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Chapter 9 Trading at a loss

Wei Ran and Yun Xiaoyou may not be able to buy the books they want if they change bookstores, but they don't want Ling Xuewei to make money from buying books in Ling Xuewei's store.

Ling Xuewei didn't even give the two of them a chance to argue.

"Miss Wei, Miss Yun."

Ling Xuewei looked at Wei Ran and Yun Xiaoyou with a smile.

"You two are not welcome in my bookstore, so I won't do your business. Do you want to put down the books in your hands and walk out on your own? Or do you want me to ask my clerk to kick you two out?"


Wei Ran and Yun Xiaoyou felt a breath in their chests, unable to spit it out or swallow.

Xuanyuan Bookstore has now become Ling Xuewei’s territory.

The two of them seemed to be unable to do so even if they wanted to.


Wei Ran and Yun Xiaoyou were blacklisted by Ling Xuewei at Xuanyuan Bookstore, and they would be humiliating themselves by continuing to stay in this bookstore.

They just threw the books they wanted to buy on the ground.

"What's the point of spending fifty thousand taels of silver to buy a shop that loses money every year?" Wei Ran snorted coldly, "Just wait until you lose money and die!"

"Zhang Dagui has finally found someone to take over his mess!" Yun Xiaoyou continued, "We will laugh and watch you cry in the future!"

It was necessary to ridicule Ling Xuewei, so Wei Ran and Yun Xiaoyou walked away.

Losing money?

Ling Xuewei suddenly realized.

No wonder Zhang Dagui was so anxious to sell the shop when he saw her fifty thousand taels of silver.

It is estimated that he must have wanted to sell the shop for a long time, but he has been unable to find anyone to take over it. Now he finally saw someone offering fifty thousand taels of silver. If he missed this...

next time?

I don’t know if there is another reason for this person to pay 50,000 taels of silver.

Zhang Dagui thought that Ling Xuewei was taken advantage of, but he didn't know that the person who really took advantage was Ling Xuewei.

If the business of Xuanyuan Bookstore hadn't been bad, Ling Xuewei wouldn't have been able to buy the bookstore she wanted so easily.

What’s the point of losing money every year?

She can make back the 50,000 taels of silver she spent to buy the shop in minutes.

Many other customers in the store know the actual situation of Xuanyuan Bookstore.

Anyone who buys a store that makes no money and loses money will not be happy.

It's not a good idea to stay in the store any longer.

Everyone paid their bills one after another and left Xuanyuan Bookstore as quickly as possible.

Ling Xuewei waited until the last customer stepped out of Xuanyuan Bookstore and immediately ordered the waiter to close the store.

"Shopkeeper He, could you please show me the store's account books?" Ling Xuewei's face showed no emotion or anger.

She has now become the big boss of Xuanyuan Bookstore and made her first request to He Ming.

He Ming anxiously handed the account book to Ling Xuewei.

As soon as Ling Xuewei took the account book into her hands, she immediately sent it into the space.

Just leave the laborious work of reading the account books to Bai Ze directly.

He Ming looked at Ling Xuewei in surprise, not understanding what Ling Xuewei meant by just putting the account book away without looking at it.

What's even more strange to him is that Ling Xuewei is no longer a cultivator, but she actually has a high-end storage magic weapon like a space ring on her body.

"Shopkeeper He, you don't need to be so nervous." Ling Xuewei smiled, "Although the store has changed its owner now, I will never treat you badly."

The topic of money is quite sensitive.

Ling Xuewei went straight to the topic without thinking about the treatment of everyone.

Now not only He Ming pricked up his ears, but also the other clerks in the store looked at Ling Xuewei eagerly.

They were all given to Ling Xuewei by the former boss He Ming, and many people were worried that they wouldn't even get this month's wages.

"The store still needs a lot of effort from you. I, Ling Xuewei, am here to assure you that as long as you work hard and run the store well, not only will your remuneration be good, but we will strive to double everyone's wages within this year." Ling Xuewei

Expressed boldly.

Generous bosses like Ling Xuewei are the most popular.

As soon as Ling Xuewei took over, she said she would give everyone processing money, and all the employees couldn't help but want to cheer.

"How do you see the ledger?"

While Ling Xuewei was talking to the waiter, she asked about Bai Ze's situation.

If she were given the thick account book to look through slowly, she would definitely not be able to find anything out of it within an hour or two.

But it's different if it's left to Bai Ze.

With the high-tech equipment of the research base, it is not a problem to read ten pages at a glance, not to mention ten lines at a glance.

"The losses are indeed very serious. Not only does this bookstore not make money, it also owes a lot of foreign debt." Bai Ze appeared in front of Ling Xuewei with the account book, "It..."

"Okay, okay!"

Ling Xuewei interrupted Bai Ze.

"You don't need to tell me these things, you just know it in your mind. Now help me come up with a solution immediately. I want to make this store profitable within a month."

"I understand." Bai Ze said nothing nonsense and agreed immediately.

If a supercomputer with an IQ of over 300 cannot handle this little thing, it will simply destroy itself.

Even Ling Xuewei knew that there was no need for Bai Ze to spend time thinking about such things personally. The computers in the research base must have thousands of business cases. Bai Ze only needed to refer to the actual situation of Xuanyuan Bookstore, and casually

Just pick a few and you’re done.

"I basically understand the situation in the store. You should pay off the debt first."

Ling Xuewei took out five thousand taels and handed it into He Ming's hand.

"The bookstore is operating as usual these days, and I will tell you what to do later."

"I understand!" He Ming said respectfully.

He didn't dare to look down on Ling Xuewei in the slightest.

He now suspected that Ling Xuewei had any special abilities. For example, as soon as he got the account book, he could immediately know the contents of the account book without looking at it.

Otherwise, how would Ling Xuewei know that the bookstore owed foreign debts? She even knew exactly how much money she owed.

Zhang Dagui has long been too lazy to take care of this bookstore. Now it can be said that except He Ming, no one knows about the operation of their store.

Ling Xuewei had just gotten the account book and had a clear picture of the store's situation. He Ming now only felt horrified when looking at Ling Xuewei.

"In addition, bring me a copy of every book in the bookstore." Ling Xuewei gave her second instruction after taking over the bookstore.

The guys didn't understand what Ling Xuewei wanted to do, but they finally saw an opportunity to curry favor with the new boss, and they quickly started working passionately.

The biggest advantage of buying the bookstore directly is that Bai Ze can read these books for free.

After Bai Ze reads and memorizes these books, these books can continue to be sold in the bookstore.

Ling Xuewei received all the books that the guys had brought into the space.

Bai Ze started a new round of work without any complaints.

If a normal person wants to read all the books in an entire bookstore, it would take at least a year and a half.

I still read it as if I was swallowing it whole.

But for Bai Ze, if he wants to read the entire book, one hour is enough. Moreover, he has a photographic memory and can recall all the details in the book at any time, even the punctuation marks.

Bai Ze quickly learned everything about Tianxuan Continent.

Ling Xuewei is equivalent to carrying a free search engine. If she wants to know anything in the future, she can just ask Bai Ze.

Ling Xuewei pretended to take inventory in the bookstore, and finally gave a few instructions to all the clerks in the bookstore before leaving with satisfaction.

"I'm hungry after working all day. Let's find a place to eat first!"

Ling Xuewei would never treat her badly. Now that she came to Tianxuan Continent, she naturally wanted to taste the delicacies of Tianxuan Continent.

Although Xuanyuan Kingdom is only a small and remote country on the side of Tianxuan Continent, Ling Xuewei is still in the royal capital of Xuanyuan Kingdom.

The most important thing in the royal capital is places for enjoyment.

After a while, Ling Xuewei stood in front of the Zuixian Tower, the largest and most luxurious building in the capital.

Zuixian Tower is a famous gold-selling cave in Tianxuan Continent. It is the first choice place for princes and nobles from all over the world to live and die in drunken dreams. Every country with a little bit of strength has such a place in their royal capital.

Zuixian Tower has a total of seven extremely luxurious floors. The higher the floors go, the more luxurious they become and the more comfortable they are.

Zuixianlou will make a comprehensive assessment of the guest's status and strength, and then take the guest to different floors to entertain them based on the assessment.

In a remote and small country like Xuanyuan Kingdom, nobles with status can only enter the second floor of Zuixian Tower at most, while the king of Xuanyuan Kingdom can only stay on the third floor.

As for the vast majority of guests, they can only stay on the first floor.

Ling Xuewei heard that Zuixianlou's signature dish Zuixianji was a must-have. When she heard about it, she thought about going to Zuixianlou to try it. She just wanted to satisfy her appetite, but she never thought about it.

What a great reception you can get at Zuixian Tower.

Because Ling Xuewei knows very well that even if she wants to do this kind of thing, her strength is far from enough.

However, Ling Xuewei had enough experience today about what it means to be on the wrong road.

Just when Ling Xuewei was about to step into the store, Wei Ran and Yun Xiaoyou seemed to have had enough to eat and drink, and were walking out of the store.

Wei Ran and Yun Xiaoyou were kicked out of the bookstore by Ling Xuewei today, and they were in an unusually bad mood.

I finally felt a little happy in Zuixian Tower, but when I saw Ling Xuewei, my face immediately turned dark.

"Shopkeeper Liao, why are you letting everyone in Zuixian Tower now?"

Wei Ran and Yun Xiaoyou blocked the entrance of Zuixian Tower, one on the left and the other on the right, showing a posture of preparing to cause trouble.

"Look! Isn't this Boss Ling?" Wei Ran shouted angrily.

Wei Ran's cry successfully attracted the attention of all the guests of Zuixian Tower, and everyone pulled their heads and looked towards the gate of Zuixian Tower.

This chapter has been completed!
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