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Chapter 156 Three famous guns

"Mr. Golden Sword Li Zhu wins and becomes the best swordsman in the world!"

"Now let's move on to the fifth event of the championship competition, the best sword in the world!"

"The contestants are invited to appear!"

The strength of all parties came on stage, and after a fierce battle, the winner was decided.

The third place is the green-faced beast Yang Zhi, the second place is Tai Sui Shen Wu Song, and the first place is Dadao Guan Sheng!

Guan Sheng enters the finals!

"The sixth event of the aspirational arena, the best shot in the world! Begin!"

On the third day, the championship arena continues.

There are many powerful masters in the world, and this time all forces have sent many masters.

On the side of the imperial court, Xu Ning, the golden gunman, Dong Ping, the double-gun general, Zeng Tu and Shi Wengong from Zengtou City were sent. On the Liangshan side, Lin Chong, the leopard head, Yang Zhi, the green-faced beast, and Sun Li, the sick lieutenant, were sent.

The other forces sent out were all small minions with mediocre marksmanship.

"The first match is between the golden gunner Xu Ning and the sick Wei Chi Sun Li. Players from both sides are invited to appear!"

After Pei Xuan finished speaking, he immediately stepped down and handed the arena to both parties.




Bingwei Chisun Li was eight feet tall, wearing a piece of black oil and golden armor, holding a golden sapodilla spear, and majestically rode a black horse to attack Xu Ning.

Xu Ning was not as tall as Sun Li. He was only six feet five tall. He was wearing a wild goose feather armor, holding an iron golden gun, and was riding a purple electric horse to kill Sun Li.


"Awesome marksmanship!"


The fight between the two generals immediately attracted the attention of the experts present. The marksmanship of these two men was also top-notch. Neither of them was convinced by the other, and the fight was very fierce.

"Xu Ning, the golden gunner, is the teacher of the imperial golden gun class and a guard of Zhao Guan's family. He has an ancestor who passed down the golden gun technique. He is known as the golden gunman in the world. He is unparalleled in the world and is also a master of using guns. It seems that General Sun Li is in danger."

Jade Qilin Lu Junyi watched the battle and explained and analyzed it to Wang Lun on the side.

Wang Lun was convinced, but the gap between the two was not big, and the outcome was still hard to predict.

Xu Ning was ranked second among the eight hussars of the original Liangshan Horse Army, second only to Xiao Li Guang and Hua Rong. Of course, Hua Rong was also an expert with guns and was known as the Silver Gunner.

Xu Ning once fought against Dong Ping, one of the Five Tiger Generals with two spears, for fifty rounds with no outcome, and his golden spear technique was also very powerful.

Some people even said in later generations that Xu Ning was one of the three famous guns in Water Margin. Everyone

The so-called three famous guns are Xu Ning, the golden gunner, Shi Wengong, the sharpshooter, and Lin Chong, the leopard head.

However, in Wang Lun's view, Xu Ning's martial arts should only be considered to be at the peak of the Eighth Prince, while Lin Chong was stronger than the Five Tigers, and Shi Wengong's martial arts had surpassed the Five Tigers. It was probably at the Qilin level, but Xu Ning was still far behind.

Of course, Wei Chi and Sun Li's martial arts skills are probably better than those of the Eight Horsemen. In terms of martial arts, he is not afraid of the Eight Horsemen. Even if he fights against the Five Tiger Generals, he can fight for thirty or fifty rounds.

Therefore, the two of them can be regarded as a match for each other and a good talent.

Sure enough, the two generals fought for fifty rounds with no outcome.

"It's a pity that you can only use guns in the ring, otherwise I can sneak attack this guy with the tiger-eye bamboo whip~"

Sun Li, the sick lieutenant, thought to himself that the competition in the ring was not a battle on the battlefield, but a small gap.

"This Liangshan thieves is so talented. It seems that you can't defeat him with the golden spear. You need to use the hook and sickle spear."

Xu Ning, the golden gunman, was also secretly scheming in his mind. He changed his marksmanship and used the Nine-Character Judgment Hook and Sickle Spear. At one moment he attacked Sun Li on the third route, and at another he attacked Sun Li's horse, forcing Sun Li to parry again and again.

Using his moves to respond to the enemy, Xu Ning controlled the rhythm of the battle.

"Take my shot!"

After Xu Ning fired ten shots, he forced out Sun Li's flaw and knocked Sun Li off his horse with one shot. Fortunately, Sun Li wore a piece of black oil and golden armor, so the damage was not serious.

"The sick captain Sun Li was knocked off his horse, and the golden gunner Xu Ning won! Let's move on to the next game."

Pei Xuan checked on Sun Li, but fortunately it was not too much trouble, and hurriedly announced the results of the game.


Xu Ning, the golden gunman, put away the golden gun and politely handed it over to Sun Li, but Sun Li was angry and had no place to vent his anger.

"The second game. Zeng Tu versus Lin Chong, the leopard head!"


"Hmph, I've heard that you Liangshan gangsters are in trouble together. Today I will let you know how powerful I am at Zengtou City. Kill me!"

Zeng Tu was thirty years old, seven feet tall, and had learned his skills from Shi Wengong. He had a point steel gun in his hand and charged towards Lin with murderous intent.

"I, Liangshan, under the leadership of the king's leader, do justice for heaven and protect the people of this area. How can you ignorant people be so presumptuous in front of me! Look at the gun!"

Lin Chong, the head of the leopard, was furious. He held the five-hook divine flying silver spear and swung it like a tiger descending from the mountain. His spear skills were like a dragon's and he was as fast as a cheetah to kill Zeng Tu.

"This disciple of mine has learned my three skills, and I think he will be able to dominate the world. Although this leopard-headed Lin Chong has some false reputations, he can't help but worry about it."

Sharpshooter Shi Wengong looked proud, Zeng Tu was the strongest disciple he had ever taught.

"That's not necessarily true. I've heard that Lin Chong, the leopard-headed man, is a member of Liangshan and is the enemy of ten thousand tiger generals. Leader Wang's confidant and favorite general, I'm afraid your disciple is no match for Lin Chong."

Li Zhu glanced at Zeng Tu and said to the side.

"If my disciple fails, I will be number one in the world!"

Shi Wengong rolled his eyes at Li Zhu, "This man is very good at swordsmanship, but he is my strong enemy."

While the audience was betting on who would win, thirty rounds of fighting had already occurred on the stage, and Lin Chong was seen wearing the Lin family's marksmanship, and Zeng Tu was unable to parry.

"Teacher Lin, this villain has given up."

Zeng Tu was so anxious that he was sweating profusely, but he lowered his voice and admitted defeat. Only two people heard him.

At this time, Lin Chong's five-clawed divine flying silver gun was only a finger away from Zeng Tu's eyes. When he heard Zeng Tu admit defeat, he immediately put away the gun and turned back to the leader Wang Lun on the stage to question that he had won.

"Teacher Lin, be careful!"

Wang Lun's expression changed and he exclaimed, Zeng Tu was attacking Lin Chong from behind.

"Shameless villain!"

Lu Junyi cursed angrily, and it was already too late to take action.

"Lin Chong, go to hell!"

Zeng Tu smiled evilly and stabbed Lin Chong in the back with a steel spear. He had never lost a fight since he was thirty years old!

I will win this time too!


The ferocious smile on Zeng Tu's face turned into shock. He lowered his head and saw that his abdomen had been pierced by a silver gun. His hands were weak and he clicked the steel gun and dropped it to the ground.

"What a turnaround!"

Dong Ping, the two-gun general, exclaimed, secretly wondering if Zeng Tu could have blocked Lin Chong's carbine move.

It’s really hard to say, Lin Chong relied on his carbine to fight back and killed Zeng Tu.

"Zeng Tu cheated. He surrendered first and then made a sneak attack. This violated the rules of the ring. Lin Chong won."

As the referee, Pei Xuan saw it clearly and angrily declared Lin Chong the winner.

"The next match will be between Dong Ping and Pang Wanchun!" Pei Xuan said.

"You dare to wield a knife and a gun in front of me like a baby. It's too late to admit defeat now, otherwise you will be embarrassed in the ring."

Pang Wanchun took a look at his opponent. He was a handsome man with delicate features in his hands.

Pang Wanchun was unwilling to give in, so he went on the stage to face Dong Pinglai, hoping to enter the finals, otherwise he would not be able to explain to his opponent when he returned.

"Hahaha~ Old guy, you are worthy of competing with me in shooting skills, kill me!"

Dong Ping, the two-gun general, had a short temper and charged at Pang Wanchun angrily.

This chapter has been completed!
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