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Chapter 97 It turns out Xueer is still alive

He didn't know how long the carriage had been running. When it stopped, the silent environment made Ximen Yourong realize that they had not returned to the palace.

Sure enough, as soon as she got out of the carriage, she saw an unfamiliar mountainous place in front of her. Except for the fireworks coming from the chimney of a small cottage not far away that looked a bit popular, the surroundings were silent.

Ximen Yourong looked at Dongling Yuanyong with some confusion and asked:

"Your Majesty, where is this?"

She was puzzled not only by coming into an unfamiliar environment, but also by the fact that the guards she had originally followed had disappeared, leaving only Eunuch Cao and Wuhen.

Dongling Yuanyong smiled and said:

"Remember I said I wanted to give you a gift?"

After a moment of thought, Ximen Yourong remembered that he had indeed mentioned the gift, but she looked around and then asked with a smile:

"Is this the gift His Majesty wants to give me?"

"Yes, and I guarantee you will absolutely love it!"

Dongling Yuanyong's eyes looked full of confidence, Ximen Yourong became interested in this, and she waited expectantly for him to deliver the gift to her.

However, the gift that Dongling Yuanyong wanted to give seemed to be in that cottage.

Dongling Yuanyong took her hand and walked into the small cottage. Perhaps the sound of their entry disturbed the people in the house, and an old man over sixty years old came out of the house.

The old man was stunned for a moment when he saw the two of them. Then he saw Wuhen was there and seemed to understand something. The old man said "Wait a moment" and returned to the house.

Soon, the old man came out again, but he was carrying something like a cage in his hand, which was a bit heavy... At first, Ximen Yourong couldn't see clearly what the old man was carrying, because it was covered with a piece of cloth.

She couldn't see what was inside.

It wasn't until the old man lifted up the cloth that Ximen Yourong saw the snow-white object in the cage. She couldn't believe it and slowly walked forward and squatted on the edge of the cage, looking at it without blinking.

The originally soft little guy in the cage also moved because of her approach. When it raised its head and looked at Ximen Yourong, it jumped up and whined twice, pulling at the cage, as if it was so excited that it wanted to rush out immediately.


Ximen Yourong opened the cage, took it out, held it in his arms, and whispered while laughing and crying: "Great, you are still alive...!"

It turns out that Xue'er is still alive. When Dongling Yuanyong said that he would kill Xue'er, Ximen Yourong really thought that he wanted to kill Xue'er cruelly.

She has been very sad about this, and she still has a faint complaint against Dongling Yuanyong in her heart.

But she didn't expect that he didn't want Xue'er to die at all. He just sent Xue'er out of the palace without telling everyone and let the old hunter who lived in the mountains take care of her.

The reason why Dongling Yuanyong arranged this was because he wanted her to see Xue'er with her own eyes before releasing Xue'er back into the forest.

Ximen Yourong personally took Xueer into the forest to send it away, but Xueer stopped moving forward...or should be said, it was unwilling to leave Ximen Yourong.

In fact, Ximen Yourong would not be willing to separate from it, but Xueer is a fox after all, and the mountains and forests are its home. After all, it is not suitable to live with her among the crowd!

After a little effort, Xueer's beautiful figure finally disappeared into the forest and disappeared from Ximen Yourong's sight...!

After leaving the forest, Ximen Yourong looked back again, her heart filled with reluctance.

Dongling Yuanyong saw her reluctance and said:

"Since you are so reluctant to part with it, you can actually find a house where someone can take good care of it. When you want to see it, you can go there at any time."

Ximen Yourong sighed:

"If I want to keep Xue'er, I must keep her close to me! If I keep her in captivity just so that I can see her occasionally, that would be too cruel for Xue'er!"


"If it can't follow me arbitrarily, it should indulge in the world that truly belongs to it!"

I don’t know why, but Ximen Yourong’s words faintly stimulated Dongling Yuanyong’s sensitive nerves, as if she was not talking about Xue’er, but herself!

"Rong'er...?" He held her face and looked at her: "Do you also want to indulge in a world of indulgence?"

Ximen Yourong was silent, how could she not want a world where she could indulge herself? She had longed for the vast world, how she had wished that she could walk under the mountains, rivers, and blue skies and cover all the places within her reach!

But now, ties, ties... There are more ties in her life that she can't let go of... Her little nephew, the man she loves now... They seem to have become another world for her!

"why are you not replying?"

Dongling Yuanyong was a little eager to know what she would say. He was actually afraid that she would not share her inner world with him!

Ximen Yourong saw the panic and fear in his eyes, and she felt a little reluctant to give up. She raised her head and said softly:

"Your Majesty, can I go to Ximen's cemetery and have a look?"

Dongling Yuanyong didn't understand how she answered the wrong question for a while, but he didn't refuse her request!

I originally thought that she suddenly asked to go to Ximen's cemetery because she wanted to pay homage. After all, after Ximen was executed, no one went to visit Ximen's grave.

However, Dongling Yuanyong thought wrong, because after Ximen Yourong came to Ximen's cemetery, she went directly to the tomb of Ximen's ancestor.

But she didn't come to pay homage, but to see the "Proud Fairy"!

Ximen Yourong squatted in front of "Proud Fairy" and carefully looked at the bright and everlasting flowers.

She is proficient in medical skills and has a thorough knowledge of rare flowers and plants in the world.

"Proud Fairy" is hard to find for hundreds of years. It is known to the world that it only grows in clean and warm environments.

But the area around Ximen's ancestor's grave is simply not suitable for "Fairy Ao" to live, let alone live for such a long time.

Although she was careful, she could see that the "Ao Fairy" in front of her was transplanted from the ground up.

However, with this transplant method, "Ao Fairy" can only survive for three or two days at most, but this "Ao Fairy" has survived for nearly a month.

Even where "Proud Fairy" grows naturally, the flowering period is only seven days. In this environment, it is absolutely impossible for "Proud Fairy" to survive beyond the normal flowering period without special reasons.

There is only one possibility that can explain this phenomenon... Ximen Yourong stood up and faced Dongling Yuanyong and asked directly:

"Your Majesty, how does this "Proud Fairy" survive?"

Dongling Yuanyong was slightly stunned, because what she asked was not: How can she survive! But: What did she rely on to survive! It was as if she knew what was going on!

Seeing his silence, Ximen Yourong approached him, then grabbed his left hand and opened his sleeve to see that his arm was indeed wrapped with a layer of gauze. The moment she looked up at him, her eyes were filled with tears.


"You feed the flowers with your blood!"

This is an affirmation, not a doubt! She had noticed that his arm was injured before, and now she finally understood why he was injured even though he was fine!

"Rong'er, it's okay. If human blood can nourish it, I can't nourish it with my own blood and let others take its place...!"

"Ao Fairy likes to be clean and warm. As long as the environment is just right, it will bloom. You transplanted it here, and the reason why it can survive until now is not because it can survive on human blood, but it can not only survive on your blood.

It can live and will live longer than the world imagines, which is why this "Proud Fairy" plant is still in full bloom."

Ximen Yourong's words basically showed that she did know the reason. Dongling Yuanyong could see from her determined eyes that she felt sorry for him. He held her face in his hands and comforted her:

"Don't worry, I'm measured. Don't you think I'm good?"

Ximen Yourong reached out and hugged him tightly, leaning into his arms and asking with distress and annoyance:

"The rumor that Fairy Ao grew up in front of Ximen's ancestor's grave has long been successfully turned into a good story, and I have also gotten rid of the bad rumors. But why do you still use your own blood to support Fairy Ao to live for so long? Do you know that you have been bleeding for a long time?

It will cause your essence to become weak, your essence to be damaged, and your body will not be able to withstand the powerful energy of "Burning Soul"."

Because the blood of people who practice "Burning Soul" can be purified very clean, and the temperature is different from that of ordinary people, and "Proud Fairy" likes to be warm.

Therefore, the blood of Dongling Yuanyong is like a panacea to "Ao Fairy", which can keep it alive and well.

Listening to Ximen Yourong's very knowledgeable analysis of him, Dongling Yuanyong gently pushed her away and looked at her doubtfully. He asked in disbelief:

"Rong'er, how did you know about Burning Soul? And how did you know that the internal skill I practiced was Burning Soul?"

The internal skill of "Burning Soul" can only be practiced by men. Only his master in the world~the old doctor ghost has completely mastered the supreme state of "Burning Soul".

And he only cultivated to the ninth level of power because his master was unwilling to teach him the ultimate power of "burning soul".

It was not that the old ghost doctor was reluctant to teach him the ultimate skill of "burning soul", but because the old ghost doctor said that he was not suitable to reach the highest realm of "burning soul".

As for why it is not suitable, the old doctor did not say clearly!

But even so, if he has mastered 90% of this unique internal skill in the world, it can be said that no one can match it.

Because "burning the soul" is a unique skill, very few people know about it. Even those who practice martial arts may not have heard of the word "burning the soul".

But Ximen Yourong not only knew, she even knew the pros and cons of "burning souls" for cultivators, which made Dongling Yuanyong very puzzled.

Ximen Yourong had nothing to hide from him at this time. She grabbed his hand and clasped it, feeling his always warm temperature, and then replied:

"When my cold poison attacks, there is no antidote in the world that can make me feel less uncomfortable. The "flame" I always keep can only provide slight relief. But there is actually a way to relieve the pain of my cold poison!"

"Could it be...?" Dongling Yuanyong seemed to have guessed something.

"Yes! Only those who practice the "burning soul" internal skill can help me dispel the cold energy that breaks out in my body, and I will not suffer pain when the poison occurs..." Ximen Yourong smiled with tears, and she stood on tiptoes.

She kissed his lower lip and sighed happily:

"You saved me when I was poisoned, and I knew you were practicing "burning soul." From the beginning, I never thought that you would feel sorry for me, and I never thought that one day, you would sacrifice for me.

To this extent!”

Ximen Yourong looked at the extremely gorgeous "Ao Fairy". Of course she knew why he had spent so much effort and even feeding "Ao Fairy" with his own blood!

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