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Chapter Eight Blood with Roots

If Ximen Yourong was secretly afraid of Dongling Yuanyong, then Dongling Yuanyong, who was also sizing her up, made him focus on her because of her beautiful and quiet face.

But he was not entirely attracted by her beauty. What attracted him was her calm and indifferent aura. Her clothes were simple and there were almost no valuable accessories on her head.

But her long, loose hair is dark and smooth, making her look so refined and beautiful that even if she only wears a short hairstyle, people can't bear to look away.

She seemed to be the only female family member who didn't look panicked, or even felt a little humble!

Although Ximen Zhende couldn't understand what Dongling Yuanyong's gaze on Ximen Yourong meant. But he had no choice. He looked at Ximen Yourong and said in an almost commanding tone:

"Ximen Yourong, listen, you were born as the daughter of my Ximen Zhende. Now our family has encountered changes. You are the only female member of our Ximen family who can fulfill the oaths made by our ancestors in Dongling and Ximen. You will be responsible for atonement for Ximen for the rest of your life.

Dongling, and..."

As soon as Ximen Zhende stopped talking, he turned sideways and took a baby that looked to be only a few months old from his eldest son's hands and pushed it into Ximen Yourong's arms.

Ximen Yourong was forced to hug the child. She saw that the child was so startled that he opened his eyes for a moment, but he quickly fell asleep again.

Ximen Yourong knew that this child was the son of her concubine brother. If she remembered correctly, the child should be less than half a year old!

The reason why she knows this child is because she remembers the child's mother ~ Dou Zhen!

One year her mother was seriously ill and no one in Ximen Mansion cared about her. In order to find a doctor for her mother, she even begged a servant in charge to ask him to help her find a doctor.

But in the end she only got a few useless medicines, and there was still no doctor to see her mother's illness!

She was only ten years old at the time, and she and her mother had no one to rely on, and she had no one to turn to.

But in order not to lose her mother, she risked being disrespectful and knelt down in Ximen Zhende's courtyard. However, before she even had a chance to see Ximen Zhende, the matriarch ordered her to be beaten and thrown back to the small house where she and her mother lived.

Courtyard entrance!

On that day, Dou Zhen was the only person who sympathized with their mother and daughter. It was Dou Zhen who privately invited a doctor to treat her mother, and even paid for the medicine.

Although Dou Zhen only did what she could and did not have much contact with them since then, her simple act of kindness still brought a rare warmth to their mother and daughter.

Five years ago, her mother became seriously ill again, and it was Dou Zhen who still helped take care of it and hired a doctor. However, her mother failed to survive the illness five years ago, and she eventually left!

When a concubine who was not taken seriously and was almost inferior to a servant passed away, the funeral was naturally scrawled and there was not even a decent coffin.

The mistress of the house did not even allow her to dress up in the small courtyard where she lived, and asked her to see her mother off on her last journey!

What makes her grateful is that Dou Zhen secretly bought a high-quality coffin for her mother so that her mother could be buried with dignity!

This is probably the only kindness that their mother and daughter have received in the Ximen Mansion for more than ten years.

Dou Zhen is also the only person in Ximen Mansion whom she is grateful for! She doesn't feel that anyone else has anything to do with her.

Therefore, after her mother passed away, she realized that Ximen Mansion was not destined to be a place for her to live.

However, she did not need to leave on her own. Mistress Ximen used the excuse of her illness to send her to the "Shengci'an" outside the city to recuperate for five years!

This time Mistress Ximen asked her to come back because she wanted her to get married, but she did not come back because she was unable to resist.

She is willing to come back just to finally "finish" with Ximen. Her destiny is in her own hands, and the belonging she wants has already been formed in her heart. It is the world she has drawn for herself!

However, looking at the child in her arms who should hardly have anything to do with her, Ximen Yourong felt that the world she wanted seemed to be moving away from her!

Ximen Zhende looked at Ximen Yourong, who was dazed and silent. Over the years, the only daughter he had not taken seriously, and whom he had almost forgotten, had now become the hope he could place his hope on.

If the Chu family hadn't thrown a marriage certificate, he wouldn't have thought of the possibility that he would have a daughter who could inherit the glory of Ximen through the oath of Dongling's ancestors!

At this time, Ximen Zhende didn't know what Ximen Yourong was thinking, and he didn't have the time or opportunity to understand her. He could only point at the baby in Ximen Yourong's arms and give final instructions:

"This is the eldest grandson of Ximen's concubine, Ximen Ruozun. After today, from now on, the Ximen family will only have two blood lines: your aunt and nephew. In the future, you don't need to let him know about Ximen's past. Even if he knows, you must warn him, Ximen

The whole family deserved to be punished, and it was a gift from the Dongling clan that he could live with his guilt. Therefore, he could only live as a slave who swore allegiance to the Dongling clan throughout his life! And you, Ximen Yourong, have been chosen to uphold the oath of your ancestors.

Girl, you should abide by your duty and become a qualified daughter-in-law of the Dongling clan. Do you understand what your father said?"

Ximen Zhende's "instructions" made Ximen Yourong feel cold. She looked at the man who called himself her "father" and wanted to reject his instructions directly. But looking at the sleeping baby in her arms, she turned out to be indifferent.

His attitude seems to have been constrained by morality.

But how could she be able to survive with a child of such an age facing the hatred of Dongling Yuanyong?

Just when Ximen Yourong was in a dilemma and didn't know what to say, Dou Zhen, who was kneeling not far from her side, suddenly shouted:


Ximen Yourong looked back at Dou Zhen. The feeling of "supporting an orphan" contained in Dou Zhen's tearful eyes was deeply imprinted on her heart. It was the most helpless request of a mother before she died!

Recalling Dou Zhen's great kindness to her and her mother, Ximen Yourong gave Dou Zhen an elegant smile in an instant, and then she slowly tightened her arms around the child who just wanted to break away...!

Dou Zhen knew what Ximen Yourong's "smile" meant, so she shed tears and smiled with peace of mind!

Dongling Yuanyong gave enough time for Ximen Zhende to play out his tricks. He knew that Ximen Zhende's words sounded like a warning to Ximen Yourong, but in fact they were meant for him.

The reason why Ximen Zhende chose to leave a baby who was only a few months old to inherit Ximen's incense was to imply that Ximen only wanted to keep the incense and had no desire to stand up against the Dongling clan!

A baby who cannot remember anything is the least likely to survive, but also has the best chance of survival!

If Ximen Zhende chooses a child or grandson who has already remembered the past to be the incense root of the Ximen family, it will invisibly make Dongling Yuanyong unable to feel at ease.

Dongling Yuanyong was not at ease, so he had thousands of ways to get the last of Ximen's blood.

But a baby that is clean and knows nothing is not so easy for Dongling Yuanyong to be afraid of. If he is not afraid, the chance of Ximen's bloodline surviving will be greatly improved!

Then there was Ximen Yourong. Dongling Yuanyong didn't care why she wasn't in the family tree of Ximen's female family members, and he didn't even care whether she was Ximen Zhende's daughter.

Since Ximen Zhende pushed her to bear the ancestral oath, what about the chance he gave her to bear the oath? If she has the ability to firmly hold the position of the harem master, he will wait and see, but he is afraid that she will not be destined for the "second position"!

There was a faint flash of coldness on his face, Dongling Yuanyong was no longer patient, he raised his voice and ordered:

"Come here, take away the "Exoneration Monument", take Ximen Yourong and Ximen Ruozun down, and give the others poisonous wine!"

Dongling Yuanyong gave the order, and the sound of wailing and crying filled the Ximen Mansion!

Ximen Yourong was pulled up and pulled aside. She looked at the lives in the courtyard. They were all people she felt had nothing to do with her.

However, at this moment... she actually felt distressed. There were many people here who had the same blood as her. Especially when her eyes met Ximen Zhende's, the pain in her heart deepened!

After all, her blood has its roots...!

This chapter has been completed!
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