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Chapter 11 The First Battle of Liangshan

Now there are thirteen leaders in Liangshan, with 777 minions under their command. There was some property in the village, and with the addition of the 100,000 birth certificates stolen by Chao Gai and others, as well as the Chao family’s savings over the years, it can be said that

There is enough food and grass.

In addition, veterans such as Huang Gai trained battle formations, and Lin Chong, the leader of the 800,000-strong Forbidden Army, taught the soldiers spears and clubs. In conjunction with Wang Lun's later military training methods, Liangshan's combat effectiveness could be said to be completely transformed.

In the past, it could only be regarded as a mob. Now the Liangshan Army's combat effectiveness has improved and it has begun to take shape as a regular army. What is lacking is actual combat.

The leaders practiced martial arts during the day and drank freely at night. They had a strong sense of loyalty to each other and their feelings skyrocketed.

There is only one thing that is a pity.

After Wang Lun traveled through time, he immediately sent people to Tokyo City to look for Lin Chong's family.

But Mrs. Lin hanged herself to death half a year before Lin Chong went up the mountain, and her father-in-law also passed away a month ago.

Wang Lun was also helpless, traveling through time too late.

Lin Chong was drunk for three days and three nights. Under the comfort of Wang Lun and others, he gradually cheered up and trained more and more fiercely.

Liangshan's hatred for Captain Gao grew day by day.

"Report to the stronghold owner, the Jeju prefect has sent Jeju regiment leader Huang An to lead a thousand troops to conquer the stronghold. I hope the stronghold owner can make preparations in advance."

Dryland Kulu Zhugui hurriedly rushed to the mountain to report. He usually opened a shop on the edge of Shuiboliang Mountain and was responsible for inquiring about the news.

Originally, Wang Lun's Liangshan was already on the government's blacklist in Jeju, and Chao Gai had robbed Liang Zhongshu of his birth date. Liang Zhongshu and Cai Taishi would definitely not let it go.

The government soldiers and horses came to conquer, which was expected by the leaders.

"Captain of the village, let Lin Chong lead the troops and kill him happily!"

Lin Chong banged the table and was the first to jump out to challenge. He was filled with anger.

"Master of the village, Chao Gai is rising at this time, and Chao Gai is willing to lead his troops to fight!"

"Master, Liu Tang is willing to go."

"Master of the village, our navy brothers are going to drown these losers in Liangshan Pond."

All the leaders were furious and eager to try. They asked for a fight one after another without giving up at all.

This is the difference between these leaders and the minions. If there was no strong leader in charge, the minions would have been frightened and dispersed as soon as they heard that the government troops were coming to conquer.

This also created a phenomenon. In general, as long as you kill the leader of the opponent's village leader, you can subdue his minions.

"Okay, if you dare to attack Liangshan, you will never come back."

"All leaders, listen to my orders. This battle will be led by the leader of the village himself. Wu Yong is the military advisor, Lin Chong, Ruan Xiaoer, Ruan Xiaowu, Ruan Xiaoqi, Liu Tang, and Zhu Gui will follow me and lead 600 men down the mountain to greet them.


"Huang Gai was in charge of Liangshan, and Gongsun Sheng, Chao Gai, Du Qian, and Song Wan assisted Huang Gai to stay in the stronghold and guard the gates of the stronghold."

Wang Lun looked at the leaders and made arrangements one by one.

Although we are all brothers, there are some differences between brothers.

Although Chao Gai was ranked lower by Wang Lun, his prestige in the hearts of other leaders was still there. For example, Liu Tang, the three heroes of the Ruan family, and others still liked to call him Big Brother Chao in private.

Therefore, Wang Lun planned to go down the mountain in person, and Chao Gai stayed at the stronghold for a while. After a while, his prestige increased, and he used Chao Gai more.

Although Huang Gai was also a tiger general in Jiangdong of the Three Kingdoms, it was the Battle of Chibi when he was fished out. First, he was injured by Zhou Yu in Kurouji, and later burned Chibi and was wounded by an arrow. In addition, because he was older, Huang Gai still went to Liangshan first.

Recuperate from injury.

But don't underestimate Huang Gai. Huang Gai is also a powerful veteran in the Three Kingdoms. He can be said to be getting stronger with age.


Chao Gai originally wanted to fight for it, but Wu Yong quietly tugged on his sleeve, hinting that the boss had issued an order not to disobey him, so he finally agreed.

Whooping, a large group of people went down the mountain and arrived at the golden beach.

"Master of the village, the officers and soldiers are invading. Our Liangshan has a favorable geographical location. The waterways in Liangshan are of different depths and there are many branches. The enemy does not know the inside story and can lure the enemy deep into the territory. Our army will take the opportunity to ambush you."

Wu Yong is currently the chief military advisor of Liangshan and is very active in advising Wang Lun.

"Yes, yes, what the academic said makes sense. Lin Chong is the chief general, and Liu Tang is the deputy general. You take a hundred soldiers, take advantage of the fog on the lake to cover up, go around to the shore in a small boat, sneak attack on the officers and soldiers on the shore, and give me the officers and soldiers' horses.

Grab it."

"Ruan Xiaoer, Ruan Xiaowu, and Ruan Xiaoqi listen to the order. You lead two hundred navy brothers, two hundred infantry brothers, and one hundred archers to lure the officers and soldiers in and ambush them. If the officers and soldiers are willing to surrender, then give it to me.

Catch him."

"Brother Zhu Gui, you are familiar with the situation of the officers and soldiers and Liang Shanbo. Please explain the information to the leaders."

"Students will follow me to prepare their troops on the Golden Beach, waiting for the victorious brothers to come."

Wang Lun immediately allocated troops and horses, arranged for leaders, and led the troops to charge. That is not something we should worry about.


"Master, please take a look!"

"Let's go~"

The leaders clasped their fists to accept the order, and each led a group of minions to start taking action.

Wang Lun and Wu Yong practiced on the golden beach facing the beach, arranging troops and improving their theoretical knowledge.

"Sir, ahead is Liangshanbo. The thief who robbed the birthday card is on the mountain."

"Sir, please be careful. I heard that there are hundreds of bandits on the mountain, and even the officers and soldiers of Yuncheng County can't arrest them on weekdays."

The police officer from Yuncheng County led the way and introduced the situation in Liangshan to Huang An, the Jeju regiment training envoy.

"Hmph, you policemen can bully the untouchables, but when you encounter these thieves who commit murder and swindle goods, you have to be trained by our group."

Huang An snorted coldly, he didn't look down on the Yuncheng County police officer at all. He was a regimental training envoy and was only a fifth-rank official.

"It's just a group of bandits. I'll charge up the mountain later, shoot arrows first, and then rush up and kill them all."

Huang An looked down on those mountain bandits and made arrangements at will.

"Fire the arrow!"

Ruan Xiaoer, Ruan Xiaowu, and Ruan Xiaoqi, with more than thirty brothers, fired arrows at Huang An's warship.


The arrows of those Liangshan gangsters were very inaccurate. They either missed the target or did not hit the boat and fell into the water. Some even failed to draw their bows and arrows.

"Hahaha~ A group of ants are also trying to resist my Lord's heavenly army. Come on, come on, rush forward and catch them alive!"

Huang An was a little wary before, but now he saw that these powerful Liangshan bandits were just a group of fishermen.

He Tao must be incompetent and couldn't catch the thief, so he boasted about how powerful the thief was. When he met me, Huang An, he showed his true colors.

"The wind is tight and pulling~"

"The officers and soldiers are awesome, run quickly~"

"Run away~"

The three heroes of the Ruan family shouted loudly, and started to row away with a group of minions.


Huang An brought the merchant ship, and the Ruan clan's three heroes had small fishing boats, with thousands of people on one side and dozens on the other. The strength was very different, so they beat the drowned dog hard.

Huang An led his troops into Liangshan by boat, leaving two hundred men on the shore to guard the horses and baggage.

"Charge over to me, kill the enemy and seize the horses!"

Lin Chong quietly led a hundred men to kill the group of officers and soldiers on the shore. With a roar of a leopard, the five-hook god Fei Liang silver gun flashed in his hand, like a tiger descending from the mountain.


The red-haired ghost Liu Tang took the lead and swung a simple sword to kill him.

This chapter has been completed!
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