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Chapter 123 Suddenly Saving a Life

The meeting with Wen Yingyin was specially arranged by Ximen Yourong. For them, the result of the meeting was not bad. Instead, they reached a tacit consensus.

As for Ximen Yourong, she came to see Wen Gongyin with a sympathetic attitude. After meeting her, although they didn't talk much or in depth, she inexplicably appreciated Wen Gongyin's good atmosphere.

However, this brief exchange ended quickly. Ximen Yourong originally wanted to leave and return to the palace without disturbing anyone.

But Xiahou Chunyan seemed to have known that she would "leave without saying goodbye", so he waited for her to come out at the palace gate early.

When Ximen Yourong saw him, she was a little surprised: "Why is the prince here?"

She thought he was still in the study, so she only asked someone to leave a message for him, but she didn't expect that he had already left the study, as if he was waiting for her here specially.

As she thought, Xiahou Chunyan joked:

"I'm afraid that my savior will leave without saying goodbye, so I'm waiting here in advance."

"Prince, is there anything else you need me to do?"

Today was the last time Ximen Yourong helped Xiahou Chunyan detoxify. After the doctor-patient relationship between her and him ended, there was no need for private communication. After all, it was necessary to keep their identities taboo.

Xiahou Chunyan naturally knew that Ximen Yourong's contact with him was only to cleanse him of poison. His reason also believed that the relationship should be such a simple and clear relationship.

However, he found that his mind began to change at some point, and he seemed unwilling to maintain a distant but polite reciprocal relationship with Ximen Yourong from now on.

As for why he had such inappropriate thoughts, he still couldn't figure it out. But one thing was, no matter what he was thinking, he didn't have any ill intentions towards Ximen Yourong.

Following Ximen Yourong's question, Xiahou Chunyan gave instructions to his servants with his eyes.

Then, a maid walked up to Ximen Yourong with something in her hands and waited respectfully.

Ximen Yourong looked at what the maid was holding, and it seemed that it was for her. However, she looked at Xiahou Chunyan in confusion and asked:

"Prince, what do you mean?"

"As you can see, this is a little thought from me to express your kindness in saving my life."

Ximen Yourong reached out and picked up one of the things the maid was holding, brought it up to his nose and smelled it, then put it back down and looked at Xiahou Chunyan and said:

"As a doctor, I have to say that the prince's intention is very attractive to me, but it also makes me very burdened."

The things Xiahou Chunyan gave were not treasures, but for Ximen Yourong, no treasures were as good as what she saw in front of her.

Because the maid was carrying rare medicinal materials that could not be obtained in Dacheng even if she had money, so Ximen Yourong confessed that the medicinal materials in front of her were indeed rare to her.

Xiahou Chunyan personally took the medicinal materials from the maid's hands and handed them to Ximen Yourong and asked:

"If you don't dislike it, please accept it. After thinking about it, I really can't repay your great kindness. This is just my gratitude. Moreover, these medicinal materials are indeed precious, and precisely because they are precious, they should be more

To doctors who know how to make good use of them. In my opinion, no one is more suitable than you to use them to treat diseases and save people."

Ximen Yourong looked at the medicinal materials again, then smiled lightly and said:

"I have to say that it is hard for me to refuse the prince's reward. Being greedy when seeing rare medicinal materials is probably the biggest weakness of a doctor."

"It seems that I have picked the right spot to "attack" your weakness, Li Li." Xiahou Chunyan joked with a smile.

"Then I won't decline politely. Thank you Prince for your thoughtfulness."

Xiahou Chunyan happily gave the medicinal materials to Ximen Yourong. After seeing her handing the medicinal materials to the maid beside him, he was about to say something, but Ximen Yourong took his leave first and said:

"It's time for me to return to the palace. Prince, remember to take the rest of the medicine on time. Don't use force in the near future, lest you injure the energy that has finally begun to recover."

"Okay, I will keep it in mind... let's go, I'll see you off." Xiahou Chunyan made an invitation gesture.

Ximen Yourong's carriage was at the gate, just walk down the steps. She originally wanted to decline Xiahou Chunyan's politeness, but after thinking about it, she smiled and refused.

However, just when Ximen Yourong was about to get on the carriage, a figure suddenly stumbled towards Ximen Yourong in the crowd...

Because it was too sudden, Xiahou Chunyan, who reacted quickly, had already grabbed Ximen Yourong and protected him behind him before the man approached him. At the same time, he subconsciously raised his leg and kicked the man who was rushing towards him.

The man who was kicked by him flew up without any ability to fight back and then fell to the hard ground. He grunted in pain and lay motionless as if he had fainted.

Soon, the guards surrounded and controlled the man lying on the ground.

Seeing that the situation was under control, Xiahou Chunyan turned back to look at Ximen Yourong and asked slightly worriedly:

"Are you OK?"

Although Ximen Yourong was not afraid, she was indeed a little frightened, so much so that she didn't even realize that her hand was being held by Xiahou Chunyan.

However, after hearing Xiahou Chunyan's concerned voice, she soon felt a strange force on her hand, and she subconsciously twitched her hand.

Xiahou Chunyan felt what she meant, and he immediately let go of her hand and apologized:

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend, please forgive me."

"It's okay, the prince also has good intentions, but...?" Ximen Yourong looked at the man who fell to the ground: "That man doesn't look like an assassin."

Xiahou Chunyan followed her gaze and looked at the man who was being targeted by the guard with a sword. He stepped forward and was about to step forward, but felt a tightness in his heart and subconsciously covered his chest.

Ximen Yourong immediately noticed his discomfort. She stepped forward and looked at his face, and then said:

"Prince, hurry up and take a pill of the medicine I gave you to suppress it."

He just got lucky, which caused him to trigger internal injuries that were still recovering. Fortunately, he only used 30% of his strength, otherwise the current discomfort would be more obvious.

"It doesn't matter, I'll take the medicine later in the evening."

Xiahou Chunyan didn't pay too much attention to the physical discomfort. He calmed down and walked to the man who fell to the ground first.

Maybe it's because this is the gate of the palace, and the people who live there have special status. In addition, the sudden situation just now has attracted more and more people to gather together and watch, but the guards are blocking it, so the people can't rely on it.

Too early.

Ximen Yourong didn't care whether it was inappropriate or not. She also stepped forward and took a look at the man who was almost lying on the ground and couldn't see his face.

Judging from his clothes, he looked like an ordinary citizen, and his body that was constantly rising and falling due to rapid breathing proved that he had not passed out, but was suffering from pain and could not move.

Ximen Yourong had a vague feeling that the man fell to the ground not because of Xiahou Chunyan's kick, but...

Suddenly, the protruding veins on the man's exposed arms attracted Ximen Yourong's attention.

After she took a closer look, her eyebrows tightened, and then without thinking, she knelt beside the man and instructed the guards to step back, while reaching out to turn the man's body over.

Xiahou Chunyan was cautious for a moment, but when he saw that Ximen Yourong had grabbed the man's hand and checked his pulse, and then looked at the man's pale face with a hint of black, he vaguely guessed what was going on.

So, he said "stand down" to the guards who were waiting for his order.

At this time, Ximen Yourong seemed to have completely forgotten himself and only focused on diagnosing and treating the dying man.

Ximen Yourong took out the silver needle and prepared to inject it, but the man suddenly twitched, his eyes widened uncontrollably, and it was as scary as if his eyeballs were about to be squeezed and flew out.

"Help me hold him down!"

Ximen Yourong did not give the order to anyone in particular, but Xiahou Chunyan immediately followed her instructions and suppressed the man's upper body. When his close bodyguard Ying Wu saw that his master was dispatched, he also quickly went to suppress the lower body of the sick man.

Ximen Yourong saw the right time and method, and injected the needle at the acupuncture point on the man's body... The movement of her wrist was like a gentle dancing gesture, but the moment the needle was inserted, it was swift and sharp.

The people around her looked at her movements as if they were both civilized and martial, with both strength and softness moving forward at the same time. Every needle was placed so smoothly, without any mistakes...

Ximen Yourong only wanted to save people, but everyone's attention was only attracted by her medical form.

However, while everyone was still immersed in her gesture of injecting the needle, she had already finished injecting the needle and carefully observed the semi-conscious man.

Although Xiahou Chunyan didn't understand what was going on, he felt that the man's body was gradually relaxing, but he did not dare to loosen the pressure casually.

After a while, Ximen Yourong seemed relieved and said:

"You can let him go."

After receiving her instructions, Xiahou Chunyan and Yingwu released their hands one after another.

"What's wrong with him?" Xiahou Chunyan asked.

"She must have been poisoned."


"I don't know the specific poison, but the blood in his body has obviously been contaminated for a period of time. The fact that he is still alive may be because the poison he was poisoned has special properties and will not kill people immediately."

"So, can he be saved?"

Xiahou Chunyan looked at the strange man. Although he didn't care who he was, if it was an innocent life, he would still hope that this man could live.

Ximen Yourong didn't answer anything. She checked the man's pulse, then breathed a sigh of relief and began to pull out the silver needle stuck in the man's body.

When she pulled out the last silver needle from the man's chest, the man's chest suddenly straightened up, his throat groaned, and a mouthful of thick blood spat out from his mouth.

Because Ximen Yourong did not dodge, the hem of her clean skirt near the man's head was stained with a little blood.

But she didn't pay attention. Instead, she immediately took out a small bottle from the medicine box, opened it, poured the transparent liquid inside into the man's mouth and let him take it.

Soon, the man's breathing became more steady, and his eyes slowly opened normally. But when he looked at Ximen Yourong, the first thing he said was:


"You're okay for the time being..."

"Help, help..."

The man seemed anxious to express something to Ximen Yourong, but a loud and old voice suddenly sounded from the crowd:

"It's the Queen, she must be the Queen with superb medical skills, the Queen who can bring good luck to our people!"

An elderly man suddenly knelt down and worshiped Ximen Yourong in excitement... Then, one after another, people knelt all over the ground!

This chapter has been completed!
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