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Chapter 164

"The king of Qi, Wang Lun, is the sole ruler of the world, the lord of destiny, and has jurisdiction over all civil and military officials."

"There are six ministries, one pavilion, one department and one department, under the jurisdiction of the civil and military officials of various states and counties." The master scholar Xiao Rang was responsible for delivering the decree.

Wu Yong, the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, has a lot of wisdom, Jiang Jing, the magic fortune teller of the Ministry of Husbandry, Xiao Rang, the master scholar of the Ministry of Etiquette, Zhu Wu, the magician and military advisor of the Ministry of War, Pei Xuan, the Minister of Punishment, has an iron face, and Hongtian Lei Lingzhen, the Minister of the Ministry of Industry.

Cabinet: The department that advises the King of Qi, including Wu Yong, a wise man, Gongsun Sheng of Ruyunlong, Zhu Wu, a divine strategist, and Fan Rui, a demon king who focuses on internal affairs planning.

Military Aircraft Department: Military headquarters, focusing on military affairs. Generals of the Mabu navy temporarily entered the Military Aircraft Department, headed by King Han Qinhu of Yama.

There are 7 people in the Supervision Department: they are divided into official department, civil department, military department, land department, and surgery department, and they supervise different departments respectively. Dai Zong, the Taibao of Shenxing, moves when the drum is up, Po Wang Dingliu is alive, and Zhu Gui is ignored when there is a dry land.

Xiao Wei Chi Sun Xin, Smiling Tiger Zhu Fu, Tie Ming Zi Lehe.

In addition, a weapons supervisor/seven people were set up: the miracle doctor An Daoquan was in charge of the military medical department, the purple-bearded Bo Huangfuduan was in charge of the veterinary department, Hongtianlei Lingzhen was in charge of the artillery department, the jade-arm craftsman Jin Dajian was in charge of the jade department, and the jade flag pole Meng Kang was in charge

In the Shipbuilding Department, Tang Long, the Golden Leopard, is in charge of the Ordnance Department, and Hou Jian, the Tongbei Yuan, is in charge of the War Armor Department.

The status of the Ordnance Supervisor cannot be compared with that of the Sixth Department, but he has many talents and his status is very high in Wang Lun's heart.

The Ordnance Supervision is at full power, building warships, armor, swords, guns, halberds, bows and saddles, taming war horses, manufacturing artillery, and training military doctors. These are all important logistics support departments to equip the new army.

"There will be five Qilin generals, ten tiger generals of the horse army, ten tiger generals of the infantry army, and commanders of the four seas of the naval army, who will be the generals of the horse infantry navy."

"Suppose there are eighteen hussar generals of the horse army, eighteen strong generals of the infantry army, and eight river and lake governors of the navy army, who are the deputy generals of the horse infantry navy."

"In addition, there are thirty-six generals of the horse army, thirty-six brave generals of the infantry army, and twenty-four captains of the navy army, who are the partial generals of the horse infantry navy."

"There are also 72 minor generals of the horse army, 72 minor generals of the infantry army, and 108 captains of the navy army. They will be the horse infantry social military school captains and command the troops."

After the announcement was completed, Scholar Shengshui took out some documents and read out the specific list. Some of them still have vacancies, which is to give others opportunities to perform meritorious services in the future and have the opportunity to be promoted.

Five Generals of Qilin 3: Jade Qilin Lu Junyi, Divine Spear Shi Wengong, King of Yama Han Qinhu.

Ma Jun 28 people:

5 of the Ten Tiger Generals of the Horse Army: Lin Chong with the leopard head, Guan Sheng with the broad sword, Chen Liqing, the female flying guard, Hu Yanzhuo with double whips, Qin Ming with the thunderbolt fire.

Horse Army Eighteen Coward Generals 9: Sick Wei Chi Sun Li, Yizhang Qinghu Sanniang, Green-faced Beast Yang Zhi, Nine-marked Dragon Shi Jin, Prodigal Yan Qing, Xiao Li Guang Huarong, Flying Eagle Li Ying, Peach Blossom Girl Su Jinniang,

Qiu Qiongying

Thirty-six generals of the horse army 8: Tianmu general Peng Qi, Yumian general Han Tao, Shenhuo general Wei Dingguo, Shengshui general Shan Tinggui, Jingmuyan Hao Siwen, Choujun Ma Xuanzan, Buzhao Mu Hong, Zhensanshan Huangxin

Horse Army Junior 7: Iron Flute Immortal Ma Lin, Grimaceer Du Xing, Brocade Leopard Yang Lin, Jumping Stream Tiger Chen Da, White Flower Snake Yang Chun, Tiger Fighting General Li Zhong, Golden Retriever Duan Jingzhu

Infantry 33 men:

Ten Tiger Generals of the Infantry Army 3: Wu Song, the Tai Sui God, Lu Zhishen, the Flower Monk, and Tang Meng, the Leopard King

Eighteen Infantry Heroes 6: Chao Gai, the king of pagodas, Liu Tang, the red-haired ghost, Li Kui, the black whirlwind, Shi Xiu, the desperate man, Yang Xiong, Yang Xiong, and Zhu Tong, the beautiful bearded man.

Thirty-six brave generals of the infantry 12: Nine-day flying swallow Pang Qiuxia, sick big worm Xue Yong, two-headed snake to solve the treasure, two-tailed scorpion to solve the treasure, faceless Jiao Ting, swordsman ghost Cao Zheng, flying great sage Li Gun, eight-armed

Xiang Chong, Sister-in-law Gu, the fire-eyed Suan Ni Deng Fei, Bao Xu, the mourning door god, and Li Yun, the blue-eyed tiger

Infantry Army Seventy-Two Junior Generals 12: Yunli King Kong Song Wan, Touching Tian Du Qian, Urging Judge Li Li, Xiao Zhelan Mu Chun, Chu Linlong Zou Yuan, One-horned Dragon Zou Run, Shi General Shi Yong, Xiao Bawang Zhou

Tong, the golden-eyed Biao Shi En, the Nine-tailed Turtle Tao Zongwang, the Dangerous Dao God Yu Baosi, the Moyun Golden-winged Ou Peng.

Navy 9 people:

Navy Commander 2: Veteran Huang Gai, Commander of the East China Sea, and Hun Jianglong Li Jun, Commander of the West Sea.

Navy Warlord 4: Li Di Tai Sui Ruan Xiao Er, Short-lived Er Lang Ruan Xiao Wu, Huo Yan Luo Ruan Xiao Qi, Lang Li Bai Tiao Zhang Shun.

Captain 3 of the Navy: The fire on the boat is bright, the dragon is powerful when it comes out of the cave, and the mirage is fierce when it turns over the river.

The Ma Bu Navy has a total of 99 staff, staff and technical talents, plus King Wang Lun of Qi, for a total of 100 people.

The total number of soldiers and horses in Qi State already totals 150,000, but many of them are new soldiers who have never been on the battlefield, or are soldiers who were surrendered by the original imperial court, and they still need to be trained well before they can become stronger.

To this end, Wang Lun arranged for the generals to select elite and increasingly powerful ace troops based on their special abilities.

Han Qinhu is in charge of the 5,000 ghost cavalry battalion. He has always been an ace light cavalry, good at long-distance attacks and elusive. Shi Wengong trained the 5,000 ghost cavalry battalion, with unified marksmanship and fierce offensive. The former is cavalry and the latter is infantry.

Lin Chong's three thousand leopard cavalry, Guan Sheng's three thousand school swordsmen, Hu Yanzhuo's three thousand chain horse battalion, Qin Ming's three thousand wolf fang battalion, Chen Liqing's three thousand flying guard battalion, specializing in one skill, unified weapons, and elite soldiers and generals


Hu Sanniang’s Thousand Divine Suo Battalion, Yan Qing’s Thousand Chuannu Battalion, Hua Rong’s Thousand Divine Arm Battalion, and Su Jinniang’s Thousand Detachment of Women.

Wei Dingguo’s 800 Divine Fire Camp, Shan Tinggui’s 800 Holy Water Camp, and Xuanzan’s 800 Lianzhu Camp.

Wu Song's Three Thousand Tiger Battalion, Lu Zhishen's Three Thousand King Kong Battalion, Tang Meng's Three Thousand Divine Leopard Battalion, and Li Kui's Three Thousand Tiansha Battalion. The soldiers are all ace infantry with big arms and round waists, and their strength is far beyond that of ordinary people.

Jie Zhen, Jie Bao's 3,000 jungle camp, Li Gun, and Xiang Chong's 3,000 barbarian hobhands also have their own strengths.

The cavalry army used about 15,000 elite aces to ride. This relied on Huangfu Duan's horse breeding, the sale of golden retriever Duan Jingzhu, and the war horses Wu Yong obtained through various means, including bribing some court officials with heavy sums of money, and obtained them from them.

Buy some war horses.

The infantry army has about 35,000 elite aces. Compared to the cavalry army, the infantry army has more. After all, it only requires sufficient physical fitness and not being afraid of death in battle, and training is much easier than that of the cavalry army.

The navy has formed a fleet all over the world. There are warships obtained by Wang Lun from the system and warships built by himself. There are thousands of warships in total.

Especially now, the current state of Qi is the Jingdong East Road before the Song Dynasty. It was originally a peninsula, close to the sea, and the navy was developing rapidly.

There are also some special barracks.

Gongsun Sheng was in charge of the Five Thousand Destiny Battalion, and was specifically responsible for publicizing Wang Lun's bravery and identity as the Lord of Destiny, and increasing Wang Lun's prestige.

Dai Zong was trained by the Three Thousand Detective Battalion, which was responsible for detecting the enemy's situation, collecting intelligence, and monitoring the states and counties of Qi State. Zhu Fu, Zhu Gui, Sun Xin and others followed the franchising method taught by Wang Lun and quickly expanded the Sihai Hotel to all states to facilitate collection.


Shi Qian trained three hundred Feixian battalions, specially selecting those with dexterity, and taught them light skills, which allowed them to fly over walls and eavesdropping on military intelligence, and to spy on enemy camps.

Lehe formed a military band of 300 people, equipped with various musical instruments. It encouraged the soldiers on the battlefield, compiled military songs, and united the military's morale. It also served as a concierge and honor guard band on a daily basis.

The whole country of Qi is in full swing, full of vitality.

Each of the six departments was responsible for its own affairs. Although there was some confusion at the beginning, with the concerted efforts of everyone, Qi State has begun to take shape.

"I report to my king that our army now has more soldiers and fewer horses, insufficient ordnance, and insufficient food and grass. We need to send troops to conquer the Song Dynasty to make up for the shortage of our army. Otherwise, when the imperial court dispatches a large army to conquer, our army will be passive."

Wu Yong, Gongsun Sheng, Zhu Wu, Fan Rui and others have also been very busy recently, but some things must be resolved immediately.

This chapter has been completed!
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