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Chapter 384 The same dream

Ling Xuewei thought that the bean paste buns were bullied by Lightning and Xueqiu together. Seeing his current appearance, she realized that it was Snowball and Lightning who were being punished.

Snowball and Lightning almost cried.

There is only one feeling in their hearts, they must be stepmothers.

These two are the summoned beasts who have made a contract with Ling Xuewei!

What is Yemoyan?

It is absolutely impossible for him to enter into a summoned beast contract with Ling Xuewei.

The current situation is that Ling Xuewei leaves her "own son" alone, but instead defends this "outsider" at all times.

This day can no longer go on.

"There is still a way for the bean paste buns." Ling Xuewei looked at Snowball and Lightning with gloating, and mocked unceremoniously, "You two are just used to being lawless, and finally there is someone who can cure you two!"

Snowball and Lightning looked at each other, the last bit of guilt in their hearts for "betraying" Ling Xuewei gone.

Since Ling Xuewei would rather side with the "outsiders" than the two of them, it's not a big deal for them to take advantage of Ye Moyan and help Ye Moyan hide his identity.

Seriously speaking, they didn't betray Ling Xuewei. At most, they concealed some insignificant information from Ling Xuewei.

It wasn't because the two of them didn't say anything intentionally, Ling Xuewei never asked Ye Mo Yan's identity from the beginning to the end.

Xueqiu and Lightning had reason to believe that Ye Moyan, the sinister man, had not been exposed in front of Ling Xuewei so far. Ling Xuewei did not doubt this matter, so naturally it was even more impossible to ask them this question.

In general, this matter is that they help Ye Moyan hide his identity, and they can get a lot of benefits.

If they don't help Ye Moyan hide it, the benefits will naturally be lost, and they will offend Ye Moyan. I don't know how Ye Moyan will deal with them.

Anyway, Ye Moyan following Ling Xuewei would not harm Ling Xuewei, so keeping silent was a matter of great benefit and no harm.

Xueqiu and Lightning made up their minds. They agreed to help Ye Moyan hide his identity, and they would not reveal a single word to Ling Xuewei.

"What expressions are you two looking at?"

Ling Xuewei saw the weirdness of Snowball and Lightning, but she didn't care. She just thought that Snowball and Lightning were unwilling to accept their defeat at the hands of the red bean paste buns.

Ling Xuewei took the opportunity to teach Snowball and Lightning.

"Don't just think about how you got into trouble all day long, and don't think how powerful you are. In this world, mountains are always higher than mountains, and the strongest will have its own strengths. Don't be unconvinced, since it's called bean paste

Just give me a word to the boss, and he will be more at ease from now on and listen to his words obediently!"

"We got it..."

Snowball and Lightning are as honest as they want at this moment. They have both decided to betray Ling Xuewei completely. At this time, they don't care about anything about face.

Ye Moyan could crush both of them to death with one finger. It was not a shame for them to be called Boss Ye Moyan when Ling Xuewei found out.

Snowball and Lightning immediately assured Ling Xuewei.

"From now on, we will both obey the boss's words."

"That's right!" Ling Xuewei said she was very satisfied with Snowball and Lightning's mistakes and they could correct them.

She didn't expect that the matter could be solved so smoothly, and she didn't know what method the bean paste bag used to make Snowball and Lightning with eyes above his head convinced of him.

It's a pity that Ling Xuewei has always been like a bean paste bag and can't speak, and it is absolutely impossible for Xueqiu and Lightning to tell such embarrassing things by themselves.

Ling Xuewei could only regretfully leave this mystery behind.

When it came time to go to bed at night, Snowball and Lightning no longer clamored to sleep in her bed.

Ling Xuewei thought that the three little guys would at least have a fight over it, but Xueqiu and Lingning didn't even think about it, and just gave up the bed to the red bean paste buns.

"The boss is a wounded person, so he has to sleep on the bed. We can't compete with him for the position!" Snowball said in a particularly unbeatable tone before leaving the room.


Ye Moyan's terrifying possessiveness towards Ling Xuewei has long been known to Snowball and Lightning.

They wanted to keep their lives for two more years, so when it was time to go to bed at night, they very wisely gave up the bed.

Ling Xuewei looked at Snowball and Lightning leaving the room in surprise, then turned to look at the red bean paste buns lying on the bed without even moving.

"What did you do to them? To make them so obedient in front of you?" Ling Xuewei felt that Snowball and Lightning had never been as obedient as they are now.


Ye Moyan yawned loudly, and he didn't even bother to open his half-closed eyes.

I think these two guys are quite interesting.

Ye Moyan is also very satisfied with the performance of Snowball and Lightning.

He stretched out his paw and patted the side of the bed, signaling Ling Xuewei to lie down and rest quickly.

Ling Xuewei didn't expect to get the answer from Ye Moyan.

She shook her head with a wry smile, turned off the light in the room with a wave of her hand, lay on the bed and closed her eyes.

Ling Xuewei, who has been on the road for the past few days and tired from traveling and traveling, didn't get much rest.

After returning to her room, Ling Xuewei fell asleep as soon as she touched the pillow in a familiar place.

In her sleep, Ling Xuewei came to the fairyland-like sea of ​​flowers again.

If the sea of ​​flowers last time was so colorful and dazzling that one could tell it was a sweet dream at a glance, Ling Xuewei was in the same place this time, and she was almost certain that this time it must be a nightmare.

In the same place, the spring scenery was bright last time, making people in the sea of ​​flowers feel happy.

So this time the sea of ​​flowers is paired with a sky covered with dark clouds, which is so dark and gloomy that it makes people feel almost breathless and suffocating.

"Why do I have the same dream? And why do the same dreams give people so different feelings?"

After Ling Xuewei muttered something in a low voice, she quickly determined her position.

Since it was a place she had visited once before, Ling Xuewei could not be considered unfamiliar with this place.

It didn't take much for her to find the crescent-shaped lake. She walked straight towards the small lake without any hesitation.

The exact same dream, when Ling Xuewei stepped onto the long white jade bridge leading to the small lake again, she became more and more sure.

A small island full of rare and rare trees, and an exquisite small building in the center of the island.

The beautiful scenery was still the same as before, but because of the gloomy weather, when Ling Xuewei stepped onto the long white jade bridge again, she no longer had the same feeling as walking into a landscape painting.

Ling Xuewei didn't know why she had the same dream.

The moment she walked off the long white jade bridge and stepped onto the island, she took a deep breath.

Ling Xuewei didn't hesitate at all. Her goal was very clear, which was the small building made of Qinnan sunken wood in the center of the island.

Ye Moyan walked out of that small building last time. If this was the same dream, then she would see Ye Moyan again.

Ling Xuewei wanted to ask Ye Moyan carefully what was going on in this dream.

Just when Ling Xuewei walked to the small building built by Qi Nan Chenmu, she found that the scene in the dream had changed from last time.

The long amethyst table in front of the small building was gone, and naturally there were no various dishes on the long table waiting for her arrival.

Ye Moyan did not come out of the small building and walked in front of her like last time.

The dream became more and more weird.

Ling Xuewei couldn't help but feel a little panicked.

The dream started out of nowhere last time. Before Ling Xuewei could figure out what the dream represented, she was awakened by Xiao Lingxi's voice.

I had the same dream again this time...

The same place, but two completely different feelings...

Ling Xuewei stood on the front porch of the small building and hesitated for a long time. Ye Moyan did not appear for a long time. After thinking for a while, Ling Xuewei decided to explore the valuable Qinan sunken wood building in front of her.

Since Ye Moyan refused to come out, she could go in and find Ye Moyan.

Ling Xuewei had a vague feeling in her heart that this dream had something to do with Ye Moyan.

Ling Xuewei took steps forward and cautiously approached the small building, when her hand touched the wooden door of the small building.

Suddenly her whole body sank, as if she had fallen into a bottomless abyss.

Generally speaking, in a situation like this, if it was a dream, Ling Xuewei should be awakened and end the dream.

But what Ling Xuewei didn't expect was that not only did she not wake up, but the scene in front of her was still changing.

Just when Ling Xuewei didn't know how long it would take to stop this terrible fall, she heard a "pop" and she fell into a pool.



Ling Xuewei emerged from the bottom of the water with difficulty. The sound of the loud water hit her eardrums and made her whole brain buzz.

She actually fell to the bottom of a waterfall!

Ling Xuewei can no longer figure out the routine of this dream.

She didn't know whether it was because she was in the pool or because of the oppressive weather.

The feeling that made her breathless became more and more obvious.

"What... place is here..."

Ling Xuewei was stunned as soon as she finished saying this.

If the place she stayed in before was a fairyland, then this time she fell, it felt like she had fallen into the mortal world.

This place was just an ordinary place deep in the mountain forest. She fell into a pool at the bottom of a huge waterfall.

Originally, there was nothing special about this kind of place. There were waterfalls and pools in many deep mountains and old forests.

But the place where Ling Xuewei is now is deeply engraved in her mind, and she can't forget it even if she wants to.

This is the place where she first met Ye Moyan!

If Ling Xuewei only suspected that this dream was related to Ye Moyan at first, now she is 100% sure!

This chapter has been completed!
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