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Chapter 968

Ling Xuewei was startled and quickly hugged Ye Moyan to comfort her, "I promise there won't be a next time, okay?"

Ye Moyan was still a little annoyed, "From now on you can only hug me."

"Okay, I swear I will only hug you." Ling Xuewei continued to caress her hair.

"You can only kiss me."

"Kiss you well."

"You can only sleep with me."

"Okay...hey, this is a bit too much..." Ling Xuewei's lips were sealed before she could finish her words.

Soon there was a burning pain on her lips. Ling Xuewei knew that her mouth had been bitten and she became anxious.

This man definitely did it on purpose! How will she meet someone later?

After a long time, just when she was about to suffocate, Ye Moyan finally let go of her and said in a low voice, "Do you agree or not?"

Ling Xuewei, "..."

Then the lips were sealed again.

After a long time, Ye Moyan let go and asked again, "Do you agree?"

Hey, are you going too far?

Kiss again!

After doing this several times, Ling Xuewei surrendered directly.

"Okay, okay! I promise you everything!"

Ye Moyan was satisfied, and then sealed her lips again, calling it a reward.

Ling Xuewei, "..."

Half an hour later, Ling Xuewei finally appeared.

She angrily glared at Ye Moyan, who was following behind her with an upright face, and scolded him several times in her heart.

Small-minded! Overbearing! Dictator! Tyrant!

"Weier looks at me like this, does she want to do it again?" Ye Moyan's voice was low and seductive.


Ling Xuewei immediately sat upright, her appearance could not be more serious.

Seeing Ye Moyan here, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

Ling Xuewei didn't know that Gu Yunqing saw the interaction between the two. Especially when he saw her red and swollen lips, his eyes suddenly hurt and he quickly looked away.

A glimmer of light flashed in Ye Moyan's eyes, and it disappeared in an instant.

"I came today because of something on the street." Gu Yunqing said.

Ling Xuewei said seriously, "What's going on? What are those people...?"

Gu Yunqing sighed, "They are the guards of my city defense army."


Ling Xuewei was surprised, "Why is this happening? What happened?"

Gu Yunqing looked solemn, "Actually, I discovered something was wrong a few months ago. I got a secret report that there was something strange in the army. After sending people to investigate, I found that many people in the army were missing for no reason. These people were all killed inexplicably, and their deaths were tragic.

, almost all the flesh and blood was eaten, leaving only a withered skeleton. Later, I realized something was wrong, set up an ambush, and finally caught the murderer..."

Ling Xuewei was startled, "It's...them?"

Gu Yunqing nodded, "Yes, these soldiers suddenly went crazy for some reason, and every time they went crazy, they would eat their flesh and blood. I ordered people to capture them and put them in prison. These soldiers became more and more crazy, and even almost lost their minds.

...even those with infinite strength broke open the prison and escaped. Today, these are the ones who escaped from the prison. The guards took advantage of them without checking for a moment, and by the time we reacted, they had already arrived in the busy city..."

Ling Xuewei suddenly understood, but what happened to these crazy people? And their appearance was clearly...

"To be honest, I have actually encountered this situation before." Ling Xuewei said seriously.

"Have you seen it?" Gu Yunqing was also surprised.

Ling Xuewei nodded and told everything about the Si family before, "I suspect that these people are in the same situation as Si Yunxian, but for some reason, Si Yunxian still retains his mind, but these people...

"So that's how it is." Gu Yunqing fell into deep thought, and suddenly a flash of light flashed, "Maybe I missed something! Think about it carefully, if these people feed on flesh and blood, how could they not be discovered for so long? They have no sense at all.

The methods were bloody, so it stands to reason that the army should have discovered something was wrong long ago, so why have there been no traces of them for several months? Or did I deliberately set a trap before luring them out?"

Ling Xuewei's eyes flashed, "You mean, someone is helping them?"

Gu Yunqing said with certainty, "That's right! Just imagine if someone didn't take care of the aftermath for them, how could these people dare to cause unscrupulous chaos in the army?"

Ling Xuewei looked serious, "Then... the identity of the person behind it must be quite high."

That's right, someone who can cover up such a big thing without being noticed is at least a general officer.

If this is true, then the matter is serious.

"I need to report this to my father immediately!" Gu Yunqing stood up.

Ling Xuewei hurriedly said, "You need to be more careful. The evil magic is extremely overbearing, and the practitioner's skin and flesh are invulnerable and extremely strong. Another thing you have to pay attention to is not to get close to that person, because they have a method that can absorb people's spiritual power. Once

You will endanger yourself if you get too close."

Gu Yunqing's expression turned serious, and he looked at her with warm eyes, "I'll note it down, thank you very much."

"No need. Now this is no longer just your family matter in Sunset City. If there are people who practice evil arts mixed in here, there is no guarantee that they won't happen in other places."

Gu Yunqing naturally understood the seriousness of the matter, nodded to her and left in a hurry.

Ling Xuewei looked at the direction he left, frowning slightly. Ye Moyan stepped forward and hugged her, "Don't worry, I'm here."


Sure enough, four days later, Gu Yunqing sent someone to invite them over.

Ling Xuewei knew that something was going on, so she immediately put down what she was doing and followed Ye Moyan out.

Before leaving, Ling Xuewei was pulled and scolded by Si Yuchao.

These days, the girl is always mysterious. It doesn't matter if she doesn't see anyone every day. Si Yuchao asked Ling Xuewei what she was doing, but she didn't say anything. Especially when she went out, she was always accompanied by that man.

He completely left his brother aside.

The more Si Yuchao thought about it, the unhappy he became.

Ling Xuewei comforted Si Yuchao, and then went to the city lord's mansion with Ye Moyan.

"You are here, follow me." Gu Yunqing looked a little ugly and took the two of them directly to the cell.

There is one person being held in the cell at the moment.

The man was suppressed by the magic power of eight monks. His pupils were bloodshot and the veins on his face were squirming, as if he was suffering indescribable pain.

"He is a mighty general of the second army of our city defense army. He is an older generation who has followed his father. Unexpectedly..." Gu Yunqing's expression was very solemn, "Father can't believe it. This man usually sticks to his duty and is honest and honest."

, is a rare general. During the Warcraft Rebellion, he also made great contributions to the defense of the city. How could he now..."

Ling Xuewei observed the person in the cell. The person was obviously on the verge of losing his mind. His eyes were getting more and more violent, and his whole body was filled with murderous intent like a wild beast. The eight monks around him did not dare to be careless at all and suppressed him with all their strength.

Ling Xuewei asked, "How did you catch it?"

Gu Yunqing said, "It is very cunning. If I hadn't used illusions to set up a trap and confuse it, I might not be able to lure it out.

This chapter has been completed!
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