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Chapter 142: The Mystery of Yu Rui's Life Experience

In response to You Kouyi's inquiry, whether she was just chatting or for the purpose of inquiring, Sejin smiled cautiously and replied:

"At that time, His Majesty was busy planning to return to the imperial city. I had just given birth to a child and my body had not yet recovered. In addition, the journey was long. I was worried that the child who was only a few months old would not be able to bear it. So, I could only

I asked Your Majesty to let me stay with the child and wait until the child is older before making any plans. This has led to a delay."

You Kouyi didn't raise any other questions after hearing this. She looked at Yu Rui who was hiding in Se Jin's arms, and praised with a smile:

"Look at Yu Rui's youthful appearance, and her demeanor does look like that of a concubine. It's just very strange. People say that daughters usually look like their fathers. Why do I see that Yu Rui doesn't look so similar to Your Majesty?"

"That's right. Don't tell me that the Imperial Concubine thinks so. Even I feel that Yu Rui doesn't look like Your Majesty. I don't know if it's because she's still young and hasn't grown yet."

Sejin answered You Kouyi's words with a smile. Her calm tone was frank and fearless, and the expression on her face was unruffled. This made You Kouyi a little confused as to how to answer the words.

In fact, looking at Yu Rui, You Kouyi always felt that there was still some mystery that she could not figure out.

Although Dongling Yuanyong had just succeeded to the throne, as an emperor, the first child he gave birth to must be a top priority. Even if the child's mother has a low status, it does not affect him from becoming a symbol of his father.

In other words, even if Yu Rui was born in the border area, she is still the eldest princess of Dongling Yuanyong, and the palace will have recorded this early.

But the strange thing is that it was not until Yu Rui was brought back that the palace knew that Dongling Yuanyong had become a father.

You Kouyi couldn't figure out why it took Dongling Yuanyong so long to disclose the fact that he had given birth to the eldest princess?

The doubts in her heart were hard to explain. You Kouyi stretched out her hand and gently touched Yu Rui's face to apologize for her injustice and said:

"Such a lovely princess, even I feel so soft-hearted just looking at her. How could Your Majesty be willing to leave her at the border for so long? If His Majesty hadn't brought you mother and daughter back, no one in the imperial city would have known that Your Majesty was a father.


Sejin didn't feel aggrieved, she suddenly smiled and said:

"I came from an ordinary background. Although I was fortunate enough to be able to serve His Majesty when I became pregnant with Yu Rui, His Majesty made an exception and made him a concubine. However, Your Majesty has no special affection for me. What's more, Your Majesty is so busy with affairs when he returns to the imperial city. He is not too busy.

It is reasonable to worry about the fate of our mother and daughter. Now that I have been promoted, it is just thanks to Yu Rui."

Sejin's mentality seemed to be neither sad nor happy, as if she didn't care whether she was left at the border or taken back to the prosperous and wealthy imperial city.

You Kouyi could feel that Se Jin's words were not false. It made sense to say that Dongling Yuanyong treated Se Jin favorably for Yu Rui's sake. After all, Se Jin gave birth to the royal bloodline.

There is hard work without credit.

From a status perspective, You Kouyi does not regard Sejin as a threat at the moment.

What really forced her to treat with caution was Ximen Yourong. She knew that Ximen Yourong had quietly gone to Yizhou, and she really wanted to know if Ximen Yourong could really save the people of Yizhou from the fire and water with her own strength?

If not, can Ximen Yourong still maintain her high status in the hearts of the people without any worries?

You Kouyi's heart was churning with unknown thoughts, and only the faint sneer on her face somewhat revealed the secret she was hiding.

Mother and daughter Sejin were well taken care of by You Kouyi's warm hospitality. Everyone in the palace knew that there was an extra concubine to serve in the harem, and most importantly, there was a precious little princess.

But what everyone is surprised about is that it has been two days since Sejin and her daughter returned to the imperial city, but they have not seen Dongling Yuanyong once.

However, Dongling Yuanyong has been busy day and night recently as everyone knows, so no one thinks too much about it.

Moreover, Dongling Yuanyong quickly arranged a time to come to Sejin's palace. Jinhuayuan had dinner with their mother and daughter. They seemed to be reunited after a long separation, which was very warm!

However, after he was dismissed from the palace, Dongling Yuanyong put away his gentleness and became serious and majestic.

He looked carefully at Yurui, whom Sejin was holding, with thoughtful eyes.

Because it was difficult for Sejin to see through his gaze, her hand holding Yurui tightened slightly, as if she was afraid that the child would be hurt.

Dongling Yuanyong saw Sejin's worry. He didn't explain anything out loud. He just stretched out his hand to Yurui and called softly:

"Yirui, come here...!"

Yurui didn't know him and was not very sensible, so naturally she didn't dare to leave her mother's arms and obey his call.

"Don't be afraid, come here, father just wants to hug you."

Dongling Yuanyong took the initiative to approach Yurui. His gentle "Father" didn't move Yurui at all, but it surprised Sejin.

Perhaps feeling that Dongling Yuanyong did not have any ill intentions, Sejin coaxed Yurui softly:

"Ruirui, don't be afraid, this is you...your father..." Sejin was a little embarrassed to say.

Dongling Yuanyong didn't look at her, but looked at Yurui to finish her words for her: "Yurui, my father will give you a hug, okay?"

After some patient coaxing and Sejin's encouragement, Yurui, who was afraid of strangers, wandered closer to Dongling Yuanyong and let him hold her.

It was the first time that Dongling Yuanyong held such a soft and small person so carefully.

This is the daughter he decided to recognize, but she is not of his blood...

Sejin came from a humble background. His father was a small country squire from a small town on the border. Because he had a greedy and troubled father, Sejin was forced to mortgage his property to others to pay off his father's debt five years ago.

By chance, she became Dongling Yuanyong's concubine. Dongling Yuanyong was never keen on female sex, but occasionally he also needed the physical needs of men.

Therefore, Eunuch Cao has always arranged several concubines in his backyard who are docile and don't cause trouble. Occasionally, if there is a woman who is too greedy and causes trouble, he usually doesn't need to intervene, and Eunuch Cao will naturally clear her out of his palace.

Sejin is the most peaceful one. At first, he would occasionally favor her, but he found that Sejin didn't seem to be very willing to serve him, so he naturally wouldn't force it.

Later, he became busy with his plans to return to the imperial city, during which he became less close to women.

About two years ago, he led troops to encircle and suppress a small barbaric country on the border. His most trusted and valued lieutenant, Song Tao, was seriously injured and died trying to save him.

Before Song Tao died, he begged him to treat Se Jin well! At first, he didn't even realize who Se Jin was.

Later, in Song Tao's few honest words, he roughly understood that Se Jin and Song Tao had developed feelings for each other through occasional contact after she became his concubine.

It's just that Sejin is Dongling Yuanyong's concubine after all. Song Tao didn't dare to make any mistakes, so he could only try to keep a distance from Sejin.

However, in the end they could not resist the instinct of attraction between men and women, and they finally crossed the final bottom line.

Song Tao knew that his secret affair with Sejin was tantamount to betraying Dongling Yuanyong, and would also bring invisible crises to Sejin.

The first crisis they faced was that Sejin was pregnant with a child. Naturally, the child was not Dongling Yuanyong's.

Therefore, Song Tao planned to confess his sins to Dongling Yuanyong when the war was over, and it was up to Dongling Yuanyong to decide whether he should live or die.

But Song Tao didn't live long enough to confess anything to Dongling Yuanyong. He only hurriedly expressed his wish and passed away.

Dongling Yuanyong didn't care that Song Tao had an affair with Sejin, nor did he think that Song Tao had betrayed him.

If Song Tao were alive, he wouldn't mind at all if he and Se Jin finally got married.

But after Song Tao left, Dongling Yuanyong was grateful to Song Tao for risking his life to save him, so he fulfilled Song Tao's wish.

He promoted Sejin from concubine to side concubine, in order to tell Sejin that the child he was carrying was his child, and he would take care of Sejin's mother and daughter on behalf of Song Tao.

Sejin had a pure nature, and she knew in her heart that she was not qualified to enjoy the generous treatment of Dongling Yuanyong, so she requested that she be allowed to continue living in the border with her children and not return to the imperial city!

But Dongling Yuanyong vetoed her request, and he only agreed to wait until the children were older before taking them away from the border.

After all, they were nominally his family in the frontier, and it was impossible to leave them alone.

It just so happened that his harem was forced to accept new concubines, so he took the opportunity to bring Sejin and his daughter to the imperial city to take care of them at the right time, which also allowed him to temporarily avoid the issue of having new concubines.

Looking at Yu Rui's pink and fleshy face, Dongling Yuanyong felt deep emotions in his heart. If Song Tao knew that his bloodline looked so similar to his, he would definitely smile happily, right?

Sejin watched the interaction between Dongling Yuanyong and Yu Rui without blinking. She was so nervous that she even breathed cautiously.

After Dongling Yuanyong played with Yu Rui for a while, he asked the palace servants to take Yu Rui down to take care of her.

Then, only he and Sejin were left. Before he could say anything, Sejin had already taken the initiative to kneel down in front of him and lay down slightly.

"You don't need to be nervous, let alone be afraid. Get up." Dongling Yuanyong said quietly.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Se Jin slowly raised his head: "Your Majesty, I don't understand why Your Majesty wants to recognize Yu Rui? You clearly know that she is not...!"

Sejinton said... In fact, except for Dongling Yuanyong who favored her a few times at the beginning, he never touched her again. And it was impossible for him to let his concubine be pregnant with his child.

When she was pregnant with Yu Rui, Dongling Yuanyong knew better than anyone else that he was not Yu Rui's father at all.

However, Dongling Yuanyong not only did not question whose child she was carrying, but also acquiesced that Yurui was his bloodline and gave her the best care so that she could give birth to Yurui safely.

When she was brought back to the imperial city from the border, Dongling Yuanyong had only one order, that is, she must not let anyone know Yu Rui's true origin. She is his concubine, and Yu Rui is his eldest princess. This is


Dongling Yuanyong looked at the slightly frightened Se Jin. He had no pity, and of course, no blame. He said calmly:

"Song Tao died to save me. Before he died, he begged me to spare his beloved woman... My kindness to you was just to repay Song Tao's life-saving grace. Therefore, I didn't pursue anything at first, and I won't hold it back now.

You can rest assured if we pursue the case."

Sejin's face showed shock, her red lips slightly parted: "Your Majesty... Your Majesty already knew...?"

She had always thought that although Dongling Yuanyong knew that the child she was carrying could not be his child, he did not know about her affair with Song Tao, and no one except herself knew about it until now.

But unexpectedly, it turned out that Song Tao had let Dongling Yuanyong know everything before he died. No wonder she was treated favorably by Dongling Yuanyong!

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