to use it to anyone except me in the future."

It's so alluring, so charming that it's hard to control yourself.

"Cousin Zhifei, she said that all men like her. My voice has a soft and charming tone. If I roll my tongue up a little more when I speak, the men will become softer..."

She was referring to the man who was so soft and boneless that he pounced on his wife, but as soon as this word fell into Ouyang Sufeng's ears, it... was a bit off.

"Don't say the word 'soft' in front of a man, remember that."

The phoenix crown is very heavy, but it is as light as a feather when it falls on the man's calloused hands.

"Don't you need to go out to toast?" Seeing him getting closer and closer, taking off his clothes one by one and throwing them to the ground, Situ Qingqing suddenly panicked, and she realized what would happen next.

"Your father said we don't follow the rules." With the support of his father-in-law, Ouyang Sufeng was happy to be a non-ruler at such an important moment.

"I'm a little scared!" She shrank back into the bed.

Ouyang Sufeng was shirtless, pulled the little woman who was hiding away into his arms, and said warmly: "Don't worry, I will pity you."

"But my dad said it's your first time too, do you know what to do to make it less uncomfortable?" Situ Qingqing was still not at ease.

This father-in-law is so unreliable that he even says such things?

The corner of Ouyang Sufeng's mouth twitched, and then he said: "This is our first time, no one will suffer, what do you think?"

"...Okay." She agreed in a confused tone.

This night is the joy of fish and water, the love between husband and wife, and the full moon and beautiful flowers!

That night, her back was as hot as fire, and a low phoenix cry came from her mouth...

"This is the old lady. Raise your hand above your head and offer tea." A nun guided Situ Qingqing to offer tea to the elders.

The population of Jingpinghou Mansion may be said to be simple but not simple. The number of masters is small but not very harmonious. They all have their own agendas and their faces and hearts are not in harmony.

The old lady was not the late Marquis's main wife. She came into the house many years after his first wife died. At that time, Ouyang Zhanbai was already seven or eight years old, so she was married in as his stepmother.

In the beginning, she was quite peaceful. Before she had children, she took very good care of her first wife's children and treated them as their own sons. At that time, she was praised by many people, who praised her for being virtuous, gentle and a good steward of the house. They also said

Mr. Hou is so lucky.

But after she had her own child, everything changed. Children under ten years old either had short clothes or fewer clothes in the house. Food was often forgotten to be delivered, and every month's money was wasted.

Cheating, the paper used to write on is rotten as soon as I write on it, and the quality is extremely poor.

This is not the most important thing. Little Ouyang Zhanbai's body has wounds from time to time. Sometimes he is injured by slippery roads in rainy weather, sometimes he is burned by hot oil, and he is also cut by a razor blade in a book, and there are needles on the cushion he is sitting on.

In the end, he was pushed into a pond and almost drowned.

None of these old marquises knew about it. The old lady did it too secretly. She never did it herself. She intentionally or unintentionally led other aunts to do it. She stayed out of the matter and let the woman who wanted to steal her husband find her own death, so that she would not get dirty again.


The old Marquis also had three concubines, two of whom were married to each other, but none of them had any income. It turned out that the old lady had poisoned their diets with Jue Zi San in the first year they entered the house, causing them to be infertile throughout their lives.

As soon as the old marquis left, the aunts' hind legs were betrayed by the jealous old lady.

Therefore, in Ouyang Zhanbai's generation, there were only two brothers, Ouyang Zhanhong, born to him and Lao Taijun, and there were no other commoner brothers and sisters.

Time and time again, the old lady tried to kill her eldest son so that his son could inherit the title, but all the attempts ended in failure because Ouyang Zhanbai met the most unruly Situ Changkong at that time, who was not yet a national master.


The emperor could ascend the throne, and Ouyang Zhanbai also contributed, so the emperor gave him the military power in the northwest, and his trust in him was second only to Situ Changkong.

However, Situ Changkong was very unhappy with the old lady's repeated attacks. On the one hand, he wanted to overthrow the prince and help the current emperor ascend to the throne. On the other hand, he wanted to prevent Ouyang Zhanbai from being killed. He couldn't bear the loss, so he asked Hua Wushuang to poison him.

, Ouyang Zhanhong was so poisoned that he couldn't get out of bed and could only lie in bed and become a useless person.

At this time, the old lady finally gave up. In order to save her son's life, she looked for doctors everywhere, prayed to gods and prayed to Buddha, and spent a lot of money.

During this period, Ouyang Zhanbai married a powerful Zheng Feng family, and soon gave birth to his eldest son Ouyang Sufeng. He then adopted Aunt Yun and Aunt Wan, and had a concubine, Ouyang Mufeng, and concubines Ouyang Qian and Ouyang Jing.

He had a son and a daughter, and his wife was also capable and controlled the power of the Hou Mansion, so Ouyang Zhanbai asked Situ Changkong to detoxify Ouyang Zhanhong.

Little did he know that the old lady would not change her character and kept up her old tricks, trying to get rid of the eldest son's family. At this time, Situ Changkong, who had become the national preceptor, got angry and killed Ouyang Zhanhong, killing the old lady.

Thoughts, let’s see who else she wants to harm.

However, they did not expect that Ouyang Zhanhong left a posthumous son before his death. One of his concubines was pregnant for about a month, which gave the old lady another opportunity to scheme.

Situ Changkong had already left the court when Ouyang Yaofeng was born, so no one was as cruel as him to touch the child, so he was allowed to grow up under the doting of the old lady.

"Old lady, drink tea." Situ Qingqing raised her hands respectfully and said.

After waiting for a long time, the old lady twirled the eighteen big-leaf sandalwood beads in her hand as if she had fallen into trance. It wasn't until an unpleasant cough came from the side that she said "Hmm" with a panic on her face, and picked up the eight-point mandarin Buddha beads.

He put the tea bowl to his lips and took a sip.

But she seemed unwilling to give up until something happened. Suddenly her hand softened and the mouth of the bowl faced the grandson's daughter-in-law who was kneeling on the ground serving tea, intending to give her a "meeting gift".

The booklet "One Hundred Tips for Housekeepers" is still under the pillow of the newlyweds. It was written by Yan Zhifei. The three Madam Yans of the Yan Mansion provided their experience of being a housekeeper in each house. Mrs. Yan added her half-life experience to write it.

It will be of great help to the newlyweds.

"Presenting tea" is written in the second section of the first chapter of the introductory chapter. Yan Zhifei's writing in elegant handwriting is very vivid and lively, and it depicts many small details of tea ceremony as if he were there.

Situ Qingqing, who has always had a photographic memory, remembered it very well. When the old lady turned her wrist outwards and was about to pour the slightly hot tea on her face, it was too late to speak, but it was fast. She didn't do much, but

Turn the tea tray on which the tea is served outwards and flick it with a little force.

Wow! Wow!

Not even a drop of water splashed on her, but the old lady's indigo skirt was more than half wet.

This chapter has been completed!
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