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Chapter 128 Confrontation

Although Wu Jiayi recognized Wen Yingyin, he remained silent and did not show any special abnormality.

As for Wen Yuyin, who was looking down at him with anger and coldness, when she heard Dongling Yuanyong's voice, she immediately withdrew her angry gaze on Wu Jiayi. Then she stabilized herself and returned to normal consciousness before kneeling down in front of Dongling Yuanyong.

I salute you respectfully:

"The daughter of the Wen clan, a commoner girl, Wen Gongyin has met Your Majesty."

"Miss Wen, please get up..." Dongling Yuanyong looked at Eunuch Cao: "Please sit down."

Eunuch Cao winked at a palace attendant next to him, who quickly asked Wen Gongyin to sit aside.

After she sat down, Dongling Yuanyong looked at Wu Jiayi and asked:

"General Wu, do you know Miss Wen?"

Wu Jiayi first looked at Dongling Yuanyong, then looked at Wen Gingeryin, and answered truthfully:

"Your Majesty, if she is the daughter of the Wen family, I don't know her. If she is the courtesan of a brothel, Miss Zishui, I know her."

Wu Jiayi did not know Wen Gongyin, who was the daughter of the Wen family, but he knew Wen Gongyin's other identity - Zishui. This was why he was secretly surprised just now.

He knew "Zishui" not because he had patronized Wen Yingyin, who was seeking a living in a brothel, but because occasionally some friends would hold banquets at the brothel.

During this period, some people inevitably spent a lot of money to buy purple water, and Wen Gongyin played the piano and danced for them to entertain them.

Wu Jiayi was actually not interested in women from brothels, and naturally he did not like Zishui as much as his other friends. He would not even pay attention to Zishui's appearance.

The reason why he remembered her was because he accidentally saved her once in a brothel.

It was because a friend who was traveling with him was drunk and wanted to forcibly humiliate Zishui. At that time, Zishui was almost unable to escape, but she did not scream, but quickly pulled out the hairpin and lowered it to the pulse point on her neck, preparing to resist with death.

However, others only saw her pride at that time, but Wu Jiayi also saw the fear in her eyes!

Perhaps it was her unique fear and pride that attracted Wu Jiayi's attention, so he rescued her and let her leave the entanglement of his friends.

It was that time that they became acquainted briefly. But after that, he never saw her again.

Looking back now, he finally understood why she glared at him with eyes filled with hatred even though he had saved her.

At that time, he thought that Wen Yingyin, who was still Zishui, probably thought that he and those friends were the same. Naturally, he was not a good person in her eyes, so she looked at him with such angry eyes.

But it turns out that she hates him not because she regards him as a disciple, but because she is the daughter of the Wen family.

However, if Wen Jingyin regarded him as an sworn enemy, what was her basis?

Although it is true that Wen was inexplicably added to the execution list, judging from the chaotic situation at the time, it was not entirely against the will of the Holy Spirit.

This is also the reason why no one bothered to get to the bottom of the disappearance of the Wen family.

Because that was the execution order issued by the late emperor himself. Who would touch the most sensitive topic at the most turbulent time?

Wu Jiayi could be said to be impeccably "frank" from beginning to end, but Dongling Yuanyong really couldn't decide what was right or wrong. He looked at Wen Yingyin and asked the same question:

"Where's Miss Wen? Do you know General Wu?"

Wen Yingyin knelt down in front of the low couch facing Dongling Yuanyong. At this time, her mood became much calmer. She looked sideways at Wu Jiayi and replied:

"General Wu once saved me from a difficult situation, so the women of the country were naturally deeply impressed by General Wu. However, what really makes me remember it unforgettable is that one hundred and thirty-three people in our Wen family died tragically under General Wu's evil butcher knife.


Wen Yingyin's tone was calm and sarcastic, as if she was answering Dongling Yuanyong's words, but the words were obviously meant for Wu Jiayi, so it was naturally Wu Jiayi who she was mocking.

No one can understand the implication of Wen Yin's words better than Wu Jiayi. He has a guilty conscience, but insists on rebutting without any guilt:

"It is true that I am responsible for the extermination of the Wen family, but I cannot agree with Miss Wen's words. I am flattering the late emperor's will to annihilate the Liancui family, not... massacre!"

"General Wu's brilliance of "having a clear conscience" makes people have to admire... Huh!" Wen gurgled sarcastically: "Who dares to say that General Wu killed innocent people indiscriminately just because he was ordered by the late emperor?"

"Doesn't the appearance of Miss Wen prove that some people dare to question the late emperor's holy will?"

Wu Jiayi was calm and collected, Wen Gongyin alluded to him for killing innocent people indiscriminately against the Wen family, and he also countered her for defying the late emperor's will.

For Wu Jiayi, as long as he still wants to struggle, his biggest bargaining chip is to "follow the wishes of the late emperor." This is a fact, and no one can say that he did something wrong.

Even if someone thinks there is a mistake, it would be the late emperor's fault, but who dares to publicly say that the late emperor issued a decree to kill innocent people indiscriminately?

No one is more aware of this and more indignant than Wen Gongyin.

Thinking of Wu Jiayi wearing the "Late Emperor's Will", a protective armor that was invulnerable to swords and guns, Wen Gongyin's anger that she had finally managed to stabilize filled her whole body uncontrollably.

The uncontrollable anger made Wen Yingyin no longer pretend to be calm. She stood up angrily, tensed her body and glared at Wu Jiayi:

"General Wu probably thought that the record of the Ximen case confirmed that you were only loyal to the late emperor and executed the Wen family. However, you thought that you had perfect cover to cover up your crimes. You thought that even if someone wanted to kill Wen,

You are aggrieved, considering the late emperor's will, no one dares to pursue anything? As everyone knows, the sky net is vast and there are no omissions. Your sins are not unknown to anyone, and you must pay the price for your sins."

"Since Ms. Wen has accused me in this way, please provide me with irrefutable evidence. Otherwise, your accusation against me is slander."

Wu Jiayi didn't know what the basis for Wen Xing's words were, but he had a premonition that her words were not arbitrary. She should know what she should know to confront him in front of Dongling Yuanyong.

Wen Gongyin listened to Wu Jiayi's "clear conscience", and she smiled angrily:

"At this point, General Wu can still pretend to be so "magnanimous", which shows that you really don't think you are guilty."

"As long as Miss Wen comes up with evidence, you can say whatever you want. If I die, I won't be greedy for life!"

"Since you have a clear conscience, why were you so anxious to kill my maid?"


Wu Jiayi frowned and was speechless, because he didn't understand Wen Gongyin's words. When did he kill her maid?

"What? General Wu has killed too many people, so he doesn't know when he has killed innocent people again?"

"Miss Wen, please clarify." Wu Jiayi really didn't know what was going on.

"After the Wen family was destroyed, I thought I could loudly cry out for the grievances of my Wen family. However, my impulse led to my death. In order for my maid to remain invisible and survive, she went to the mansion pretending to be a Miss Wen family without telling me.

The yamen beat drums to complain...but she went in and never came out..."

Wu Jiayi finally understood, but he asked more frankly:

"Why did Miss Wen think I was the one who killed your maid?"

Denying the accusation of maliciously framing the Wen family, he may feel guilty. However, he has never heard whether Wen Gongyin's maid went to beat the drum to complain, and whether she never returned, so how could she talk to her maid?

What about life and death?

Wen Gongyin was shocked for a moment by Wu Jiayi's calmness, as if he really didn't know that her maid had been to the government office.

However, this idea was quickly rejected by Wen Jianyin, and she sneered:

"It doesn't matter whether it is related to you or not. I just ask you, have you maliciously added my Wen clan to the killing list?"

It's not that Wen Gongyin doesn't want to seek justice for her maid, but it's just that she can't do it anymore.

At that time, people were already looking for her whereabouts. The purpose of her maid revealing her identity as "the Wen family's daughter" in the government office was to protect her with death.

Those government officials must have already received the message from "above". As long as someone from the Wen family appears, they will be immediately executed as fugitives.

Therefore, even if her maid did not deserve to die, judging from the circumstances at the time, the officials who ordered her maid to be killed were not legally at fault, because to them, Wen had to be killed according to the holy will.

If the Wen family appears in our clan, they will naturally die.

However, Wen Jingyin mentioned the death of her maid not to accuse Wu Jiayi of causing an extra life, but to expose his hypocrisy.

However, Wu Jiayi persisted:

"The list was designated according to the late emperor's wishes and then handed over to me for safekeeping. I only found out about Wen's inclusion in it at the last moment. It was not a malicious addition by me."

Wen Gong groaned angrily, and she suddenly raised her voice:

"The late emperor's holy will was to destroy the families with the same surname. How did I, the Wen family, come to have the same surname? It was you who had an evil heart towards my sister-in-law and wanted to take revenge on my eldest brother, so you framed our Wen family like that. You took advantage of the late emperor's serious illness.

You abused your power and privately added me, the Wen family, to the list. In the end, as you wished, you used the late emperor to achieve your personal evil intentions..."

"Miss Wen, please be careful what you say..."

"By God, you know what you have done."

"Have you seen what I have done with your own eyes or heard it with your own ears? If not, please don't talk nonsense."

"Then let those who have heard what you said with their own ears and seen your sinful deeds with their own eyes come before His Majesty to testify that you are a human or a demon. His Majesty has the holy judgment."

When Wen Yingyin said this, she was probably in a state of anger and excitement. She was already trembling physically and mentally, and her breathing was rising and falling rapidly.

Dongling Yuanyong, who had been silent all this time, looked at the two people who were arguing. He had heard enough. One of them believed that his family had been maliciously framed, while the other insisted that he was just following orders and had no fault.

If this is the only way to go in the end, from Dongling Yuanyong's point of view, he cannot accurately judge the truth of the matter.

However, the "witnesses" mentioned by Wen Jianyin may be the key to determining who is right and wrong.

Soon, the witness Wen Yuyin mentioned was led in.

The so-called "witness" is Mu Lin, the servant who accompanied Wen Gongyin out of the city to the temple to offer incense and learn Zen.

Mu Lin is only in his early twenties, but he looks quite well-behaved and has decent manners, no worse than those of the palace people. It can be seen that he has indeed been taught and nurtured by a big family.

After he knelt down and worshiped Dongling Yuan Yong and got permission to stand up, he looked at Wen Gongyin, knelt down again and said respectfully:

"Mu Lin, please see Miss."

Wen Gongyin bent down and helped Mu Lin up personally. Looking at Mu Lin's suppressed tears, Wen Gongyin's eyes also heated up. They were like relatives who had parted and reunited, alternating with joy and sorrow!

This chapter has been completed!
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